iOs 13 and horizontal scroll: native lazy loading? - ios

I'm encountering a strange issue only on Safari iOs 13. I have an element which has horizontal scroll (native scroll, overflow-x: auto).
On iOs 13, when I scroll this area, when an element outside the viewport comes in the viewport, first it's hidden, then flickers and becomes visible.
Here's a screencast of this issue:
You can see it live:
My guess is that's related to iOs 13 new features :
Added support for one-finger accelerated scrolling to all frames and
overflow:scroll elements eliminating the need to
set-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch.
Changed the default behavior on iPad for wide web pages with
responsive meta-tags that require horizontal scrolling. Pages are
scaled to prevent horizontal scrolling and any text is resized to
preserve legibility.
But well, right now, it's like a bug to me. Any idea to patch this?

I also had the same issue and after trying different solutions i came up with this.
.bottom-nav-wrapper {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
overflow-x: scroll;
overflow-y: hidden;
And in this wrapper you can place your cards/elements for horizontal scrolling.


Scrolling slow on mobile/ios when using overflow:Scroll

To setup an off-canvas menu I have to set the body to "overflow:hidden" to remove scrolling from the body and add it back in to a container around the content with "overflow-y:scroll". When I do this it seems to slow the scrolling on mobile specifically iOS devices.
Is there some sort of performance issue with moving the scrollbar from the body?
Rather than a performance issue this is likely that your not seeing 'Momentum' scrolling on your iOS device
This can be solved by adding '-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch' to your scrolling element i.e:
.scrolling-content {
overflow-y: scroll;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
height:100%; /*A value other than height:auto needs to be set*/
By default iOS devices use 'momentum' scrolling on the body but adding 'overflow-y:scroll' to an element does Not set a element to 'momentum' scrolling by default
See for more info
Note: there's a number of Gotcha/Bugs with using -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch on certain browsers

Why isn't momentum scrolling working here? (using -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch)

I'm trying to get momentum scrolling to work, by setting a class called momentum-scrolling on a top level div that wraps the part of the content that scrolls. The class is defined as:
overflow: auto;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
Yet it is not working (testing in simulator on both iOS 7.1 and 8.1).
Here is a link to view the example on jsbin directly (suitable for viewing in a mobile device for testing):
Here's the link to the editable stuff on jsbin:,css,output
(Note that the CSS shown includes minified bootstrap, and a few other things. I left this like this because while it's a bit harder to edit, I was trying to reproduce the issue exactly as we have it in our site now, in case anything we're doing is causing the issue.)
I've got a modified version here ( where I've modified the .momentum-scrolling style to include position: fixed, height/width 100% (based on some other posts I found with momentum scrolling examples):
position: fixed;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
overflow: auto;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
And that does now allow for inertial/momentum scrolling to work!
However, now I lose the ability to tap on the top bar to scroll the window to the top, and occasionally I cannot scroll up or down (typically when the DOM is being manipulated by JavaScript, due to an ajax hit to add more data).
Any ideas on these issues? Am I doing this wrong?
I know this is a late reply, but for the sake of future Googlers:
According to CSS Tricks, you must use overflow: scroll rather than overflow: auto. That may cause your first example to work.

CSS Fixed positioning on IOS causing choppy scrolling after zooming in and then zooming out (using fancybox)

I'm using fancybox, and it seems that many people who use it disable zooming of any kind on mobile devices. The problem is that when I have a fancybox open, completely zoom in while the fancy box is open, completely zoom out, and then close fancybox. When I scroll the body, depending on the direction of the scroll, there is a lag where a top section or bottom section is chopped off, and then revealed after a split second delay.
I found out that removing the position fixed style from the overlay removes the issue. I also saw that on that fixed positioning only has 6% support, including iOS 7.
Are there any workarounds that can fix this issue with fancybox? Thanks.
I found this other SO question, that might help for reference: CSS "position: fixed;" on iPad/iPhone?
On your div put:
overflow-y: scroll;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

Trigger.IO momentum scrolling

Is it possible to add momentum/intertia scrolling to a HTML5 iOS app?
I'm currently building a basic app, and noticed that the Webview does not respond to the momentum of a swipe action when scrolling through content (iOS 6; iPhone 5). In other words, a slow swipe and a fast swipe end up scrolling to the same section of the Webview (unlike a native app, where said fast swipe should scroll to a farther section).
Is it possible to change this behaviour and make it more native-like? I have tried following these iOS momentum scrolling instructions and modifying the CSS as shown below, however this doesn't work:
html {
overflow: scroll;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
As a workaround I feel that I could potentially use an intertia-emulating JS library within my webview, however I want to avoid this option if possible.
Thanks in advance!
I don't know much about your app's css, but -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; would only give the touch scroll inertia to fixed or absolute elements with fixed height/width in the viewport. Applying -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch to the body or html element would only work if you did something like
body {
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
overflow: auto;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
We use it in our trigger app to emulate UITableView
Yes. Try out Hojoki where you can see momentum scrolling in action:
You don't have to do anything special to enable momentum scrolling in iOS. If you're not seeing it then it is likely that some styling or 3rd party library you're using as intefered with it.
Yes. I've managed to implement it with iScroll but had to modify the library. I really don't recommend -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch as it does not render any DOM changes while momentum scrolling is occuring. So if you reize an element as a result of an element scrolling, it looks awful.
Here is my repository where I've added a new callback onScrolling() to alert when the scrolling animation is occurring in iScroll:
And here's an example I'm using in my app where I change the height of the div during momentum and touch scrolling:

IOS -webkit-overflow-scrolling scrolls on wrong axis, or not at all

I'm building a mobile app for IOS, with html5. I'm using "-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch" to get the native inertia scrolling, but it's very buggy. I've solved the issues with content not rendering until the scrolling stops, but one persistent bug is this:
When I try to scroll up and down, nothing happens, but when I try to scroll horizontally, the content scrolls vertically (90 degrees off axis). If I navigate around my app and come back to the page, it will sometimes be fixed. Also, sometimes it won't scroll at all, despite being full of content.
From what I've googled, the consensus seems to be that Apple is aware of this bug, and has no intention of fixing it any time soon. Has anyone found a solution to get -webkit-overflow-scrolling to work correctly?
I also have struggled with this bug for months. The best characterization that I've found is:
which says that it happens when the page has an iFrame and the contents are set from Javascript. My current workaround in The Graphics Codex version 1.6 is to use iScroll4 to explicitly scroll the page rather than using touch scrolling. Because Javascript is single-threaded, this can be slow if you're also performing animations or background loading content.
I encountered the same problem: a node using -webkit-overflow-scrolling: scroll that would intermittently scroll up/down only with a left/right scroll gesture.
Here's what I found to be possible causes:
iframe present on the page anywhere, visible or otherwise (source)
visibility: hidden applied to any parent of the scrollable node (source)
However, none of these situations were present in my web app. I had a scrollable <ul> inside of a pure CSS modal dialog that I wrote which used a clever trick to add a transparent underlay -- an ::after pseudo-element with position: fixed.
When I removed the position: fixed from the pseudo-element, the problem went away! Of course, this made my clever trick useless, but it was interesting to learn that this bug could be triggered by this situation.
Device: iOS 5.1.1 on 2012 iPad 3 (retina)
Offending code:
/* Underlay */
.dialog::after {
z-index: -1;
position: fixed; /* <--- This was the problem! */
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
content: "";
tl;dr: if containing elements have a fixed position pseudo-element, removing it could fix your scrolling problem.
I know that the issue is kind of old, but I had to make my website work on iOS 5. Unfortunately i couldn't remove nor replace the iframe. I've noticed that the presence of iframe caused the problem only if it was rendered before the element which was ment to scroll smoothly. Appending iframe to the document later (after the element with -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch) fixed the problem :)
