Spring OAuth2 Resource Server - user-name-attribute not reflected in SecurityContextHolder - spring-security

I have a claim named user_name within my JWT and also corresponding user-name-attribute set as user_name in spring security oauth2 client provider proper property:
I can also see this property is properly being read by ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository class (ClientRegistration.ProviderDetails.UserInfoEndpoint). But when I read SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName() on Resource Server I can see the value taken from (default) sub - IdTokenClaimNames.SUB claim.
Why is that? Do I still miss some additional configuration also on resource server side to have specified user-name-attribute taken and returned by SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName() on Resource Server? I understand that only Bearer token (and maybe some cookies) is being sent from client to resource server so maybe also some other filter is needed on Gateway/client side - just guessing?

The reason is that you are using a property prefixed with security.oauth2.client, which is intended for OAuth 2.0 Clients.
In Spring Security 5.2.x, there is no Spring Boot property to indicate a user name attribute to Resource Server, e.g. security.oauth2.resourceserver.xyz
You could publish your own Converter to the DSL, though:
JwtAuthenticationConverter converter = new JwtAuthenticationConverter();
.jwtAuthenticationConverter(jwt -> {
JwtAuthenticationToken authentication = converter.convert(jwt);
return new JwtAuthenticationToken(authentication.getToken(),
authentication.getAuthorities(), jwt.getClaim("claim"));


#WithMockKeycloakAuth get accesstoken as bearer String for mockMvc perform Header

I have one service and Keycloak 11 as Authentication server. Now I want to write tests. To mock the accesstoken, I use #WithMockKeycloakAuth. This works well and I get an unauthorized when I pass a bad role for example. Now I want to document it with spring rest docs the therefor I have to add the acesstoken as header field ( Bearer tokenAsBearerString ). Because of the annotation, the mocked token is added to the SecurityContext and I can extract it before doing the mvc.perform.
#WithMockKeycloakAuth(authorities = "ROLE_owner")
void createProduct_RealmRoleOwner_HttpStatusCreated() throws Exception {
SecurityContext context = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
KeycloakAuthenticationToken authentication =(KeycloakAuthenticationToken) context.getAuthentication();
AccessToken token = authentication.getAccount().getKeycloakSecurityContext().getToken();
The problem is that I need the accesstoken as Bearer string representation. I'm not yet very familiar with the jwt topic but I expected that if I use the mocked acces token and convert it to a jwt format / Base 64 encoded String the header should be correct.
In addition: I'm running a Keycloak container via docker in a seperate network so it is not reachable while I run my automated test. So mocking would be the only solution.
This question was also asked (and answered) here with a little more context.
The code snippet provided above doesn't show that test class is decorated with #AutoConfigureMockMvc(addFilters = false), reason why the security context is not attached to the MockMvc HTTP request (this is normally done by a spring-security filter).
The complete stack trace isn't provided neither, but it's very likely that the exception occurring when filters are enabled is due to JwtDecoder wiring from Keycloak boot lib. #MockBean JwtDecoder jwtDecoder; should be enough to fix it.
Finally, it is one of main features of the lib #WithMockKeycloakAuth is taken from to skip fetching, decoding and parsing an actual JWT from Keycloak instance. Trying to build an authorization header with valid JWT from mocked spring authentication is ...

How do I dynamically specify OAuth2 resource details in Spring Security?

I'm creating an application integrating with Shopify's API, which uses OAuth2 for authentication and authorization. Using the tutorial for Spring Security OAuth2, and the tutorial for Shopify, I've been able to get integration working with a single shop. The YAML configuration looks like this:
shop: myshop
scopes: read_customers,read_orders
clientId: myclientid
clientSecret: mysecret
tokenName: access_token
authenticationScheme: query
clientAuthenticationScheme: form
accessTokenUri: https://${shopify.shop}.myshopify.com/admin/oauth/access_token
userAuthorizationUri: https://${shopify.shop}.myshopify.com/admin/oauth/authorize?scope=${shopify.scopes}&grant_options[]=
pre-established-redirect-uri: https://myapp/login
registered-redirect-uri: https://myapp/login
use-current-uri: false
userInfoUri: https://${shopify.shop}.myshopify.com/admin/shop.json
However, this static configuration won't work for an app published in Shopify's App Store because the redirect, access token, user info, and user authorization URIs depend on the shop name. There are examples of using more than one provider, but they still have to be static.
To allow these URI's to be dynamic, I've come up with a few possible options:
Use a parameter in the /login path to identify the shop, then create a filter that adds the shop name to a ThreadLocal that runs before everything else, then dynamically create the AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails that is needed by the OAuth2 filter via a Spring proxied factory bean.
Use a sort of "metafilter" that dynamically recreates the OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter per request along with all of the resources that it needs.
Override OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter so that it can handle recreating the RestTemplate it needs to obtain the access token.
All of these options seem pretty difficult. What's a good way to handle dynamically-generated URI's for access tokens and user information in Spring Security OAuth2?
Also, since I'm new to OAuth2 in general, do I need to enable a Resource Server in my Spring configuration to protect my app with the access token?
a bit late but I did return a dynamic url for an oauth resource by overriding the getter for the Oauth2ProtectedResource
#Bean(name = "googleOauthResource")
public BaseOAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails getGoogleOauthResource() {
final AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails details = new AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails() {
public String getPreEstablishedRedirectUri() {
final RequestAttributes requestAttributes = RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes();
if (requestAttributes instanceof ServletRequestAttributes) {
final HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletRequestAttributes)requestAttributes).getRequest();
return request.getRequestURL() + "?" + request.getQueryString() + "&addStuff";
return super.getPreEstablishedRedirectUri();
details.setPreEstablishedRedirectUri("http://localhost:8080/xxx-api-web/v2/gmail"); //TODO
return details;
I'm having the same problem you are and I'm leaning toward your first theory of using ThreadLocal storage. Here is how I'll probably go about my solution:
Set values from ServletRequest in LocalThread storage by overriding methods in OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter:
Then translate the URI's within the OAuth2RestTemplate by overriding the followign methods:
I'll probably have to make my own #Bean for the RestTemplate that has an injected #Service that will lookup the dynamic Shopify domain.
I'll post my solution if it works.

How to obtain HttpServletRequest #Context in DropWizard Auth

I am using Basic Auth in Dropwizard 0.8
and I need to get access to the request context in my SimpleAuthenticator class, beyond the basic credentials.
Perhaps I need my own AuthFactory implementation to do this?
I want to implement basic access control for Basic Auth based on the resource path requested.
public Response getResponse(**#Context** SecurityContext context) {
SimplePrincipal principal = (SimplePrincipal)context.getUserPrincipal();
return Response.ok("{\"Hello\": \"" + principal.getUsername() + "\"}").build();
Using #Context suffice for the basic Authorization atleast for Dropwizard version 0.9.2
I haven't used 0.8, but in 0.9+, you can use #Auth and #PermitAll to control which resources have auth and which ones don't. Would that not satisfy your requirement? or you prefer a finer grained control?
Here's a changeset for auth in 0.9. You can refer to Dropwizard: BasicAuth for sample code.

ProviderNotFoundException: No AuthenticationProvider found for ExpiringUsernameAuthenticationToken

We have developed an application using Spring Security and Spring SAML that works in our development environment where we use SSOCircle as our IDP. When we move into our customer's environment using their IDP, we are able to authenticate and navigate through the application without a problem as long as we do not pause. If the user pauses on a page for more than minute before submitting it, the application will redirect to the original landing page and the submitted data is lost.
The logs show:
- Authentication exception occurred; redirecting to authentication entry point
org.springframework.security.authentication.ProviderNotFoundException: No AuthenticationProvider found for org.springframework.security.providers.ExpiringUsernameAuthenticationToken
Prior to this you the logs show at about every minute something similar to:
SecurityContextHolder not populated with anonymous token, as it already contained: 'org.springframework.security.providers.ExpiringUsernameAuthenticationToken#e6313ceb: Principal: REDACTED
We have been told by the customer that their IDP has a timeout of 60 seconds with a +-30sec skew time.
We asked them to temporarily adjust the IDP timeout to 30 minutes and our problem went away. When we go to production we must have the original setting of 60 seconds.
Our application is using the SAMLAuthenticationProvider:
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth)
throws Exception {
public SAMLAuthenticationProvider samlAuthenticationProvider() {
SAMLAuthenticationProvider samlAuthenticationProvider = new SAMLAuthenticationProvider();
return samlAuthenticationProvider;
How do we configure ExpiringUsernameAuthenticationToken to use this? And why does the original authentication work if it is not set?
And why is the application trying to re-authenticate when the IDP's session expires?
WebSSOProfileConsumerImpl and SingleLogoutProfileImpl both provide ways to set the responseSkew. Should this be set equal to, less than, or greater than the IDP's skew time?
Spring SAML by default observes the SessionNotOnOrAfter field provided by IDP in its SAML Response. This field tells that that once time hits the provided value user must be re-authenticated.
Spring SAML tries to re-authenticate user by sending the current Authentication object to AuthenticationManager, which tries to find an AuhenticationProvier which supports Authentiction object of such type (ExpiringUsernameAuthenticationToken in case of Spring SAML). In your case there is no such provider - that's why you see the ProviderNotFoundException exception. After this error Spring Security probably invokes the default EntryPoint, which redirects your user to the login page.
In order to ignore the SessionNotOnOrAfter value simply extend class SAMLAuthenticationProvider, override method getExpirationDate and make it return null. Then use your new class in the securityContext.xml.
But the correct solution is for your IDP to return SessionNotOnOrAfter value with a sensible session length - I wonder why they insist on using 60 seconds there.

RemoteTokenService for multiple client application

How can I use RemoteTokenService for more than one client application (with different client_id and secret )?
public ResourceServerTokenServices tokenService() {
RemoteTokenServices tokenServices = new RemoteTokenServices();
return tokenServices;
That's how we configure instance of RemoteTokenService. and inject it to the OAuth2AuthenticationManager for separate Resource server and auth server. Is it correct?
so when some other client has to access this resource how can I configure RemoteTokenService for both of this client.can you provide some light on this. and tell me if I am wrong on something.
The client id in the RemoteTokenServices is not the client that is consuming the resource, it's the client associated with the resource itself (solely for the purpose of authentication of the /check_token endpoint). So once you have it working you can hit that resource from as many clients as you like.
