framework not found .xcframework - ios

I have created a .xcframework using Xcode 11.0 command line. And it is working fine if I simply drag and drop it on any Xcode project above Xcode 11.0. I have tried on Xcode 11.0, 11.1, 11.2.1 and it is working perfectly on them. Now I am trying to use it through Cocoapods. To do so I have created podspec file given the local path of the framework. It is installing the pods successfully as well into the project. But now when I am trying to build the project it is getting failed by saying
ld: framework not found RandomNames.xcframework
I am not sure where the problem is, because it is working fine if we use directly dragging into the project.
I have checked the framework search path, tried to pod disintegrate, clean and install them again but no success.
This is what error I am getting:
and below is my .podspec file which I am using:

It looks like they've added support for xcframeworks now and released a beta version (CocoaPods 1.9 Beta).
Try giving it a shot! :)


Unity iOS project 'FBSDKShareKit/FBSDKShareKit.h' file not found

I use Unity 2019.3.0f3 for export Unity to iOS as Framework.
And when I open exported iOS project I get the issue
but I can navigate to this header use "Cmd+click".
I googled and tried almost all solutions which I could find
I tried set home directory for Framework Search Path to '$(HOME)/Documents/FacebookSDK'
also tried set FBSDKShareKit.Framework as embeddedFramework and Pods install. Nothing helped
How can I figure out it?
I solved it temporarily by downgrading to Facebook SDK version 7.15.1 & removed #include "RegisterMonoModules.h" from FBunityInterface.h
I solved it by changing it as follows. No need to downgrade Facebook SDK.
My Envrionment:
Unity v2020.1.6f
Facebook SDK v9.1.0
XCode v12.5
Goto Unity --> Play Service Resolver -->
iOS Resolver --> Settings --> Cocoapods Integration: Select XCode Project - Add Cocoapods to XCode project
Because its default setting is to add Cocoapods to the XCode workspace. This is the cause of this issue due to the missing FBSDKShareKit framework.
If you set up Add Cocoapods to XCode project properly, you will see Pods.proj with FBSDKShareKit framework imported into XCode Project.
Remember you need to install cocoapods properly on your Mac.
Otherwise, Pods.proj won't be imported into your XCode Project.
If not, run
sudo gem install cocoapods
Then check it, run
You should be able to see the command's description.
Hope this will be helpful for you.
I got it working when building on Mac using 2019.2.17 + pod install and exporting from the xcode workspace file, not the xcodeproj file.
I've solved it just downgrade FacebookSDK to 7.16.1 and update Firebase SDK for Unity.

Error - linker command failed with exit code 1

I'm new to XCode Mac and IPhone development. So probably I'm missing something obvious here.
While trying to build the project I'm getting the following warnings and error. I can't figure out what is wrong here, I've looked at this answer and checked my Framework Search Path value and there is none in BuildSettings.
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/Users/macbook/Desktop/<app_name>__main/build/Release-iphoneos'
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/Users/macbook/Desktop/<app_name>__main/build/Debug-iphoneos'
ld: framework not found Pods_<app_name>
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I've been banging my head for several hours now and finally given up.
The path mentioned in the error does not exist and when I looked into where build folder is located in XCode project, I realized they are in a shared directory ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData. So I don't understand why XCode is looking for these files in the project's relative path, where build folder doesn't exist.
I'm using
XCode 10.1
CocoasPod 1.5.3 1.8.4
MacOS High Sierra
Note: The same workspace builds successfully on another system.
If I copy the project.pbxproj from the other system onto this one, the project on this machine builds successfully too. project.pbxproj is located under *.xcodeproj file.
Also if I select Generic iOS Device the project builds fine, but as soon as I switch to any other target device I get the same error.
Edit 2:
I see a couple of framework files in red in the left side folder/directory's panel.
So right now I've found a solution what I believe to be a workaround and not the actual solution.
In my project's folder structure I saw multiple .framework files in red. some of them had different extensions then the ones present in the xCode package. So I updated them with the newer extension files and that got rid of most of the red file frameworks and left just one Pods_.framework the same framework in the error above. I removed the framework from the Libraries and Framework list in the General section. After I did that project build fine and I was able to run the app.
However, I noticed the Pods_<app_name>.framework file is always regenerated after running pod install. So I have to manually remove this unwanted dependency from the list each time starting a new workspace which is pain to say the least.
And so now I'm looking for a way to correct this so I don't have to remove the Pods_<app_name>.framework file each time.
While I was searching for the solution I found a closed cocoapods bug which reported the same issue for an older version. I've lost the thread and cannot find it again otherwise I would've linked the bug.
As noted in one of the answer's comment I now have updated cocoapods version 1.8.4.
Edit 3:
# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '7.0'
# Uncomment this line if you're using Swift
target '<app_name>' do
pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK', '~> 7.39.0'
Based on your comment and build logs I believe the podfile Pods_<application_name> is not available to your project(its added but not downloaded).
Pods are a way to share code across projects and maintain versioning.
You just need to update the pod so that it gets downloaded and added to your project. For that just launch Terminal app, cd to your project folder and fire pod update (you may refer to
If you do not have pod installed you can head to
I used to run into that problem once but I already solved it the same way #alxlive answer and it worked.
The problem happened to me because of the pod that we already installed.
During that time, I already installed my cocoapod for my project. Then, I added 2 new Build Configurations.
Your problem might be the same because you did mention copying others project.pbxproj from other system and it made your project work fine. So that might be the case.
By deintegrate and install the pod back on, that will solve the problem.
Xcode has different build system for simulator and real devices. So it will generate different app for both. If you select any Simulator target then it will builds app for simulator and if you select Generic iOS Device or any real device target then it will builds different build.
May be you are using some frameworks which are builded for iOS devices, So
follow this steps,
Differentiate that frameworks which gives you an error and remove that pods from your pod file and run pod install command and delete DerivedData.
Download that framework's code in your system.
Add project files of framework in your workspace. For that you can refer this and this.
If you don't want to add whole code of framework in your project then you can add particular( for device or simulator ) build of framework in your xcode project.
For that follow this steps,
Open your downloaded project of framework.
Select any simulator target and build project.
Get generated .framework file from Products folder.
Add this framework in your project like this.
Now build your project for simulator.
Follow above steps for devices target if you want to build for devices.
For Google Mobile Ads you can follow this guidelines. Add the -ObjC linker flag to Other Linker Flags in your project's build settings
I hope this will work for you.
Adding -ObjC $(inherited) in the Other Linker Flags fixes my issue
For me it was due to having a space in the Configuration name like "Development Debug". Once I removed the space and made it "DevelopmentDebug", the error message went away.
The pods need to be installed once per mac. The configuration set in the project.pbxproj depends on the Cocoapods version and the Xcode version on the machine.
Try the following:
1 - Delete the Podfile.lock file and the Pods folder from the local project
2 - Delete the content of the Derived Data folder: ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
3 - Run the command:
pod deintegrate
4 - Run the command
pod install
5 - Run the project again

CocoaPods error on building project

I have a running project which is working fine with pods. I had to copy this project to develop version-2. Now when I try to build project, I encounter following issue in pod's code. I tried removing this specific pod but same type of errors were shown in different pod.
tried all of this: ,but it didn't help at all.
Being new to iOS development, I can't figure out, what I am doing wrong.
It seems like you are using the newer version of pod in older Xcode. So either you need to update your Xcode or downgrade your pod to the relevant version supporting Xcode. From image i can guess you might be using Xcode 7.2 or down and pod is in swift 2.3 or 3

Header file not found in Bridging Header after upgrade to XCode 7

I have some project which I wrote using XCode 6 with iOS deployment target and which was working fine on iOS 8.
Recently I upgraded XCode to 7.0.1 (7A1001) and now I have to make some changes in mentioned project. I can't event build it.
I'm using CocoaPods and I have UIColor+BFPaperColors imported : pod 'UIColor+BFPaperColors', '~> 1.3.1'.
XCode is telling me that he can't find UIColor+BFPaperColors.h file. It's strange because I have this file in my project (Pods project in Workspace) and it was working fine with XCode 6.
What I already tried to do (but with no result) :
Convert project to latest Swift syntax (Edit -> Convert -> To latest Swift syntax...).
Set Allow non-modular includes in Framework Modules to YES.
Did pod update and pod install.
PS. Here is my Podfile.
do you use the Build Setting to set bridging header? maybe this picture will
help you

adding pods to compile sources (iOS App)

in our last sprint we tried to add some cocoapods to the project.
Unfortunately, the pods are not added automatically to the compile sources in the base project in Xcode.
That means that I needed to copy some relevant .m files to the list.
Well, it worked just fine for one pod.. But now I'm trying to add ShakeKit Pod and it's just not right! Plus, I don't see the benefits of using cocoapods if I need to import every .m file to my project.
Anyone here knows to tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Environment Details:
iOS SDK - 8.3
Xcode - 6.3
I've found that $(inherited) was missing from my Other Linker Flags build setting. Applying this option fixed a missing library issue I was seeing.
Just like the guy from this thread :
Error: ld: library not found for -lPods with CocoaPods
