How to make Delphi's IDE scroll correctly? - delphi

Recently I made a fresh install of Windows 10 and Delphi 2007.
On Windows mouse settings, I configured the vertical mouse wheel to scroll 5 lines.
Everything is working fine EXCEPT for the fact that when I'm in IDE editor, the mouse scroll wheel will behave in a unexpected way. It works OK when I scroll up, but when I scroll down, it will scroll very fast to the end of the file.
It may look like a trivial problem, but actually it is very annoying, because I use the mouse scroll wheel a lot to navigate in the editor, especially down, to find parts of the code, and instead of scrolling 5 lines, it scrolls a lot more, maybe 50...
The problem happens ONLY on the Delphi's IDE. If I open a file in Notepad, for instance, the scrolling works fine in both directions.
Is there any known bug related to this issue? Any fixes?

Well, there is evidently an issue with the mouse wheel which manifests itself when running under Parallels - see here
talking to the very helpful Parallels support, the problem is with 'smooth scrolling' implemented. When this is turned off, the editor in Delphi works fine. This apparently does happen with some programs and seems to be a Delphi problem rather than Parallels.
Also, for adjusting scroll-wheel sensitivity generally in Win10 see
which says to go to Settings | Devices | Mouse & Touchpad and there are controls to set whether the mouse wheel scrolls a page at a time or multiple lines and another, a slider, to choose how many lines to scroll.

What works for me is adding a boot flag to the VM configuration -> Boot order -> Advanced settings -> Boot flags. Add this line to this box:
Works for me with Delphi 14.2 on Windows 10 in Parallels 16.5.0

For me this helped:
steps: System > Advanced System Settings > Advanced > Performance > Settings > UNCHECK smooth-scroll list boxes
In German: Deaktivieren: Systemeigenschaften: "Optimierten Bildlauf für Listenfelder verwenden"


10.4 IDE Cuts Off Component Toolbar

I downloaded latest Delphi IDE (10.4) and installed it. I turned off the embedded designer and set the layout to Classic Undocked.
Now the toolbar, in fact everything in the top form, is cut off. Can't see the save icons, run button or anything else. Also can't expand the form to make it taller.
If I change to startup layout it will let me expand the form, but I prefer Classic Undocked. Has anyone else had this yet and, more importantly, does anyone know a workaround?
I stumbled on a workaround for this problem. Here are the steps that makes the entire tool panel visible for me in Classic Undocked mode for Delphi 10.4 Sydney (on Win 7):
Grab the right edge of the top form (Classic Toolbar) and resize it slightly (make sure it is in Resizeable mode, not Full Screen). Zap! now everything works. Not only that, it appears to remember the "lesson" permanently once this has been done once - it is a complete and permanent fix.
This bug should be trivial for Embarcadero to fix.

Stack Windows Manager Program How-to's

I download the Stack Windows Manager from Microsoft store. Someone introduced it to me and said it is a great program.
Oddly, after installing it and setting it up, I cannot find out how to start using it? There is no instruction to show me how to at least organize my desktop into this "layout tool". Is there a video anywhere?
At the first launch on each screen it shows you a few layouts to select from.
After you made the selection, either use Win+Arrow keys to move windows around, or drag windows between areas with middle mouse button (usually it is also the scroll button).

Delphi IDE - MainForm shrinks when I click on any control

Delphi 2010, Windows 8.1 64 bit.
I am having an oddity occur. When I am in the IDE, I have my form displayed. Every time I click on a control in the form, the form's height and width shrinks. There is NOT empty space at the bottom of the form; controls (both visible and non-visible) are being hidden. It happens on multiple projects. Has anyone seen this before? This is a new install (about 2 weeks ago). The only non-standard functionality I have is that I have both GExperts 1.3.6 installed, as well as CnPack IDE Wizards
I do NOT get this behavior when running the application.
I have tried turning on 'Lock Controls' and this made no difference.

Delphi D2010 Component Palette icons all wrong

I have just built a new system. (Win 8.1, 64 bit, D2010). Install went fine... adding some various VCLs. For some reason, in the Delphi Component Palette, all component glyphs PAST the 'Gestures' palette are all defaulting to the 'generic' icon. The first 13 tabsheets use proper icons. The remaining 30 or so tabsheets use the generic 'Blue box, red triangle, gold circle' image.
Delphi compiles my apps fine. For some reason the GLYPHs are just messed up. I have exited Delphi, restarted, even rebooted the machine. It was initially working fine, but then it messed up. So what did I do? I installed a few components, which I have installed before... I added some help files to the Windows help system for one of the components. I added some directories to the Delphi Path, and added a new BPL file for some of the components, and I went into the Tool/Options/Component Tool Bar and moved one component from a page by itself to another page. This left an empty page/tabsheet, so I deleted it. Thinking this might be the problem, I went back in and clicked on 'Reset to Default'. It did reset the one component back to a page by itself. Restarted Delphi... same issue.
UPDATED INFO***: Some Embarcadero supplied pages show fine, others show 'Unknown/Default' Glyph. For example, the first 13 pages are good, then are 10 or so pages bad, then SAMPLES, INTERNET, and few others are good. Pages that are bad include INDY (the whole set) and IW (the whole set). All my TMS stuff is good (which I installed). Some of the JVCL pages are good, some are bad. Interestingly, one page, Jv Edits, is half bad, then the rest of the page is good.
I don't know why, but when I switched back and forth to different IDE Layouts (Default Layout, Classic Undocked, etc) a few times, the palette glyphs got reloaded, and now everything looks as it should.

Delphi TListBox contents overflow when selecting (Win7, 32bit, themed)

I've a TListBox on a Windows form with 966 elements in it. When I click a button on my form, a subset of these strings are selected (roughly 200 of them).
If I now unfocus my application by clicking somewhere on the task bar, the entries from my TListBox bleed upward, so as they are visible above the boundaries of the TListBox. They are thankfully bleeding out behind the TGroupBox component which is directly above them - however this still looks extrememly unpolished.
I'm able to reproduce this only on one Win 7 x64 machine using the Aero theme (I've another Win 7 x64 laptop which doesn't exhibit the same problem with the same theme setting).
I've tried issuing a PostMessage( Self.Handle, WM_PAINT, 0, 0) directly after changing the select status, preceded by a ListBox.Refresh. This doesn't help.
Any help would be much appreciated. Please advise if you need more details.
Cheers, Duncan
Are you using the XPManifest unit, or have you enabled themes for your app? If so, try not using it to see what happens. It can be very bad if you dont have a good video card.
My 2 cents? Avoid using themes at all. It simple does not work very well.
