Namespacing module method definition - ruby-on-rails

I accidentally came across this piece of code in Ruby's Postgresql gem:
### Convenience alias for
def self::connect( *args )
return *args )
I played around a bit and turns out that this thing is used just like a normal module class method (it's called like this: PG.connect). In fact we could instead say def self.connect ( #args ) ... end and it would work just the same.
Since self::whatever is a first for me I'm wondering what exactly does self namespaces in such a context and what is its true purpose in this case. Can anyone help shed some light on this?

:: is the scope resolution operator. So self::connect resolves connect from self. Which means that its equivalent to self.connect. You can see how it works from this very contrived example:
class Foo; end
class Bar
def Foo::baz
"Hello World"
puts Foo.baz # "Hello World"
Of course we could also just use def Foo.baz to get the exact same result.
Using double colons for method definition is discouraged by the Ruby Style guide:
Do not use :: to define class methods.
# bad
class Foo
def self::some_method
# good
class Foo
def self.some_method
Its also not recommended for anything other than referencing constants and constructors:
Use :: only to reference constants (this includes classes and modules)
and constructors (like Array() or Nokogiri::HTML()). Do not use :: for
regular method invocation.

:: is, in some situations, somewhat equivalent to .. (I will leave out a precise definition in which exact situations it is equivalent and to what degree, because I freely admit I don't fully know it myself, nor is it well-documented.)
Here is an example of where :: and . behave differently:
module Foo
def self.Bar
Bar = 'constant'
def self.Qux; end
#=> 'method'
#=> 'constant'
#=> 'method'
# NameError (uninitialized constant Foo::Qux)
[Note: this is not a perfect example, since this is about the message sending side of things whereas your example is about the method definition side of things. I believe on the method definition side, they are 100% identical since def never defines a constant and thus there is no ambiguity.]
All Style Guides heavily advocate against this usage, from strongly advising against the message sensing part of it to flat out forbidding both usages of it. The main reason for this is the fact that the two behave differently for message sends, and this may lead to confusion. It is also simpler to explain the conceptual difference between method lookup (dynamic, upwards in the inheritance chain) and constant lookup (first static, lexically outward, then dynamic, upwards in the inheritance chain) when not using the same operator for both.
The typical style used by many Rubyists is:
NEVER use :: for singleton method definition, always use ..
ALWAYS use :: for referencing singleton methods in documentation, never use ..
ALWAYS use . for usage examples of message sends (including singleton methods) in documentation, never use ::.
NEVER use :: for message sends (including singleton methods), always use ..
Those last two are sometimes softened to allow for methods that are supposed to return modules or classes, and to allow for methods that act as factories (e.g. Nokogiri::XML) to be invoked via message sends that "look like" constant lookup, (e.g. Nokogiri::XML('<root/>') instead of Nokogiri.XML('<root/>')).
There was a feature request for removing this usage of ::, but it was rejected mostly because of backwards-compatibility concerns.


RIght way of writing module methods in Ruby

what is right way of writing module? is it only used to stock some peace of code to minimize the number of lines, or is it something much more important than that
I have used and seen ways of writing module, I am working on setting up correct way to define and standardised module. this example is kind of controller code that we use in rails
Way 1 :-
module B
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def process_items
# do somthing...
Class A
include B
def index
#items = Item.all
#item_names = process_items
Way 2 :-
module B
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def process_items(items)
# do somthing...
Class A
include B
def index
#items = Item.all
#item_names = process_items(#items)
Way 1 :-
When I see this independently, its not much readable as I don't know how #items appeared in this method
Unit testing would be hard for method as its dependent
Way 2 :-
Looking at method I can see input is coming we are processing it and returning it back (readablity is good)
Unit testing is easy to this, we wll call method pass what it needs and expect
The way I see modules should be independent, self explanatory, it should be generic so that can be used in any class, kind of helpers. But other way could be dependent on where we use modules
We are using modules like in rails
We use conccern in models, when we call module method we can use self.<field> we don't need to pass anything because instance variable is supposed to be accesssable in every instance method
View helpers are modules I see they put logic into it hard to understand how the variable come from may be instance variable or params, what about making it method which accept somthing and return it back
Concerns on controllers, like the example I have given
I would like to have thoughts on this, what is best approach out of it? is it something which can be standarise or it is more situational or I don't know yet :)
Note: -
I was looking at this question but answer given on this question is no more valid as referenced links are not working.
Right Way to Use Module
The difference here is practically academic, as if you have attr_reader :x then both #x and x will have the same meaning.
It's understood that within a mixin module you will be referencing methods and/or variables that are part of the class or module doing the "mixing in". As such, seeing #x, or in your case, #items, should not come as a real surprise.
If you want to add it as an explicit argument you're sort of missing a lot of the benefits of using a mixin in the first place. You don't need to mix it in at all, you can just use it like B.process_items(...). In other words, your second approach is having an identity crisis. Is it a stand-alone module that includes Concern for no reason, or a weak mixin?
When it comes to testing, you must test the mixin in a module or class which implements the required features. In this case you need either an #items variable, or an items method, and that must have a value of the expected type.
This should be documented somewhere for clarity, but is effectively an implicit contract with anyone using this module.

Why isn't the args parameter used in ActionController::Instrumentation::render?

I am new to Ruby and to Rails, and am trying to understand fully what I'm reading.
I am looking at some of the Rails source code, in this case action_controller/metal/instrumentation.rb.
def render(*args)
render_output = nil
self.view_runtime = cleanup_view_runtime do { render_output = super }
I understand that *args is using the splat operator to collect the arguments together into an array. But after that, it stops making much sense to me.
I can't fathom why render_output is set to nil before being reassigned to equal super and then called with no arguments. I gather that some speedtest is being done, but coming from other languages I'd expect this to just be something more like or perhaps Benchmark.start followed by render_output followed by Benchmark.end. I'm having a hard time following the way it works here.
But more importantly, I don't really follow why args isn't used again. Why bother defining a param that isn't used? And I mean, clearly it is getting used-- I just don't see how. There's some hidden mechanism here that I haven't learned about yet.
In this context, it is important to note how super works, because in some cases it passes implicitly arguments and you might not expect that.
When you have method like
def method(argument)
then super is calling the overridden implementation of method implicitly with the exact same arguments as the current method was called. That means in this example super will actually call super(argument).
Of course, you can still define a method call that explicitly sends other arguments to the original implementation, like in this example:
def method(argument)
super(argument + 1)
Another important edge-case is when you want to explicitly call super without any arguments although the current method was called with arguments then you need to be very explicit like this
def method(argument)
super() # note the empty parentheses
Let me try to describe you what I think this code does.
is using the splat operator to collect the arguments together into an array
that is totally correct, however they don't use it, and if you will go to master branch, they just changed it to *. Asking why it is defined and not used, I think that's question about bad design. They should have called it _args or at least like it is now just single splat *.
render_output is set to nil because of scopes, it has to be explicitly defined out block, lambda, proc in order to store value in it, otherwise its visibility will be locked only to those lambda, proc, block execution. Refer to this article
Benchmark.start. Blocks are great ruby construction. You are totally correct that speedtest is done, we can see it is just decorator for benchmark library.
You are wondering why we cannot just pass it as, that's because what will be given to benchmark ms function? It will be given result, like <div> my html </div. And how we can measure this string result - no how. That's why we calling super right in this block, we want to access parent class function and wrap it inside block, so we are not calling it, we just construct it, and it will be called inside benchmark lib, and measured execution like
class Benchmark
def realtime # :yield:
r0 = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - r0
So here we can count realtime of function execution, this is the code from original library

Ruby error - Undefined Method

I am try to write a function that will find the items in an array which match the string passed to the function. See code below.
class Island
def filter(string)
for element in self
if element.include? (string)
list = ["sasha","rory","rob","anthony","andre","tariq","kimberly","antoinette"]
list.filter("an"){|i| puts i}</i>
How i keep getting "undefined method 'filer' for #
I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong.
First let me object against the solution posted by #Sravan :
While it is true - and sometimes even a good solution - to monkey-patch a class, you have to be careful how to do it, because it may become a time bomb:
Ruby evolves, and new versions often add methods to existing classes. This means that if you add a method Array#search, and a new version of Ruby will also add a method of the same name, your new method will SILENTLY override the one in Ruby. You likely won't notice it for long time, until you are using a feature which is supposed to use Rubys Array#search - maybe by using something new in stdlib - and you get weird results. To track down this type of error can be a nightmare. This is exactly the case when you use search as a method name.
Now, how to do it then? Three possibilities:
(1) If you monkey-patch, use at least a method name which is unlikely to become part of the official interface. It might have your project's name as a prefix, or plenty of underscore characters, and so on. Note that this is not 100% foolproof: A later version of Ruby might add under the hood a private method with exactly the same name than the one you were choosing, but of course the odder your name, the less likely this will happen.
(2) If you don't like this idea of using "clumsy" names, you could at least test before defining the new method, whether it already exists, and throw an exception if it doesn't:
class Array
if self.method_defined?(:search)
raise "#{self.class}::search already defined"
def search(...)
(3) The third possibility is to avoid monkey-patching and keep the method in your Island class. In this case, the method definition would be different:
class Island
def self.filter(array, string)
and it would be called by
Island.filter(myarray, mystring)
UPDATE: Forgot a forth possibility:
(4) You can make Island a subclass of Array. I don't know what else you want to do with your islands, but maybe this is an option worth considering:
class Island < Array
def filter(string)
Of course, when invoking filter, you need to turn your array into an island, before you can use it:
list =[....])
Following ruby's convention over configuration, you can add/overwrite any method in any class
So, adding a function to array class makes it accessible to all the arrays. So, in this solution.
1) First thing is you have taken the filter function in Island class, instead, you need to take inside Array class since the list is an array.
class Array
def filter(string)
for element in self
if element.include? (string)
list = ["sasha","rory","rob","anthony","andre","tariq","kimberly","antoinette"]
list.filter("an"){|i| puts i}
2) Since Filter is a keyword as suggested by other answer, take another name for it. Eg: search
class Array
def search(string)
for element in self
if element.include? (string)
end"an"){|i| puts i}

Understanding Ruby variables and symbols?

I am having some trouble understanding the syntax of variables and symbols in Ruby. I am reading a book called Agile Web Development with Rails 4. I am trying to learn both Ruby and Rails so that I can build websites.
The books and tutorials I have been reading sometimes have variables with the "#" symbol in front of them, and then some variables do not have the # symbol in front of them. What is the difference between them?
Also, I am getting confused with the colon. Sometimes I see variables where the colon is in the front, such as :order, and then I see variables where the colon is at the end, such as colon:. I do not understand what the colon is doing.
Please help me understand the Ruby syntax.
Variables starting with # are instance variables, "properties" in other languages. Whereas 'classic' variables are local to the scope of their method/block, instance variables are local to a specific instance of an object, for example:
class Foo
def initialize(bar)
#bar = bar
def bar
#bar # the variable is specific to this instance
def buzz
buzz = 'buzz' # this variable is not accessible outside of this method
You may also see variables starting with ##, which are class variables, and are accessible by every instance of the class and shared with every instance of the subclass. Usage of those variables is usually discouraged, primarily because subclasses share the variable, which can cause a lot of mess.
In Ruby everything is an object, classes are objects (instances of class Class), so you can also have class instance variables:
class Foo
#bar #we are in class Foo's scope, which is an instance of class Class
#bar = bar
def bar
#bar # !=
What you call "variables with a colon" are not variables. They are a particular type of string, called a symbol, that is immutable and optimized for quick identification by the interpreter, in fact, those are stored internally as pointers, so that :this == :this is a very quick operation.
This property makes them good candidates for hash keys because they offer quick retrieval or for "flags" to pass to a method; Think of them as a sort of loose constant that "stands for" what they say. Their immutability is also dangerous: All symbols ever created never get garbage collected; It's easy to create a memory-leak by creating thousands of symbols, so use them wisely.
UPDATE since ruby 2.2 symbols may be garbage-collected in certain cases (when no reference is kept and no comparison is needed)
Variables with an # symbol are instance variables. What this means is that they persist as long as the instance of the class they are declared in persists. So if you have a class called Message and each message has a variable called #subject, when you instantiate a new message it will keep that subject variable in memory as long as the message object itself lives. Now if it did not have the # symbol, once the function it was declared in "went out of scope" aka finished, the variable would be "lost" as the function was complete and the memory was reclaimed by the Ruby VM. There are also "class variables" that are prefaced with two # symbols. This means the variable is shared across all instances of a class.
As for the colon, if it is before a variable that means it is a "symbol", which is usually used as an identifer for hashes and other bits of data in Ruby. If it is at the end of a word that means it is the key portion of a hash identifier in Ruby 1.9+ syntax.
Instance Variables: (#foo = '123') An instance variable is defined and keeps its value throughout the current instance of the request. In the rails mvc paradigm, the most common use of instance variables are used to help communicate data from the controller to the view, and allows you ro define things in one part of the controller and use in another.
class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :find_project
def show; end
def update
if #project.update_attributes(params[:project])
def find_project
#project = Project.find(params[:id])
In the above code, you can see that there is a before filter that gets ran before every method. In the above case, we find the current project and save it to an instance variable. And because its an instance method, its able to be access anywhere within this class as well as the views used to render the html.
Local Variables: (foo = '123') Pretty much exactly what the name implies, they are only able to be accessed within the current method (def) of where they are defined.
sometimes have variables with the "#" symbol in front of them, and then some variables do not have the # symbol in front of them.
Variables with the "#" symbol are instance variables,which are not preceded by #,can be constants or local variables or global variables. Read Ruby Programming/Syntax/Variables and Constants.
Sometimes I see variables where the colon is in the front, such as :order
They are called symbols.
and then I see variables where the colon is at the end, such as colon:. I do not understand what the colon is doing.
These probably the Hash syntax(as you give us hints,so I would guess),where keys are symbols. Example : {foo: 1} - this is a Hash.
Also read as you requested :
Normal Variables Vs Instance variable in Ruby, Whats the difference?

Is there any built-in way to automatically enforce a type/class on an instance variable in Ruby?

I'm working with Ruby and Rails, so any Rails extension of Ruby should be fine too.
I'm wondering if there's a way to effectively force a type on instance variables (rather, their setters and getters) that's easier than manually defining them.
The class method attr_accessor and the like don't enforce a type. I noticed for instance that Rails' ActiveRecord::Base class does automatic casting on setters. It knows from the database that a particular active record variable is an integer, and setting it with #record.integer_variable = '1' automatically casts the argument and allows further access through #record.integer_variable # => 1.
Is there a way to tap into this?
I could write my own getters and setters as class methods, but if smarter folk have already done the heavy lifting, I'd rather not have to trust myself.
I don't know if there's already something about it, but you can solve this problem with just a few lines of meta-programming:
module EnforceTypes
def attr_accessor_of_type(name, type)
send :define_method, name do
send :define_method, "#{name}=" do |v|
raise ArgumentException unless v.is_a? type
instance_variable_set("##{name}", v)
class MyClass
extend EnforceTypes
attr_accessor_of_type :some_string, String
Of course you can make it a little smart by changing the 2nd emitted method, performing some conversions, etc.
Here's a nice reference:
And remember, almost anything that you can do by manually copy-and-pasting lots of code, can be solved with meta-programming.
