ionic4-iOS white screen in iOS Simulator - ios

I'm using XCode11 and ionic4. cordova version ios#5.0.0
project builds successfully using ionic cordova build ios
also successfull build in xcode
but when running on simulator, it end up showing white screen and nothing happens next. here is the console output showing the issues:
stuck on this for 4 days. checked so many suggestions on ionic blogs and nothing worked so far. I regret using ionic because its very buggy/unstable... please help
-Failed to load webpage with error: the operation couldnt be completed(NSURLErrorDomain error -999)
-NSURL Connection finished with error -code -1100
-ERROR: HTTP Request(OSRequestRegisterUser) must contain an app_id parameter
-ERROR: Encountered error during push registration with OneSignal
in addition to the above errors, the iOS simulator hangs on "White Screen", the application does not load and nothing happens next.

Try this:
On your xcode, navigate to your plugin folder, locate a file named OneSignalPush.m
Inside, locate the initOneSignalObject,
add this: appId = "your-app-id-here";
right after this code:
[OneSignal setValue:#"Cordova" forKey:#"mSDKType"];
That did the trick for me.


Flutter beacons_plugin - Unhandled Exception: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method startMonitoring on channel beacons_plugin)

I've run into this situation: the plugin and my code ran perfectly in Android, but in iOS these errors happened:
(Screenshot - my reputation is too low to post images. For easy reading I took the screenshot of VSCode debug console; the errors were the same while run it from Xcode)
It shows in the debug screenshot above exceptions took place while invoking method startMonitoring, but after I commented related codes it turned into other methods (e.g. stopMonitoring, addRegion, etc).
(BTW, the error messages may be as many as hundreds of lines - in the screenshot above, there were actually 381 lines of total error messages.)
My environment:
MacOS 10.15.7
iOS 12.4.8 (iPad) 13.3 (iPhone)
Android 8.0.0
Xcode 12.0.1 (12A7300)
VSCode 1.49.2
Android Studio 4.0.1 with all SDK after Android 5.1 Lollipop
Thanks for any help!
I got it... In this case, BeaconsPlugin.listenToBeacons should not be placed below addRegion or startMonitoring/stopMonitoring. It should be in the first line of all actions of this plugin in the initPlatformState scope, just like it has been in the example.
Sorry for dumb question.
This error mostly occurs when you try to Hot Reload or Hot Restart after just adding new package to your pubspec.yaml.
Just stop the running project(app) and then freshly run it again. So that the added package(which contains the implementations) also pushed to the device
please check :
and this : MissingPluginException while using plugin for flutter
the same problem

Build successful but unable to run on iOS simulator

I am making a demo of cordova app. The console log is showing me build successful but after sometime it shows this error and run fails :
2016-07-30 09:34:47.609 instruments[9268:1431174] WebKit Threading
Violation - initial use of WebKit from a secondary thread. Instruments
Usage Error: Unknown device specified:
Known Devices:
test's iPhone (8.4.1) [7fdfcc5aaeb179fdb53a86343ba18796a1825bc4]
The error is to replace UDID with known devices but I am unable find the file where it is mentioned.
Please share the path of file or file name or anything related to this error. Thanks in advance.
I solved this error simply following two steps.
Step 1: Go to Run Options and select Run Configuration as image shown below.
Step 2 : Now a window will open as shown below & select your device from simulator list.

Error in configuring iOS App for Push Notifications with Parse

I am following all the instructions here (i'm using Swift) without error. I can even build the project fine. When I connect my iPhone (5C) and try to run the app on the phone, I get the following error
Here's the error message in case it is not visible in the image:
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1
What am I doing wrong? I am using iPhone 5C for this.
hate to answer my own question but this issue is resolved now. I restarted the project completely and followed all the steps again, no issue anymore.

Error while running my first IOS app on Xcode

I just created my new iOS project as a single view app and tried running it with no codes added, but there appears just a blank black window in the iOS simulator, and it generates the below error:
"The operation couldn't be completed. (Mach error -308 -(ipc/mig)server died)"
Have a look at this question:
Swift Playground and Simulator Error (ipc/mig) server died, Unable to boot the iOS Simulator
Hopefully that will help you too.

PhoneGap + Sencha2 screen blank

I've started a project in PhoneGap which will utilise Sencha Touch 2.
I tried to change the app name from 'app', since I've heard that conflicts with PhoneGap on Android devices. I altered app.js to main.js and that worked, but then I tried changing the All I got was a white screen after the loading splash, even with the old name Sencha. Debug console shows nothing at all happening, and the document <body> was empty. This happens with both sencha-touch-all.js and sencha-touch-all-debug.js. Test device is an iPad 1G running iOS 4.3.5.
Aside: To debug this issue, I set up weinre on my Mac and added the appropriate <script> tag to index.html. After making that change, though, the app didn't even launch. It hung on the PhoneGap splash png and I got this message from gdb-remote:
error: failed to launch '<app URI>' -- failed to send the qLaunchSuccess packet
The only reference to that message besides its definition in gdb-remote source that I can find is here, and it's unrelated. I managed to get the issue to go away by restarting the iPad and removing build intermediates.
SOLVED: The issue here was a missing value in the Ext.application definition (key with no associated value), so the whole app definition probably tanked as a result of that. Hence blank screen.
