F# assign value to a method argument - f#

I am trying to override a method provided by an interface/API and have to assign a new value to one of the method's argument. If I try to assign to the passed argument, it'll give an error.
override _.Emit(eventInfo:SequenceStartEventInfo, emitter:IEmitter) =
eventInfo <- SequenceStartEventInfo(eventInfo.Source)
I am looking for behavior matching the following C# code:
public override void Emit(SequenceStartEventInfo eventInfo, IEmitter emitter) {
eventInfo = new SequenceStartEventInfo(eventInfo.Source)
If I change it and try to pass by reference (eventInfo:byref<SequenceStartEventInfo>) then it'll no longer match the available overloads.
The F# language reference on parameters and methods doesn't provide any help when dealing with this specific case. What is the best way to handle this Scenario?

In C# you can assign a new value to the argument variable, but as it is not passed by reference, this won't change the variable of the caller (even though the passed object is a reference type):
public static void Main()
var rt = new RefType { Value = 3 };
Console.WriteLine(rt.Value); // still 3
public class RefType {
public int Value { get; set; }
public static void Change(RefType notByRef){
notByRef = new RefType { Value = 42 };
the F# equivalent (where parameters are immutable) would be shadowing:
type RefType() =
member val Value = 0 with get, set
let Change notByRef =
let notByRef = RefType(Value = 42);
// now, `notByRef` hides the method parameter
let [<EntryPoint>] Main _ =
let rt = RefType(Value = 3);
printfn "%i" rt.Value // still 3


dart nullability checking method [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
"The operator can’t be unconditionally invoked because the receiver can be null" error after migrating to Dart null-safety
(3 answers)
Closed 12 months ago.
I have migrated my Dart code to NNBD / Null Safety. Some of it looks like this:
class Foo {
String? _a;
void foo() {
if (_a != null) {
_a += 'a';
class Bar {
Bar() {
_a = 'a';
String _a;
This causes two analysis errors. For _a += 'a';:
An expression whose value can be 'null' must be null-checked before it can be dereferenced.
Try checking that the value isn't 'null' before dereferencing it.
For Bar() {:
Non-nullable instance field '_a' must be initialized.
Try adding an initializer expression, or add a field initializer in this constructor, or mark it 'late'.
In both cases I have already done exactly what the error suggests! What's up with that?
I'm using Dart 2.12.0-133.2.beta (Tue Dec 15).
Edit: I found this page which says:
The analyzer can’t model the flow of your whole application, so it can’t predict the values of global variables or class fields.
But that doesn't make sense to me - there's only one possible flow control path from if (_a != null) to _a += 'a'; in this case - there's no async code and Dart is single-threaded - so it doesn't matter that _a isn't local.
And the error message for Bar() explicitly states the possibility of initialising the field in the constructor.
The problem is that class fields can be overridden even if it is marked as final. The following example illustrates the problem:
class A {
final String? text = 'hello';
String? getText() {
if (text != null) {
return text;
} else {
return 'WAS NULL!';
class B extends A {
bool first = true;
String? get text {
if (first) {
first = false;
return 'world';
} else {
return null;
void main() {
print(A().getText()); // hello
print(B().getText()); // null
The B class overrides the text final field so it returns a value the first time it is asked but returns null after this. You cannot write your A class in such a way that you can prevent this form of overrides from being allowed.
So we cannot change the return value of getText from String? to String even if it looks like we checks the text field for null before returning it.
An expression whose value can be 'null' must be null-checked before it can be dereferenced. Try checking that the value isn't 'null' before dereferencing it.
It seems like this really does only work for local variables. This code has no errors:
class Foo {
String? _a;
void foo() {
final a = _a;
if (a != null) {
a += 'a';
_a = a;
It kind of sucks though. My code is now filled with code that just copies class members to local variables and back again. :-/
Non-nullable instance field '_a' must be initialized. Try adding an initializer expression, or add a field initializer in this constructor, or mark it 'late'.
Ah so it turns out a "field initializer" is actually like this:
class Bar {
Bar() : _a = 'a';
String _a;
There are few ways to deal with this situation. I've given a detailed answer here so I'm only writing the solutions from it:
Use local variable (Recommended)
void foo() {
var a = this.a; // <-- Local variable
if (a != null) {
a += 'a';
this.a = a;
Use ??
void foo() {
var a = (this.a ?? '') + 'a';
this.a = a;
Use Bang operator (!)
You should only use this solution when you're 100% sure that the variable (a) is not null at the time you're using it.
void foo() {
a = a! + 'a'; // <-- Bang operator
To answer your second question:
Non-nullable fields should always be initialized. There are generally three ways of initializing them:
In the declaration:
class Bar {
String a = 'a';
In the initializing formal
class Bar {
String a;
Bar({required this.a});
In the initializer list:
class Bar {
String a;
Bar(String b) : a = b;
You can create your classes in null-safety like this
class JobDoc {
File? docCam1;
File? docCam2;
File? docBarcode;
File? docSignature;
JobDoc({this.docCam1, this.docCam2, this.docBarcode, this.docSignature});
JobDoc.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
docCam1 = json['docCam1'] ?? null;
docCam2 = json['docCam2'] ?? null;
docBarcode = json['docBarcode'] ?? null;
docSignature = json['docSignature'] ?? null;

Typescript, How to avoid code duplication in constructor?

Consider this class that is used as a data model in a Model-View-Controller scenario (I'm using TypeScript 3.5):
export class ViewSource {
private viewName : string;
private viewStruct : IViewStruct;
private rows : any[];
private rowIndex : number|null;
constructor(viewName : string) {
// Same as this.setViewName(viewName);
this.viewName = viewName;
this.viewStruct = api.meta.get_view_struct(viewName);
if (!this.viewStruct) {
throw new Error("Clould not load structure for view, name=" + (viewName));
this.rows = [];
this.rowIndex = null;
public setViewName = (viewName: string) => {
this.viewName = viewName;
this.viewStruct = api.meta.get_view_struct(viewName);
if (!this.viewStruct) {
throw new Error("Clould not load structure for view, name=" + (viewName));
this.rows = [];
this.rowIndex = null;
public getViewStruct = ():IViewStruct => { return this.viewStruct; }
public getCellValue = (rowIndex: number, columnName: string) : any => {
const row = this.rows[rowIndex] as any;
return row[columnName];
This is not a complete class, I only included a few methods to demonstrate the problem. ViewSource is a mutable object. It can be referenced from multiple parts of the application. (Please note that being a mutable object is a fact. This question is not about choosing a different data model that uses immutable objects.)
Whenever I want to change the state of a ViewSource object, I call its setViewName method. It does work, but it is also very clumsy. Every line of code in the constructor is repeated in the setViewName method.
Of course, it is not possible to use this constructor:
constructor(viewName : string) {
because that results in TS2564 error:
Property 'viewStruct' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor.ts(2564)
I do not want to ignore TS2564 errors in general. But I also do not want to repeat all attribute initializations. I have some other classes with even more properties (>10), and the corresponding code duplication looks ugly, and it is error prone. (I might forget that some things have to bee modified in two methods...)
So how can I avoid duplicating many lines of code?
I think the best method to avoid code duplication in this case would be to create a function that contains the initialization code, but instead of setting the value, it retunrs the value that need to be set.
Something like the following:
export class ViewSource {
private viewName : string;
private viewStruct : IViewStruct;
private rows : any[];
private rowIndex : number|null;
constructor(viewName : string) {
const {newViewName, newViewStruct, newRows, newRowIndex} = this.getNewValues(viewName);
this.viewName = newViewName;
this.newViewStruct = newViewStruct;
// Rest of initialization goes here
public setViewName = (viewName: string) => {
const {newViewName, newViewStruct, newRows, newRowIndex} = this.getNewValues(viewName);
// Rest of initialization goes here
privat getNewValues = (viewName) => {
const newViewName = viewName;
const newViewStruct = api.meta.get_view_struct(viewName);
if (!newViewStruct) {
throw new Error("Clould not load structure for view, name=" + (viewName));
const newRows = [];
const newRowIndex = null;
return {newViewName, newViewStruct, newRows, newRowIndex};
This way the only thing you duplicate is setting the values, not calculating them, and if the values calculations will get more complicated you can simply expand the returned value.
A less complex approach than the accepted answer is to use the //#ts-ignore[1] comment above each member that is initialized elsewhere.
Consider this contrived example
class Foo {
// #ts-ignore TS2564 - initialized in the init method
a: number;
// #ts-ignore TS2564 - initialized in the init method
b: string;
// #ts-ignore TS2564 - initialized in the init method
c: number;
constructor(a: number, b: string) {
if(a === 0) {
} else {
private init(a: number, b: string, c: number): void {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;
Since TypeScript 3.9 there exists the //#ts-expect-error[2] comment, but I think #ts-ignore is suitable.
[1] Suppress errors in .ts files
[2] TS expect errors comment
Since TypeScript 2.7 you can use the definite assignment assertion modifier which means adding an exclamation mark between the variable name and the colon:
private viewName!: string
This has the same effect as adding a // #ts-ignore TS2564 comment above it as #RamblinRose suggested.

Error message when defining struct

I am writing a struct in Swift:
struct LevelDictionary {
let kNumberOfSegments: Int = 10
static func loadLevelData() -> NSDictionary {
for var segmentNumber = 0; segmentNumber < kNumberOfSegments; ++segmentNumber {
//My code here
return dictionary
For some reason I get an error on compiling: Instance member 'kNumberOfSegments' cannot be used on type 'LevelDictionary'. What am I missing? I get the same error when I set up LevelDictionary as a Class.
loadLevelData() is a static function which is called on "class" level
To use kNumberOfSegments in the static function it must be static as well
static let kNumberOfSegments: Int = 10
The direct answer to your question is that you can't use a property in class scope.
A different answer is that you seem to want a static function that returns a dictionary after doing something a certain number of times; which is why you have kNumberOfSegments in the first place. But do you really need to have a variable for something that you aren't going to use again. Another way to do this is to have a default variable in your class method:
struct LevelDictionary {
static func loadLevelData(numberOfSegments: Int = 10) -> NSDictionary {
for segment in 0 ..< numberOfSegments {
// your code here
return dictionary
Now you can call the method without an argument to use the default
let dictionary = LevelDictionary.loadLevelData() // Will use 10 segments
Or you can use a parameter to override the default
let dictianary = LevelDictionary.loadLevelData(20) // Will use 20 segments
You can't use instance member variables/constants inside the static function. (In terms of Objective C you can't use instance member objects inside class function)
Either you should declare the kNumberOfSegments as static or make that function as non-static. I prefer the first option,
struct LevelDictionary
static let kNumberOfSegments: Int = 10
static func loadLevelData() -> NSDictionary
for var segmentNumber = 0; segmentNumber < kNumberOfSegments; ++segmentNumber
//My code here
return dictionary

How to set values of global variables used in function parameters

I can conveniently change opsCount variable directly from inside the function,
because there is only one of that type of variable.
int opsCount = 0;
int jobXCount = 0;
int jobYCount = 0;
int jobZCount = 0;
void doStats(var jobCount) {
main() {
But there are many jobCount variables, so how can I change effectively that variable, which is used in parameter, when function is called?
I think I know what you are asking. Unfortunately, the answer is "you can't do this unless you are willing to wrap your integers". Numbers are immutable objects, you can't change their value. Even though Dart's numbers are objects, and they are passed by reference, their intrinsic value can't be changed.
See also Is there a way to pass a primitive parameter by reference in Dart?
You can wrap the variables, then you can pass them as reference:
class IntRef {
int val;
String toString() => val.toString();
IntRef opsCount = new IntRef(0);
IntRef jobXCount = new IntRef(0);
IntRef jobYCount = new IntRef(0);
IntRef jobZCount = new IntRef(0);
void doStats(var jobCount) {
main() {
print('opsCount: $opsCount; jobXCount: $jobXCount; jobYCount: $jobYCount; jobZCount: $jobZCount');
According to Roberts comment ..
With a custom operator this would look like:
class IntRef {
int val;
String toString() => val.toString();
operator +(int other) {
val += other;
return this;
void doStats(var jobCount) {

How can I override the 'map' constructor in a Grails domain class?

I need to perform some initialization when new instances of my domain class are created.
class ActivationToken {
String foo
String bar
When I do this I want bar to be initialized by code inside ActivationToken:
def tok = new ActivationToken(foo:'a')
I cannot see how to 'override' the 'constructor' to make this happen. I know in this case I could just add a normal constructor but this is just a simple example.
The map constructor is coming from Groovy - not Grails in this case. I did some experimentation, and this is what I came up with:
class Foo {
String name = "bob"
int num = 0
public Foo() {
public Foo(Map map) {
map?.each { k, v -> this[k] = v }
name = name.toUpperCase()
public String toString() {
assert 'BOB=0' == new Foo().toString()
assert 'JOE=32' == new Foo(name:"joe", num: 32).toString()
Basically, it appears that you'll have to manually override the constructors if you need to process the property after construction.
Alternately, you can override individual setters, which is cleaner and safer in general:
class Foo {
String name = "bob"
int num = 0
public void setName(n) {
name = n.toUpperCase()
public String toString() {
assert 'bob=0' == new Foo().toString()
assert 'JOE=32' == new Foo(name:"joe", num: 32).toString()
Note that the default value isn't processed, but that should be OK in most instances.
The solution above is also good for cases where initializing an object from parameters in a web request, for example, where you wish to ignore extraneous values, catching Missing property exceptions.
public Foo(Map map) {
try {
map?.each { k, v -> this[k] = v }
catch(Exception e){
