Not possible to control animations in a Form? - ios

Is it not meant to be possible to control the animations that take place inside of a Form view? I have here a playground that demonstrates the issue, along with a gif of what happens. As you can see, my transition on the 2nd animated view is completely ignored, and I had to manually slow down the video because the durations are ignored, too.
I don't really want a scaling transition, this was just to demonstrate that no matter what I put in there the animation is the same. Is that expected, or is it a bug? Or am I just doing something totally wrong?
It's also not clear to me why the animation of the VStack is handled so differently than the simple Text field, which slides down nicely while the VStack seems to be getting some combination of .move and .opacity.
import SwiftUI
import PlaygroundSupport
struct ContentView: View {
#State var showGoodAnimation = false
#State var showBadAnimation = false
var body: some View {
Form {
Toggle(isOn: self.$showGoodAnimation.animation(.easeInOut(duration: 1))) {Text("Yay!")}
if self.showGoodAnimation {
Text("I animate beautifully.")
Toggle(isOn: self.$showBadAnimation.animation(.easeInOut(duration: 1))) {Text("Boo!")}
if self.showBadAnimation {
VStack {
Text("I'm a hot mess.").padding()
.frame(height: 250)
Text("I'm just always here.")

At a guess, probably worked around this question some time ago, but for the benefit of those beating their head's against SwiftUI Form and the like now (as I was :-) )
It turns out that Forms, Lists and (no doubt) other components purposely ignore animation customisation because they are "higher-level" SwiftUI View components (unlike V and HStack's).
They do this because SwiftUI's higher-level components are intended to convey semantic information and (more practically) to work well across all platforms. To achieve this, Apple's engineering decision has been to make animation "easy", but (as observed) only to the extent of essentially turning it "on" or "off".
It's likely engineered like this because if a developer wants more control. Then Apple believes encouraging them to use the lower-level components will be less painful than trying to work around the optimisations they have applied to their higher-level view components.
Anyway, for the determined, there is at least one escape hatch via wrapping the View in a container and specifying the .animation(nil) modifier (as mentioned in Asperi's SO answer here.
An example of this is shown below for completeness; personally, I'm avoiding this pattern as I suspect it's a bit of a footgun.
import PlaygroundSupport
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State var showGoodAnimation = false
#State var showBadAnimation = false
var body: some View {
Form {
Toggle(isOn: self.$showGoodAnimation.animation(.easeInOut(duration: 1))) { Text("Yay!") }
if self.showGoodAnimation {
Text("I animate beautifully.")
Toggle(isOn: self.$showBadAnimation.animation()) { Text("Boo!") }
VStack {
if self.showBadAnimation {
List {
Text("I animated differently").padding()
Text("But am I a footgun?").padding()
.transition(.asymmetric(insertion: .slide, removal: .opacity))
.animation(.easeOut(duration: 5))
Text("I'm just always here.")


How to only apply preferred color scheme to one view and not the rest of the views in the view hierarchy in SwiftUI

I am trying to make one view render in dark mode while the rest of my app is in the users chosen color scheme. When I apply .preferredColorScheme(.dark) to the subview, it causes other views to turn dark as well. How can I fix this behavior?
NavigationView {
ZStack {
NavigationLink(isActive: $showingGoalDashboardView) {
TestView(goal: goals.first!)
} label: {
NavigationLink(isActive: $showingCreateGoalView) {
CreateGoalView(showingGoalCreateView: $showingCreateGoalView)
} label: {
LoadingView just contains some UI elements, all wrapped in a ZStack with the property .preferredColorScheme(.dark) applied to it.
The preferredColorScheme works NOT per-view, but for current presentation - which in this case is a current window. See documentation:
Put LoadingView into sheet or popover, or new window, etc, and there dark mode will be applied independently.
Update: well, actually it can still be used View.colorScheme, and it works, but it has been deprecated - just be aware:
Tested with Xcode 13.4 / iOS 15.5

SwiftUI animation problem with a binding to a StateObject inside a NavigationView

I have an interesting situation in regards to animations in SwiftUI. In its simplified form, I have a view that shows a rectangle which, when tapped, should toggle a Bool binding and represent the change with an animated transition of color. But it seems like the animation doesn't happen when the view is inside a NavigationView and the binding is coming from a StateObject instead of simple local state. I can't explain why that would be the case, and would appreciate any thoughts.
Below is the code that shows a simplified case that reproduces the issue. The app code isn't particularly interesting; it's the default code that creates a WindowGroup and shows an instance of ContentView in it.
import SwiftUI
class AppState: ObservableObject {
#Published var isRed = false
struct RectView: View {
#Binding var isRed: Bool
var body: some View {
.fill(isRed ? : Color.gray)
.frame(width: 75, height: 75, alignment: .center)
.onTapGesture {
withAnimation(.easeInOut(duration: 1)) {
struct ContentView: View {
#StateObject var appState = AppState()
#State private var childViewIsRed = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
NavigationView {
List {
NavigationLink("Link with binding to state object", destination: RectView(isRed: $appState.isRed))
NavigationLink("Link with binding to state variable", destination: RectView(isRed: $childViewIsRed))
.frame(height: 300)
RectView(isRed: $appState.isRed)
RectView(isRed: $childViewIsRed)
The gif/video below is me demonstrating four things, tapping on these views from bottom to top:
First I tap on the very bottom rectangle - the one with a binding to a #State property. It toggles with animation as expected. I tap again to leave it gray.
Then I tap the second rectangle from the bottom - one with a binding to a #Published property in the #StateObject. All is well.
Next, I tap on the NavigationLink that leads to a rectangle that is bound to the local #State property. When I tap on the rectangle the transition is animated fine. The very bottom rectangle also animates, which makes sense since they are bound to the same property.
Finally I tap on the top NavigationLink, which leads to a rectangle bound to the #Published property in the #StateObject. When I tap on this rectangle though, there is no animation. The rectangle snaps to red. The rectangle below it (which is bound to the same property) animates fine, proving that the property is indeed toggled. But there is no animation inside the NavigationView. Why? What am I missing?
I've searched for existing questions. I'm aware that there are some around NavigationView (like this) but that doesn't explain why one type of binding would work fine inside a NavigationView and another wouldn't. Similarly, there are ones around animating changes to #ObservedObjects (like this, would a #StateObject be similar?) but I don't follow why animating changes to such a binding would work fine outside of a NavigatonView and not inside one.
In case it's relevant I'm using Xcode 13.2.1, running on macOS 12.2.1, which is in turn running on a 16-inch M1 Max MacBook Pro. The simulator shown in the gif/video is an iPhone 11 Pro Max. I get the same results if I deploy this tiny test app to a physical iPhone 7 running iOS 15.3.1.
To be honest with you, I am not sure why, but utilizing the animation modifier on the RectView allows the animation to occur without any issues.
struct RectView: View {
#Binding var isRed: Bool
var body: some View {
.fill(isRed ? : Color.gray)
.frame(width: 75, height: 75, alignment: .center)
.animation(.easeOut(duration: 1), value: isRed)
.onTapGesture { isRed.toggle() }
screen recording example

SwiftUI MultiviewResponder mystery crash

I came across this crash I can't explain, even after I boiling it down to the minimal components which would still cause the crash:
Repeatedly tapping the screen quickly (use two fingers) to hide/show an overlayed button with an explicit animation will crash the app under this VERY specific layout:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State var showControls: Bool = true
var body: some View {
ZStack {
Rectangle().foregroundColor(Color.gray) // Removing this would fix it
VStack {
Text("anotherText") // Removing this would also fix it
if showControls {
.zIndex(1) // Removing this would also fix it
.onTapGesture {
withAnimation(.easeInOut(duration: 1)) { // Removing this would also fix it
As mentioned in the code comments, any of these changes prevent the crash:
Remove the Rectangle from the bottom of the ZStack
Remove one of the two views from the VStack
Remove the zIndex (this will break the fade-out animation)
Remove the explicit animation call
Here is my console output:
I would like to know what's happening here, what's causing the crash ?

Section transition in SwiftUI Form

The Section transition in Form is always left-right, I would like to change it to right-left in some cases, I tried .transition with .move modifier, but it does not have effect.
struct ContentView: View {
#State var visible = true
var body: some View {
Form {
Button("visible") {
visible ? Section {
Text("Section 1")
Text("Section 1")
}.transition(.move(edge: .leading)) : nil
!visible ? Section {
Text("Section 2")
Text("Section 2")
}.transition(.move(edge: .trailing)) : nil
Section {
Text("Section 3")
Text("Section 3")
} // Section 3 should not be animated
}.animation(.linear(duration: 0.5))
I read through a significant amount of Apple's code documentation for SwiftUI forms and it appears that there are very few options for customization; specifically with the way you have the code currently set up. In that, I would recommend creating the animations and page from scratch. Doing it that way, you would have complete creative freedom of the directions for the transitions. This would take a lot of work to look like a Form, but it's possible. The following answer will give you a right-left transition:

Correct way to layout SwiftUI (similar to Autolayout)

I'm struggling to layout views effectively with SwiftUI.
I am very familiar with UIKit and Autolayout and always found it intuitive.
I know SwiftUI is young and only beginning so maybe I expect too much, but taking a simple example:
Say I have a HStack of Text() views.
| Text("static") Text("Dynamic") |
When I have dynamic content, the static Text strings jump all over the place as the size of the HStack changes, when Text("Dynamic") changes...
I've tried lot's of things, Spacers(), Dividers(), looked at approaches using PreferenceKeys (link), Alignment Guides (link)
Closest to an answer seems alignment guides, but they are convoluted.
What's the canonical approach to replicate Autolayout's ability to basically anchor views to near the edge of the screen, and layout correctly without jumping around?
I'd like to anchor the static text "Latitude" so it doesn't jump around.
There are other examples, so a more general answer on how best to layout would be appreciated...
With Autolayout it felt I chose were things went. With SwiftUI it's a lottery.
Example, showing the word "Latitude" jump around as co-ordinates change:
Example, code:
HStack {
Text(verbatim: "\(self.viewModelContext.lastRecordedLocation().coordinate.latitude)")
I'm really struggling when my views have changing/dynamic context. All works OK for static content as shown in all of the WWDC videos.
Potential Solution:
Using a HStack like this:
HStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 20) {
Text(verbatim: "\(self.viewModelContext.lastRecordedLocation().coordinate.latitude)")
The result is nicely anchored, but I hate magic numbers.
As you've somewhat discovered, the first piece is that you need to decide what you want. In this case, you seem to want left-alignment (based on your padding solution). So that's good:
HStack {
Text(verbatim: "\(randomNumber)")
That's going to make the HStack as wide as its containing view and push the text to the left.
But from you later comments, you seem to not want it to be on the far left. You have to decide exactly what you want in that case. Adding .padding will let you move it in from the left (perhaps by adding .leading only), but maybe you want to match it to the screen size.
Here's one way to do that. The important thing is to remember the basic algorithm for HStack, which is to give everyone their minimum, and then split up the remaining space among flexible views.
HStack {
HStack {
HStack {
Text(verbatim: "\(randomNumber)")
The outer HStack has 2 children, all of whom are flexible down to some minimum, so it offers each an equal amount of space (1/2 of the total width) if it can fit that.
(I originally did this with 2 extra Spacers, but I forgot the Spacers seem to have special handling to get their space last.)
The question is what happens if randomNumber is too long? As written, it'll wrap. Alternatively, you could add .fixedSize() which would stop it from wrapping (and push Latitude to the left to make it fit). Or you could add .lineLimit(1) to force it to truncate. It's up to you.
But the important thing is the addition of flexible HStacks. If every child is flexible, then they all get the same space.
If you want to force things into thirds or quarters, I find you need to add something other than a Spacer. For example, this will give Latitude and the number 1/4 of the available space rather than 1/2 (note the addition of Text("")):
HStack {
HStack {
HStack {
HStack {
Text(verbatim: "\(randomNumber)")//.lineLimit(1)
HStack {
In my own code, I do this kind of thing so much I have things like
struct RowView: View {
// A centered column
func Column<V: View>(#ViewBuilder content: () -> V) -> some View {
HStack {
var body: some View {
HStack {
Column { Text("Name") }
Column { Text("Street") }
Column { Text("City") }
