How to create movie screenshot by ffmpeg in an amazon S3 path - ruby-on-rails

I tried to create using ffmpeg a video screenshot from a remote video url in heroku console. Below is how I generated a movie instance and can see also an empty ready to be written file at S3. But the last line movie.screenshot is not working and generates this error:
FFMPEG::Error: Failed encoding.Errors: no output file created
Here is the code
s3 = 'us-west-1')
bucket = s3.bucket("ruby-sample-kb-#{SecureRandom.uuid}")
object = bucket.object('ex-vid-test-kb.jpg')
object.put(acl: "public-read-write")
path = object.public_url
movie ="")
movie.screenshot(path, :seek_time => 2)
I also tried the following line just if it should be written via put. What am I missing here?
object.put(acl: "public-read", body: movie.screenshot(path, :seek_time => 2))

I ended up convincing myself that ffmpeg movie.screenshot won't work for remote url path. So I had to figure out a solution where I can create tempfile in heroku system although the tempfiles stay per dyno.
file = [prefix, suffix], "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/images/video_screenshots"
This worked Ok.


Ruby on Rails copy S3 file with special characters (%C5) in path

I have a problem with my attachment system on web page. I store them on amazon S3 using paperclip. I have an option to copy attachment to new file. Everything works fine until there are polish special characters in title, like: ŁĄKA.jpg. Then I get an error:
Saving error: Appendix Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError
/Users/michal/.rbenv/versions/2.1.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/activerecord-4.2.5/lib/active_record/validations.rb:79:in `raise_record_invalid'
/Users/michal/.rbenv/versions/2.1.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/activerecord-4.2.5/lib/active_record/validations.rb:43:in `save!'
My code: {|a| a.temporary? && !a.appendix.exists?}.each do |a|
a.appendix =
a.process = false
a.appendix_url = nil
puts "CREATING NEW FILE from (temporary?) appendix: #{}, path: #{a.s3path}, is_public: #{a.is_public}, determine_is_public: #{a.determine_is_public}"
a.is_public = a.determine_is_public
logger.debug("CREATING NEW FILE from (temporary?) appendix: #{}, path: #{a.s3path}, is_public: #{a.is_public}, determine_is_public: #{a.determine_is_public}")! # bo delayed_job
I'm getting error on! when path is like: appendixes/appendixes/242/original/%25C5%2581A%25CC%25A8KA.jpg, but works like charm when it is: appendixes/appendixes/243/original/laka.jpg or another file name without polish letters. Anybody had this kind of problem or have suggestions how to fix it?
Ok, I found what was wrong. I had to replace in a.s3path, the last part with original name (łąka.jpg) and everything works fine. So when I have:łąka.jpg) it works good and finds the correct file on s3 server.

retrieve carrierwave file uploaded to Amazon S3

Using Rails 3.2, carrier wave, and recently switched to store on Amazon S3. My setup and uploads are all working fine.
1. I have image_uploader.rb to upload and store images. Displaying them all works fine
2. I have file_uploader.rb to upload and store files. I've even taken it a step further to upload ZIP files and extract a version so that both the ZIP file and TXT files are stored in the correct place on S3.
My problem is I run a method on the TXT file. In the past, I used storage :file
With that I was able to:
import_file = Dir['*.TXT'].first
f =
Now, that I'm using storage :fog I can't get seem to retrieve/ the file.
I see the file with the usual commands:
#upload1.team_file # stored file
#upload1.team_file.url # url
#upload1.team_file_url(:data_file).to_s # version created
I've been pouring through all kinds of very limited leads on retrieving and/or opening the file, but everything I try seems to return errors, such as:
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory -…
Thoughts on the difference here of retrieving and USING a file from AmazonS3? Thanks!
Pulling from multiple threads, APIs, etc. I'm answering my own question with what I've found. I welcome any corrections or improvements:
To retrieve carrierwave files uploaded to AmazonS3, you have to understand that open(#upload.file_url) or does NOT open the file, it only opens the PATH to the file. (ref: Ruby OpenURI )
I use: open_uri_url = open(#upload.file_url)
You then have to find the specific file in that path that you want. For me, I then find a ZIP file that was uploaded to AmazonS3 and Extract the specific file within the ZIP file that I want with a unique *.ABC extension:
zip_content_file ={|content| content if content.to_s.split('.').last == "ABC"}.compact.first
Now, from here, where to extract to?? I create a unique directory in the Rails tmp directory to extract the file to, use it and then delete the directory:
tmp_directory = "tmp/extracts/#{#upload.parent_id}/"
FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_directory) unless
extract = zip_content_file.extract(tmp_directory + content_file.to_s)
Now with found from the AmazonS3 stored ZIP file and extracted, I can open, read, etc:
f = + extract.to_s)
I hope this helps with Carrierwave, AmazonS3, ZIP files and using them once uploaded.

Heroku - how to write into "tmp" directory?

I need to use the tmp folder on Heroku (Cedar) for writing some temporarily data, I am trying to do that this way:
open("#{Rails.root}/tmp/#{result['filename']}", 'wb') do |file|
file.write open(image_url).read
But this produce error
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /app/tmp/image-2.png
I am trying this code and it's running properly on localhost, but I cannot make it work on Heroku.
What is the proper way to save some files to the tmp directory on Heroku (Cedar stack)?
Thank you
I am running method with Delayed Jobs that needs to has access to the tmp file.
What I am doing:
files.each_with_index do |f, index|
unless f.nil?
result = JSON.parse(buffer)
filename = "#{}_#{result['filename']}" # thumbnail name
thumb_filename = "#{Rails.root}/tmp/#{filename}"
image_url = f.file_url+"/convert?rotate=exif"
open("#{Rails.root}/tmp/#{result['filename']}", 'wb') do |file|
file.write open(image_url).read
img =
target =, 150) do
self.background_color = 'white'
img.resize_to_fit!(150, 150)
target.composite(img, Magick::CenterGravity, Magick::CopyCompositeOp).write(thumb_filename)
key = File.basename(filename)
s3.buckets[bucket_name].objects[key].write(:file => thumb_filename)
# save path to the new thumbnail to database
f.update_attributes(:file_url_thumb => "{filename}")
I have in database information about images. These images are stored in Amazon S3 bucket. I need to create thumbnails to these images. So I am going through one image by another one, load the image, temporarily save it, then resize it and afterwards I will upload this thumbnail to S3 bucket.
But this procedure doesn't seems to be working on Heroku, so, how could I do that (my app is running on Heroku)?
Is /tmp included in your git repo? Removed in your .slugignore? The directory may just not exist out on Heroku.
Try tossing in a quick mkdir before the write:
Dir.mkdir(File.join(Rails.root, 'tmp'))
Or even in an initializer or something...
Here's an elegant way
f ="tmp/filename.txt", 'w')
f << "hi there"
Dir.entries(Dir.pwd.to_s + ("/tmp")) # See your newly created file in /tmp
Don't forget that whenever your app restarts (for any reason, including those outside your control), your files will be deleted, as they are only stored ephemerally.
Try it with heroku restart, you will see the new file you created is no longer there

upload an RMagick-generated file from Heroku to Amazon S3

I am creating a Rails app which is hosted on Heroku and that allows the user to generate animated GIFs on the fly based on an original JPG that's hosted somewhere in the web (think of it as a crop-resize app). I tried Paperclip but, AFAIK, it does not handle dynamically-generated files. I am using the aws-sdk gem and this is a code snippet of my controller:
im =
fr1 = im.crop(#animation.x1,#animation.y1,#animation.width,#animation.height,true)
str1 = fr1.to_blob
fr2 = im.crop(#animation.x2,#animation.y2,#animation.width,#animation.height,true)
str2 = fr2.to_blob
list =
list.delay = #animation.delay
list.iterations = 0
That is for the basic creation of a two-frame animation. RMagick can generate a GIF in my development computer with these lines:
list.write("#{Rails.public_path}/images/" + #animation.filename)
I tried uploading the list structure to S3:
# upload to Amazon S3
s3 =
bucket = s3.buckets['mybucket']
obj = bucket.objects[#animation.filename]
obj.write(:single_request => true, :content_type => 'image/gif', :data => list)
But I don't have a size method in RMagick::ImageList that I can use to specify that. I tried "precompiling" the GIF into another RMagick::Image:
anim =, #animation.height)
anim.format = "GIF"
But Rails crashes with a segmentation fault:
/path/to/my_controller.rb:103: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [universal-darwin11.0]
Abort trap: 6
Line 103 corresponds to list.write(anim).
So right now I have no idea how to do this and would appreciate any help I receive.
As per #mga's request in his answer to his original question...
a non-filesystem based approach is pretty simple
rm_image = Magick::Image.from_blob(params[:image][:datafile].read)[0]
# [0] because from_blob returns an array
# the blob, presumably, can have multiple images data in it
a_thumbnail = rm_image.resize_to_fit(150, 150)
# just as an example of doing *something* with it before writing
s3_bucket.objects['my_thumbnail.jpg'].write(a_thumbnail.to_blob, {:acl=>:public_read})
Voila! reading an uploaded file, manipulating it with RMagick, and writing it to s3 without ever touching the filesystem.
Since this project is hosted in Heroku I cannot use the filesystem so that is why I was trying to do everything via code. I found that Heroku does have a temporary-writable folder:
This works just fine in my case since I don't need the file after this request.
The resulting code:
im =
fr1 = im.crop(#animation.x1,#animation.y1,#animation.width,#animation.height,true)
fr2 = im.crop(#animation.x2,#animation.y2,#animation.width,#animation.height,true)
list =
list << fr1
list << fr2
list.delay = #animation.delay
list.iterations = 0
# gotta packet the file
# upload to Amazon S3
s3 =
bucket = s3.buckets['mybucket']
obj = bucket.objects[#animation.filename]
obj.write(:file => "#{Rails.root}/tmp/#{#animation.filename}.gif")
It would be interesting to know if a non-filesystem-writing solution is possible.
I am updating this answer for AWS SDK Version 2 which should be:
rm_image = Magick::Image.from_blob(params[:image][:datafile].read)[0]
# [0] because from_blob returns an array
# the blob, presumably, can have multiple images data in it
a_thumbnail = rm_image.resize_to_fit(150, 150)
# just as an example of doing *something* with it before writing
s3 =
bucket = s3.bucket('mybucket')
obj = bucket.object('filename')
obj.put(body: background.to_blob)
I think there's a few things going on here. First, the documentation for RMagick is sub-par, and its easy to get side-tracked. The code you're using to generate the gif can be a little simpler. I cooked up a very contrived example here:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'RMagick'
# read in source file
im ='foo.jpg').first
# make two slightly different frames
fr1 = im.crop(0, 100, 300, 300, true)
fr2 = im.crop(0, 200, 300, 300, true)
# create an ImageList
list =
# add our images to it
list << fr1
list << fr2
# set some basic values
list.delay = 100
list.iterations = 0
# write out an animated gif to the filesystem
This code works -- it reads in a jpg I have locally, and writes out a 2-frame animation. Obviously I've hardcoded some values here, but there's no reason this shouldn't work for you, although I am running ruby 1.9.2 and probably a different version of RMagick, but this is basic code.
The second issue is totally unrelated -- is it possible to upload an image generated in IM to S3 without actually hitting the filesystem? Basically, will this ever work:
obj.write(:single_request => true, :content_type => 'image/gif', :data => list)
I'm not sure if it is or not. I experimented with calling list.to_blob, but it only outputs the first frame, and it's as a JPG, although I didn't spend much time on it. You might be able to fool list.write into outputting somewhere, but rather than going down that road, I would personally just output the file unless that is impossible for some reason.

ruby reading files from S3 with open-URI

I'm having some problems reading a file from S3. I want to be able to load the ID3 tags remotely, but using open-URI doesn't work, it gives me the following error:
ruby-1.8.7-p302 >"")))
TypeError: can't convert Tempfile into String
from (irb):8:in `initialize'
from (irb):8:in `new'
from (irb):8
However, if i download the same file and put it on my desktop (ie no need for open-URI), it works just fine."/Users/momofwombie/Desktop/blah.mp3")
is there something else I should be doing to read a remote file?
UPDATE: I just found this link, which may explain a little bit, but surely there must be some way to do this...
Read header data from files on remote server
Might want to check out AWS::S3, a Ruby Library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service
Do an AWS::S3:S3Object.find for the file and then an use about to retrieve the metadata
This solution assumes you have the AWS credentials and permission to access the S3 bucket that contains the files in question. doesn't take a file handle, which is what you are passing to it when you use open without a read.
Add on read and you'll get the contents of the URL, but TagLib2::File doesn't know what to do with that either, so you are forced to read the contents of the URL, and save it.
I also noticed you are unnecessarily complicating your use of OpenURI. You don't have to parse the URL using URI before passing it to open. Just pass the URL string.
require 'open-uri'
fname = File.basename($0) << '.' << $$.to_s, 'wb') do |fo|
fo.print open("").read
c =
# do more processing...
I don't have TagLib2 installed but I ran the rest of the code and the mp3 file downloaded to my disk and is playable. The File.delete would clean up afterwards, which should put you in the state you want to be in.
This solution isn't going to work much longer. Paperclip > 3.0.0 has removed to_file. I'm using S3 & Heroku. What I ended up doing was copying the file to a temporary location and parsing it from there. Here is my code:
dest =
upload.spreadsheet.copy_to_local_file(:default_style, dest.path)
file_loc = dest.path
CSV.foreach(file_loc, :headers => true, :skip_blanks => true) do |row|}
This seems to work instead of open-URI: do |mp3info|
puts mp3info.tag.artist
Paperclip has a to_file method that downloads the file from S3.
