How to format HTTParty POST request? - ruby-on-rails

I've been playing around with API calls for a project I'm working on and I'm getting a problem when I try to pass some JSON to a POST request. The call works in Postman, but I just can't figure out how to format it in Ruby. Here's my code:
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
require 'pp'
#use the HTTParty gem
include HTTParty
#base_uri ''
#set some basic things to make the call,
#apiUrl = ""
#apiUrlEnd = 'apikey=dontStealMePls'
#apiAll = "#{#apiUrl}#{#apiUrlEnd}"
#apiTest = ""
def cc_query, :body => {
"header": {"ver": 1,"src_sys_type": 2,"src_sys_name": "Test","api_version": "V999"},
"command1": {"cmd": "cc_query","ref": "test123","uid": "abc01", "dsn": "abcdb612","acct_id": 7777}
def api_test
#pp api_test()
pp cc_query()
This code gives me this error:
{"faultstring"=>"Failed to execute the ExtractVariables: Extract-Variables",
I know that error because I would get it if I tried to make a call without any JSON in the body of the call (through Postman). So from that I assume that my code above is not passing any JSON when making an API call. Am I formatting my JSON incorrectly? Am I even formatting the .post call correctly? Any help is appreciated! :)
the api_test() method just makes a POSt call to and it works (saving my sanity).

Just use HTTParty as a mixin instead in a class instead:
require 'httparty'
class MyApiClient
include HTTParty
base_uri ''
format :json
attr_accessor :api_key
def initalize(api_key:, **options)
#api_key = api_key
#options = options
def cc_query'/',
body: {
header: {
ver: 1,
src_sys_type: 2,
src_sys_name: 'Test',
api_version: 'V999'
command1: {
cmd: 'cc_query',
ref: 'test123',
uid: 'abc01',
dsn: 'abcdb612',
acct_id: 7777
query: {
api_key: api_key
Example usage: 'xxxxxxxx').cc_query
When you use format :json HTTParty will automatically set the content type and handle JSON encoding and decoding. I'm guessing thats where you failed.


Stub Httparty call: Wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)

I created a simple ruby file (not Rails) and I am trying to test (using Rspec) a method where I am calling an API. In the test I am trying to mock the call via WebMock but it keeps giving me this error:
Requests::FilesManager#display fetches the files from the API
wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)
The files are:
module Requests
require "httparty"
require 'json'
class FilesManager
include HTTParty
def initialize
def display
response = HTTParty.get('', format: :json)
parsed_response = JSON.parse(response.body)
puts "The secret message was: #{parsed_response["message"]}"
and the spec file:
require 'spec_helper'
require_relative '../run'
RSpec.describe Requests::FilesManager do
describe "#display" do
it 'fetches the files from the API' do
stub_request(:get, "").
to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {})
So the error seems to come from the line:
If I comment it out it disappears. The problem then is that the output of the call is not a json (even with the format: :json when calling the HTTParty). I tried other solutions but nothing seems to work in making the response json. It is just a string.
response = HTTParty.get('', format: :json)
response = HTTParty.get('').
I think you don't need the format: :json more so when you explicitly format the response to JSON anyway.
You need to return a json object in the body parameter of the stubbed response:
E.g: For an empty response:
stub_request(:get, "").
to_return(status: 200, body: "".to_json, headers: {})
OR For a valid response: (Note: You may have to require json to convert a hash to json)
require 'json'
stub_request(:get, "").
to_return(status: 200, body: { entries: { '0': { message: "Hello World" } } }.to_json, headers: {})
It seems there was an error because the json gem version that HTTParty uses is too old.
Moved on to RestClient gem for the RESTful API calls. It had another conflict in the mime gem versioning.
Finally moved to Faraday and that solved my problems:
JSON.parse(response.body, :quirks_mode => true)
tl;dr Had the same issue and ended up having to upgrade webmock.
Long form:
Webmock inserts middleware into your calls, so when HTTParty makes the calls they end up going through the Webmock interfaces first.
You can verify this by trying the call standalone (withouth all the rspec config):
bundle console
irb> require "httparty"
=> true
irb> httparty.get("")
If that standalone call succeeds, the issue is somewhere within Webmock itself.
For me, somewhere along the line of calls through Webmock was an outdated interface that was incompatible and throwing the Wrong Number of Arguments error. And this was also crashing my debugger (RubyMine).
Upgrading Webmock solved this issue (because they had fixed it in newer versions).

Mock GoogleAPI request

I am using the google-maps gem.
I am trying to mock/stub api requests unsuccessfully.
module GoogleMap
class Route
attr_accessor :start_location, :end_location
def initialize(start_location, end_location)
#start_location = start_location
#end_location = end_location
def driving_duration_in_seconds
def driving_distance_in_meters
def driving_distance_hash
return unless start_location && end_location
{ distance_in_meters: driving_distance_in_meters, duration_in_seconds: driving_duration_in_seconds }
def coordinates_as_strings(location)
def route
#route ||= Google::Maps.route(coordinates_as_strings(start_location), coordinates_as_strings(end_location))
I need to stub:
Real HTTP connections are disabled. Unregistered request: GET,116.43791248&key=<apikey>&language=en&origin=2.15362819,-81.63712649 with headers {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Date'=>'Sat, 12 Feb 2022 21:35:55 GMT', 'User-Agent'=>'HTTPClient/1.0 (2.8.3, ruby 2.7.2 (2020-10-01))'}
You can stub this request with the following snippet:
stub_request(:get, ",116.43791248&key=<apikey>&language=en&origin=2.15362819,-81.63712649").
headers: {
'Date'=>'Sat, 12 Feb 2022 21:35:55 GMT',
'User-Agent'=>'HTTPClient/1.0 (2.8.3, ruby 2.7.2 (2020-10-01))'
to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {})
If I try a most basic stub I get an error:
stub_request(:any, /
to_return(status: 200, body: '', headers: {})
unknown error: 783: unexpected token at ''
# .../gems/ruby-2.7.2/gems/google-maps-3.0.7/lib/google_maps/api.rb:64:in `rescue in response'
# .../gems/ruby-2.7.2/gems/google-maps-3.0.7/lib/google_maps/api.rb:60:in `response'
# .../.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.2/gems/google-maps-3.0.7/lib/google_maps/api.rb:27:in `query'
I think it is erroring out because I am not passing a key in. But I don't see why I should have to pass in a valid api key into a webmock.
I also would not have my route defined by anything. And in order to test that route can return route.distance.value etc, I would need to mock with something.
For other tests I was successful in mocking instances, but to test this lib that it actually works, I feel like mocking instance methods and not that an api was actually called is a waste of a test. Maybe this is just a waste of time, and I should assume it works because I am using a gem.
But I was expecting something like this:
RSpec.describe GoogleMap do
let(:start_location) { create(:location) }
let(:end_location) { create(:location) }
context ', end_location)' do
let(:subject) {, end_location) }
# I have not been successful in stubbing this with the correct regex
# stub_request(:get, "<lat>,<long>key=<key>&language=en&origin=<lat>,<long>").
# with(
# headers: {
# 'Accept'=>'*/*',
# 'Date'=>'Thu, 10 Feb 2022 21:09:02 GMT',
# 'User-Agent'=>'HTTPClient/1.0 (2.8.3, ruby 2.7.2 (2020-10-01))'
# }).
# to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {})
# stub_request(:get, %r{https:\/\/maps\.googleapis\.com\/maps\/api\/directions\/json\?destination=.+,.+&key=.+&language=en&origin=.+,.+}).
# stub_request(:any, /
# to_return(status: 200, body: '', headers: {})
xit 'gives driving distance in seconds'
xit 'gives driving duration in meters'
Your WebMock is working fine. Google::Maps::InvalidResponseException is raised after WebMock has replaced the network call. At the point that exception is raised, the Google Maps API client is trying to parse what the network call returned, which is ''.
It's expecting some valid JSON to be returned. If you have your mock return {} is should get past that line. It may well stumble on some other exception later though, as the gem expects a certain schema.
You can dig that out and add in a valid response if you wanted to continue down this path. However, I'd recommend not mocking the network request as that's an implementation detail of a third party piece of code which could change at any time - making your test fail. Instead, I would mock out Google::Maps.route to return what you need it to.

Get request rails 5.1

Hi i want to "connect" my "Exemple.html.erb" to an API, in this view i want to show some information that i want from this api adress ""
I have the address api and api key.
So how to do a get request from this api address and show the result in my view.
I tried this code and it's not working:
require 'httparty'
url = ''
headers = { key1: 'apikey', key2: 'mykeynumber' }
response = HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)
puts response.body
I believe if you are using erb and want to print inside using Ruby code, you have to wrap any Ruby code with <%= %>, assuming this code you have is in file you mentioned you could try:
.rb file:
require 'httparty'
url = ''
headers = { key1: 'apikey', key2: 'mykeynumber' }
#response = HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)
.erb file:
<%= #response.body %>

Adding content-length to an API post request using Rails

I'm trying to post some data to the Google Places api. However when I run the code (below) I receive a 411 Length Required error. Does anyone know how to resolve this using the code below. Thanks
require 'rubygems'
require 'httparty'
class Partay
include HTTParty
base_uri ''
#add to google API
options = {
:location => {
:lat => '33.71064',
:lng => '-84.479605'
:accuracy => '50',
:name=>"Rays NewShoeTree",
:types=> "shoe_store",
:language=> "en-AU"
puts'/maps/api/place/add/json?sensor=false&key=API_Key', options)
You need to specify a body in the post. Even just nil or an empty hash, then HTTParty will include the Content-Length header.

Ruby: HTTParty: can't format XML POST data correctly?

NOTE: "object" is a placeholder work, as I don't think I should be saying what the controller does specifically.
so, I have multiple ways of calling my apps API, the following works in the command line:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -d '<object><name>Test API object</name><password>password</password><description>This is a test object</description></object>' ""
the above command generates the following request in the devlog:
Processing ObjectsController#create to xml (for at 2011-07-07 09:17:51) [POST]
Parameters: {"format"=>"xml", "action"=>"create", "api_key"=>"1234", "controller"=>"objects",
"object"=>{"name"=>"Test API object", "description"=>"This is a test object", "password"=>"[FILTERED]"}}
Now, I'm trying to write tests for the actions using the API, to make sure the API works, as well as the controllers.
Here is my current (broken) httparty command:
response = post("create", :api_key => SharedTest.user_api_key, :xml => data, :format => "xml")
this command generates the following request in the testlog:
Processing ObjectsController#create to xml (for at 2011-07-07 09:37:35) [POST]
Parameters: {
"xml"=>"<object><name><![CDATA[first post]]></name>
<description><![CDATA[Things are not as they used to be]]></description>
So, as you can see, the command line command actually generates the object hash from the xml, whereas the httparty command ends up staying in xml, which causes problems for the create method, as it needs a hash.
Any ideas / proper documentation?
Current documentation says that post takes an url, and "options" and then never says what options are available
as per #Casper's suggestion, my method now looks like this:
def post_through_api_to_url(url, data, api_key = SharedTest.user_api_key)
response = post("create", {
:query => {
:api_key => api_key
:headers => {
"Content-Type" => "application/xml"
:body => data
ap #request.env["REQUEST_URI"]
assert_response :success
return response
unfortunately, the assert_response fails, because the authentication via the api key fails.
looking at the very of of the request_uri, the api_key isn't being set properly... it shows:
but it should just be equals, without the %5D (right square bracket)
I think this is how you're supposed to use it:
options = {
:query => {
:api_key => 1234
:headers => {
"Content-Type" => "application/xml"
:body => "<xmlcode>goes here</xmlcode>"
post("/create", options)
Forgive me for being basic about it but if you only want to send one variable as a parameter, why don't you do as Casper suggests, but just do:
post("/create?api_key=1234", options)
Or rather than testing HTTParty's peculiarities in accessing your API, perhaps write your tests using Rack::Test? Very rough example...
require "rack/test"
require "nokogiri"
class ObjectsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Rack::Test::Methods
def app
def create_an_object(o)
authorize "x", "1234" # or however you want to authenticate using query params
header 'Accept', 'text/xml'
header 'Content-Type', 'text/xml'
body o.to_xml
post "/create"
xml = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body)
assert something_logic_about(xml)
