Impossible to type anything after " ' " symbol - ios

I want to be able to write latin uppercase letters and some symbols in my textfield.
So this is piece of my code
let apostropheCharacterSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "'")
let characterSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "-/")
textValidator = CharacterSetTextValidator(set: characterSet)
But when I type " ' " I can't type anything after it(both for simulator and real device). It happens only for this symbol(I already have checked with other symbols eg. ":", "^" etc. )
The result I want to see:
I can continue typing after " ' " symbol. and get for example "MC'DONALD"


Checking if a String container any of a set of Symbols in Dart

I would like to check if a string contains any of the following symbols ^ $ * . [ ] { } ( ) ? - " ! # # % & / \ , > < ' : ; | _ ~ ` + =
I tried using the following
But that does not seem to do anything. I am also not able to add the ' symbol.
How do I check if a string contains any one of a set of symbols?
How do I add the ' symbol in my regex collection?
When writing such a RegExp pattern, you should escape the special symbols (if you want to search specifically by them).
Also, to add the ' to the RegExp, there is no straightforward way, but you could use String concatenation to work around this.
This is what the final result could look like:
void main() {
final regExp = RegExp(
r'[\^$*.\[\]{}()?\-"!##%&/\,><:;_~`+=' // <-- Notice the escaped symbols
"'" // <-- ' is added to the expression
final string1 = 'abc';
final string2 = 'abc[';
final string3 = "'";
print(string1.contains(regExp)); // false
print(string2.contains(regExp)); // true
print(string3.contains(regExp)); // true
To ad both ' an " to the same string literal, you can use a multiline (triple-quoted) string.
You also need to escape characters which have meaning inside a RegExp character class (], - and \ in particular).
Another approach is to create a set of character codes, and check if the string's characters are in that set:
var chars = r'''^$*.[]{}()?-"'!##%&/\,><:;_~`+=''';
var charSet = {...chars.codeUnits};
var containsSpecialChar = string.codeUnits.any(charSet.contains);

Lua: "attempt to concatenate global" Error in MPV

I am trying to write a little script to output filetags in mpv. My script looks like this:
require 'os'
require 'string'
function displayTrack()
currentTrack = mp.get_property("metadata/by-key/Title")
currentArtist = mp.get_property("metadata/by-key/Artist")
currentAlbum = mp.get_property("metadata/by-key/Album")
if currentTrack == nil then
os.execute("terminal-notifier -title '" .. currentArtist .. "' -message 'Unknown Title'")
os.execute("terminal-notifier -title '" .. currentArtist .. "' -message '" .. currentAlbum .. " - " .. currentTrack .. "'")
mp.observe_property("eof-reached", "bool", displayTrack)
Catching the tags and printing them works with every tested title. But if i want to uncomment the 5 lines starting with "if currentTrack == nil ..." so it also dislpays a native notification i get the LUA error:
/Users/marcel/.config/mpv/scripts/notification.lua:15: attempt to concatenate global 'currentArtist' (a nil value)
Can somebody tell me why i can print the string but not forward it to the os.execute?
It is not os.execute, it is concatenation - .. - that can't work with nil. And yes, you can print standalone nil just fine. In your case not only currentTrack is nil, but currentArtist too, so you can't build a string with it. Consider if you even need those entries where you don't have value for currentArtist and either skip them, provide alternative if branch to do something else or provide some default in concatenation. Usual idiom is (currentArtist or '') - here your default will be empty string.
if currentTrack == nil then
os.execute("terminal-notifier -title '" .. currentArtist .. "' -message 'Unknown Title'")
If this branch gets executed, currentTrack is nil, thus the concatenation fails as stated by the error message.
Just get rid of the concatenation all together:
if currentTrack == nil then
os.execute("terminal-notifier -title -message 'Unknown Title'")

Checking variables exist before building an array

I am generating a string from a number of components (title, authors, journal, year, journal volume, journal pages). The idea is that the string will be a citation as so:
#citation = article_title + " " + authors + ". " + journal + " " + year + ";" + journal_volume + ":" + journal_pages
I am guessing that some components occasionally do not exist. I am getting this error:
no implicit conversion of nil into String
Is this indicating that it is trying to build the string and one of the components is nil? If so, is there a neat way to build a string from an array while checking that each element exists to circumvent this issue?
It's easier to use interpolation
#citation = "#{article_title} #{authors}. #{journal} #{year}; #{journal_volume}:#{journal_pages}"
Nils will be substituted as empty strings
array = [
article_title, authors ,journal,
year, journal_volume, journal_pages
#citation = "%s %s. %s %s; %s:%s" % array
Use String#% format string method.
>> "%s: %s" % [ 'fo', nil ]
=> "fo: "
Considering that you presumably are doing this for more than one article, you might consider doing it like so:
SEPARATORS = [" ", ". ", " ", ";", ":", ""]
article = ["Ruby for Fun and Profit", "Matz", "Cool Tools for Coders",
2004, 417, nil]
# => "Ruby for Fun and Profit Matz. Cool Tools for Coders 2004;417:"

Add plus before first symbol in word in string and * after last

I have such string:
Тормозные диски
How can i transform it into
+Тормозн* +дис*
Now with help of SO i use gsub, but some people say that it could be done via map. But how?
Note: main trouble is that i have cyrillic symbols...
art_group_search = art_group.gsub(/\b(\w+?)\w{0,2}\b/, '+\1*').mb_chars.upcase.to_s
"Тормозные диски" {|word| "+" + word + "*"}.join(" ")
To break that snippet up:
"Your string".split
=> ["Your", "string"]
["Your", "string"].map {|word| "+" + word + "*"}
=> ["+Your*", "+string*"]
["+Your*", "+string*"].join(" ")
=> "+Your* +string*"

Parsing POST request with unexpected URL encoding

This question follows an earlier one.
Here is some code that reproduces the problem:
str = "accountRequest=<NewUser>" & vbLf & _
"Hello" & vbTab & "World" & vbLf & _
Set objHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0") "POST", "service.asp", False
objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
objHTTP.send str
Set objHTTP = Nothing
function w (str)
response.Write(str & "<br>")
end function
str = request.Form("accountRequest")
w("Tabs: "& InStr(str,vbTab))
w("Lines: "& InStr(str,vbLf))
Tabs: 0
Lines: 0
Can anyone please help?
Replace(Request.Form("accountRequest"), vbLF, vbCRLF))
Replace(Request.Form("accountRequest"), vbLF, "<br>"))|
Depending on where you're displaying it, either should work.
Or possibly this:
Function URLDecode(sConvert)
Dim aSplit
Dim sOutput
Dim I
If IsNull(sConvert) Then
URLDecode = ""
Exit Function
End If
' convert all pluses to spaces
sOutput = REPLACE(sConvert, "+", " ")
' next convert %hexdigits to the character
aSplit = Split(sOutput, "%")
If IsArray(aSplit) Then
sOutput = aSplit(0)
For I = 0 to UBound(aSplit) - 1
sOutput = sOutput & _
Chr("&H" & Left(aSplit(i + 1), 2)) &_
Right(aSplit(i + 1), Len(aSplit(i + 1)) - 2)
End If
URLDecode = sOutput
End Function
From here:
If they are coming across the wire as the actual "\" and "n" characters, you can do a replace on those characters with the appropriate vbCRLF and vbTAB constants.
Finally figured out that ASP Request.Form method doesn't preserve tabs if they're in the "\t" format (as opposed to URL encoded). However, PHP's $_POST does.
