Audit an entire website with Lighthouse automatically following links - lighthouse

Is there a way to make Google Lighthouse to audit an entire website, automatically and recursivelly following the links?
I have searched for a way to do this for some time with no luck. I am even tempted to make such a tool, that wouldn't be so hard. But someone should have figured out the easiest way to accomplish this.
I know I can make a list of urls and run a batch, as seen in this answer. But It's not practical for big and/or frequently changing websites.


Missing ID for GTM with RapidWeaver Stacks website

I'm a total novice when it comes to coding, so I've build my website in RapidWeaver and I'm happy with the result. But when I try to track clicks on my website I run into a problem with a missing ID. Is there any way that I will still be able to track clicks on my website?
I've tried to look at other answers to this, but it all involves a lot of code and I'm so very bad at that.

Is there a programmatic way to gather JIRA search term data for analysis?

I would like to analyze the search terms submitted by our JIRA users so we can formalize best practices for creating subjects and descriptions.
I'd like to avoid having to pull the search terms out of log files, where I believe they live if the right log levels are set.
I am familiar with jira-python and server-side JIRA customization, but this one's stumping me.
Is there a programmatic way to generate a list of the search terms submitted to JIRA? (Client-side/API is ideal, but server-side is okay too.)
Appreciate any advice folks can share, pointers to references, and so forth!
There is no API for this, but you can get this information from the webserver logs or by looking at saved_searches directly in the database. Clearly these would be only the saved filters, not all queries performed.
What about catching everything that is submitted to search field (client-side) and log it on server side (POST to servlet).

Making a firefox/chrome extension from 0

i have a website, its to exchange links, files... to say it quickly it's my 'version' of twitter+megaupload,
Well, users add links all the time and so on, but i would like user be able to syinch his bookmarks from the browser to the ones he has at his profile of mywebsite,
Where should i look into?
Basically i need to be able to:
- Acces bookmarks file (1)
- being able to send the urls to my service ( 2 )
- maybe adding the login feature (in the future)
I was google'ing about this for ages few weeks a go and i kind of give up, because i'm ok with PHP and JS, but with this plugin languages i'm very lost. So i decided posting here, wich always brings positive answers
(1) - > I don't even know where to start
(2) -> i was thinking to have a[URL] and put it in a for each.
how many different languages and extension files do i have to work with? I really need any kind of tip with point (1)
feel like?
Just found This ->
wich really looks like i need, but where do i place this code?
Might not be a bad question, but there are too many subtopics raised to answer that. (And there is too much tagspam as well. Break up your question into PHP- and Javascript-specific tasks, when you have devised the general application scheme.)
But to get started, download similar Firefox extensions (.xpi) and unzip them to inspect the general structure. You'll find examplary code for bookmark handling and invoking remote APIs pretty quickly. And basically you only need Javascript for the extension itself. (It sounds like your extension does not need much UI.)
And there are many tutorials on designing Firefox addons: or
The good news first, you won't need much more than javascript if you just want to access bookmarks and send them to a server, neither on firefox nor on chrome.
But still you'll have to make yourself familiar with the apis of the browsers and learn how to develop extensions.
However, both Mozilla and Google provide all necessary information on their developer sites.
For Chrome, this is a good place to start, you'll find the api for bookmark access here.
The Corresponding site for Firefox can be found here, with information on bookmark access here.

Has anyone got any experience using Pfeed? I have several issues to build up a 'recent activity' log

I have started trying to use Pfeed plugin for my Rails app. Apart from four support pages of wiki on the Github, I only found this blog post helpful for me to start using.
I have managed to get the simple feeds working like "User bought 12 items about 1 minute ago" etc. But when it comes to customize the feed items, that's where I have having issues to proceed. Pfeed uses Model&View items for each feed configuration and I found out that models are working as it should be. Very frustrating.
Has anyone used this Plugin before? If so, please do let me know how it goes. Also if you have ever used any other good plugins for this sort of Recent Activity feature, please show me the way.
Many thanks.
Not sure if it's the answer you're looking for, but I looked through a bunch of timeline generators and settled for timeline_fu
It's quite easy to use (I ended up forking it and making some edits so save some extra variables etc. but it was really easy to do).

Resume parser in Ruby/(Rails Plugin/Gem)

Is there any ruby gem/ rails plugin available for parsing the resume and importing that information into an object/form ?
I may be wrong, but I don't think you'll find anything completely automated to do this, because a résumé (or CV) can be structured in so many different ways and can contain very different types of data. Any completely automated solution is likely to have accuracy problems, since it is technically a difficult problem to solve.
You may find this answer useful.
Here are some other suggestions that might help :-
Require a user to enter their details into a form on your website instead of uploading a Word document. You'll then be able to explicitly ask for the data you want and you'll be able to store the data in a structure that suits you. However, this may be too much of a barrier to entry for your users.
Allow a user to submit the URL of their résumé published using the hResume microformat. Sites like LinkedIn already publish résumés in this format. There is a Ruby gem mofo which can parse microformats including hResumes. However, not all users will have an on-line résumé like this.
