Where to download BibLaTEX - latex

I'm trying to write my thesis using overleaf, but having trouble with the referencing. I've been told to use BibLaTEX but it doesn't seem to be formatting correctly see 1. From what I gather it's because I don't have the external software downloaded, but I'm confused as to what specifically I need and where to find it. I thought I downloaded this from CTAN, but all I found was a folder of .bib files and I'm not sure how that helps? 2 is the error message I recieve :/
Any advice would be much appreciated!
Here is my code, I try changing the style and the brackets in my doc change (but not the citation).
This is my new ref.bib
location = {New York},
edition = {2nd ed},
title = {Transmission electron microscopy: a textbook for materials science},
isbn = {978-0-387-76500-6},
shorttitle = {Transmission electron microscopy},
pagetotal = {4},
publisher = {Springer},
author = {Williams, David B. and Carter, C. Barry},
date = {2008},
keywords = {Materials, Microscopy, Transmission electron microscopy}
And this is my new test document, and the same image issue 3
\usepackage[style=science, citestyle=numeric, sorting=ynt]{biblatex}
\addbibresource{ref} % the ref.bib file
Hi there, Stackoverflowers \cite{williams_transmission_2008}


latex in text citations error: citation undefined

I am wanting to do in text citations for my dissertation. I will upload a simplified version of what i am seeing. The issue is that i keep getting "undefined citations" where i only get the citation key out in my pdf irrespective of which compiler i use.
I also keep getting an error saying that the bibliography is empty. But when my friend uses the exact code i have and copies the references and everything into his overleaf environment it works. I could not get it working with miktex and texmaker. Please help
I have checked a lot of articles of what is available and i swear im following what they are doing but i cant get any further
Initially, my idea is to pull the citations from another file because ill be using these citations in multiple documents. I have successfully setup the .bib file which will update as i add more references to Zotero (my reference manager). I tried to pull citations from the .bib file by coding in the file directory, but no luck there.
I then tried to not use the "file directory approach" and just have a references file in the same folder as the .tex file. But that didnt work either.
my code is as follows:
\addbibresource{refs.bib} %%updated from References.bib
%document headings
\author{Justin Smith}
%Cover Page
\textbf{This page represents the cover page}\newline
\textit{Report will begin here}
The introduction for the report will be inserted here
%end Introduction
%Literature Survey
\section{Literature Survey}
\subsection{Referencing Examples}
This section serves to use a reference and understand how to implement references as well as generate a reference list at the end of this report.\\
The citation test \cite{schmidtPreprocessingMethodologyEnhance2019}\\
%Reference List
\section*{Reference List}
%%\bibliography{C:/Users66smi/OneDrive/University of Pretoria/Zotero/MyZoteroLibrary.bib}
%%\printbibliography[title = Reference List]
Upon trying to do what #celdor initially said said i still run into the same issue. The following screenshots add to the initial question.
Screenshot showing code and issue directly
Screenshot showing Latex "Configure" settings
From the Log file, the following logs detail relevant warnings
LaTeX Warning: Citation 'schmidtPreprocessingMethodologyEnhance2019' on page 3
undefined on input line 36.
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 36--37
LaTeX Warning: Empty bibliography on input line 39.
(Latex test.aux)
LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references.
Package biblatex Warning: Please (re)run Biber on the file:
(biblatex) "Latex test"
(biblatex) and rerun LaTeX afterwards.
Package logreq Info: Writing requests to '"Latex test".run.xml'.
\openout1 = `"Latex test.run.xml"'.
Extra information:
The following screenshots are of the Project folder
First, latexsym is an old package superseded by amssymb. I looked at the file and its last update was in 1998!
As to your issues, assuming your text file is main.tex, try the following:
Clean your project folder from all auxiliary *.aux; the best way to do that is to issue latexmk -C in your project folder.
Additionally, remove main.bbl
make sure your *.bib file is in the root project folder
add backend=biber to list of options of biblatex.
Then, run:
pdflatex main.tex # or xelatex main.tex or lualatex main.tex etc.
biber main
pdflatex main.tex # see above
Without *.bbl file, the first run of pdflatex does not produce any reference list and latex may issue a warning. With an old *.bbl file, you will get wrong citations. After the whole sequence is executed, main.pdf should have the correct citation and a reference list.
Remember \bibliography is incompatible with biblatex. The correct macro to create bibliography list is \printbibliography. It will issue \section* in article or \chapter* in report/book for a title and format it according to settings in a document class.
Here, I created References.bib with a dummy article:
author = {Other, Anthony Norman},
title = {Some things I did},
year = {2014},
journal = {J.~Irrep. Res.},
volume = {1},
number = {1},
pages = {1-10}
and run the code as suggested, and frankly I get expected results without any errors!
The full code:
\usepackage{amssymb} %superseds latexsym
%document headings
\author{Justin Smith}
%Cover Page
\textbf{This page represents the cover page}\newline
\textit{Report will begin here}
The introduction for the report will be inserted here
%end Introduction
%Literature Survey
\section{Literature Survey}
\subsection{Referencing Examples}
This section serves to use a reference and understand how to implement references as well as generate a reference list at the end of this report.\\
The citation test \cite{schmidtPreprocessingMethodologyEnhance2019}\\
\printbibliography[title = Reference List]
and here's the screenshot:
The answer as suggested by #samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz
is that I was not using biber.
To do this on textmaker proceed to Options/Configure Textmaker. A configuration window will appear. Under the Commands Window locate "Bib(la)tex" and set the designation to "biber %". This will solve the issue.
Setting Update
A similar procedure can be followed on texstudios
See the below link on how to make sure textmaker uses this setting for reference.
thank you for everyones efforts in solving this problem.

Compiler errors when using BibTeX

I have tried to compile some work in LaTeX, using the command pdflatex seminararbeit first, which compiled well.
After that, I tried bibtex seminararbeit, which resulted in this:
I found no \citation commands---while reading file seminararbeit.aux
I found no \bibdata command---while reading file seminararbeit.aux
I found no \bibstyle command---while reading file seminararbeit.aux
My seminararbeit.tex file looks like this:
\hypersetup{colorlinks = true,linkcolor = black,citecolor = black,urlcolor = black,filecolor = black}
\citation{ kopka00latex1}
While seminararbeit.bib looks like this:
#book{ kopka00latex1,
author = "Helmut Kopka",
title = "{LATEX, Band 1 -- Einf{\"u}hrung}",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
address = "München",
year = {2000},
edition = {3., überarbeitete Auflage},
isbn = {3-8273-1557-3}
The problem is, that I need to use the packages I included, I guess that's the root of the problem.
Do you guys have any ideas?
Don't use \citation. Instead use \cite.

Bibliography not rendering in R Studio

I am very new to LaTex and R Markdown and I've been desperately searching for a solution and have not found anything helpful. I am writing a LaTex document under R Markdown file and my YAML header is the following;
linestretch: 2
output: pdf_document
- \setlength{\parindent}{3em}
- \setlength{\parskip}{0em}
bibliography: bibliography.bib
# References
however when I knit my file my bibliography is not rendering. Everything compiles nicely without error, but nothing is printed after the # References header. My bibliography.bib file is appropriately saved in the same file as where I have saved this LaTex document. I can't seem to figure this out.
Also if this helps by bibliography.bib file is as follows;
title = {Survival Analysis: A Self-Learning Text},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2005},
author = {David G. Kleinbaum, Mitchel Klein},
editor = {M. Gail, K. Krickeberg, J. Samet, A. Tsiatis, W. Wong},
edition = {2nd},
title = {pseudo: Pseudo - observations},
author = {{Maja Pohar Perme} and Mette Gerster},
year = {2012},
note = {R package version 1.1},
url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=pseudo},
A solution to this problem will be very much appreciated!

JabRef citation in LibreOffice with institutional author

I'm using JabRef as a reference manager and LibreOffice writer as document editor.
I'm using the ooPluging to cite JabRef sources in LibreOffice, but I'm having troubles with sources with institutional authors. For example, the following source
Title = {Un buen año para la economía},
HowPublished = {Online. Available at http://www.foo.bar},
Institution = {Revista Semana},
Month = {Dec},
Year = {2013},
Comment = {Last visited 21-10-2015},
will be appear in the references as:
Revista Semana (2013a). Un buen año para la economía. Online. Available at http://www.foo.bar. Last visited 21-10-2015.
But will be cited as (Semana 2013a).
My style file can be found in http://pastebin.com/j5vNgyDR
It looks to me like JabRef always splits up the last name, even if it's an institution (java code):
AuthorList al = AuthorList.getAuthorList(author);
sb.append(getAuthorLastName(al, 0));
However I found a simple workaround. In the source, use a non-breaking space instead of an ordinary space between Revista and Semana. Then we get the desired result in LibreOffice:
(Revista Semana 2013)
you might use an additional curly bracket:
{{Revista Semana}}
as mentioned in the biblatex manual, section 2.3.3, for corporate authors:

Latex and multibib

I want to split my bibliography into two parts, and found the multibib package which seems to be perfect for this.
But: somehow it doesn't work, not even the simple example works:
\newcites{ltex}{\TeX\ and \LaTeX\ References}
References to the \TeX book \citeltex{Knuth:1991} and to Lamport’s \LaTeX\ book, which appears only in the references\nociteltex{Lamport:1994}. Finally a cite to a Postscript tutorial \cite{Adobe:1985}.
\renewcommand{\refname}{Postscript References}
With the bib file looking like that
#book{Knuth:1991, author = {Knuth, Donald E.}, title = {The TEC book}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts}, year = {1991}}
#book{Lamport:1994, author = {Lamport, Leslie}, title = {LATEX: A Document Preparation System}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 2 edition}, year = {1994} }
#book{Adobe:1985, author = {Adobe System Incorporated}, title = {Postscript Language Tutorial and Cookbook}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts}, year = {1985}}
As expected, two aux files are created (one for each part), but the created pdf file only contains the references for the "normal", not for the created bib.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Ok, I found it out by myself:
I'm using Texniccenter and tought all the compiling is done automatically, but an additional bibtex call is needed for the ltex.aux file, so you need to run
bibtex ltex.aux
manually on the command line, then it works.
Perhaps someone knows a way to do that call from Texniccenter?
Open the ltex.aux file in Texnic Center (through File then Open...).
Once it is open and it is the selected tab in Texnic Center, go to Build, Current File... and click Bibtex. The key here is to choose the Bibtex command in the Current File option.
This performs the same as bibtex ltex.aux in Texnic Center
