Unable to change to previous io input - lua

i am currently trying to make a small script that temporarily changes the io input to a file and then back to the previews input. i have tried searching for solutions and all i found was this from lua.org
local temp = io.input() -- save current file
io.input("newinput") -- open a new current file
... -- do something with new input
io.input():close() -- close current file
io.input(temp) -- restore previous current file
however when i attempt this i get this error
Bad Argument #1 (string or file expected, got table):
i am relatively new to lua so any help would be outstanding


How to set io.output() back to default output file?

I am learning how work with files in Lua, and I came across a problem.
I know that:
io.output() allows me to specify the file that I will write output to.
The io.write() function simply gets a number of string arguments and writes them to the current output file.
io.close() then closes the file I am reading or writing on.
I first set io.output() to "myNewFile.txt" then I did io.write("Hello World!").
io.write("Hello World!")
This part worked well and myNewFile.txt got Hello World written to it.
Then I wrote io.close() to close the myNewFile.txt.
After that, I wrote io.write("Hello World!"), but I got an error:
C:\\Program Files\\lua\\lua54.exe: ...OneDrive\\Documents\\learning lua\\steve's teacher\\main.lua:9: default output file is closed stack traceback: \[C\]: in function 'io.write' ...OneDrive\\Documents\\learning lua\\steve's teacher\\main.lua:9: in main chunk \[C\]: in ?
I wanted io.write("Hello World!") to write Hello World in the terminal. I know can use print() but print() function adds extra characters like \n and things like that.
So my question is, how do I write Hello World in the terminal using io.write("Hello World!") in this situation?
I tried to search this error up on Google, but there weren't any results. I also tried joining many Discord servers, but I didn't get a proper response. I am a new developer to Lua so this all is really confusing to me.
After io.close() do a io.output(io.stdout) to set it back.
The clean way
local oldout = io.output() -- without argument returns actual output
io.output("file") -- set to a filename
-- do file operations here
-- use io.flush() where it is necessary
io.close() -- close file also do a flush()
io.output(oldout) -- set back to oldout ( normally io.stdout )
-- changing io.output() back should also close() and flush() the "file"
-- But better doublecheck this when using userdata without experience

"function arguments expected near 'levelc'" when using LOVE

I'm currently trying to make a level loading system for a game.
function love.filedropped(file)
for i=1,levelc do
print levels[i]
levelc should be the first line of the file, and file:getFilename is the file to open (path included) the project gives an error message on startup, and i've used a similar structure before, but for an output. The error is at line 30, which is the levelc=io.read().
I've tried changing the name of the file pointer (it was "f" before, now "ofile") and i've tried using io.read("*l") instead of io.read() but same result.
-this is a love.filedropped(file)
-i need to open other files from a .txt later and i don't really understand how do do that
The parameter given by love.filedropped is a DroppedFile.
In your case helpful could be File:lines().
For example:
function love.filedropped(file)
-- Open for reading
-- Iterate over the lines
local i = 0
for line in file:lines() do
i = i + 1
levels[i] = line
print(i, levels[i]) -- Notice the parentheses missing in your code
-- Close the file
Notice that love2d usually only allows reading/writing files within the save or working directory. Dropped files are an exception.
Unrelated to this answer but things I noticed in your code:
Use locals, oFile should be local
file:close() required parentheses as its a function call
Same for the print
The filedropped callback has no end
You mentioned reading other files too, to do so, you can either:
Use love.filesystem.newFile and a similar approach as before
The recommended one-liner love.filesystem.lines

Lua io.popen freezing after a while of reading a log file

I'm attempting to constantly read and parse a log file (Minecraft log file) by using io.popen in tandem with Ubuntu's tail command so that I can send some messages upon certain events.
Now, I have mostly everything working here, except one small issue. After a while of reading, the entire program just freezes.
Here is the relevant code:
-- Open the tail command, return a file handle for it.
local pop = io.popen(config.listen_command)
-- Simply read a single line, I've pulled this into its own
-- function so that if this ever needs changing I can do so
-- easily.
local function get_line()
logger:log(4, "READ LINE")
return pop:read("*l")
-- For each line in the log file, check if it matches any
-- of a list of patterns, return the matches and the
-- pattern information if so.
local function match_line()
local line = get_line()
logger:log(4, "Line: %s", line)
-- This all works, and I've tested that it's not freezing
-- here. I've just included it for completion of the call
-- -stack.
for event_type, data in pairs(config.message_patterns) do
for event_name, pattern in pairs(data) do
local matches = {line:match(pattern)}
if matches[1] then
return event_type, event_name, matches
-- The main loop, simply read a line and send a message
-- if there was a match.
logger:log(4, "Main loop begin.")
while true do
local event_type, event_name, matches = match_line()
-- ...
-- The rest of the code here is not relevant.
config.listen_command = "tail -F --lines=1 latest.log"
The issue is in the get_line function. After a while of reading the log file, it completely freezes on the pop:read("*l"). It prints the READ LINE message, but never prints the Line: <whatever data here> line.
This is a really strange issue that I've been getting really confused about. I've tried swapping to different distributions of Lua (Luvit, LuaJIT, Lua) and a very large amount of debugging, changing small things, rerunning, ... But I cannot think of anything that'd be causing this.
Perhaps there's something small I've missed.
So my question here is this: Why is pop:read("*l") freezing, even though more data is being outputted to the logfile? Is there a way to fix this? Perhaps to detect if the next read will freeze indefinitely, so I can try closing the popen'ed file and re-open it (or to preferably stop it happening altogether?)

How do I view the source code of a GW-BASIC .BAS file?

I have an old .BAS file that I'm trying to view and for which I'm running into some problems. Searching online seems to indicate that I should be able to just open it in NOTEPAD.EXE or similar, but doing so gives me gibberish, like this:
‰=É™2+df”c).vX»[šû'Û9¹8%ñx5m#8úV4ÊBº)Eª;Iú¹ó‹|àÆ„72#Ž§i§Ë #îÑ?
}+d&jQ *YòÎg)ʇŒ~Š¯DË?úŽ©Ž5\šm€S{ÔÍo—#ìôÔ”ÜÍѱ]ʵ¬0wêÂLª¡öm#Å„Ws雦 X
Ô¶æ¯÷¦É®jÛ ¼§
”n ŸëÆf¿´ó½4ÂäÌ3§Œ®
I know the file is sound, because I can open it in GW-BASIC. However, list does not seem to work to view the file, and trying to save the file in ASCII format from within GW-BASIC, didn't work either. Both just gave me an "Illegal function call" error:
(C) Copyright Microsoft 1983,1984,1986,1987
60300 Bytes free
Illegal function call
SAVE "Pwrharm2",A
Illegal function call
[Program runs successfully]
Then again, the run command works just fine. What am I doing wrong?
You're not doing anything wrong; the file was originally saved in GWBASIC with the ,P option. There is a 'hack' to unprotect it, described at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.os.msdos.misc/PA9sve0eKAk - basically, you create a file (call it UNPROT.BAS) containing only the characters 0xff 0x1a, then load the protected file, then load UNPROT.BAS, and you should then be able to list and save the program.
If you can't LIST or EDIT a GW-BASIC .BAS file that you LOADed from disk, it means that the file was originally SAVEd in protected format via SAVE filespec, P.
The 1988 "Handbook of BASIC - third edition" by David I. Schneider describes it as follows:
A program that has been SAVEd in protected format can be unprotected with the following technique.
(a) Create a file called RECOVER.BAS with the following program.
20 PRINT #1, CHR$(255);
30 CLOSE #1
(b) LOAD the protected program into memory.
The formerly protected program will now be in memory and can be LISTed or EDITed, and reSAVEd in an unprotected format. This technique appears to work with most versions of BASIC. I have used it successfully with IBM PC BASIC, Compaq BASIC, and several versions of GW-BASIC. LOADing the file RECOVER.BAS will also restore a program after a NEW command has been executed.

Lua check if a file is open or not

I'm trying to script a lua file to check if a certain file is open. Then I want it to close that file if it is open. I know how to check if the file exist but I need to know how to check if the file is open, meaning the file is running.
Lua, like C, C++, and pretty much every other language, can only close files that it opens itself. You cannot close files open by other people (not with standard Lua calls); this would be incredibly rude.
So you can't test to see if a file is opened by someone else. Nor can you close their file. There may be system API calls you could make to do this, but you would have to give Lua scripts access to those APIs yourself. Lua's standard libraries can't do this.
Sounds like you want to check which if any programs have a given file open.
first thing that comes to mind is parsing the output of lsof on linux.
fd = io.popen("lsof path/to/my/file")
fileopened = (#fd:read("a*") > 0)
Kind of a hacky way to do it, but it works:
processname = "process_name_here.exe"
filedata = io.popen("tasklist /NH /FO CSV /FI \"IMAGENAME eq "..processname.."\"")
output = filedata:read()
if output ~= "INFO: No tasks are running which match the specified criteria." then
-- Program is running. Close the program
os.execute("taskkill -im "..processname)
-- Program is not running
Just make sure to replace "process_name_here.exe" with the process name that shows up in task manager
Alternatively you can just use this to close it without checking if it was actually running:
os.execute("taskkill -im process_name_here.exe")
