sizing the image in the collection view - ios

override func viewDidLoad() {
let space:CGFloat = 10.0
let dimensionwidth = (view.frame.size.width - (2 * space))
let dimensionheight = (view.frame.size.height - (2 * space))
flowLayout.minimumInteritemSpacing = space
flowLayout.minimumLineSpacing = space
flowLayout.itemSize = CGSize(width: dimensionwidth, height: dimensionheight)
override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "CellMemeCollection", for: indexPath) as! CellMemeCollection
let Meme = self.memes[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row]
// Set the name and image
cell.MemeImage?.image = Meme.memeImage
return cell
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
// let height = view.frame.size.height
// let width = view.frame.size.width
return CGSize(width: 200, height:400)
I tried every thing that would make the photo looks bigger but nothing changing .. I played with the items size and I tried to call the function collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize but nothing is working , help please !


expanding UICollectionViewCell on tap

I have UICollectionView that scrolls up vertically, and i want to change item height in tap. In default state, cell have a height of 2/3 screen height. I tried following:
override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let cell = collectionView.cellForItem(at: indexPath)
if let cell = cell as? TutorialCell {
let attribute = layout.layoutAttributesForItem(at: indexPath)
attribute?.frame = CGRect.init(x: 0, y: 0, width: UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width,
height: UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height)
collectionView.reloadItems(at: [indexPath])
But it's not working.
You can Achieve this by UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout method sizeForItemAt
Declare a variable
var selectIndex: Int = -1
In your didSelectItemAt add this
override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
self.selectIndex = indexPath.row
Add an extension for UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout
extension YourViewController: UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout {
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
let height = (self.selectIndex == indexPath.row ) ?
UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height :
(UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height * 2) / 3
return CGSize(width:UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width, height:height)

UICollectionView showing 2 items instead of 3

I have implemented my UICollectionView like this
extension MyViewController: UICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionViewDataSource {
func numberOfSections(in collectionView: UICollectionView) -> Int {
return 1
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return photos.count
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "PhotoCell", for: indexPath)
cell.backgroundColor = .black
return cell
extension MyViewController: UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout {
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView,
layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout,
sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
let widthPerItem = view.frame.width / 3
return CGSize(width: widthPerItem, height: widthPerItem)
but instead of 3 items in a row I'm getting 2 items
how can i fix it? i didn't set any UIEdgeInset for my items and sections
Try this:
extension MyViewController: UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout {
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView,
layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout,
sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
let numRowItems:CGFloat = 3
let padding:CGFloat = 2
let width = (collectionView.bounds.width / numRowItems) - padding
let height = collectionView.bounds.height - (2 * padding)
return CGSize(width: width, height: height)
You forgot to account for minimumInteritemSpacing and minimumLineSpacing properties of UICollectionViewFlowLayout - they both default to 10.0 if you didn't set them.
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
let spacing : CGFloat = (collectionViewLayout as? UICollectionViewFlowLayout)?.minimumInteritemSpacing ?? 0.0
let widthPerItem = (view.frame.width - spacing * 2)/ 3
return CGSize(width: widthPerItem, height: widthPerItem)
This is because your screan width can not fit 3 cells. This is because collection view has cell min line spacing property in your storyboard if you try with small width in sizeForItemAt they will fit.
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView,
layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout,
sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
let widthPerItem = view.frame.width / 3 - ((collectionViewLayout as? UICollectionViewFlowLayout)?.minimumInterItemSpacing ?? 0.0)
return CGSize(width: widthPerItem, height: widthPerItem)
in obj c
- (CGSize)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(UICollectionViewLayout*)collectionViewLayout sizeForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
//If you want your cell should be square in size the return the equal height and width, and make sure you deduct the Section Inset from it.
return CGSizeMake((self.view.frame.size.width/2) - 16, (self.view.frame.size.width/2) - 16);
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
// Compute the dimension of a cell for an NxN layout with space S between
// cells. Take the collection view's width, subtract (N-1)*S points for
// the spaces between the cells, and then divide by N to find the final
// dimension for the cell's width and height.
let cellsAcross: CGFloat = 3
let spaceBetweenCells: CGFloat = 1
let dim = (collectionView.bounds.width - (cellsAcross - 1) * spaceBetweenCells) / cellsAcross
return CGSize(width: dim, height: dim)

Editing the width of a CollectionViewCell

I am trying to edit the width of the cell so that no matter what screen size, I will have score1.count cells in a row. The code I am using for my Collection View is the following:
func numberOfSections(in collectionView: UICollectionView) -> Int {
return 1
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return self.items.count
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath as IndexPath) as! MyCollectionViewCell
cell.myLabel.text = String(self.items[indexPath.item])
return cell
This is the function targeting the width of the cell.
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout,sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
let size = Int(self.view.frame.size.width)/(score1.count + 1)
return CGSize(width: CGFloat(size), height: 80)
I have spent many hours looking at different sources and trying different things, but the collection view never has the right number of cells. One idea is that it may be because I have the cell size set in auto layout but whenever I go to change it xcode crashes. Any ideas on bypassing the auto layout? Or how to change the auto layout?
try this
extension YourViewController : UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout{
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
let rowItems:CGFloat = 4
let padding:CGFloat = 2
let width = (collectionView.bounds.width / rowItems) - padding //Change width as per your requirement
let height = collectionView.bounds.height - (2 * padding)//Change height as per your requirement
return CGSize(width: width, height: height)
You can change your sizeForItemAtIndexPath as. You can assign size of cell after substracting margin and diving by number of cell.
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout,sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
let size = (Int(collectionView.bounds.width) - (score1.count+1)*5) /(score1.count) // 5 is the margin you want to keep in between 2 cells
return CGSize(width: CGFloat(size), height: 80)
Do let me know if you have any queries. I would try and clarify.

UICollectionView with multiple rows

I use UICollectionView (views with UIButtons) to book the time:
override func viewDidLoad() {
collectionViewTime.register(UINib(nibName: "TimeCollectionViewCell", bundle: nil), forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "timecell")
collectionViewTime.dataSource = self
collectionViewTime.delegate = self
if let layout = collectionViewTime.collectionViewLayout as? UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
layout.scrollDirection = .vertical
func numberOfSections(in collectionView: UICollectionView) -> Int {
return 1
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return Timeline.count
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, insetForSectionAt section: Int) -> UIEdgeInsets {
let flowLayout = collectionViewLayout as! UICollectionViewFlowLayout
let numberOfItems = CGFloat(collectionView.numberOfItems(inSection: 0))
let combinedItemWidth = (numberOfItems * flowLayout.itemSize.width) + ((numberOfItems - 1) * flowLayout.minimumInteritemSpacing)
let padding = (collectionView.frame.width - combinedItemWidth) / 2
return UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: padding, bottom: 0, right: padding)
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "timecell", for: indexPath) as! TimeCollectionViewCell
let time = Timeline[indexPath.row][0]
cell.btnTime.setTitle(DateManager.dateToTime(date: time.0), for: .normal)
return cell
And I got all views (UIButtons) in one line:
How can I set automatically moving UIViews in new rows?
So, in my case (iPad) one row will contain 7 UIViews, iPhone will contain 4-5 UIViews in one row.
For that you need to implement UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout method collectionView(_:layout:sizeForItemAt:) and change the collectionView's Scroll direction to Vertical
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
let minCellSpace: CGFloat = 10 //Set minimum cell space that you want
if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad {
//For iPad return 7 cell as you mention in question
return CGSize(width: (collectionView.frame.size.width / 7) - minCellSpace, height: yourCellHeight)
else {
//For iPhone return 4 cell, if you want to return 5 cell divide width to 5
return CGSize(width: (collectionView.frame.size.width / 4) - minCellSpace, height: yourCellHeight)
Please use one more flow delegate method as below
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize;
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
return CGSize(width:(button width), height:button hieght);

Dynamic height for UICollectionViewCell

I want dynamic cell Size as per text in TextView,
Here is my code
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int
return DataArray.count
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "cell", for: indexPath) as? CustomCollectionViewCell
let fixedWidth = cell?.TextView.frame.size.width
cell?.TextView.sizeThatFits(CGSize(width: fixedWidth!, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude))
let newSize = cell?.TextView.sizeThatFits(CGSize(width: fixedWidth!, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude))
var newFrame = cell?.TextView.frame
newFrame?.size = CGSize(width: max((newSize?.width)!, fixedWidth!), height: (newSize?.height)!)
cell?.TextView.frame = newFrame!
TextViewFrame = newFrame!
cell?.TextView.text = DataArray[indexPath.row] as? String
return cell!
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize
return CGSize(width: CV.frame.size.width, height: 200)
Here i have given 200 fixed size for cell. it gives me output as below
It gives me cell height 200 for small content as well as for large content .
But actually i want cell height as per content.
How can i achieve this?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance
You can find the height of the cell once you know the bounding rect for the text you want to display.
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGSize {
let text = "String that you want to show in the label inside the cell"
let boundingRect = NSString(string: text).boundingRectWithSize(CGSizeMake(collectionView.bounds.width, 1000),
options: .UsesLineFragmentOrigin,
attributes: [NSFontAttributeName: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(11.0)],
context: nil)
let size = CGSizeMake(collectionView.bounds.width, ceil(boundingRect.height))
return size
Just be sure to make up for the top/bottom/left/right margins of your label to the cell.
