How best to Convert Nancy.HttpStatusCode to System.Net.Http.HeepStatusCode? - dotnet-httpclient

In our app we use Nancy, but also use HttpClient to do some work. So we need to sometimes convert between the two types of status code.
Here is our solution:
var code = ((int)response.StatusCode).ToString();
var nancy_code = (Nancy.HttpStatusCode) Enum.Parse(typeof(Nancy.HttpStatusCode), code);
It seems really odd that there is not a simpler conversion. Does anyone know what I may be missing here?


lua sub string replace 2 pattern

due to using nginx lua (kong gateway)
would like to replace
{"body":"\r\n \"username\": \"sampleUser\",\r\n \"password\": \"samplePassword\",\r\n"}
{"body":"\r\n \"username\": \"sampleUser\",\r\n \"password\": \"***REDACTED***\",\r\n"}
"password" : "krghfkghkfghf"
"password" : "***REDACTED***"
i did try on sample
local function replacePass(configstr, newpass)
return configstr:gsub("(%[\"password\"%]%s*=%s*)%b\"\"", "%1\"" .. newpass .. "\"")
it does not work, any recommended reference ?
maybe something like this:
local t = {
[[{"body":"\r\n \"username\": \"sampleUser\",\r\n \"password\": \"samplePassword\",\r\n"} ]],
[["password" : "krghfkghkfghf"]]
local newpass ="***REDACTED***"
for k,example in pairs(t) do
res = example:gsub('(password[\\" :]+)(.-)([\\"]+)',"%1"..newpass.."%3")
res = res:gsub("(password=).+","%1"..newpass)
{"body":"\r\n \"username\": \"sampleUser\",\r\n \"password\": \"***REDACTED***\",\r\n"}
"password" : "***REDACTED***"
There's several things wrong with that at first sight.
1. You only check for =
In your test data you seem to have cases with key = value as well as key : value but your pattern only checks for =; replace that with [=:] for a simple fix.
2. You can't balance quotation marks
I don't know how you expect this to work, but [[%b""]] just finds the shortest possible string between two " characters, just as [[".-"]] would. If that's your intention, then there's nothing wrong with writing it using %b though.
3. Just don't
As I don't know the context, I can't say if this really is a bad idea or not, but it does seem like a very brittle solution. If this is an option, I would recommend considering the alternative and going with something more robust.
As for what a better alternative could look like, I can't say without knowledge of your requirements. Maybe normalizing the data into a Lua table and replacing the password key in a uniform way? This would make sure that the data is either sanitized, or errors during parsing.
Beyond that, it would help if you told us how it doesn't work. It's easy to miss bugs when reading someone elses code, but knowing how the code misbehaves can help a lot with actually spotting the problem.
4. You didn't even remove the brackets
You didn't even remove the [] from that other stack overflow answer. Obviously that doesn't work without any modifications.

Getting IMediaExtension to work with MediaComposition

I was attempting to use Windows Phone Media Extensions sample with MediaComposition:
I'm trying to run InvertTransform from the sample by adding it to MediaComposition on Windows Phone 8:
var composition = new MediaComposition();
var file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///videos/test.mp4"));
var clip = await MediaClip.CreateFromFileAsync(file);
clip.VideoEffectDefinitions.Add(new VideoEffectDefinition("InvertTransform.InvertEffect"));
This fails, probably because video subtype is MFVideoFormat_NV12 while effect is handling only MFVideoFormat_ARGB32.
How can invert transform be used in this scenario? Does it have to be changed to support MFVideoFormat_NV12 and how best to accomplish this?
Thank you
After doing lot of tests, only way to do this is to handle NV12 format, and convert to and back from RGB, if needed.

HttpResponse truncating output

FileHelperEngine engine = new FileHelperEngine(typeof(OrderCsvRow));
var writer = new StreamWriter(Response.OutputStream);
engine.WriteStream(writer, someOrders);
When I output the orders as a string it comes out fine. when I use Response.OutputSteam as in the code snipped the response it truncated towards the end - always at the same place.
How do I fix this?
engine.WriteStream(Response.Output, someOrders);
Had a similar issue here, so I'll put down the solution I found for anyone else who comes by and needs it.
After doing your write, make sure you also flush your stream writer before completing the request. Otherwise the missing data might end up being left behind and not actually appended to the OutputStream. :)

Why Won't this Clipboard Code Pass Mozilla Validation?

Salve! When I try Mozilla's Validator on my addon, it get the following error related to my treatment of clipboard usage:
nsITransferable has been changed in Gecko 16.
Warning: The nsITransferable interface has changed to better support
Private Browsing Mode. After instantiating the object, you should call
the init function on it before any other functions are called.
See for more
var trans = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITransferable);
if ('init' in trans){ trans.init(null);};
I can't understand this.
Here is my code - I am clearly calling trans.init:
var clip = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard);
if (!clip) return "";
var trans = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITransferable);
if ('init' in trans){ trans.init(null);}; //<--IT DOESN'T LIKE THIS
if (!trans) return false;
I've also tried the Transferable function from Mozilla's example here, but get the same non-validation report.
One of the Mozilla AMO editors told me to write exactly this, and it still doesn't validate.
I've also tried, simply:
var trans = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITransferable);
trans.init(null); //<---LOOK HERE
if (!trans) return false;
The Validator does not report any errors - just this warning. Everything works properly. Mozilla updated their Gecko engine, and they want devlopers to match up to the new standard.
In my usage, we want to be able to use the contents of the clipboard that was probably gotten from outside the application, too, so we do want to call the init function with null instead of window.
Any advice would be wonderful!
trans.init(null) is valid in some circumstances, such as yours. It can also cause privacy leaks if used in the wrong circumstances, so the validator flags all uses of it as potentially requiring changing. Therefore, it is a warning that you can ignore in this case.

Difference between Msxml2.DOMDocument and Msxml2.XMLHTTP

What is the difference between:
? And of course, the other question is which one will work best for my purpose as described below?
The context is this - I have code that makes many calls to retrieve web pages. I am looking for the most efficient object for this task. For example, something like this:
Dim oXmlHttp : Set oXmlHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
oXmlHttp.Open "GET", sUri, False
If Err Then
getWebPage = "ERROR - could not get the source text of the webpage."
Exit Function
End If
sResponse = oXmlHttp.responseBody
This seems to work the same way if I create an object using:
Dim oXmlHttp : Set oXmlHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
Can anyone explain or point me to a reference that clearly outlines the differences (and intended usages) for each of those?
If you want to learn more about MSXML, these links may help:
In short, XMLHTTP is used to retrieve information, while DOMDocument is used to structure and parse it.
This page explains it better:
DOMDocument "Represents the top node of the XML DOM tree." while XMLHTTP "Provides client-side protocol support for communication with HTTP servers."
