Ruby on Rails - as_json remove some attributes - ruby-on-rails

I have a response ready with some attributes. However, I dont want some of them to get passed on to the response. How do I do that? I think I need to use except somehow.

The :only and :except options can be used to limit the attributes
included, and work similar to the attributes method.
user.as_json(only: [:id, :name])
# => { "id" => 1, "name" => "Konata Izumi" }
user.as_json(except: [:id, :created_at, :age])
# => { "name" => "Konata Izumi", "awesome" => true }

You can use except parameter of as_json like so:
2.5.0 :001 > {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3}.as_json(except: [:baz])
=> {"foo"=>1, "bar"=>2}

You can use only or except for your use case.
Something like below should work:
#<Address id: nil,
address1: nil,
address2: nil,
city_name: nil,
zipcode: nil,
phone: nil,
state_id: nil,
country_id: nil,
created_at: nil,
updated_at: nil,
address_type: nil,
latitude: nil,
longitude: nil,
city_id: nil,
locality: nil>
json = address.as_json(only: %i[id
methods: [:city_slug]) # yes, you can use methods as attributes also


Devise does not update all the custom fields in the User model

I have a User model with following attributes, seller and estado (status).
t.string "estado", default: "pending"
t.boolean "seller", default: false
I have some validations for the User model:
validates :seller, default: false
validates :estado, inclusion: { in: %w(Accepted),
message: "Status application: %{value}" }
I am tweeking devise, (in controller registrations, method create)trying to update these fields because of other conditions. For the seller it works, for the estado it does not
Here is the prove:
[4] pry(#<Users::RegistrationsController>)> resource.estado = "Accepted"
=> "Accepted"
[5] pry(#<Users::RegistrationsController>)> resource
=> #<User id: nil, email: "", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, shop_id: nil, seller: true, first_name: nil, last_name: nil, birthday: nil, nationality: nil, document_type: nil, document_number: nil, expiring_date: nil, estado: "pending", admin: false>
[6] pry(#<Users::RegistrationsController>)> resource.seller = false
=> false
[7] pry(#<Users::RegistrationsController>)> resource
=> #<User id: nil, email: "", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, shop_id: nil, seller: false, first_name: nil, last_name: nil, birthday: nil, nationality: nil, document_type: nil, document_number: nil, expiring_date: nil, estado: "pending", admin: false>
Why is not updating the value of estado? I see it in the console, but when I inspect resource, it's still pending.
I could allow the attributes commenting out this, as the first comment suggests:
# protected
# If you have extra params to permit, append them to the sanitizer.
# def configure_sign_up_params
# devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up, keys: [:attribute])
# end
# If you have extra params to permit, append them to the sanitizer.
# def configure_account_update_params
# devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:account_update, keys: [:attribute])
# end

Changing a user name in heroku rails console

I would like to edit a supplier name in my heroku database. I'm having trouble accessing the name attribute:
irb(main):015:0> Supplier.where(:name => "Test")
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<Supplier id: 3070, name: "Test", email: "", phone: "555555", website: "", region_id: 3, category_id: 8, created_at: "2015-02-20 13:28:59", updated_at: "2015-02-20 13:28:59", rating: 0.0, address: nil, facebook_url: nil, twitter_url: nil, google_url: nil, video_url: nil, slug: "test", logo_url: nil, image_one_url: nil, image_two_url: nil, image_three_url: nil, image_four_url: nil, description: nil, reviews_count: 0, source: nil, source_other: nil>]>
=> "Supplier"
I'm not clear why is resulting in "Supplier" rather than "Test".
Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?
Supplier.where(:name => "Test") returns multiple records. Use
supplier = Supplier.where(:name => "Test").first

Rename image using associated model - Paperclip

In my image model:
has_attached_file :pic
before_post_process :rename_pic
before_save ->{ p 'before_save ----------------' }
after_post_process ->{ p 'after_post_process --------------' }
def rename_pic
p 'en imagen'
p self
p 'en imagen'
In service that has many images:
# don't use accepts_nested_attributes_for
before_save :create_images
attr_accessor :images_attributes
def create_images
# images_attributes example value: { "0"=> {img_attrs}, "1" => {img_attrs1} }
images_attributes.all? do |k, image_attrs|
if image_attrs.delete(:_destroy) == "false"
p 'asd'
image = image_attrs.merge(service_id: id)
p image.service
p image.service_id
This is the output I get:
"en imagen"
#<Image id: nil, service_id: nil, pic_file_name: "Screen_Shot_2013-04-07_at_5.18.03_PM.png", pic_content_type: "image/png", pic_file_size: 16041, pic_updated_at: "2013-07-30 22:58:46", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, user_id: nil>
"en imagen"
G"after_post_process --------------"
#<Service id: 427, event_id: nil, min_capacity: nil, max_capacity: nil, price: #<BigDecimal:7fb6e9d73d48,'0.0',9(18)>, image_path: nil, name: "Super Franks", desc: "zxc", created_at: "2013-05-12 19:01:54", updated_at: "2013-07-30 19:32:48", address: "pasadena", longitude: 77.225, latitude: 28.6353, gmaps: true, city: "san francisco", state: "california", country_id: "472", tags: "Banquet", created_by: 22, avg_rating: #<BigDecimal:7fb6efdbcf10,'0.0',9(18)>, views: 27, zip_code: "", address2: "", price_unit: "", category_id: 3, featured: true, publish: true, slug: "banquet-super-franks", discount: nil, currency_code: "USD", video_url: "", short_description: "">
"before_save ----------------"
When calling
image = image_attrs.merge(service_id: id)
Paperclips seems to start processing, and then set service_id.
So when I try to use service inside rename_pic service is nil.
Any ideas on how to handle this?
This solved my problem, I changed:
before_post_process :rename_pic
before_create :rename_pic
and this is rename_pic, for the record:
def rename_pic
extension = File.extname(pic_file_name).downcase
self.pic.instance_write :file_name,
where service has_many images, and image belongs_to service.
Be carefull with the fix of #juanpastas, because if you change before_post_process to before_create, it will only run when you create your image, and not when you update it. To have the callback still run on update, do this:
class YourImage
has_attached_file :pic
# use both callbacks
before_create :rename_pic
before_post_process :rename_pic
def rename_pic
# assotiated_object is the association used to get pic_file_name
return if self.assotiated_object.nil?
extension = File.extname(pic_file_name).downcase
self.pic.instance_write :file_name,

Why is my after_save callback stopping my ActiveRecord association from saving properly?

When I comment out my after_save call back, my ActiveRecord associations work just fine. In Rails Console, you'd see:
> #report = Report.create :name => "foo"
=> #<Report id: 9, name: "foo", created_at: "2013-03-05 09:51:55", updated_at: "2013-03-05 09:51:55">
> #question = #report.questions.create :description => "bar"
=> #<Question id: 18, standard_id: nil, description: "bar", element_id: nil, condition_id: nil, blueprint_name: nil, blueprint_url: nil, created_at: "2013-03-05 09:52:32", updated_at: "2013-03-05 09:52:32", additive: false, instructions: nil>
> #report.questions
=> [#<Question id: 18, standard_id: nil, description: "bar", element_id: nil, condition_id: nil, blueprint_name: nil, blueprint_url: nil, created_at: "2013-03-05 09:52:32", updated_at: "2013-03-05 09:52:32", additive: false, instructions: nil>]
> #question.reports
=> [#<Report id: 9, name: "foo", created_at: "2013-03-05 09:51:55", updated_at: "2013-03-05 09:51:55">]
However, the associations stop working when I add the following after_save callback to question.rb:
def create_matching_surveys
self.reports.each do |report| do |review|
review.competitors.each do |competitor|
Then, in Rails Console, you get:
> #report = Report.create :name => "foo"
=> #<Report id: 13, name: "foo", created_at: "2013-03-05 10:20:51", updated_at: "2013-03-05 10:20:51">
> #question = #report.questions.create :description => "bar"
=> #<Question id: 24, standard_id: nil, description: "bar", element_id: nil, condition_id: nil, blueprint_name: nil, blueprint_url: nil, created_at: "2013-03-05 10:21:02", updated_at: "2013-03-05 10:21:02", additive: false, instructions: nil>
> #report.questions
=> [#<Question id: 24, standard_id: nil, description: "bar", element_id: nil, condition_id: nil, blueprint_name: nil, blueprint_url: nil, created_at: "2013-03-05 10:21:02", updated_at: "2013-03-05 10:21:02", additive: false, instructions: nil>]
> #question.reports
=> []
This happens whether or not the report has reviews that have competitors.
The strange thing is I thought the callback was meant to happen after the question was saved? So by rights the association should save too before any of this happens, right?
How do I fix it?
I think I have to call the callback in the right spot in the object's life cycle, but I can't find that spot. Here's why I think this:
> #report = Report.create :name => "foo"
=> #<Report id: 20, name: "foo", created_at: "2013-03-05 12:29:35", updated_at: "2013-03-05 12:29:35">
> #question = #report.questions.create :description => "bar"
=> #<Question id: 31, standard_id: nil, description: "bar", element_id: nil, condition_id: nil, blueprint_name: nil, blueprint_url: nil, created_at: "2013-03-05 12:30:14", updated_at: "2013-03-05 12:30:14", additive: false, instructions: nil>
> #question.reports
=> []
> #question.update_attributes :description => "foo"
=> true
> #question.reports
=> [#<Report id: 20, name: "foo", created_at: "2013-03-05 12:29:35", updated_at: "2013-03-05 12:29:35">]
BTW, the method is now in question_observer.rb:
class QuestionObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
def after_save(model)
model.reports.each do |report| do |review|
review.competitors.each do |competitor|
return true
The answer was to use a neat new callback hook called after_commit which was introduced with Rails 3.
The only issue is after_commit doesn't work "out of the box" with transactional fixtures, but there are plenty of solutions out there, and I found this one worked well for me:

Why is Rail2's to_json's include option returning empty hashes?

I'm trying to use Rails(2)'s to_json model serializing mechanism to emit some data from associated models. As my guide I'm referencing the following essentially identical documentation URLs:
Here is some of the relevant model code:
class WorkEffortAssignment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :work_effort
belongs_to :assigned_to, :polymorphic => true
belongs_to :assigned_by, :polymorphic => true
Here is the controller code, I'm just trying to dump some JSON for initial testing purposes:
def dump_work_effort_assignments
WorkEffort.include_root_in_json = false
all_assignments = WorkEffortAssignment.all
options = {:include => [:work_effort, :assigned_to, :assigned_by], :only => [:work_effort_id, :assigned_to_id, :assigned_by_id]}
ext_json = "{data:#{WorkEffortAssignment.all.to_json(options)}}"
render :inline => ext_json
Here's the first record of Json data with empty hashes for work_effort, assigned_to and assigned_by:
{data:[{"assigned_to":{},"work_effort_id":"9","assigned_to_id":3,"assigned_by":{},"work_effort":{},"assigned_by_id":3}, //etcetera
But below is my console session showing the associations that I'd like to represent in my Json. So what am I doing wrong in my controller when trying to specify the include option for to_json, such that I can easily send associated model data back to the browser. Thanks in advance
>> assignment = WorkEffortAssignment.first
=> #<WorkEffortAssignment id: 1, assigned_at: nil, assigned_from: nil, assigned_
thru: nil, unassigned_at: nil, assigned_to_id: 3, assigned_to_type: "Party", ass
igned_by_id: 3, assigned_by_type: "Party", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, wor
k_effort_id: "9">
>> assignment.work_effort
=> #<WorkEffort id: 9, description: "Software Architecture Document", type: nil,
started_at: nil, finished_at: nil, projected_completion_time: nil, actual_compl
etion_time: nil, created_at: "2011-08-18 13:39:30", updated_at: "2011-08-25 13:3
9:30", facility_id: nil, facility_type: nil, work_effort_record_id: nil, work_ef
fort_record_type: nil, projected_cost_id: nil, actual_cost_id: nil, parent_id: n
il, lft: 1, rgt: 2>
>> assignment.assigned_to
=> #<Party id: 3, description: "George Jempty", business_party_id: 2, business_p
arty_type: "Individual", list_view_image_id: nil, enterprise_identifier: nil, cr
eated_at: "2011-08-29 14:21:41", updated_at: "2011-08-29 14:21:41">
>> assignment.assigned_by
=> #<Party id: 3, description: "George Jempty", business_party_id: 2, business_p
arty_type: "Individual", list_view_image_id: nil, enterprise_identifier: nil, cr
eated_at: "2011-08-29 14:21:41", updated_at: "2011-08-29 14:21:41">
The :only specifier you have there is throwing it off. The following will include the child-objects:
def dump_work_effort_assignments
WorkEffort.include_root_in_json = false
all_assignments = WorkEffortAssignment.all
options = {:include => [:work_effort, :assigned_to, :assigned_by]}
ext_json = "{data:#{WorkEffortAssignment.all.to_json(options)}}"
render :inline => ext_json
...but will not filter out the attributes of the parent. If you want to do that, it may be simpler to just build a hash and convert it to json:
def dump_work_effort_assignments
data = {|wea| {
:work_effort => wea.work_effort,
:assigned_to => wea.assigned_to,
:assigned_by => wea.assigned_by
ext_json = "{data:#{data.to_json}}"
render :inline => ext_json
