Can anyone tell me if this is possible? When trying to use
Unwind apoc.coll.pairsMin(nodes(p)) as pair
It throws
Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError: Unknown function 'apoc.coll.pairsMin' (line 3, column 8 (offset: 99))
"Unwind apoc.coll.pairsMin(nodes(p)) as pair"
If possible I would prefer to find a solution using out of the box software
This snippet should work:
UNWIND [i IN RANGE(0,SIZE(ns)-2) | ns[i..i+2]] AS pair
Something like this work for you?
// find the path you are interested in
MATCH p=(:Node {name: 'start'})-[*]->(:Node {name: 'end'})
// use reduce to iterate over the relationships
// accumulate the collections of the start and endNode for each relation
RETURN REDUCE (pairs = [], rel in relationships(p) | pairs + [[startNode(rel), endNode(rel)]] ) AS pairs
The equivalent APOC call would look like this
MATCH p=(:Node {name: 'start'})-[*]->(:Node {name: 'end'})
RETURN apoc.coll.pairsMin(nodes(p)) as pairs
I try:
match (a1 {name: "a1"}) match (a2 {name: "a2" })
with [a1,a2] as A
match (b1 {name: "b1" }) match (b2 {name: "b2"})
with A,[b1,b2] as B
match p=A--B
return p
But it doesn't work.
How should I tell it to find any path between the two groups? Yes I can try individual pair of nodes, but the number of combinations I need to try is huge. The Neo4j Cypher Manual of Cypher path matching and Lists don't help me on this.
What about changing the last part of your query to
match p=(A)—(n)
Where n IN B
return p
I'm just starting studying Cypher here..
How would would I specify a Cypher query to return the node connected, from 1 to 3 hops away of the initial node, which has the highest average of weights in the path?
Graph is:
(I know I'm not using the Cypher's notation here..)
It would return D, because 3.5 > (2+4)/2
And with Graph:
It would return E, because (2+4+20)/3 > 3.5
and F is more than 3 hops away
One way to write the query, which has the benefit of being easy to read, is
MATCH p=(A {name: 'A'})-[*1..3]-(x)
UNWIND [r IN relationships(p) | r.weight] AS weight
RETURN, avg(weight) AS avgWeight
Here we extract the weights in the path into a list, and unwind that list. Try inserting a RETURN there to see what the results look like at that point. Because we unwind we can use the avg() aggregation function. By returning not only the avg(weight), but also the name of the last path node, the aggregation will be grouped by that node name. If you don't want to return the weight, only the node name, then change RETURN to WITH in the query, and add another return clause which only returns the node name.
You can also add something like [n IN nodes(p) |] AS nodesInPath to the return statement to see what the path looks like. I created an example graph based on your question with below query with nodes named A, B, C etc.
CREATE (A {name: 'A'}),
(B {name: 'B'}),
(C {name: 'C'}),
(D {name: 'D'}),
(E {name: 'E'}),
(F {name: 'F'}),
(A)-[:R {weight: 2}]->(B),
(B)-[:R {weight: 4}]->(C),
(A)-[:R {weight: 3.5}]->(D),
(C)-[:R {weight: 20}]->(E),
(E)-[:R {weight: 80}]->(F)
1) To select the possible paths with length from one to three - use match with variable length relationships:
MATCH p = (A)-[*1..3]->(T)
2) And then use the reduce function to calculate the average weight. And then sorting and limits to get one value:
MATCH p = (A)-[*1..3]->(T)
WITH p, T,
reduce(s=0, r in rels(p) | s + r.weight)/length(p) AS weight
I have a large graph where some of the relationships have properties that I want to use to effectively prune the graph as I create a subgraph. For example, if I have a property called 'relevance score' and I want to start at one node and sprawl out, collecting all nodes and relationships but pruning wherever a relationship has the above property.
My attempt to do so netted this query:
start n=node(15) match (n)-[r*]->(x) WHERE NOT HAS(r.relevance_score) return x, r
My attempt has two issues I cannot resolve:
1) Reflecting I believe this will not result in a pruned graph but rather a collection of disjoint graphs. Additionally:
2) I am getting the following error from what looks to be a correctly formed cypher query:
Type mismatch: expected Any, Map, Node or Relationship but was Collection<Relationship> (line 1, column 52 (offset: 51))
"start n=node(15) match (n)-[r*]->(x) WHERE NOT HAS(r.relevance_score) return x, r"
You should be able to use the ALL() function on the collection of relationships to enforce that for all relationships in the path, the property in question is null.
Using Gabor's sample graph, this query should work.
MATCH p = (n {name: 'n1'})-[rs1*]->()
WHERE ALL(rel in rs1 WHERE rel.relevance_score is null)
One solution that I can think of is to go through all relationships (with rs*), filter the the ones without the relevance_score property and see if the rs "path" is still the same. (I quoted "path" as technically it is not a Neo4j path).
I created a small example graph:
(n1:Node {name: 'n1'}),
(n2:Node {name: 'n2'}),
(n3:Node {name: 'n3'}),
(n4:Node {name: 'n4'}),
(n5:Node {name: 'n5'}),
(n1)-[:REL {relevance_score: 0.5}]->(n2)-[:REL]->(n3),
The graph contains a single relevant edge, between nodes n1 and n2.
The query (note that I used {name: 'n1'} to get the start node, you might use START node=...):
MATCH (n {name: 'n1'})-[rs1*]->(x)
WITH n, rs1, x, r
WHERE NOT exists(r.relevance_score)
WITH n, rs1, x, collect(r) AS rs2
WHERE rs1 = rs2
The results:
│n │x │
│{name: n1}│{name: n4}│
│{name: n1}│{name: n5}│
Update: see InverseFalcon's answer for a simpler solution.
In Cypher I have the following query:
MATCH p=(n1 {name: "Node1"})-[r*..6]-(n2 {name: "Node2"})
RETURN p, reduce(cost = 0, x in r | cost + x.cost) AS cost
It is working as expected. However, it prints the full n1 node, then the full r relationship (with all its attributes), and then full n2.
What I want instead is to just show the value of the name attribute of n1, the type attribute of r and again the name attribute of n2.
How could this be possible?
Thank you.
The tricky part of your request is the type attribute of r, as r is a collection of relationships of the path, not a single relationship. We can use EXTRACT to produce a list of relationship types for all relationships in your path. See if this will work for you:
MATCH (n1 {name: "Node1"})-[r*..6]-(n2 {name: "Node2"})
RETURN, EXTRACT(rel in r | TYPE(rel)) as types,, reduce(cost = 0, x in r | cost + x.cost) AS cost
You also seem to be calculating a cost for the path. Have you looked at the shortestPath() function?
UPDATE: I've changed the graphic and example queries to make the request more clear. The basic idea is the same, but now I'm showing that there really are more than just two relationships. The idea is I want TWO of them to match, not necessarily ALL of them.
Given the following Neo4j graph:
Is it possible to specify a relationship in a query that requires that TWO specific relationships be there for a match, but not necessarily all, without simply stating each full matching path separately? I want a logical AND on the relationship types, just like we have a logical OR using the | character.
This is how you would use a logical OR with the | character:
MATCH (p:Person {name:'John'})-[r:MEMBER_OF|GRANT_GROUP_COMP]->(t:Team {name:'Team 1'})
RETURN p,r,t
What I'm looking for is something like this, an AND with a & or simlar that REQUIRES that both relationships be present:
// AND type functionality in the relationship I'd like
MATCH (p:Person {name:'John'})-[r:MEMBER_OF&GRANT_GROUP_COMP]->(t:Team {name:'Team 1'})
RETURN p,r,t
Without having to resort to this - which works for me just fine:
// I'd like to avoid this
MATCH (p:Person {name:'John'})-[r:MEMBER_OF]->(t:Team {name:'Team 1'}),
RETURN p,r,r2,t
Any insight would be appreciated, but based on responses so far, it simply doesn't exist.
What about this?
MATCH (D:Person {name:'Donald'})-[r1:WORKS_AT]->
(o:Office {code:'279'})<-[r2:SUPPORTS]-(D)
Inspired version of Dave
MATCH (D:Person {name:'Donald'})-[r:WORKS_AT|SUPPORTS]->(o:Office {code:'279'})
WITH D, o, collect(r) as rels,
collect(distinct type(r)) as tmp WHERE size(tmp) >= 2
return D, o, rels
MATCH (D:Person {name:'Donald'})
] ->
(o:Office {code:'279'})
WITH D, o, collect(r) as rels,
collect(distinct type(r)) as tmp WHERE size(tmp) >= 2 AND size(tmp) <= 5
return D, o, rels
This query will return a result if John and Team 1 have MEMBER_OF AND GRANT_GROUP_COMP relationships between them.
(This is very similar to the second answer of #stdob--, but requires the size of types to be exactly 2.)
MATCH (p:Person {name: 'John'})-[r:MEMBER_OF|GRANT_GROUP_COMP]->(t:Team {name: 'Team 1'})
WITH p, t, COLLECT(r) AS rels, COLLECT(DISTINCT type(r)) AS types
WHERE SIZE(types) = 2
RETURN p, t, rels;
You could add the second relationship type in a WHERE clause. Something like this...
MATCH (p:Person {name:'John'})-[r:GRANT_GROUP_COMP]->(t:Team {name:'Team 1'})
WHERE (p)-[:MEMBER_OF]->(t)
Or you could make sure that the complete set is in the collection of relationship types. Something like this...
MATCH (p:Person {name:'John'})-[r]->(t:Team {name:'Team 1'})
with p,t,collect(type(r)) as r_types
where all(r in ['MEMBER_OF','GRANT_GROUP_COMP'] where r in r_types)
RETURN p, t, r_types