I have a problem connecting a windows container I wish to use for running automation scripts.
Host - Primary Operating System which is running HyperV and docker
(Access to UI)
Target - container hosted on Host using docker (No access to UI)
Following are the details of the environment am working on:
Container image : mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore
Installed components include: Maven / Java / VNCServer.
Docker container is running on docker using HyperV on the same machine I wish to connect this container to.
Host Operating System is windows 10 pro.
I installed all softwares in the Target by copying them first and performing a silent installation.
I tried the following solutions but none have been possibly working out.
Started container with command : docker run -itd -p 5920:5920 --name containername imagename
Started container with command : docker start containername
Got access to cmd of Target node : docker exec -it containername cmd
Ran tasklist to ensure : vnserver was running
On Host supplied the IP address of the Target along with port numbers 5920 which results in errors stating timed out connection.
I need to be able to see the UI of the Target system and be able to
control it on the host.
Tried Commands from Teamviewer -id -p but it itself launches the UI which is not available on the Target system.
Is there a way I can get this working?
Please let me know if you need any additional information.
I am stuck in a step. I am using an ubuntu vm which is in Azure cloud through terminal; don't have UI access. There I have installed docker and pulled the jenkins image. I have mapped this container from my host machine by running following command - docker run -p 8080:8080 jenkins to access this jenkins from my MAC using Ubuntu IP address:8080, however I am getting the This site cannot be reached. So do I am following or missed any steps to mapped the container outside of docker host machine? Please help!
I am trying to use the python in a docker container on a remote machine as the interpreter in Pycharm. Since that is a mouthful, here is a diagram:
There is a Jupyter Notebook running in the container, which I am able to connect to through my local browser (although this is just for testing the connection). The command I am using to launch the Docker container is
docker run --runtime=nvidia -it --rm --shm-size=2g -v /home/timo/storage:/storage -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd -v /etc/group:/etc/group --ulimit memlock=-1 -p 8888:8888 -p 7722:22 --ipc=host latest:latest
I can forward the port 8888 which the Jupyter notebook is running on with ssh -L 8888: BBB.BBB.BBB.BBB and thus use it on the local machine. But I don't much like using Jupyter for developing and would like to use the Python interpreter in the Docker Container in Pycharm.
When I select "Add Python Interpreter" in Pycharm, I get the following options:
The documentation for Pycharm suggests using the "Add Python Interpreter/Docker" tool which looks like this:
However the documentation doesn't say how to set up the Docker container and the connections if the Docker is on a remote machine.
So my questions are: should I use a Unix or a TCP socket to connect to my remote docker? Or should I somehow forward all the relevant ports from the container and use the "SSH Interpreter" option? And if so, how do I set this all up? Am I setting up my Docker Container properly in the first place?
I think I have trawled through every forum and online resource, over the last two days, but have not come any closer to getting this to work. I have also tried to get this to work in Spyder, but to no avail either. So any advice is very appreciated!
Many thanks!
Thank you for depicting the dilemma so poignantly and clearly in your cartoon :-). My colleague and I were trying to do something similar and what ultimately worked beautifully was creating an SSH config directly to the Docker container jumping from the remote machine, and then setting it as a remote SSH interpreter so that pycharm doesn't even realize it's a Docker container. It also works well for vscode.
set up ssh service in docker container (subset of steps in https://dev.to/s1ntaxe770r/how-to-setup-ssh-within-a-docker-container-i5i, port22 stuff wasn't needed)
docker exec -it <container> bash: create admin interactive prompt for docker
apt-get install openssh-server
service ssh start
confirm with service ssh status -> * sshd is running
determine IP and test SSHing from remote machine into container (adapted from https://phoenixnap.com/kb/how-to-ssh-into-docker-container, steps 2 and 3)
from normal command prompt on remote machine (not within container): docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" <container> to get container IP
test: ping -c 3 <container_ip>
ssh: ssh <container_ip>; should drop you into the container as your user; however, requires container to be configured properly (docker run cmd has -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro \ etc.). It may ask for a password. note: if you do this for a different container later that is assigned the same IP, you will get a warning and may need to delete the previous key from known_hosts; just follow the instructions in the warning.
test SSH from local machine
if you don't have it set up already, set up passwordless ssh key-based authentication to the remote machine with the docker container
make SSH command that uses your remote machine as a jump server to the container: ssh -J <remote_machine> <container_ip>, as described in https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/SSH_jump_host; if successful you should drop into the container just as you did from the remote machine
save this setup in your ~/.ssh/config; follow the ProxyJump Example from https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/SSH_jump_host
test config with ssh <container_host_name_defined_in_ssh_config>; should also drop you into interactive container
configure pycharm (or vscode or any IDE that accepts remote SSH interpreter)
Preferences -> Project -> Python Interpreter -> Add -> SSH Interpreter -> New server configuration
host: <container_host_name_defined_in_ssh_config>
port: 22
username: <username_on_remote_server>
select interpreter, can navigate using the folder icon, which will walk you through paths within the docker, or you can enter the result of which python from the container
follow pycharm prompts
After starting a command prompt, I normally start with login in to openshift with this command:
$ oc login https://api.starter-us-west-1.openshift.com
Works fine. Up till now I then connected to the docker registry of Openshift with the command:
$ docker login -u myOpenShiftName -p registry.starter-us-west-1.openshift.com (or :443)
Now I get this error (partly translated):
Warning: failed to get default registry endpoint from daemon (error
during connect: Get http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.37/info:
open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the specified
file. In the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker
client must be run elevated to connect. This error may also indicate
that the docker daemon is not running.). Using system default:
Do I need a local docker running?
UPDATE/ANSWER: yes. On windows10 home start e.g. DockerQuickstartTerminal.
At another computer I had a similar error on Windows 10 pro with Docker. The service was started, but after I had started "Docker for Windows" the error disappeared.
My environment is Win10 home, virtual box + extension + docker toolbox.
The docker command cannot work without its local Docker daemon process running.
If you want to be able to work with OCI/Docker images and not need docker and the daemon, for some things you can use a tool like Skopeo.
There are also tools for building OCI container images which aren't dependent on docker.
I have installed a repo from docker and ran it using the following command,
docker run -d --name searx -p $PORT:8888 wonderfall/searx
The container was also sucessfully created but while accessing it in my browser i get the following error,
dail tcp[::1]:8888: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
Does anyone know why this error occurs? I use a windows10 system.
Just installed docker toolbox
That means you cannot use localhost directly without declaring in Virtual Box a port-forwarding rule.
First, test your service using the IP of your VM (see docker-machine ip default output)
Then, declare a port-forward rule:
either directly in your VirtualBox graphical interface: see "How do I configure docker compose to expose ports correctly?"
or with VBoxManage controlvm commands: see "Not able to access tomcat application on Docker VM with host(windows) IP while using docker toolbox"
I have installed docker on a CentOS machine. Now I am trying to run a MapR sandbox on it. After starting I get this:
Starting MapR Services.................
To manage this node go to:
But I am not able to access this URL from the windows machine in the same network as the CentOS machine.
This is an internal docker network inaccessible outside of the box. In order to access this container you need:
EXPOSE command in container (most likely it is already there)
run container with -p option
If you just specify -p port will be random - you could find it with inspect command, or you could use permanent port -p hostIp:externalPort:8443 where hostIp is address of your docker host.
After that you could access container from network as https://hostIp:externalPort