How does '==' work with UIViewControllers? - ios

In a tutorial for using UIPageViewController, there's a code that goes like this:
if self == parent.pages.first {
self.label_Back.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
Which basically checks if the self is the first controller stack. How does this work?
And also, if we have multiple instances of a controller class in pages array of UIViewController, will doing the firstIndex thing like below work?
Notifies '_tutorialDelegate' that the current page index was updated.
private func notifyTutorialDelegateOfNewIndex() {
if let firstViewController = viewControllers?.first,
let index = self.pages.firstIndex(of: firstViewController) {
tutorialDelegate?.tutorialPageViewController(tutorialPageViewController: self, didUpdatePageIndex: index)

if self == parent.pages.first
These are Cocoa (Objective-C) objects — UIViewController, descended from NSObject:
Swift == on an Objective-C object in the absence of an override calls isEqual:, inherited from NSObject.
For an NSObject, in the absence of an override, isEqual: defaults to object identity.
So this is just like Swift ===, i.e. it is true just in case these are identically the same view controller object.


What exactly happens when you assign self to delegate?

I'm new to Swift and I'm having a hard time understanding the purpose of assigning self to a delegate. Part of the difficulty stems from the fact that delegate seems to be used in two different ways.
First is as means to send messages from one class to another when a specific event happens, almost like state management. Second is to enable "a class or structure to hand off (or delegate) some of its responsibilities to an instance of another type," as stated in documentation. I have a feeling that these two are fundamentally the same and I'm just not getting it.
protocol PersonProtocol {
func getName() -> String
func getAge() -> Int
class Person {
var delegate: PersonProtocol?
func printName() {
if let del = delegate {
} else {
print("The delegate property is not set")
func printAge() {
if let del = delegate {
} else {
print("The delegate property is not set")
class ViewController: UIViewController, PersonProtocol {
var person: Person!
override func viewDidLoad() {
person.delegate = self
func getAge() -> Int {
print("view controller")
return 99
func getName() -> String {
return "Some name"
What is the purpose of person.delegate = self in this case? Isn't ViewController already required to conform to PersonProtocol without it?
I have a feeling that these two are fundamentally the same
The first is a special case of the second. "send messages from one class to another" is just a specific way of "handing off some of its responsibilities". The "messages" are the "responsibilities"
What is the purpose of person.delegate = self in this case?
Here, person delegates (i.e. hands off) some of its responsibilities to another object. It does this by sending messages to another object. First, it needs to identify which objects it can delegate these responsibilities to. This is achieved by requiring that its delegate conform to PersonProtocol, as PersonProtocol defines the messages that Person is going to send.
Next, person needs to know exactly which object it should send these messages to. This is what person.delegate = self does. Remember that person doesn't know anything about your ViewController until this point. Instead of = self, you could say:
person.delegate = SomeOtherClassThatConformsToPersonProtocol()
and person will send its messages to that object instead, and the methods in your ViewController won't be called.
Isn't ViewController already required to conform to PersonProtocol without it?
Correct, but without it, person doesn't know which object it should send its messages to, and as a result, the methods in your ViewController won't be called.
Note that the delegate property should be declared as weak to avoid retain cycles. When you do person.delegate = self, you get a retain cycle: self has a strong reference to person, person also has a strong reference to self via the delegate property.
If you notice inside your Person class, delegate is nil. If you don't execute person.delegate = self, delegate will remain nil.
In other words, assigning ViewController to person.delegate allows Person to identify who the delegate is (i.e., have a reference to ViewController), and that way you can successfully execute statements like delegate?.getName() or delegate?.getAge() from the Person class.
that means Person is not able to getName() and getAge() so Person class delegate that to other DataSource.
Lets say the your view controller has a data source class PersonDataSource which deal with API to get this information So
class PersonDataSource: PersonProtocol {
func getAge() -> Int {
print("view controller")
return 99
func getName() -> String {
return "Some name"
so the view controller will looks like this
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var person: Person!
var personDataSource = PersonDataSource()
override func viewDidLoad() {
person.delegate = personDataSource

How to present a new screen without a UIViewController in Swift 4?

I have not implemented UIViewController because I have already inherited from another class, and it gives the error that present is not a member of this class
func shareAppLink() {
let name = ""
let items = [name] as [Any]
let ac = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: items, applicationActivities: nil)
present(ac, animated: true)
You can also use Respoder Chain to get the parent view controller for a view
extension UIView {
var parentViewController: UIViewController? {
var parentResponder: UIResponder? = self
while parentResponder != nil {
parentResponder = parentResponder!.next
if let viewController = parentResponder as? UIViewController {
return viewController
return nil
And declare your shareAppLink function like
func shareAppLink(sender : UIView) {
let name = ""
let items = [name] as [Any]
let ac = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: items, applicationActivities: nil)
sender.parentViewController(ac, animated: true)
then in didSelectRowAt, you can call it as:
self.shareAppLink(sender : cell)
present(_:animated:completion:) is a method of UIViewController, so it must be called on some type of UIViewController.
If your class is initially created by a view controller, then you could try passing in a reference using the delegation pattern:
Delegation is a simple and powerful pattern in which one object in a
program acts on behalf of, or in coordination with, another object.
The delegating object keeps a reference to the other object—the
delegate—and at the appropriate time sends a message to it. The
message informs the delegate of an event that the delegating object is
about to handle or has just handled.
If you created a protocol for your custom class something like this:
protocol MyClassDelegate {
func shareAppLink()
Then you could conform to that protocol in your View Controller and call the method something like this: delegate.shareAppLink()
You have to inherit UIViewController subclass or UIViewController class. By doing that an error should be resolved.

Why is selector being sent to previous view controller?

I have an app with a data model class that declares a protocol, and two view controllers embedded in a navigation controller. The data model class is a shared instance. Both view controllers are delegates of the data model. The second view controller has a UITableView.
On start, calls to data model functions from the first view controller work as expected. When I segue from the first view controller to the second, calls to data model functions work as expected as well.
However, when I navigate back to the first view controller and a data model function is called, the app crashes with this error:
2017-04-03 09:48:12.623027 CoreDataTest[3207:1368182]
-[CoreDataTest.PracticesViewController noDupeWithResult:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x15fe136e0
That PracticesViewController is the second view controller. I don't understand why a selector is being sent to what I am thinking of as the previous view controller. My expectation is that the selector should be sent to the first view controller that has just been navigated back to,
I am self-taught, so I presume there is something basic that I am missing, but I don't know what I don't know. Can someone explain why the crash is happening?
Code for the data model
import Foundation
import CoreData
import UIKit
#objc protocol PracticesDataDelegate {
#objc optional func practicesLoadError(headline:String,message:String)
#objc optional func practicesLoaded(practices:[NSManagedObject])
#objc optional func practiceStored()
#objc optional func practiceDeleted()
#objc optional func noDupe(result:String)
class PracticesDataModel {
static let sharedInstance = PracticesDataModel()
private init () {}
var delegate: PracticesDataDelegate?
var practices: [NSManagedObject] = []
// some code omitted . . .
/// Check for a duplicate exercise
func checkForDupe(title:String,ngroup:String,bowing:String,key:String){
guard let appDelegate =
UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate else {
let managedContext = appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest<NSManagedObject>(entityName: "Practice")
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "exTitle == %# AND notegroup == %# AND bowing == %# AND key == %#", title, ngroup, bowing, key)
fetchRequest.predicate = predicate
do {
practices = try managedContext.fetch(fetchRequest)
if practices.count == 0 {
self.delegate?.noDupe!(result:"none") // exception happens here
} else {
} catch let error as NSError {
// to come
The top of the first view controller
import UIKit
class galamianSelection: UIViewController, ExcerciseDataModelDelegate, PracticesDataDelegate {
let exerciseModel = ExerciseDataModel.sharedInstance
let pModel = PracticesDataModel.sharedInstance
// some code omitted . . .
//// THE VIEW ////
override func viewDidLoad() {
exerciseModel.delegate = self
pModel.delegate = self
func practiceStored() {
print("exercise stored")
func noDupe(result: String) {
if result == "none" {
let d = Date()
pModel.storePractice(date: d, exTitle: theExerciseTitle.text!, notegroup: theNoteGroup.text!, bowing: theBowings.text!, rythem: theRhythms.text!, key: theKey.text!, notes: "")
} else {
The top of the second view controller
import UIKit
class PracticesViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource, PracticesDataDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
let pModel = PracticesDataModel.sharedInstance
// some code omitted . . .
//// THE VIEW ////
override func viewDidLoad() {
pModel.delegate = self
delegate is properly set to self in both view controllers.
I am happy to provide more code is needed, but I suspect someone who knows can diagnose from what I've provided.
There are a few issues here.
You are trying to reuse a delegate but only setting it in viewDidLoad. viewDidLoad is only called when, as the name implies, the view initially loads. That means that if you have VC1 in a navigation controller, then you push to VC2, then pop back to VC1, viewDidLoad will not be called a second time. The view has already loaded. If you want a piece of code to be called every time a view controller comes back into focus, you should put it into viewWillAppear: or viewDidAppear:
You are force unwrapping an optional protocol method which you haven't actually implemented (a bug which you're seeing as a result of the first issue, but it's still an issue on its own). Change the force unwrap to an optional self.delegate?.noDupe?(result:"none")
You also declared your delegate like this var delegate: PracticesDataDelegate?. This makes your class retain its delegate and is generally not the right behavior. In your case it actually causes a retain cycle (until you change the delegate). You should change this declaration to weak var delegate: PracticesDataDelegate?
What appears to be happening is:
In PracticesViewController you set the model's delegate to self, as in pModel.delegate = self.
You navigate back to your first view controller. This means that PracticesViewController gets deallocated. But the model's delegate has not been changed, so it's still pointing to the memory location where the view controller used to be.
Later (but soon), your model tries to call a method on its delegate, but it can't because it was deallocated. This crashes your app.
You could reassign the value of the delegate, for example in viewDidAppear. Or you could have your model check whether its delegate implements a method before attempting to call it. That's a standard practice for optional protocol methods-- since they don't have to be implemented, you check first before calling them.
In general, don't use ! in Swift unless you want your code to crash there if something goes wrong.

Create an array of objects that implements a specific protocol

I'm looking for an array type (var array = [TheTypeImLookingFor]()) like 'all objects that subclasses UIViewController and implements the protocol MyProtocol.
I'm building a kind of wizard view with a container view and embedded child views (controller). No problem, this will work as long, as I have only one base type of child view controllers.
Due to the content of screens, I have now a bunch of view controllers of type MyTableViewController which is a subclass of UITableViewController and other view controllers that have regular UIViewControllers as base.
All of the view controllers have one thing in common. A default data property myData: MyObject.
I created a protocol MyProtocol that contains this property.
Now, I have to combine all this view controllers into one array to use it as wizard steps. As long as I only have to access the view controller methods (array items are type of UIViewController) I'm able to use var viewControllers = [UIViewController]() or if I wanna only access the myData property, I change the array item type to MyObject.
But the problem is, I have to access the methods from the UIViewController and from the protocol.
That's why I'm looking for an array type like 'all objects that subclasses UIViewController and implements the protocol MyProtocol.
I tried:
var viewControllers = [UIViewController: MyProtocol]() // is a dict
`var viewControllers = UIViewController where MyProtocol
`var viewControllers = UIViewController.conforms(to: MyProtocol)
But nothing works as expected.
As far as I know, there's currently no way to type something so that it describes anything which inherits from a given class and conforms to a given protocol.
One possible hacky workaround would be to just create a wrapper type in order to perform typecasting for you in the case that you need to treat the instance as a MyProtocol.
struct MyProtocolViewController {
let base: UIViewController
init<T : UIViewController>(_ base: T) where T : MyProtocol {
self.base = base
func asMyProtocol() -> MyProtocol {
return base as! MyProtocol
Now you can create a [MyProtocolViewController], and can either treat an element as a UIViewController, or a MyProtocol.
// given that ViewController and AnotherViewController conform to MyProtocol.
let viewControllers = [MyProtocolViewController(ViewController()),
for viewController in viewControllers {
You could use protocol composition with a placeholder protocol for the class:
protocol UIViewControllerClass {}
extension UIViewController: UIViewControllerClass {}
protocol MyProtocol:class {}
class MySpecialVC:UIViewController,MyProtocol {}
var viewControllers = [UIViewControllerClass & MyProtocol]()
viewControllers.append( MySpecialVC() )
This covers the type safety part but doesn't let you access UIViewController methods without type casting. You can reduce the type casting ugliness by adding a typed property to your protocol (when it applies to the base class)
extension MyProtocol where Self: UIViewControllerClass
var vc:UIViewController { return self as! UIViewController }
// accessing the view controller's methods would then only require insertion of a property name.
Alternatively, you could define the UIViewController methods you need to call in the placeholder protocol but that could quickly become tiresome and redundant if you're going to use many of them.
Why not simply create :
Why not creating :
class ObservingViewController : UIViewController, MyProtocol {
var viewControllers : [ObservingViewController] = []
You can also create a protocol that defines all the UIViewController functions that you need. Make sure that you copy the method signature, otherwise you will have to implement the functions again.
protocol UIViewControllerInteractions {
//copy the signature from the methods you want to interact with here, e.g.
var title: String? { get set }
Then, you can extend your existing protocol.
protocol MyProtocol: UIViewControllerInteractions { }
Or create a new protocol that extends UIViewControllerInteractions and MyProtocol.
protocol MyProtocolViewController: UIViewControllerInteractions, MyProtocol { }
Now, when you extend your SubclassUIViewController, you still only have to add your myData because the methods in the UIViewControllerInteractions are already implemented by UIViewController (that's why we copied the method signature)
class SubclassUIViewController: MyProtocol {
var myData ...
You can now have an array of MyProtocol or MyProtocolViewController and also call the methods defined in UIViewControllerInteractions which will call the UIViewController methods.
var viewController: [MyProtocol] = [...]
viewController.forEach { (vc) in
I had a similar issue and solved it with a custom base class. Imagine an array like:
var viewControllers: [MapViewController]
which all should extend from UIViewController and implement the following protocol:
protocol MapViewControllerDelegate {
func zoomToUser()
Then I've declared a base class like:
class MapViewController: UIViewController {
var delegate: MapViewControllerDelegate?
Caution: this class doesn't implement the above protocol but holds a property which provides the desired functionality. The next step is to define one of the UIViewController that will be added to the array:
class GoogleMapsViewController: MapViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
delegate = self
extension GoogleMapsViewController: MapViewControllerDelegate {
func zoomToUser() {
// Place custom google maps code here
The important part is located in the viewDidLoad method. The view controller assigns itself as the delegate.
let googleMapsViewController = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "GoogleMapsViewController") as! GoogleMapsViewController
let mapboxMapsViewController = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "MapboxMapsViewController") as! MapboxMapsViewController
let mapViewControllers: [MapViewController] = [googleMapsViewController, mapboxViewController]
for mapVC in mapViewControllers {
The benefits:
The MapViewController is like an abstract class and If I change the MapViewControllerDelegate the compiler forces me to implement the changes in the GoogleMapsViewController and in the MapboxMapsViewController.
If I need a second protocol I could just implement a second delegate property.
No type casting needed like in the other answers. Each UIViewController is still a UIViewController and provides all its methods.

Retrieve var value from another class

i have those two classes and i want to retrieve a value from one to another:
class SearchUserViewController:UIViewController{
var selectedUser: String!
#IBAction func btn_accept(sender: AnyObject) {
selectedUser = "Norolimba"
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
I'm saving the value to "selectedUser" var, then i want to check the value from this class:
class CalendarViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
let vc : SearchUserViewController! = self.storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("searchView") as SearchUserViewController
if vc.selectedUser == nil {
But when i println the value "vc.selectedUser" the value is nil. So what can i do here to catch it from the other class and don't get a nil value?
searchView is here:
Hope you can help me.
When you use instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier(), you're not accessing the view controller that was being displayed on the screen, nor are you accessing the controller that has potentially been automatically instantiated by Interface Builder.
What you're doing is instantiating (hence the name) a new instance of that controller. So the instance variable selectedUser of that new instance is going to be nil.
What you should do is probably provide a callback to your SearchUserViewController when you display it, so that it can notify the view that presented it when a user is picked.
Alternatively, you can use the parentViewController property of UIViewController in cases where you (the view controller) are being presented modally to access the view controller that presented you. So in your SearchUserViewController, when it's being dismissed, it can access self.parentViewController, which should be a CalendarViewController, and call a method or set a property.
(But for the modal controller to assume who its parent is, is a bit of a code smell. I recommend using a callback or delegate of some sort.)
Edit: An example of using the completion callback:
class CalendarViewController : UIViewController {
public func displayUserSelectionController() {
let suvc : SearchUserViewController = ... (how are you displaying it?) ...
self.presentViewController(suvc, animated:true, completion: {
// The SUVC is hiding
if let user = suvc.selectedUser {
} else {
