How to integrate WebRTC with ios app swift? - ios

I need to create an app that holds audio and video calling functionality. Does anyone have idea about which is a free library for this functionality ? And how to manage it properly in my app ?

I used AppRTC in my projects
You should implement ARDAppClientDelegate and RTCEAGLVideoViewDelegate protocols on ViewController on order to use this library.
You can find Swift examples on Github


IOS 14 Admob ads implementation App Tracking Transparency

I'm using Unity and Google Mobile Ads 8.7.0 to implement ads in my game. I've read Google Prepare for IOS here But confused where and how to implement the required source codes.
The file states that we should place -void requestIDFA in our XCODE project. Few videos on YouTube has placed the code in their AppDelagate.h script.
But Admobs SDK 8.7.0 dosent include an AppDelagate.h file. Where should I place the -void (requestIDFA) script from Google. Will anywhere suffice or must there be a specific place you implement it.
You're probably the one who asked me on my YouTube video, and I answered you.
However the simplest solution is to use the Unity package iOS 14 Advertising Support, you find it in the package manager.

Could I mix Unity with iOS?

I have questions about Unity and iOS.
1) Could I put Unity program into iOS UIView?
2) Could I get data of variables from Unity program in iOS app?
Thanks for reading.
- You can imbed your unity view into any Navigation Controller , and you can pass variables from your iOS app into unity app .
Here is a demo project with the functions you will need
You may want to look into integrating Unity as a library in a native iOS app.
However Unity suggests:
...that you deeply understand the architecture of Android/Java & iOS/Objective C applications.
Before doing so

How to properly integrate Unity + Vuforia into an existing native iOS Project?

We have created a project with Unity 2017.3 and Vuforia 6.0.114 and need to integrate it into a native iOS App with already existing AppDelegate and existing ViewContollers. We still want to launch our own AppDelegate and starting ViewController but on some point later the Unity+Vuforia-Controller shall be entered.
We are familiar with the process of integrating a Unity App into a native iOS App itself and we made everything work fine as long as there is no Vuforia involved.
The problem is that Vuforia itself subclasses Unity's Controller (in by using the IMPL_APP_CONTROLLER_SUBCLASS(VuforiaNativeRendererController) mechanism.
This is actually the same way we subclass our own iOS native App, thus we have a conflict. We can either start our part and take control of Unity or let Vuforia do it.
The question now is: Is it possible to somehow further subclass Vuforia or something similar? And if so, how could this be achieved?
We recently hit that exact same road bump. Using this method to integrate the Unity app into our existing native iOS project, we managed to bypass the renderer issue. Just make sure you turn off Auto Graphics API in Unity's player settings and use OpenGLES2 instead of Metal
I know this question is old, but pops-up in search and there is a solution.
Here's guide on Using Vuforia Engine with Unity as a Library (UaaL)

Integrating Live Photos in my app

I have some live photos that I am trying to use in my app. I am kind of confused on how to integrate them so I can use it in the app. I currently have an image view, but how do I add the live photo to it?
There is really no simple out-of-the-box API from Apple to integrate Live Photo in iOS apps.
That being said, there's an interesting article that has been going around lately which will explain what Live Photo is under the hood and how you can use it.
PHLivePhoto & PHLivePhotoView are available in iOS 9.1+
These should be all you need to support Apple's Live Photos in your app.

Integrating Box-Sdk with iOS application

I am working with an iOS application in which i have to authenticate with help of BOX-SDK for iOS and then upload images on Box. Firstly i used the sample app of BOX-API by Mr. lopopolo and upload images with that. Currently i want to integrate the api with my iOS application . i can work with the sample application but it uses storyboard . I am using XIB in my application so i get lots of issues. Can anybody tell me how to integrate Box-api with my iOS application.
I have to integrate box-api with my iOS app.Please help me out only with the authentication process. Please explain the steps for integrating the api so that i can authenticate with view controllers and xib not with the Storyboard.
Thanks in advance.
You should be able to use BOXContracts sample app to achieve your goal. it is not using Storyboard.
