How to download an .xlsx file from a url? - url

So basically I receive a report everyday from an advertising platform which is a url, once I click on it starts downloading an excel file on my browser.
I work on Google app script and can't figure out what should I do in order to download the file. Ideally once I can get access to the .xlsx file, I will convert it into .csv with a ...
var csv = theFile.getAs('text/csv')
.. which would then be easy to paste in a gsheet. If anyone as an idea on how to process that would be super helpful.

Assuming that the file isn't behind any password-protected site:
var link = '{{link}}';
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(link);
var excelfile = DriveApp.createFile(response);
var driveresource =
title: excelfile.getName(),
mimeType: MimeType.GOOGLE.SHEETS
This should download the Excel file and create the google sheet in the main drive folder.

Your code worked, I actually needed to go into
Resources > Advanced Google Service > turn on "Drive API"
var finalUrl = url1.toString().replace(/%3A/g,':').replace(/%2F/g,'/').replace(/%3F/g,'?').replace(/%26/g,'&').replace(/%3D/g,'=').replace(/%25/g,'%')
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(finalUrl);
var excelfile = DriveApp.createFile(response);
var driveresource =
title: excelfile.getName(),
mimeType: MimeType.GOOGLE_SHEETS
And here I go! I'm not sure how to find the URL of the file newly created though...
But in anyway thanks to you and #Sourabh Choraria for helping me out here.


Google sheets last opened time stamp

How do I see the exact time stamp a sheet was opened on Google Sheets? I can see the date it was opened under ‘Last opened by me’ but not the exact time (unless opened today). Thank you
Please take note that this solution will only provide you the datetime you last viewed the file. It will not show you the datetime when another user opened/viewed a Google Sheet file.
Use Drive API v3 (either API explorer or choose your preferred programming language):
Use Files.list() to search for files in your drive. Use the query term to filter your search.
In this example query, I want to get all the files in my drive with Google Sheets mimetype having the file name of 'Copy of Inventory'
Sample Request using API explorer:
q: mimeType = 'application/' and name = 'Copy of Inventory'
fields:files/name, files/id, files/viewedByMeTime
Sample Response using API explorer:
"files": [
"id": "1-zarWNraQWigfRl6YyjhUpWHEROVaR9BcAxxxxxx",
"name": "Copy of Inventory",
"viewedByMeTime": "2021-05-18T17:12:39.630Z"
You can also do this in Apps Script using Advanced Drive Service which uses Drive API v2.
Note that the file name tag in Drive API v2 is title
Sample Code:
function getSheetViewTime() {
var query = 'mimeType = "application/" and title = "Copy of Inventory"';
var files = Drive.Files.list({q:query});
5:53:14 AM Notice Execution started
5:53:16 AM Info mimeType = "application/" and title = "Copy of Inventory"
5:53:16 AM Info 2021-05-18T17:12:39.630Z
5:53:16 AM Notice Execution completed

How do I get TFS wiki page attachment over API

I need to download TFS wiki page attachment via the TFS API.
From MS Docs, it looks like the API alows to create it but I can't seem to find a way to get it.
Calling GET on /_apis/wiki/wikis/{wikiIdentifier}/pages/{pageId}/attachments/{attachmentId} returns Method not allowed
Then I tried to use the WIT attachments API /_apis/wit/attachments/{id} but that one does not find the attachment and returns 404. (I suspect it can access only work items attachments.)
use GitHttpClient.GetItemContentAsync({project}, {repositoryId}, path:{path})
path is "/.attachments/my attached file-89553727-xxx-yyy-zzz-829fbe167411.docx" as found in the wiki page content (note the leading /)
Found this completely by accident once I moved to experimenting with GitHttpClient and listed all items in my repo. One of the items was an attachment and it had this path populated which I then plugged into the GetItemContentAsync method and voila.
My piece of code:
var uri = new Uri(_tfsBaseUri);
var credentials = GetCredentials();
using (var tpc = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(uri, credentials))
var wikiClient = tpc.GetClient<WikiHttpClient>();
var gitClient = tpc.GetClient<GitHttpClient>();
var mypage = wikiClient.GetPageAsync(_tfsProject, _tfsWiki, "My page name", includeContent: true).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
var pageContent = mypage.Page.Content;
if (pageContent.Contains("(.attachments"))
var path = "";// parse out the attachment path
var attachmentContent = gitClient.GetItemContentAsync(_tfsProject, new Guid("_tfsWiki repo ID"), path: path).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
private static VssCredentials GetCredentials()
return new VssCredentials(new Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.WindowsCredential(CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials));
Actually the TFS/Azure DevOps Server Wiki are just Git repos, so if you want you can clone them and get all the content by using
Git clone "https://{instance}/{collection}/{project}/_git/{projectName}"
If it's the default project wiki. If you want to get a wiki based on a git repo, then you just clone the repo in question and get the content.
Your attachments will be in the .attachments folder.

UrlFetchApp.fetch with very long URLs

New to Google Apps Script, trying to retrieve data from a URL with UrlFetchApp.fetch but the URL length is limited to 2kB per call (
Thus, with a long URL I get the error Limit Exceeded: URLFetch URL Length..
var url = ''
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
Is there any way I can get around this limit, maybe by using another library to make the GET request?
Jack Brown's solution works well if I run the function from the script editor. In order to make the functionality accessible as a google-spreadsheets function, I used the following:
Using the UrlShortener API in a custom Spreadsheet function
You can use Url Shortener API to create a short URL and pass it to URLFetchApp like so:
function shortenUrl() {
var Lurl = ''
var url = UrlShortener.Url.insert({
longUrl: Lurl
Logger.log('Shortened URL is "%s".',;
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(;
Make sure you have selected URL shortener API under Resources>Advanced Google Services> URL shortener API v1 (set to on) and also enabled the same in developers console. For more details refer here
Google shortener seems to have some issues with a certain type of URL. This is a more generalized solution. You can select different providers by modifying provider key in the payload below. More details can be found here
function shortenUrl(Lurl) {
if(Lurl == undefined){
var Lurl = ''
var payload = {
'apikey': 'your API Key', //Create a new Key here
'provider' : 'tinyurl_com',
'format' : "text",
'url' : Lurl}
var options = {
var url = ""
var response =UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options)
var turl = response.getContentText()
response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(turl)
Hope that helps!
On March 30, 2018, Google deprecated the URL Shortener service that was used in the accepted answer.
I wrote a script to use the Firebase Dynamic Links Short Links API service.
The docs are here if you want to cook your own.

How to download folder as zip using dropbox Ruby SDK

We can get the share link for a dropbox folder from SDK(, which link is dl=0 by default, I need to set it with dl=1 so that it will download directly, I did some hack:
require 'dropbox_sdk';
client =['dropbox_access_token'])
session =['dropbox_access_token'], nil)
response = session.do_get "/shares/auto#{client.format_path('/auction_offerings/two')}", {"short_url" => false}
response = Dropbox::parse_response(response)
Then response["url"] will become the download link I want, but it is obvious not the right way to do that. Any better practice?

Azure download blob to users computer

I was working on my download blob function when I ran into some problems..
I want the user to be able to download a blob and I want a specific filename on that item when its downloaded to the users computer. I also want the user to decide which folder the item should be saved to.
This is my not so good looking code so far:
var fileName = "tid.txt9c6b412a-270a-4f67-8e65-7ce2bf87503d";
var containerName = "uploads";
CloudStorageAccount account = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount;
var blobClient = account.CreateCloudBlobClient();
var container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(containerName);
var blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName);
using (var filestream = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(#"C:\Info\tid.txt9c6b412a-270a-4f67-8e65-7ce2bf87503d"))
fileName = the blob name
Is it possible to change the name? The file ending gets all messed up with my guid.
At the moment the download to folder is C:\Info.. How would this work when the website is published? How can I let the user decide which folder the item should be saved to? Am i doing this right?
thank you in advance
How would this work when the website is published?
Slow for the user and expensive for you. You are streaming the BLOB through your app, so you'll bottleneck. Use Shared Access Signatures and download the blob directly from the browser. Use Content-Disposition as part of the URL to have the browser prompt the user with a Save As dialog. See Javascript download a URL - Azure Blob Storage.
Your question: Is it possible to change the name?
The name of the blob and the name on the user's disk are your/his choice. There is no need for them to match, except perhaps to avoid confusion. On the off chance that your user will upload it again (with changes, perhaps?) save some metadata so the original file and the updated file can be related in blob storage.
Once you execute the line:
var blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName);
... you have told Azure all it needs to know to locate the blob.
In the line:
using (var filestream = System.IO.File.OpenWrite...
... you tell your code where to put the file on the disk. You say it's a website, so this statement will put the file onto the web server's disk, not your user's. To get the file onto the user's disk, you need one more step - download the file from the web server (web role instance) to your user's computer. You can give him control of the folder and file name. Here is the relevant section in MSDN:
Downloading and Uploading Files
Is this download function acceptable? Slow/expensive or is it as good as it gets?
public void DownloadFile(string blobName)
CloudBlobContainer blobContainer = CloudStorageServices.GetCloudBlobsContainer();
CloudBlockBlob blob = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(blobName);
MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
Response.ContentType = blob.Properties.ContentType;
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "Attachment; filename=" + blobName.ToString());
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", (blob.Properties.Length - 1).ToString());
