Forge viewer crashes after loading some large models - ios

I have been trying to load the model over 200MB on the ios app, but the viewer crashes after loading a few seconds. In the web inspecter, it returns many 404 errors. This error only happens on the ios app and not happens on the android app.
In my mind, I think it is related to the memory limit. I check the document of viewer v7 Allocate Memory for Large Models and Update memory limit but with no fortunate. How could I load the large model on ios app with forge viewer?

Ok based on my colleague's experience, Ionic suffers from web performance problems on mobile, such as 'animation jank', Navigation bugs, keyboard popup bugs with Form input and memory bloat, which could be the main reason why the Viewer is running out of memory.
I will suggest maybe trying React Native. These apps are written in javascript, where the JSC/V8 engine creates & manipulates Native UI components for both iPhone and Android platforms. This gives your app speed and the buttery smooth animation, of a typical native app written in Xcode/Swift and Android Studio/Java. Hence, React Native app's don't suffer the problems that Cordova/Ionic do.
Here is a blog post to help you develop the app.


problem of the application execution speed

We've created an webview style hybrid app, using framework based on PHP
Compared to Android, it takes twice as much time to load the app on the iphone
We've packaged the app using wk webview which based on Safari.
Is there any issue that we can check in order to solve such slow running problem on iphone?
Best regards

Technical differences between PWA and Hybrid App

What are the differences between a PWA and a hybrid app? This question was asked before but I haven't found found a proper answer to my question.
I know a PWA runs in the browser and you get a hybrid app from an app store.
But both are using JavaScript with HTML and CSS and both enable offline support and I can access native features like camera and local storage.
Once I have added a PWA to my Homescreen, it uses a web view to render the app right? And a hybrid app uses a web view as well, so what exactly are the differences between PWA and a hybrid app?
With Ionic I can even use the exact same code for a pwa and a hybrid app...
Roughly it is like this below:
web app (PWA) is just a web-site that declares certain capabilities using manifest file etc which can get it some special treatments (like leverage service worker, sign up for web notifications, go full screen etc IF target browser supports it). As a web-app it is super limited in its "privileges" on a system level (like persistence quota etc)
hybrid app (like Cordova for example) is a binary code that is "wrapping" your web-code and exposes certain "native" SDK capabilities via plugins. You can potentially also write your own plugin and in theory access any native SDK API this way. But since your main app code is still a web-app that runs inside of a webview it still has a lot of penalties like performance etc. But at least you can get things like storage etc.
native app is a binary build using target platform's SDK. That in
theory gives you max access to capabilities and performance at
expense of having to write separate code for each platform.
Makes sense?
Progressive Apps
Today, these apps only work on Opera, Chrome, and the Samsung mobile browser. However, these browsers take up only less than half of the mobile browser market.
In some devices, some of the features will not work. For instance, notifications on iOS devices will not work.
In some apps, cameras, fingerprint scanner, and GPS may not work or work with glitches.
Cordova/ Ionic based hybrid apps
Making the hybrid apps run efficiently on multiple platforms is no easy task. In some instances, it could cost almost the same as running native apps. The cost will depend on how close you want to get to the native app experience.
Since these apps will launch using a browser-like component, they are only as good as the component on which they run. Earlier, Google and Apple did not agree on the WebView. While it has vastly been improved, it does not have the same efficiency as running a native app.

Mobile app logging stats tools - Swift

I am developing a mobile GPS tracking app and I would like to know if there are any classes available that output the mobile stats to a view? Memory, CPU etc. Similar to Hi-res-Stats in AS3.
I would like to see usage while the app is used however the only tool I know of is built in to xcode and it wouldn't really be feasible taking my mac with me.

AIR for iOS app crashes on iOS 5.1

I am developing an AIR app which packages multiple video files in swf format.
Users of the app are supposed to create a movie by creating a sequence of these swf files. The ipa file size is around 200MB.
I have done some graphic optimizations such as using bitmaps wherever possible, avoid using filters and blend modes etc.
The app works just fine on iOS6/iPad3 however it crashes on iOS5.1/iPad3. After checking device logs using xcode on Mac, it appears that the app is crashing because of low memory. The real problem seems to be loading of swfs which keeps adding on to memory usage with every swf load. The Loader.unload() method does not work on iOS, so it seems that I have hit a dead end. I have no clue as to how to tackle this memory issue without unload.
I tried the latest AIR SDK 3.6 Beta, but the video swfs just don't load and hence I cannot use the application. I had specified loader context with application domain set to current domain. According to adobe labs page they have added support for packaging and loading of multiple swfs and better memory management in AIR 3.6, however until I can load the swf its of no use to me.
I am using following setup:
Flash Professional CS6
iPad 3/iOS 5.1
I would really appreciate any help in this regard.
Maybe helpful in your situation either: I had constant crashes when working with video in AIR 3.5. Setting the render mode to direct helped to workaround this bug of the AIR runtime. Have you tried it?

Slow initial loadingscreen iOS web app

I am working with a web app built for webkit browsers that is quite javascript-heavy. The app runs rather smooth in the safari browser and the initial loading is about 1,5-2 sec (iPhone 4s iOS 6) on my 3g net. However, when I launch the app from my homescreen, the splashscreen will stay for 5-6 seconds, sometimes even longer (Have gotten reports it can stay for around 10 seconds).
I am wondering how the difference can be so big? What can be done to reduce this loading?
Any help is appreciated.
If you are using a UIWebView where you load your WebApp, you are using a version of WebKit that does not support JIT optimizations for JS (source)
I'll break the app in smaller pieces and try to show something to the user ASAP, then continue loading your JS in the background. I know this is not good, but if your problem is a heavy JS App, you are stuck with non-JIT WebKit engine (AKA UIWebView)
Have a look at WWDC 2012 Session 601: Optimizing Web Content in UIWebViews and Websites on iOS (you need to be a registered iOS developer), and hear this episode of Cocoanetics podcast
Would love to know some optimizations, though.
Web apps launched from the homescreen are slower than those launched from inside Safari, due to the home screen ones not taking advantage of Safari's Nitro Javascript engine.
Yes, the article is a bit dated, but I cannot find any information stating that this is no longer the case.
