The graph is supposed to represent a system similar to github, with commits (commit1, commit2, commit3 and commit4), documents (d1, d2) and changes on those documents (green nodes).
I am trying to use CYPHER to get all the documents values at a specific commit. In other words, I am trying to find the shortest path between the specific commit and each of the documents on my graph, but avoiding some paths.
Imagine if I am on commit4, d1 should be equal to foo2 and d2 should be equal to spain. This could be solved with the following CYPHER query:
MATCH (c:Commit {id: 'commit4'})-[:FOLLOWS|CHANGED*]->(:Value)<-[:EQUALS]-(d:Document), p = allShortestPaths((c)-[*]-(d))
This would give the following response:
Now, imagine that I want to be get the values on commit3. The request should not return any changes from the commit4. However, if I use the allShortestPaths function the way I do, it will go through commit4 since it is actually the shortest path to d1 and return the exact same response than if my starting node was commit4.
MATCH (c:Commit {id: 'commit3'})-[:FOLLOWS|CHANGED*]->(:Value)<-[:EQUALS]-(d:Document), p = allShortestPaths((c)-[*]-(d))
How could I avoid the allShortestPath function to go through a [:FOLLOWS]->(c) relationship and solve my problem?
From what you explained, I understand that you don't want to traverse the FOLLOWS edge in the opposite direction of the edge. To do so you can use cypher projection in algo.shortestPath:
MATCH (start:Commit {name:'commit4'})
MATCH (end:Document)
CALL, end, null,{
nodeQuery:'MATCH (n) RETURN id(n) AS id',
relationshipQuery:'MATCH (n)-[r:FOLLOWS|CHANGED]->(p) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(p) AS target UNION MATCH (n)-[r:EQUALS]-(p) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(p) AS target',
YIELD nodeId, cost
WITH end as document, algo.asNode(nodeId) AS value WHERE "Value" in labels(value)
return document, value
Replace "commit4" with any other commit name.
short version: I need to get a path that can contain different relationships in different directions. However, I have a constraint on my path where if it contains successive relationships of a particular type, then both relationship must be in the same direction.
long version:
I am using the query below to get a path between two nodes:
MATCH p=shortestPath((n:Class { code: '1' })-[r*]-(m:Class { code: '4'})) WHERE NONE(x IN NODES(p) WHERE 'Ontology' in labels(x)) return p
The query correctly returns me a shortest path between the two nodes. However I need to further constraint this query so that it returns only path where successive relationship of a particular type are in the same direction.
For example, suppose the relationship -a-> need to be in the same direction, it should not return (1)-a->(2)<-a-(3)-b->(4) but can return (1)-a->(6)-a->(3)-b->(7)<-c-(5)<-d-(6)-e->(4) or (3)-b->(7)<-c-(4) .
The above examples were just a simplification of my real data. In my real use case, I need to find a shortest path between a node with IRI and another node with IRI The query below is a specific query that encodes the path I need and it returns a path, that is the path exist. I need to make it more generic using shortestpath.
MATCH p=(n:Class {iri: ''})-->(a:Class)<--(b:ObjectProperty{iri:''})-->(c:Class{iri:''})<--(d:Class{iri:''})-->(e:Class{iri:''}) return p
Is this possible with cypher ?
This query should work if you want to capture paths that are consistent in either direction (but it has to invoke shortestPath() twice):
MATCH (n:Class {code: '1'}), (m:Class {iri: '4'})
OPTIONAL MATCH p1=shortestPath((n)-[*]->(m))
WHERE NONE(x IN NODES(p1) WHERE 'Ontology' in labels(x))
OPTIONAL MATCH p2=shortestPath((n)<-[*]-(m))
WHERE NONE(y IN NODES(p2) WHERE 'Ontology' in labels(y))
RETURN p1, p2
p1 and/or p2 will be null if there is no consistently rightward or leftward path, respectively.
However, if you know that you want a specific direction (say, rightward), then this should work:
MATCH p=shortestPath((:Class {code: '1'})-[*]->(:Class {iri: '4'}))
WHERE NONE(x IN NODES(p) WHERE 'Ontology' in labels(x))
How can I know how many nodes and edges are involved in a MATCH? Is there another way besides Explain / Profile Match?
If you mean how many nodes are matched in a path, such as a variable-length path, then you can assign a path variable for this:
MATCH p = (k:Person {name:'Keanu Reeves'})-[*..8]-(t:Person {name:'Tom Hanks'})
RETURN p, length(p) as pathLength, length(p) + 1 as numberOfNodesInPath
You can also use nodes(p) and relationships(p) to get the collection of nodes and relationships that make up the path, and you can use size() on those collections to get their size.
There exists the COUNT() function of Cypher that allows you to count the number of elements. As for example in this query:
This query will count all nodes in your database.
You can find more information in the cypher manual, under the aggregating functions. Check it out.
The following Cypher snippet should return the number of distinct nodes and relationships found by any given MATCH clause. Just replace <your code here> with your MATCH pattern.
MATCH <your code here>
UNWIND ns AS nodeList
UNWIND nodeList AS node
RETURN COUNT(DISTINCT node) AS nodeCount, relCount;
I have only just started with Neo4j so I suspect I am missing something very basic here. Given I have the following graph.
And starting on the highlighted node (ID 7937) I need to get all the connected nodes but nothing passed any of the "off" nodes.
Using this
match (n:TestNode)-[:LINK*]-(m)
where ID(n) = 7937
return *
Gives me everything of course which I would suspect due to no filter.
I need the end result to be:
This seems to give me the result I need. Is this the correct way or something better:
match p=n-[:LINK*..]-m
where ID(n) = 7937 and all(x in nodes(p) WHERE x.status = 'on')
return p;
Your query does not give you the results you said you wanted. That is, it does not include the nearest off nodes in the results.
Here is a query that does include the nearest off nodes. However, the results will contain partial paths as well as full paths; this is because your data has no consistent directionality to the LINK relationships, so it is hard to determine when we have reached the end of a path (it can probably be done, but it would make the query more complex).
MATCH p=n-[:LINK*..]-m
WHERE ID(n) = 7937
CASE (s[-1]).status
WHEN 'on' THEN s + x
END) AS res;
Here is a console that shows sample results.
I have modified the 'vanilla' initial query in this console, and added one relationship type 'LOCKED' between the 'Morpheus' and 'Cypher' nodes.
How can I modify the existing (first-run) query, which is a variable length path so that it no longer reaches the Agent Smith node due to the additional Locked relationship I've added?
First-run query:
MATCH (n:Crew)-[r:KNOWS|LOVES*2..4]->m
RETURN n AS Neo,r,m
I have tried this kind of thing:
MATCH p=(n:Crew)-[r:KNOWS|LOVES*2..4]->m
AND none(rel IN rels(p) WHERE EXISTS (StartNode(rel)-[:LOCKED]->EndNode(rel)))
RETURN n AS Neo,r,m
..but it doesn't recognize the pattern inside the none() function.
I'm using Community 2.2.1
Thanks for reading
I'm pretty sure you can't use a function in a MATCHy type clause like that (though it's clever). What about this?
MATCH path=(neo:Crew)-[r:KNOWS|LOVES|LOCKED*2..4]->m
AND NOT('LOCKED' IN rels(path))
RETURN neo,r,m
Oops, looks like Dave might have beat me to the punch. Here's the solution I came up with anyway ;)
MATCH p=(neo:Crew)-[r:KNOWS|LOVES*2..4]->m
WITH p, neo, m
UNWIND rels(p) AS rel
MATCH (a)-[rel]->(b)
OPTIONAL MATCH a-[locked_rel:LOCKED]->b
WITH neo, m, collect(locked_rel) AS locked_rels
WHERE none(locked_rel IN locked_rels WHERE ()-[locked_rel]->())
RETURN neo, m
Ok, this is a little convoluted but i think it works. The approach is to take all of the paths and find the last known good nodes (ones that have LOCKED relationships leaving them). Then use that node(s) as a new ending point(s) and return the paths.
match p=(n:Crew)-[r:KNOWS|LOVES|LOCKED*2..4]->m
with n, relationships(p) as rels
unwind rels as r
with n
, case
when type(r) = 'LOCKED' then startNode(r)
else null
end as last_good_node
with n
, (collect( distinct last_good_node)) as last_good_nodes
unwind last_good_nodes as g
match p=n-[r:KNOWS|LOVES*]->g
return p
I think this would be simpler if there was a locked: true property on the KNOWS and LOVES relationships.
I'm trying to model flights between airports on certain dates. So far my test graph looks like this:
Finding shortest path between for example LTN and WAW is trivial with:
MATCH (f:Airport {code: "LTN"}), (t:Airport {code: "WAW"}),
p = shortestPath((f)-[]-(t)) RETURN p
Which gives me:
But I have no idea how to get only paths with Flights that have relation FLIES_ON with given Date.
Link to Neo4j console
Here's what I would do with your given model. The other commenters' queries don't seem right, as they use ANY() instead of ALL(). You specifically said you only want paths where all Flight nodes on the path are attached to a given Date node with a :FLIES_ON relationship:
MATCH (LTN:Airport {code:"LTN"}),
(WAW:Airport {code:"WAW"}),
p =(LTN)-[:ROUTE*]-(WAW)
WHERE (x)<-[:FLIES_ON]-(:Date {date:"130114"}))
though this would not be my preferred structure for this kind of data; in answering your question i might go this way instead. get the paths, filter the path and get the first one ordered by length.
in the console tests is runs faster than the one suggested above as the query plan is simpler.
Anyhoo i hope this at least points you in a good direction :)
MATCH (f:Airport { cd: "ltn" }),(t:Airport { cd: "waw" }), p =((f)-[r*]-(t))
WHERE ANY (x IN relationships(p)
WHERE type(x)='FLIES_ON') AND ANY (x IN nodes(p)
ORDER BY length(p)
The problem is that using shortestPath or allShortestPaths will never include the Date nodes.
What you need to do is to filter the pattern with the date node (I don't know however how you store the date, so I'll take Ymd format:
MATCH (f:Airport {code: "LTN"}), (t:Airport {code: "WAW"})
MATCH p=(f)-[*]-(t)
WHERE ANY (r in rels(p) WHERE type(r) = 'FLIES_ON')
AND ANY (n in nodes(p) WHERE 'Date' IN labels(n) AND = 20150120)
ORDER BY length(p)
Another solution and less costly, is to include the date in your match and building yourself the path with it :
MATCH (n:Date {date:20150120})
MATCH (f:Airport {code:"LTN"}), (t:Airport {code:"WAW"})
MATCH p=(f)<-[*]-(n)-[*]->(t)
RETURN distinct(p)
ORDER BY length(p)