Everytime I build the container I have to wait for apk add docker to finish which takes a long time.
Since everytime it downloads the same thing, can I somehow force Docker to cache apk's downloads for development purposes?
Here's my Dockerfile:
FROM golang:1.13.5-alpine
WORKDIR /go/src/app
COPY src .
RUN go get -d -v ./...
RUN go install -v ./...
RUN apk add --update docker
CMD ["app"]
BTW, I am using this part volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock in my docker-compose.yml to use sibling containers, if that matters.
EDIT: I've found google to copy docker.tgz in Chromium:
# add docker client -- do not install docker via apk -- it will try to install
# docker engine which takes a lot of space as well (we don't need it, we need
# only the small client to communicate with the host's docker server)
ADD build/docker/docker.tgz /
What is that docker.tgz? How can I get it?
Reorder your Dockerfile and it should work.
FROM golang:1.13.5-alpine
RUN apk add --update docker
WORKDIR /go/src/app
COPY src .
RUN go get -d -v ./...
RUN go install -v ./...
CMD ["app"]
As you are copying before installation, so whenever you change something in src the cache will invalidate for docker installtion.
Whenever you have a COPY command, if any of the files involve change, it causes every command after that to get re-run. If you move your RUN apk add ... command to the start of the file before it COPYs anything, it will get cached across runs.
A fairly generic recipe for most Dockerfiles to accommodate this pattern looks like:
FROM some-base-image
# Install OS-level dependencies
RUN apk add or apt-get install ...
# Install language-level dependencies
COPY requirements.txt requirements.lock ./
RUN something install -r requirements.txt
# Install the rest of the application
COPY main.app ./
COPY src src/
# Set up standard run-time metadata
EXPOSE 12345
CMD ["/app/main.app"]
(Go and Java applications need the additional step of compiling the application, which often lends itself to a multi-stage build, but this same pattern can be repeated in both stages.)
You can download Docker x86_64 binaries for mac, linux, windows and unzip/untar and make it executable.
Whenever you are installing any packages in Docker container those should go at the beginning of Dockerfile, so it won’t ask you again to install same packages and COPY command part must be at the end of Dockerfile.
I have a terratest code to test some Kubernetes resources, terraform resources.
I want to run the terratest code inside a docker container against existing terraform resources. The statefile exists in remote s3 backend. Please advice how to run terratest from a container.
I tried below code to create the docker image. But from inside docker container, when I run
FROM golang:1.19
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install unzip
RUN wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/1.3.0/terraform_1.3.0_linux_amd64.zip
RUN unzip terraform_1.3.0_linux_amd64.zip
RUN rm terraform_1.3.0_linux_amd64.zip
RUN mv terraform /usr/local/go/bin/terraform
RUN apt-get install git bash openssl
COPY go.mod ./
COPY go.sum ./
RUN go mod download
COPY *.go ./ ##Copies my go terratest code inside container
RUN go build -o /app/complete-test-docker
CMD [ "/complete-test-docker" ]
I want to run the terratest commands from container,
go test -v -run TestTagging -timeout 30m
But I am not sure how to run them from container. I dont want to run terraform init, apply as I have my resources already built and I have statefile in remote s3 backend.
Any pointers on this to do it in right way?
I had a docker file that was working fine. However to remote debug it , I read that I needed to install dlv on it and then I need to run dlv and pass the parameter of the app I am trying to debug. So after installing dlv on it and attempting to run it. I get the error
exec /dlv: no such file or directory
This is the docker file
FROM golang:1.18-alpine AS builder
# Build Delve for debugging
RUN go install github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv#latest
# Create and change to the app directory.
# Retrieve application dependencies.
COPY go.* ./
RUN go mod download
# Copy local code to the container image.
COPY . ./
# Build the binary.
RUN go build -gcflags="all=-N -l" -o fooapp
# Use the official Debian slim image for a lean production container.
FROM debian:buster-slim
EXPOSE 8000 40000
RUN set -x && apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \
ca-certificates && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Copy the binary to the production image from the builder stage.
#COPY --from=builder /app/fooapp /app/fooapp #commented this out
COPY --from=builder /go/bin/dlv /dlv
# Run dlv as pass fooapp as parameter
CMD ["/dlv", "--listen=:40000", "--headless=true", "--api-version=2", "--accept-multiclient", "exec", "/app/fooapp"]
The above results in exec /dlv: no such file or directory
I am not sure why this is happening. Being new to docker , I have tried different ways to debug it. I tried using dive to check and see if the image has dlv on it in the path /dlv and it does. I have also attached an image of it
You built dlv in alpine-based distro. dlv executable is linked against libc.musl:
# ldd dlv
linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffcd251d000)
libc.musl-x86_64.so.1 => not found
But then you switched to glibc-based image debian:buster-slim. That image doesn't have the required libraries.
# find / -name libc.musl*
<nothing found>
That's why you can't execute dlv - the dynamic linker fails to find the proper lib.
You need to build in glibc-based docker. For example, replace the first line
FROM golang:bullseye AS builder
BTW. After you build you need to run the container in the priviledged mode
$ docker build . -t try-dlv
$ docker run --privileged --rm try-dlv
API server listening at: [::]:40000
2022-10-30T10:51:02Z warning layer=rpc Listening for remote connections (connections are not authenticated nor encrypted)
In non-priviledged container dlv is not allowed to spawn a child process.
$ docker run --rm try-dlv
API server listening at: [::]:40000
2022-10-30T10:55:46Z warning layer=rpc Listening for remote connections (connections are not authenticated nor encrypted)
could not launch process: fork/exec /app/fooapp: operation not permitted
Really Minimal Image
You use debian:buster-slim to minimize the image, it's size is 80 MB. But if you need a really small image, use busybox, it is only 4.86 MB overhead.
FROM golang:bullseye AS builder
# Build Delve for debugging
RUN go install github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv#latest
# Create and change to the app directory.
# Retrieve application dependencies.
COPY go.* ./
RUN go mod download
# Copy local code to the container image.
COPY . ./
# Build the binary.
RUN go build -o fooapp .
# Download certificates
RUN set -x && apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \
# Use the official Debian slim image for a lean production container.
FROM busybox:glibc
EXPOSE 8000 40000
# Copy the binary to the production image from the builder stage.
COPY --from=builder /app/fooapp /app/fooapp
# COPY --from=builder /app/ /app
COPY --from=builder /go/bin/dlv /dlv
COPY --from=builder /etc/ssl /etc/ssl
# Run dlv as pass fooapp as parameter
CMD ["/dlv", "--listen=:40000", "--headless=true", "--api-version=2", "--accept-multiclient", "exec", "/app/fooapp"]
# ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh"]
The image size is 25 MB, of which 18 MB are from dlv and 2 MB are from Hello World application.
While choosing the images care should be taken to have the same flavors of libc. golang:bullseye links against glibc. Hence, the minimal image must be glibc-based.
But if you want a bit more comfort, use alpine with gcompat package installed. It is a reasonably rich linux with lots of external packages for just extra 6 MB compared to busybox.
FROM golang:bullseye AS builder
# Build Delve for debugging
RUN go install github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv#latest
# Create and change to the app directory.
# Copy local code to the container image.
COPY . ./
# Retrieve application dependencies.
RUN go mod tidy
# Build the binary.
RUN go build -o fooapp .
# Use alpine lean production container.
# FROM busybox:glibc
FROM alpine:latest
# gcompat is the package to glibc-based apps
# ca-certificates contains trusted TLS CA certs
# bash is just for the comfort, I hate /bin/sh
RUN apk add gcompat ca-certificates bash
EXPOSE 8000 40000
# Copy the binary to the production image from the builder stage.
COPY --from=builder /app/fooapp /app/fooapp
# COPY --from=builder /app/ /app
COPY --from=builder /go/bin/dlv /dlv
# Run dlv as pass fooapp as parameter
CMD ["/dlv", "--listen=:40000", "--headless=true", "--api-version=2", "--accept-multiclient", "exec", "/app/fooapp"]
# ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]
Run apt-get install musl, then /dlv should work as expected.
Follow these steps:
docker run -it <image-name> sh
apt-get install file
file /dlv
Then you can see the following output:
/dlv: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-musl-x86_64.so.1, Go BuildID=xV8RHgfpp-zlDlpElKQb/DOLzpvO_A6CJb7sj1Nxf/aCHlNjW4ruS1RXQUbuCC/JgrF83mgm55ntjRnBpHH, not stripped
The confusing no such file or directory (see this question for related discussions) is caused by the missing /lib/ld-musl-x86_64.so.1.
As a result, the solution is to install the musl library by following its documentation.
My answer is inspired by this answer.
The no such file or directory error indicates either your binary file does not exist, or your binary is dynamically linked to a library that does not exist.
As said in this answer, delve is linked against libc.musl. So for your delve build, you can disable CGO since that can result in dynamic links to libc/libmusl:
# Build Delve for debugging
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 go install github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv#latest
This even allows you later to use a scratch build for your final target image and does not require you to install any additional packages like musl or use any glibc based image and require you to run in privileged mode.
I did a basic search in the community and could not find a suitable answer, so I am asking here. Sorry if it was asked earlier.
Basically , I am working on a certain project and we keep changing code at a regular interval . So ,we need to build docker image everytime due to that we need to install dependencies from requirement.txt from scratch which took around 10 min everytime.
How can I perform direct change to docker image and also how to configure entrypoint(in Docker File) which reflect changes in Pre-Build docker image
You don't edit an image once it's been built. You always run docker build from the start; it always runs in a clean environment.
The flip side of this is that Docker caches built images. If you had image 01234567, ran RUN pip install -r requirements.txt, and got image 2468ace0 out, then the next time you run docker build it will see the same source image and the same command, and skip doing the work and jump directly to the output images. COPY or ADD files that change invalidates the cache for future steps.
So the standard pattern is
FROM node:10 # arbitrary choice of language
# Copy in _only_ the requirements and package lock files
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
# Install dependencies (once)
RUN yarn install
# Copy in the rest of the application and build it
COPY src/ src/
RUN yarn build
# Standard application metadata
CMD ["yarn", "start"]
If you only change something in your src tree, docker build will skip up to the COPY step, since the package.json and yarn.lock files haven't changed.
In my case, I was facing the same, after minor changes, i was building the image again and again.
My old DockerFile
FROM python:3.8.0
# Install system libraries
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y git && \
apt-get install -y gcc
# Install project dependencies
COPY ./requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt --use-deprecated=legacy-resolver
# Don't use terminal buffering, print all to stdout / err right away
COPY . .
so what I did, created a base image file first like this (Avoided the last line, did not copy my code)
FROM python:3.8.0
# Install system libraries
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y git && \
apt-get install -y gcc
# Install project dependencies
COPY ./requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt --use-deprecated=legacy-resolver
# Don't use terminal buffering, print all to stdout / err right away
and then build this image using
docker build -t my_base_img:latest -f base_dockerfile .
then the final Dockerfile
FROM my_base_img:latest
COPY . .
And as my from this image, I was not able to up the container, issues with my copied python code, so you can edit the image/container code, to fix the issues in the container, by this mean i avoided the task of building images again and again.
When my code got fixed, I copied the changes from container to my code base and then finally, I created the final image.
There are 4 Steps
Start the image you want to edit (e.g. docker run ...)
Modify the running image by shelling into it with docker exec -it <container-id> (you can get the container id with docker ps)
Make any modifications (install new things, make a directory or file)
In a new terminal tab/window run docker commit c7e6409a22bf my-new-image (substituting in the container id of the container you want to save)
An example
# Run an existing image
docker run -dt existing_image
# See that it's running
docker ps
# c7e6409a22bf existing-image "R" 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes
# Shell into it
docker exec -it c7e6409a22bf bash
# Make a new directory for demonstration purposes
# (note that this is inside the existing image)
# Open another terminal tab/window, and save the running container you modified
docker commit c7e6409a22bf my-new-image
# Inspect to ensure it saved correctly
docker image ls
# existing-image latest a7dde5d84fe5 7 minutes ago 888MB
# my-new-image latest d57fd15d5a95 2 minutes ago 888MB
I am trying to add Glide to my Golang project but I'm not getting my container working. I am currently using:
# create image from the official Go image
FROM golang:alpine
RUN apk add --update tzdata bash wget curl git;
# Create binary directory, install glide and fresh
RUN mkdir -p $$GOPATH/bin
RUN curl https://glide.sh/get | sh
RUN go get github.com/pilu/fresh
# define work directory
ADD . /go
WORKDIR /go/src
RUN glide update && fresh -c ../runner.conf main.go
as per #craigchilds94's post. When I run
docker build -t docker_test .
It all works. However, when I change the last line from RUN glide ... to CMD glide ... and then start the container with:
docker run -it --volume=$(PWD):/go docker_test
It gives me an error: /bin/sh: glide: not found. Ignoring the glide update and directly starting fresh results in the same: /bin/sh fresh: not found.
The end goal is to be able to mount a volume (for the live-reload) and be able to use it in docker-compose so I want to be able to build it, but I do not understand what is going wrong.
This should probably work for your purposes:
# create image from the official Go image
FROM golang:alpine
RUN apk add --update tzdata bash wget curl git;
# Create binary directory, install glide and fresh
RUN go get -u github.com/Masterminds/glide
RUN go get -u github.com/pilu/fresh
# define work directory
ADD . /go
WORKDIR /go/src
ENTRYPOINT $GOPATH/bin/fresh -c /go/src/runner.conf /go/src/main.go
As far as I know you don't need to run the glide update after you've just installed glide. You can check this Dockerfile I wrote that uses glide:
and here is the REAMDE: https://github.com/timogoosen/dockerfiles/blob/master/btcd/README.md
This article gives a good overview of the difference between: CMD, RUN and entrypoint: http://goinbigdata.com/docker-run-vs-cmd-vs-entrypoint/
To quote from the article:
"RUN executes command(s) in a new layer and creates a new image. E.g., it is often used for installing software packages."
In my opinion installing packages and libraries can happen with RUN.
For starting your binary or commands I would suggest use ENTRYPOINT see:"ENTRYPOINT configures a container that will run as an executable." you could use CMD too for running:
$GOPATH/bin/fresh -c /go/src/runner.conf /go/src/main.go
something like this might work, I didn't test this part:
CMD ["$GOPATH/bin/fresh", "-c", "/go/src/runner.conf /go/src/main.go"]
I have my Dockerfile in the root of directory with src/myapp folder, myapp contains myapp.go with main package.
Dockerfile looks like following:
FROM golang:1.9.2
ADD . /
RUN go build myapp;
ENTRYPOINT ["/go/bin/myapp"]
I get following error:
can't load package: package myapp: cannot find package "myapp" in any of:
/usr/local/go/src/myapp (from $GOROOT)
/go/src/myapp (from $GOPATH)
What am I doing wrong? Can I log ls command after docker has done ADD?
You are copying all the files to Image root directory, Didn't installed any dependencies, Trying to Build it and then run the binary from /go/bin/app. The binary doesn't exists in that directory and it's generating errors.
I would recommend using a Dockerfile like this,
FROM golang:1.9.2
ADD . /go/src/myapp
WORKDIR /go/src/myapp
RUN go get myapp
RUN go install
ENTRYPOINT ["/go/bin/myapp"]
This'll do the following.
Copy project files to /go/src/myapp.
Set Working directory to /go/src/myapp.
Install dependencies, I used go get but replace it with which ever dependency management tool you are using.
Install/build the binary.
Set entry point.
You can run ls or any other command using docker exec.
docker exec <image name/hash> ls
You can also enter the shell in the generated image to understand it well using
docker run --rm -it <image hash/name> /bin/sh
After experiments I've come to this way of building Golang apps.
This way has several advantages:
dependencies are installed on build stage
if you need you may uncomment test options
build first fully-functional image about 800 MB
copies your program to an fresh empty image and produces very small image about 10 MB
# Two-stage build:
# first FROM prepares a binary file in full environment ~780MB
# second FROM takes only binary file ~10MB
FROM golang:1.9 AS builder
RUN go version
COPY . "/go/src/github.com/your-login/your-project"
WORKDIR "/go/src/github.com/your-login/your-project"
#RUN go get -v -t .
RUN set -x && \
#go get github.com/2tvenom/go-test-teamcity && \
go get github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep && \
dep ensure -v
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o /your-app
CMD ["/your-app"]
# second stage to obtain a very small image
FROM scratch
COPY --from=builder /your-app .
CMD ["/your-app"]
For go 1.11 , you can use go module, the following is example
FROM alpine AS base
RUN apk add --no-cache curl wget
FROM golang:1.11 AS go-builder
WORKDIR /go/app
COPY . /go/app
RUN GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o /go/app/main /go/app/cmd/myapp/main.go
FROM base
COPY --from=go-builder /go/app/main /main
CMD ["/main"]
The official docs suggests the following Dockerfile:
FROM golang:1.8
WORKDIR /go/src/app
COPY . .
RUN go get -d -v ./...
RUN go install -v ./...
CMD ["app"]
Please, visit https://hub.docker.com/_/golang for more info
myapp needs to be in /go/src/myapp as suggested, or in /usr/local/go/src/myapp. You can add it in ADD section.
If the objective is to create a container that simply runs your binary, I would take different approach.
First build the binary for linux:
GOOS=linux CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -installsuffix cgo
Then build a lightweight docker image from scratch:
FROM scratch
COPY myApp
CMD ["/myApp"]