Run Filebeat in docker as IoT Edge module - docker

I would like to run Filebeat as Docker container in Azure IoT Edge. I would like Filebeat to get logs from others running containers.
I'm already able to run filebeat as Docker container, from the documentation (
docker run -d \
--name=filebeat \
--user=root \
--volume="$(pwd)/filebeat.yml:/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml:ro" \
--volume="/var/lib/docker/containers:/var/lib/docker/containers:ro" \
--volume="/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro" \ filebeat -e -strict.perms=false
With this command and with the correct filebeat.yml file I'm able to collect logs for every running containers on my device.
Now I would like to deploy this configuration as Azure IoT Edge Modules.
I created a docker image having the filebeat.yml file included with the following Dockerfile:
COPY filebeat.yml /usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml
USER root
RUN chmod go-w /usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml
RUN chown root:filebeat /usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml
USER filebeat
From documentation:
I tested this Dockerfile by running locally
docker build -t filebeat .
docker run -d \
--name=filebeat \
--user=root \
--volume="/var/lib/docker/containers:/var/lib/docker/containers:ro" \
--volume="/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro" \
filebeat:latest filebeat -e -strict.perms=false
This works fine, logs from other containers are collected as they should.
Now my question is :
In Azure IoT Edge, how can I mount volumes to access others Docker containers running on the devices, like it's done with
--volume="/var/lib/docker/containers:/var/lib/docker/containers:ro" \
in order to collect logs?
From this other SO post (Mount path to Azure IoT Edge module) in the Azure IoT Edge portal I tried the following:
"HostConfig": {
"Mounts": [
"Target": "/var/lib/docker/containers",
"Source": "/var/lib/docker/containers",
"Type": "volume",
"ReadOnly: true
"Target": "/var/run/docker.sock",
"Source": "/var/run/docker.sock",
"Type": "volume",
"ReadOnly: true
But when I deploy this module I have the following error:
2019-11-25T10:09:41Z [WARN] - Could not create module FilebeatAgent
2019-11-25T10:09:41Z [WARN] - caused by: create /var/lib/docker/containers: "/var/lib/docker/containers" includes invalid characters for a local volume name, only "[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]" are allowed. If you intended to pass a host directory, use absolute path
I don't understand this error. How can I specify a path using only [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-] ?
Thanks for your help.
In the Azure IoT Edge portal, createOptions json:
"HostConfig": {
"Binds": [

There is an article that describes how to mount storage from the host here:


Docker commit not saving changes (anapsix/webdis)

I started a docker images anapsix/webdis:
sudo docker run -d -p 7379:7379 -e LOCAL_REDIS=true anapsix/webdis
and changed the etc/webdis.json to allow websockets and committed it with
sudo docker commit <container-id>
however, when I used the new image to start a container, it does not keep the changes. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
In this case your problem is that the anapsix/webdis image has an entrypoint script (/ that generates /etc/webdis.json when the container starts.
Looking at the script, you can set the value of websockets by setting the WEBSOCKETS variable when you start the container:
docker run -d -p 7379:7379 \
-e LOCAL_REDIS=true \
-e WEBSOCKETS=true \
When we run it like this, the generated /etc/webdis.json looks like:
"redis_host": "",
"redis_port": 6379,
"redis_auth": null,
"http_host": "",
"http_port": 7379,
"threads": 5,
"pool_size": 10,
"daemonize": false,
"websockets": true,
"database": 0,
"acl": [
"disabled": ["DEBUG", "FLUSHDB", "FLUSHALL"]
"http_basic_auth": "user:password",
"enabled": ["DEBUG"]
"verbosity": 8,
"logfile": "/dev/stdout"
More broadly, using docker commit is almost always the wrong thing to do; you should generate custom images using a Dockerfile (this gives you a much more manageable, reproducible process for creating container images).

vscode containerEnv not working in mounts

I'm using the vscode command Remote-contains: Open Folder in container...
I'm trying to mount bind a file into the docker container.
The host file is under my HOME directory and I need it mounted in the same location within the container's HOME directory.
Here is my mount command from the vscode devcontainer.json
"mounts": [
Note the 'containerEnv' in the target clause.
Launching the container via the vscode Remote-contains: Open Folder in container...
produces the following error: (for readability I've added some newlines)
Start: Run: docker run --sig-proxy=false -a STDOUT -a STDERR
--mount type=bind,source=/home/bsutton/git/onepub/onepub,target=/workspaces/onepub
--mount source=/home/bsutton/.config/dart/pub-tokens.json,target=${containerEnv:HOME}/.config/dart/pub-tokens.json,type=bind,consistency=cached
--mount source=/home/bsutton/.onepub/onepub.yaml,target=${containerEnv:HOME}/.onepub/onepub.yaml,type=bind,consistency=cached
--mount type=volume,src=vscode,dst=/vscode -l devcontainer.local_folder=/home/bsutton/git/onepub/onepub
--entrypoint /bin/sh vsc-onepub-7ff341664d5755895634c2f74983ff45-uid -c echo Container started
docker: Error response from daemon:
invalid mount config for type "bind": invalid mount path: '${containerEnv:HOME}/.config/dart/pub-tokens.json' mount path must be absolute.
It would appear that vscode isn't expanding the the containerEnv.
If I replace containerEnv it with localEnv it does get expanded (but the wrong path).
i.e. the following works:
"mounts": [
Here is the complete devcontainer.json
// For format details, see For config options, see the README at:
"name": "Ubuntu",
"build": {
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
// Update 'VARIANT' to pick an Ubuntu version: jammy / ubuntu-22.04, focal / ubuntu-20.04, bionic /ubuntu-18.04
// Use ubuntu-22.04 or ubuntu-18.04 on local arm64/Apple Silicon.
"args": { "VARIANT": "ubuntu-22.04" }
// Use 'forwardPorts' to make a list of ports inside the container available locally.
// "forwardPorts": [],
// Use 'postCreateCommand' to run commands after the container is created.
// "postCreateCommand": "uname -a",
// Comment out to connect as root instead. More info:
"remoteUser": "vscode",
"features": {
"git": "latest",
"github-cli": "latest"
"mounts": [

Can I run a docker container from the browser?

I don't suppose anyone knows if it's possible to call the docker run or docker compose up commands from a web app?
I have the following scenario in which I have a react app that uses openlayers for it's maps. I have it so that when the user loses internet connection it fallback onto making the requests to a map server running locally on docker. The issue is that the user needs to manually start the server via the command line. To make things easier for the user, I added the following bash script and docker compose file to boot up the server with a single command, but was wondering if I could incorporate that functionality into the web app and have the user boot the map server by the click of a button?
Just for references sake these are my bash and compose files.
dockerDown=`docker info | grep -qi "ERROR" && echo "stopped"`
if [ $dockerDown ]
echo "\n ********* Please start docker before running this script ********* \n"
exit 1
read -p "Have you imported the maps already and just want to run the app (y/n)?" choice
case "$choice" in
y|Y ) skipInstall="yes";;
n|N ) skipInstall="no";;
* ) skipInstall="no";;
#-e DOWNLOAD_POLY=$polyUrl \
docker volume create openstreetmap-data
docker volume create openstreetmap-rendered-tiles
if [ $skipInstall = "no" ]
docker run \
-e DOWNLOAD_PBF=$pbfUrl \
-v openstreetmap-data:/var/lib/postgresql/12/main \
-v openstreetmap-rendered-tiles:/var/lib/mod_tile \
overv/openstreetmap-tile-server \
echo "Finished Postgres container!"
echo "\n *** BOOTING UP SERVER CONTAINER *** \n"
docker compose up
My docker compose file
version: '3'
image: overv/openstreetmap-tile-server
- openstreetmap-data:/var/lib/postgresql/12/main
- openstreetmap-rendered-tiles:/var/lib/mod_tile
- "8080:80"
command: "run"
external: true
external: true
There is the Docker API, and you are able to start containers,
In the Docker documentation,
To start the containers using the Docker API

Define elasticsearch mapping during Docker build

I have a MySQL, Logstash, and ES setup but I need to set some fields to keyword type instead of text. I've read that it is not possible to do this in Logstash (logstash.conf) and so it needs to be done in ES. I've followed a similar question here and slightly modified it to PUT a mapping but I have got this error: "stacktrace": ["org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.StartupException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown setting [] please check that any required plugins are installed, or check the breaking changes documentation for removed settings",
I am using docker-compose to start all the services at once under the same network, and so the mapping must be specified before logstash ports the data to ES. (Mapping can't be changed on a non-empty index).
I have seen other questions and they do seem a bit old so I wanted to ask if there is a better approach to doing this now.
My mapping.json
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"authors": {"type": "keyword"},
"tags": {"type": "keyword"}
FROM elasticsearch:7.5.1
COPY ./ .
COPY ./mapping.json .
RUN mkdir /data && chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch /data && echo ' /data' >> config/elasticsearch.yml && echo ' /data' >> config/elasticsearch.yml
ADD /utils/
# Copy the files you may need and your insert script
RUN ./ elasticsearch -p /tmp/epid & /bin/bash /utils/ -t 0 localhost:9200 -- curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:9200/cnas_publications' -d #./mapping.json; kill $(cat /tmp/epid) && wait $(cat /tmp/epid); exit 0;
Edit: I've used the from the official repo here
It seems that I was mistaken, and it is actually possible to define the mapping in Logstash. Assuming you're using the official elasticsearch image, create a ES template and make a volume with it to the logstash container.
Here's a sample of my output of my logstash.conf
output {
stdout { codec => "rubydebug" }
elasticsearch {
hosts => "http://elasticsearch:9200"
index => "test"
template => "/logstash/mapping.json"
template_name => "mapping"
document_id => "%{[#metadata][_id]}"
and don't forget to set index_patterns in your ES template.

How to get Rancher scripts code when add agent to nodes hosts?

Normally, get that code on master host's dashboard:
$ sudo docker run --rm --privileged -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/lib/rancher:/var/lib/rancher rancher/agent:v1.2.2
If want to deploy multiple nodes automatic to other hosts, it's necessary to get this code from master:
Then every node just add agent with this code is good. Is it right?
But, how to get it by cli from master?
Rancher has API, which enables you to interact with it remotely. What you require is called registrationTokens. Now, how to access them.
First, set up API tokens in your Rancher. Go to API -> Keys -> Add Account API Key and create the keys. If you can't find the buttons, your URL would be
Now you know the keys and from remote host you can do something like this:
-X GET \
Your result will be a JSON with required data:
"data": [
"id": "1c3",
"type": "registrationToken",
"links": {
"actions": {
"command": "sudo docker run --rm --privileged -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/lib/rancher:/var/lib/rancher rancher/agent:v1.2.2",
