Best Practice for storing Query Results for page refreshes -

I have a search control that breaks results into multiple pages. Currently it operates by executing the query then storing the results in a session variable. When a second, third, x page of results is requested it pulls the data from session to display the required elements.
However once the page is navigated away from the session data remains unnecessarily. It seems like I'd want to remove it once I no longer need it. On the other hand, if the user navigates back to the search results, keeping it in session data means I don't need to re-run the query... though it seems possibly dangerous.
I'm wondering if there's a standard practice that's worth following in this scenario that someone could link me to or suggest to improve the design that's in place.


Hold a data object temporarily in MVC controller,MVC,MVC Controller temp storage

I have a object that i want to store for a moment. The object is in a controller for now, the controller will generate a view. A AJAX request is made from the view to next controller. For that moment i need the object previously stored. Previously, i used session and it worked well. But not sure it is the right thing to do. Is session the answer for this or is there anything else?
I have used cache also.but as per the cache concept.It will access for all the users.So one user data will be override to another.So the cached object data will be change for the same user.I need to handle the data storage for an particular user(Independent).
How is it possible? anyother approach is there please share me.
In Controller I have used Httpcontext.cache["key"]=dataset;
but some one suggested like this.but its not displaying
In Controller: httpcontext.current.cache is not coming.
HttpContext.Currenthandler and HttpContext.Currentnotification properties only coming.So How can we handle the temp data storage in MVC.
Please help me.
You could use TempData if you want to store data for the next request only. If data should be accessible between multiple requests, then use Session. Here is short explanation of each one with examples.
As Alex said you could use TempData but if you want to use the data in multiple request, you could use TempData.Keep("YourKey") after reading the value to retain the data for the next request too. For your Information TempData internally uses Session to store your data (temporarily)
I would recommend URL parameters for a HTTP Get, or hidden form fields for a HTTP Post, if this is short lived. This is highly about avoiding the session.
But if it should really persist, then a database might be a reasonable location. Imagine a shopping cart that you don't want to dump just because a session timed out; because you'd like to remind the user next time about items they still haven't purchased.
Why not use the session? I don't generally recommend using the session, as you could find yourself with a global variable that two different browser windows are manipulating. Imagine a glass. One window is trying to fill it with Ice Tea. Another window is trying to fill it with Lemonade. But what do you have? Is it Lemonade? Is it Ice Tea? Or is it an Arnold-Palmer? If you try to put too much stuff on the session, and overly expect it to just be there, you might create an application that is non-deterministic if heaven forbid a user opens a second window or tab, and switches back and forth between the windows.
I'm more ok with Temp Data, if you truly have no other options. But this is not for persisting data for more than a second. Temp data will disappear after the first request reads it, as in, it's meant for a very temporary usage.
I personally only use TempData if I have to do a redirect where I can't otherwise keep it with me, or if I need to have that data for say generating a PDF or image that is going to be called via a HTTP Get by a viewer on the actual page, and then only if the model data is too large for the GET url ( many browsers only support just over 2000 characters, which long description or many fields could fill up.)
But again, pushing items around in hidden form variables, or in url parameters can be safe, because you have no multiple window use conflicts (each carries around its own data for peace of mind.)

"State" management for mvc multi partial view + ajax app

I am trying to convert my mvc4 app, which had fairly heavy use of SessionState, into a stateless app. I understand that I can store this information in the DB, and intend to do so.
My question, though, is about my particular architecture. My app has a main 'page' consisting of a number of partial view panels, which each have actions in them that can affect the other panels. What i've been doing up to now is storing the entire state of the viewModel (lots of inter-related EF list collections and 'record' objects) in the session, and its been working great. Except when the session just randomly dies.
So, I need to get this data out of the session, and into the DB where I can rebuild the thing at need. My concern is that, if I store the info in the database, every single action done on screen might affect 3-5 different panels, each with their own State updates, thats a minimum of 10 round trips to the DB for every interaction!
What are some strategies I can use to make this idea more scalable?
The view in question here is a sort of POS shopping cart system. There are panels for selecting events, selecting/adding items to the cart, editing cart items, selecting contacts, editing contacts, displaying the cart items, displaying the cart 'subtotals', and finally, a panel with a [checkout] button.
Selecting a new event will change the list of available items. Selecting an item to add to the cart will change the cart item list, subtotals, as well as the checkout panel. Same for editing a cart item.
The main concern is how to recover from a lost session, as I've found the built-in session code too unreliable. My testers have encountered issues with sessions timing out, and then my app not having any kind of recovery process. When its installed on 1500 sites, each with an average of 10 users, its going to be a plague of lost session issues, and I need to combat that before it becomes a real problem.
I agree that I'm not going stateless...wrong choice of words used in a rush. I'm just trying to move that state into a form that I can rely on past the session failure. My main idea presently is to continue using the session as the local cache for the viewModel data, but to have a fallback operation that can rebuild the viewModel from DB if the session one is lost somehow.
You shouldn't necessarily be using a database to store (what sounds like) data that only needs to be persisted in the short term.
If these changes to the other partials are only relevant in the context of the current "master view," then I would suggest using jQuery AJAX to send off the requests, parse the response JSON and update the other views. Tutorials on jQuery AJAX and ASP.NET MVC are easy to find, if you don't already have the knowledge:
This way, you don't need to make a bunch of round trips. If the changes need to be persisted beyond the context of the current view, make ONE round trip to the database to perform the update and then simply update all of the other partials from the in-memory response from the AJAX call.
You don't need to read from secondary storage multiple times when you already have all of the information you need in-memory. Just do the reading and writing once.
I decided to go with a hybrid approach. I'm still using session, but I'm building out a DB 'recovery' option, so that if the session portion is lost, the DB will be able to provide the values needed to rebuild the session seamlessly.
Seems to be working well, so far.

Persisting data in MVC for the duration of a users session

Apologies in advance as I'm sure this topic has no doubt been asked before but I couldn't find any post that answers my specific query.
Bearing in mind that I'm new to MVC this is where I have got to. I've got a project developed under VS 2010 using the MVC 3 framework. I've got a search page which consists of 6 fields and a nested model which itself holds around 3 fields.
I can successfully post all this data back to itself and the data is successfully passed as a model and back agian so the fields keep the data which the user has supplied.
Before I move on to actually using this search criteria on another view a thought hit me. I want to keep this search criteria, and possibly even the search results in memory for the duration of the users session.
The reasoning behind this is simply to save my users time by:
a) negating the need to keep re-inputting their search criteria regardless of how they enter or leave the search page
b) speed up the user experience by presenting the search results more quickly
The later isn't as important as the first requirement.
I've done some google searches and indeed had a look through this site on similar topics. From what I've read using sessions (which I would typically use if developing a PHP site) is a no no. From the reasons I've read as to why you shouldn't use sessions seem valid and I'm happy to go along with it.
But now I'm left in a place where I'm scratching my head wondering to myself what exactly is best practice to achieve this simple goal that could be applied to similar situations later down the line in the project.
I also looked at the OutputCache method and that didn't behave as I expected it to. In a test I set the timeout for 30 seconds. After submitting a search I clicked the link to my search page to see if the fields would auto-populate, they didn't. But then clicking the search button the values in the cache were retrieved. I thought I was making progress but when I tried to submit a new value the old value from the cache came back i.e. I couldn't actually change my search criteria with the cache enforced. So I've discounted this as an avenue to explore.
The last option seems to suggest the use of cookies as the most likely candidate, but rightly or wrongly I feel this isn't the best solution. I would have thought the MVC 3 design pattern would have an easier and recommended method of persisting values. I'm sure there is but I've just not discovered it yet.
I have started to use JQuery and again this has been mentioned but I'm not sure this is right direction to take either.
So in summary my question really comes down to what is considered by the wider community as best practice for persisting data in my situation. Effiency, scalability and resiliancy is paramount as I'll have a large global user base that will end up using this web app.
Thanks in advance!
I'd just use cookies. They're simple to use, you can persist them for as long as you want or have them expire when the users closes their browser, and it doesn't sound like you are storing anything sensitive in them.

Using tags for user-set UX details

I'm using acts_as_taggable_on for tagging items across my system so that they're easily searchable.
Now I have a UX problem: I'm noticing lots of places where users choose certain minor states (for example, closing a one-time help box or moving to the next javascript-run step in a given page). We have here situations that are both too minor/numerous/dynamic/fast-changing to be put into a database table (imagine having to migrate with every UX change!), and that there is a need to persist some of these choices beyond the session.
In this case, is there anything wrong with using tags to store these simple decisions? For example, user.set_tags_on(:ui, "closed_index_help") or user.set_tags_on(:ui, "tutorial_1_done"), then showing/hiding these elements in the future by looking at the user's ui_list.
Are there drawbacks to this I'm not considering or is this a prudent way to go?
Another way might be to store the information in the SESSION. You will of course have to migrate the session information to be stored in the DB rather than the cookie, but at least that way - you only have to retrieve the session once.

Should I use cookies, session values, or hidden fields to store data items that need to be persisted between requests?

This is a Rails 3 project.
Am I abusing the use of cookies if I store query values there? I have a dataset that a user can "drill-down" through, so as the user clicks through the data, he amasses a bunch of query values that further limit the data presented on the next request.
Right now I'm doing this with a cookie, and it works great, except that I can't figure out to check to see if cookies are enabled. So some people using IE are giving me fits because the app just fails with no errors.
I used to put values like this in a session variable, which worked great until it mysteriously didn't, i.e. when memcached aged or cleared them out. I wouldn't want to keep the values in a session in the db because I don't want the extra hits on every request.
So I suppose I could put the values either in hidden form fields, or append them to the links on the page that I'm presenting each time. Is there a conventional Rails Way to do this that I'm missing?
If you're showing a different set of results, the URL should reflect this. This makes URL query parameters the natural choice. This provides several benefits:
There is no state at all. You don't have to store anything or break the stateless nature of HTTP.
There is a one-to-one correspondence between sets of query results and URLs.
You can link to query results.
Works on everything, ever.
