SQL database DTUs affecting the Powerbi reports resfresh - timeout

I have created about 5 reports in Microsoft PowerBI using a SQL database created in Microsoft Azure.
The database has more than 50 million row.
Recently my reports have stopped refreshing. In case they refresh, the refresh time is long and is running really slow.
here is a screenshot of the error i'm having enter image description here
I contacted yesterday Microsoft PowerBI to check if the issue is from the software itself. I showed them my database and my reports and they told me that the DTU in my SQL database is reaching a maximum of 100% which is slowing down the response of the database during the refresh and preventing it from performing well. Here is a screenshot of my database performance enter image description here. Please note that this picture is showing only the maximum of the DTUs, the average is giving a 50% value
I'm not an expert in Azure and i need to know if the DTUs can really effect the performance of calling the data from the database to Powerbi.

Yes, the DTUs will affect the query performance for Azure SQL database. Off course it will effect the performance of calling the data from the database to PowerBi.
Reference Database transaction units (DTUs):
A database transaction unit (DTU) represents a blended measure of CPU, memory, reads, and writes.
For a single database at a specific compute size within a service tier, Microsoft guarantees a certain level of resources for that database (independent of any other database in the Azure cloud). This guarantee provides a predictable level of performance. The amount of resources allocated for a database is calculated as a number of DTUs and is a bundled measure of compute, storage, and I/O resources.
The ratio among these resources is originally determined by an online transaction processing (OLTP) benchmark workload designed to be typical of real-world OLTP workloads. When your workload exceeds the amount of any of these resources, your throughput is throttled, resulting in slower performance and time-outs.
When the DTUs reaching a maximum of 100%, it means the performance of the database has reached the resource limits.
You need to scale the Azure SQL database service price tier or do a performance turning.
For more details, please see: Monitoring and performance tuning. Azure SQL Database provides tools and methods you can use to monitor usage easily, add or remove resources (such as CPU, memory, or I/O), troubleshoot potential problems, and make recommendations to improve the performance of a database.
Hope this helps.


Does influxDB have a limit to the number of databases you can have?

Perf testing a tool. We generate a bunch of metrics per test run. But we want to keep each test run separate. This seems like a db per run would allow us to do that, and at the same time allow us to give the tools we create to customers who would only have 1 install, and thus need only one db. But we are talking hundreds of db's... granted they should be smaller as most would only be for a set of metrics covering a couple of hours. But will influxdb limit us? or will performance suffer significantly?
Looks memory/virtual memory appears to be the limiting factor.
On two 16gb boxes I added 500 db's with data on one, and 500 sets of data to the same db on the other. The data was pretty small actually, the individual dbs were 440K after being loaded.
Memory use on the 500 db's was way higher.
500dbs 19.9g virtual, 3.3g resident
1db 2.5g virtual, .9g resident

Is it advisable to restart informatica application monthly to improve performance?

We have around 32 datamarts loading around 200+ tables out of which 50% of tables are on 11g Oracle database and 30% on 10g and rest 20 are flat files.
Lately we are facing performance issues while loading the datamarts.
Database parameters as well are network parameters are looking and as throughput is decreasing drastically we are of the opinion now that it is informatica which has problem.
Recently when through put had gone down and server was utilized to its 90% informatica application was restarted and the performance there after was little better than previous performance.
So my question is should we have Informatica restart as a scheduled activity ? Does restart actually improves the performance of the application or there are some other things which can play a role in the same?
What you have here is a systemic problem, but you have not established which component(s) of the system are the cause.
Are all jobs showing exactly the same degradation in performance? If not, what is the common characteristic of those that are? Not all jobs will have the same reliance on the Informatica server -- some will be dependent more on the performance of their target system(s), some on their source system(s), so I would be amazed if all showed exactly the same level of degradation.
What you have here is an exercise in data gathering, and then turning that data into useful information.
If you can isolate the problem to only certain jobs then I would take a log file from a time when the system is performing well, and from a time when it is not, and compare them directly, looking for differences in the performance of their components. You can also look at any database monitoring tools for changes in execution plan.
Rebooting servers? Maybe, but that is not necessarily the solution -- the real problem is the lack of data you have to diagnose your system.
Yes, It is good to do a restart every quarter.
It will refresh the Integration service cache.
Delete files from Cache and storage before you restart.
Since you said you have recently seen some reduced performance recently it might be due various reasons.
Some tips that may help:
Ensure all Indexes are in valid and compiled state.
If you are calling a procedure via worflow check the EXPLAIN plan and Cost ensure it is not doing a full table scan(cost should be less).
3.Gather stats on the source or target tables (especially which have deletes )) - This will help in de fragmentation - deleting the un allocated space. DBMS_STATS
Always good to have an house keeping scheduled weekly to do the above checks on indexes,remove temp/unnecessary files and gather stats (analyze indexes and tables).
Some best practices here performance tips

Slow Query Performance

I am running some very large databases (500 MB and 300 MB) in my application on several different machines.
From a hardware perspective, the machines have been identically configured.
I am using SQL Server CE 4.0 as my DBMS.
The performance critical query has been indexed to improve its performance.
The problem is that on [only] one of the machines, I am observing egregiously slow query performance. This usually happens after a long period of time of inactivity (from a query perspective). After I do several (about 7-8) queries, the slow performance disappears.
The weird thing is that this initial slow query performance does not happen on the other machine.
The only difference between the two machines is the data contained inside the databases.
I suspect that the distribution of data on the slow machine is somehow reducing the effectiveness of the indexing and that SQL Server CE has to rebalance the indexing in a much more significant way than on the other faster machine.
One thing I notice is that when the query is very slow, the disk activity increases significantly and the process corresponding to reading the database shows a spike in the read bytes.
This does not happen on the other machine.
Does anyone know how I might go about root causing this issue?
My code is written in C++ and uses the ATL/OLEDB API to manipulate the database.
UPDATE: My performance profiling activities indicate that it's not the query itself that is slow - it is the processing of the returned rowset that takes a while. For each row returned, I query another database for related data. I understand that this is not the right way to do it but the performance problem only happens on one machine. One thing I noticed is that when I have other unrelated queries happening on the same database in other threads, the unrelated queries will stall the query that is exhibiting the performance problem.

how is one I/O measured in google app engine

I am making my first App. I am new to both SQL and GAE. Google Cloud SQL has tier "D0", which has "included I/O per day" of 200k. I have an example, could you please explain how many I/O's is this example?
Suppose I have a table in my Cloud SQL of 10 rows and 3 headers. the headers are "article name", "author", "date of publishing". so there are 30 fields in total. When a user starts my App and requests latest information, I want to send the user all 30 fields. I can send this to the user with a single SQL code.
Is the execution of that query counted as thirty I/O because 30 fields were transferred or one I/O because one SQL query was run?
Appreciate your help.
The pricing guide has this to say;
The number of I/O requests to storage made by your database instance depends on your queries, workload and data set. Cloud SQL will cache data in memory to serve your queries efficiently and to minimise the number of I/O requests.
In other words, neither of the two options, some queries may be served entirely from memory, generating no I/O, while some may generate many I/O requests. Optimising the database well with indexes will make your queries cheaper, generating table scans over large tables will cost more.
In short, same good practice rules apply as keeping a fast database as on a local machine, but not doing the optimisation won't just make your queries slower, but make them cost more.
The # of I/Os refers to disk operations. So that really depends on the query and the cached data.

Load-testing web-app

When load testing a basic web application, what sanity checks do you do other than expected response time?
Is it fair to ask for peak memory usage?
What other checks do you make?
On the server
Requests per second the application can withstand
Requests per second that hit the database (if any, related to the number above, but it's useful to have them as separate figures)
Transferred bandwidth (separated by media type, if possible)
CPU utilization
Memory utilization
On the client
Response time
Weight of the average page
Is the CPU usage high at any time
Run something like YSlow to see what can you optimize on the output to make it quick for users
Stress testing tools usually come with most of these measures (except for Memory, CPU and database usage), as do YSlow or Firebug do on the client.
We look at a pretty wide variety of metrics when analyzing the results of a load test.
On the server, we start with these main 4 categories:
CPU (% utilization, context switches/sec, process queue length)
Memory (% use, page reads/sec, page writes/sec)
Bandwidth (incoming, outgoing, send & receive errors, # connections, connection failures, segment retransmits/sec)
Disk (Disk I/O Time %, avg service time, queue length, reads and writes/sec)
We also like look at metrics specific to the webserver and application server in use. For example, in IIS we look at IIS connection counts, cache hit rates and turnover frequency, etc. In .NET, we would be looking at ASP.NET Requests/sec, ASP.NET Last Request Execution Time, ASP.NET Current Requests, ASP.NET Queued Requests, ASP.NET Request Wait Time, ASP.NET Errors/sec and many others.
On the client side, we are primarily looking at total load time for the pages, duration and TTFB (time to first byte) for critical transactions, bandwidth usage, average page size and failure rate. We also find two metrics very useful - we call them Waiting Users and Average Wait Time. Not many tools have these - they tell you at each sample period exactly how many simulated users are in the process of retrieving a resource from the server and how long, on average, they have been waiting for the resource to arrive. We find these very useful for
determining when the server has reached its capacity
discovering that the server has stopped responding to certain types of requests (typically for certain resources, such as those requiring a database query)
Another good sanity check is to run the tests for at least 24 hours. We do that because one app ran nicely for a few hours then degraded. Discovered some issues with scheduled tasks as well as db connection pooling.
There are a number of services online that can do this type of testing for you as well. Of course, one of the downsides to this approach is that its harder to correlate the data from the service (which is what can be observed externally) with your own internal data about disk I/O, DB ops, etc. If you end up going this route I would suggest finding a vendor that will give you programmatic access to the raw test result data.
