Can I test my Flutter application in a real apple device without apple developer account, and if so how do I do it? - ios

I've read the following SO Question and Article. The first SO Question says I need to have an apple developer account to test my application on a real IOS device, however I do not think the 100$ investment to get an apple developer account is worth it. So the Article states that I can deploy it using xcode but the article is targetted for Ionic users. I however, am not an Ionic developer but I am a Flutter developer.
What I want to know is if the Article is feasible for Flutter, and is the minimum iOS version 9.0. Any help would be appreciated thank you!

You can also test on real device without apple paid developer program(you need to add free iclocud id in xcode).
do 'flutter run' on your mac with iphone connected and app will work on real device (if not working run'flutter doctor' and see is your iphone showing i connected devices)
usually what i do is first run on simulator with flutter run which builds ios files then i goto flutter-project-directory/ios/ open any file by double click it will show open ios module in xcode click it. now you can run or upload app to testflight/appstore like we do with native IOS app.

Flutter is supported down to iOS 8.0. I think you can test on a Simulator without an account at all, and you just need an Apple account and an iOS device to test on a real device and build the app. You pay the 100$/year to upload on the App Store.


Is it possible to deploy xamarin.forms ios to iphone without apple developer accaunt?

I want to test my xamarin.forms application on my Iphone 11 pro
witout Apple developer accaunt
I try this but it nor work
create swift app with xcode and use same bundle identifier from my xamarin.forms.ios app but this no work after swift app deploy ,i cant run my xamarin application
that thrown an erorr he0004 resone image not found
Apple has finally introduced a new feature in Xcode 7 that allows you to deploy and run any number of apps on any of your devices, simply by logging in with your Apple ID. You will no longer need a paid Program membership to deploy apps on your own device.
You could refer to this.
You can do via 'Free provisioning for Xamarin.iOS apps', which will allow single application for single device with some limitations. You can find details here.

Ionic - build iOS package file for testing on device

Currently I am trying to build a new app with Ionic 3. I am looking for steps to build a file for installation, which has the same functionality with APK file for android devices. I don't know whether it should be an IPA file or other file types, as I have never used an iPhone or iPad myself before. Right now, I have a free developer account registered with Apple ID.
What I can find on the web seems only allow developers to build apps for testing on real devices which the developers have access to. To be more specific, I always see people say that users should plug in the device via USB and pick the target device in XCode under the "Scheme" drop down selector. I tried to follow the steps provided by others, but it always ended up with an error in XCode, either it is related to code signing error, or device not registered in my developer account.
What if I do not own any iOS devices? What I have is only a single MacBook for coding. I would like to prepare a file and send it to my friends, and let them install my app with that file on their iOS devices.
I am using XCode 9 and Ionic 3.
In iOS you can no do what that, If you want to send your app to your friends for testing you have to build the app with ionic cordova build ios and then open the project in Xcode and build/upload your project to your Apple developer account.
After that, you have to use Test Flight to share your app for testing.

How can I run my own ios app on my iphone 6S with iOs 10.2?

I developed an app with XCode 8. However, I don't really find any help how to run my app on my own phone. There are just some tutorials for running it on my phone with XCode 7 but those don't really work for me.
Does somebody know how to do that ? Thank you !
Go to and log in with your Apple developer account.
Create a developer certificate
Create an app id for your app
Create a provisioning profile
Download the provisioning profile and import it into Xcode.
Connect your iPhone to your computer. Select your iPhone in Xcode.
Build and run your app.
Or let Xcode do all that for you, since it happens automatically if Xcode is connected to your developer account.
This process is all documented on Apple's developer web site.
AFAIK you just need to:
Start Xcode
Unlock your iPhone
Connect your iPhone to your mac using the Lightning USB cable.
You should be asked (by Xcode) if you want to use the connected phone as a development device.
You can check, if the device is know to Xcode by clicking on Window / Devices. If you connect a device for the first time a little bit of 'magic' is going on that takes a while to complete.
Something like this maybe shown add 'Devices':

Can I test my Ionic App on my iOS device without Apple Developer Program

I tested my app on Android and Windows Phone 8.1 without any problem, and I want to test it on iOS.
I have never tested my App on it.
Before buying a Developer Program, I want to test my App first.
Is it possible to test my Ionic / Cordova App without having (paying 99$) Developer Program ?
If so how can I do that ?
As of XCode 7 it is possible to do this by getting a free Developers account, you should automatically get such an account when you try to deploy an app on a device in XCode.
There are however some limitations to such an account, you can compare all the memberships here. A much more detailed answer can be found here.
You could use Ionic View. I works great as long as you don't need to access non core plugins...

Testing SMS in the iOS Simulator

Is it possible to open the message composer interface in the iPhone simulator in xcode? if it is can someone tell me how.. I really need it now and having hard times finding a solution how and why my code does not work on simulator.
It is not possible. This is one of the limitations of iOS Simulator. You also cannot test push notifications, iCloud, etc. If you need to test your code, you will have to join Apple's iOS Developer Program and test the app on your device. It's $99 per year.
Just as an update to this post, it's still true that you can't test these features on the iOS simulator; however, you CAN run your apps on your own personal device without having to pay for the $99/year developer license.
You can now just plug your phone in, wait for XCode to download and process some files, and then select your device from the "Devices" dropdown.
Here are a couple of resources that helped me out when getting this set up:
Xcode "Device Locked" When iPhone is unlocked
iOS Simulator is just a simulator that emulates the actual thing but Apple waters it down for developer usage. Many features are not available on the iOS Simulator because those features are not required for developers. Also Apple might have watered it down just to save storage and clear out unneeded features for iOS developers.
