What is the prebid member id? - prebid

For prebid-server the example shows json='{"pageOpts": {"member": 958,"invCode": "ast_guaranteed_prios_1","..., especially the member value. Without setting this, requests to https://ib.adnxs.com/ut/v3
fail with
{"error":"Could not find valid member in request"}
What is pageOpts.member? Which value should it be set to?

The example you gave is not for prebid-server, it is for accessing Appnexus directly. In order to setup prebid server you should follow their AMP instructions here. Also, to debug the auction on the client side you can add: &debug=1 to the url that sends the request to prebid-server, it generally is prebid.adnxs.com/pbs/v1/openrtb2/amp?, however that will be different if you use your own hosting.


JMeter: How can I capture the variable value which is dynamic in url?

We have a URL https://www.mylink.com/est?myId=4d22b9d0-4ff2-46c3-9343-945304dfea93
The above request also contains post data:
How can I parameterize this as the url and post data both contain same value but its dynamic. Also, how may I store it in a variable to use it somewhere else as well?
In order to be able to use it in URL and request body you need to extract it somewhere somehow, this dynamic ID is probably associated with this or that user account so my expectation is that after logging in you should see this ID somewhere in the response.
The process is known as correlation and there is a plenty of information over the web about handling dynamic requests in JMeter. There are also solutions which provide semi or fully automated correlation of the dynamic parameters like Correlations Recorder Plugin for JMeter or JMeter Proxy Recorder
If you just need to generate an unique GUID-like structure - you can do it using __UUID() function

PHP Twilio RequestValidator returning false on all endpoints

So I really don't know what the problem is here, I've tried many things, but I can't get the Twilio request hashes to match up. Let me explain.
I decided to implement an instance of Twilio's RequestValidator to ensure the requests were coming from Twilio. But after following the tutorial here: https://www.twilio.com/docs/usage/security?code-sample=code-validate-signature-of-request-1&code-language=PHP&code-sdk-version=5.x
The validator is only returning false. Here is the code that I used:
$url = 'https://example.com/api/endpoint/to/endpoint/';
$request_params = $_REQUEST;
$twilio_validator = new RequestValidator('myauthtoken');
if (!$twilio_validator->validate($_SERVER['HTTP_X_TWILIO_SIGNATURE'], $url, $request_params)) {
throw new CallException('Not from Twilio');
Even though the URL is an example, that is exactly how I have the actual URL formatted...no port, basic auth, or fragment. Just the protocol, domain, and path with a trailing "/". In addition, the URL is the exact VoiceURL I set when I set up this Twilio App (this is calling the VoiceURL to one of my Twilio Apps).
My auth token is the auth token for my whole account
The request params is where I'm sure I'm messing something up. Twilio is making a GET request to this endpoint, and I tried using the $_GET superglobal as well, to no avail. I'm using $_REQUEST here because of this issue: https://github.com/twilio/twilio-php/issues/510 and because I thought it would be the best choice. I have also tried using file_get_contents('php://input') to the exact same problem (the hashes not matching, ultimately).
I even forked and opened a PR on the PHP SDK to update the class a little bit, just to see if I could learn any more...so I know the class and it's methods pretty well...I just don't see my issue.
What am I doing wrong here to make it so that the RequestValidator isn't validating that the requests from Twilio are coming from Twilio?
So after a lot of research and working with Twilio help, I figured out the answer to my question.
When Twilio is making a GET request to my server, you aren't supposed to pass the GET parameters as the third parameter to the validate method on the RequestValidator class. When Twilio is making a GET request to your server, validating actually needs to look like this:
// this is the interesting part...you don't even set the pathname on the domain...
// This is because of the different way the RequestValidator handles GET and POST params
$domain = 'https://example.com'; // make sure to add no trailing '/'
// setting up the RequestValidator
$twilio_validator = new RequestValidator('myauthtoken');
// figuring out if the request is from twilio
$is_from_twilio = $twilio_validator->validate(
// the signature header that Twilio sends
// The domain name CONCATENATED to the Request URI. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] holds everything that comes after the domain name in a URL (pathname, query parameters, and fragment)
// if the request is a get request, as mine are, there is no need for the third parameter
// resolving the response
if (!$is_from_twilio) {
echo 'Not from Twilio';
Refer to the comments in the code for a more in depth discussion on the code at work here..

REST - Shouldn't PUT = Create and POST = Update

Shouldn't PUT be used to Create and POST used to Update since PUT is idempotent.
That way multiple PUTs for the same Order will place only one Order?
The difference is that a PUT is for a known resource, and therefor used for updating, as stated here in rfc2616.
The fundamental difference between the POST and PUT requests is
reflected in the different meaning of the Request-URI. The URI in a
POST request identifies the resource that will handle the enclosed
entity. That resource might be a data-accepting process, a gateway to
some other protocol, or a separate entity that accepts annotations. In
contrast, the URI in a PUT request identifies the entity enclosed with
the request -- the user agent knows what URI is intended and the
server MUST NOT attempt to apply the request to some other resource.
I do see where you are coming from based on the names themselves however.
I usually look at POST as it should be the URI that will handle the content of my request (in most cases the params as form values) and thus creating a new resource, and PUT as the URI which is the subject of my request (/users/1234), a resource which already exists.
I believe the nomenclature goes back a long ways, consider the early web. One might want to POST their message to a message board, and then PUT additional content into their message at a later date.
There's no strict correspondence between HTTP methods and CRUD. This is a convention adopted by some frameworks, but it has nothing to do with REST constraints.
A PUT request asks the server to replace whatever is at the given URI with the enclosed representation, completely ignoring the current contents. A good analogy is the mv command in a shell. It creates the new file at the destination if it doesn't exist, or replaces whatever exists. In either case, it completely ignores whatever is in there. You can use this to create, but also to update something, as long as you're sending a complete representation.
POST asks the target resource to process the payload according to predefined rules, so it's the method to use for any operation that isn't already standardized by the HTTP protocol. This means a POST can do anything you want, as long as you're not duplicating functionality from other method -- for instance, using POST for retrieval when you should be using GET -- and you document it properly.
So, you can use both for create and update, depending on the exact circumstances, but with PUT you must have consistent semantics for everything in your API and you can't make partial updates, and with POST you can do anything you want, as long as you document how exactly it works.
PUT should be used for creates if and only if possible URI of the new resource is known for a client. New URI maybe advertised by the service in resource representation. For example service may provide with some kind of submit form and specify action URI on it which can be a pre populated URI of the new resource. In this case yes, if initial PUT request successfully creates resource following PUT request will only replace it.
It's ok to use POST for updates, it was never said that POST is for "create" operations only.
You are trying to correlate CRUD to HTTP, and that doesn't work. The philosophy of HTTP is different, and does not natively correspond to CRUD. The confusion arises because of REST; which does correspond to CRUD. REST uses HTTP, but with additional constraints upon what is allowed. I've prepared this Q & A to explain the HTTP approach to things:
What's being requested?
A POST requests an action upon a collection.
A PUT requests the placement of a resource into a collection.
What kind of object is named in the URI?
The URI of a POST identifies a collection.
The URI of a PUT identifies a resource (within a collection).
How is the object specified in the URI, for POST and PUT respectively?
How much freedom does the HTTP protocol grant the collection?
With a POST, the collection is in control.
With a PUT, the requestor is in control (unless request fails).
What guarantees does the HTTP protocol make?
With a POST, the HTTP protocol does not define what is supposed to happen with the collection; the rfc states that the server should "process ... the request according to the [collection's] own specific semantics." (FYI: The rfc uses the confusing phrase "target resource" to mean "collection".) It is up to the server to decide upon a contract that defines what a POST will do.
With a PUT, the HTTP protocol requires that a response of "success" must guarantee that the collection now contains a resource with the ID and content specified by the request.
Can the operation result in the creation of a new resource within the collection?
Yes, or no, depending upon the contract. If the contract is a REST protocol, then insertion is required. When a POST creates a new resource, the response will be 201.
Yes, but that means the requestor is specifying the new ID. This is fine for bulletin boards, but problematic with databases. (Hence, for database applications, PUT will generally not insert, but only update.) When a PUT creates a new resource, the response will be 201.
Is the operation idempotent?
A POST is generally not idempotent. (The server can offer any contract it wishes, but idempotency is generally not part of that contract).
A PUT is required to be idempotent. (The state of the identified resource is idempotent. Side effects outside of that resource are allowed.)
Here is the rfc:
It depends..
you can create/update sites/records with both.
When the client is specifying the URI then PUT is the way to go.
e.g. Any Code Editor like Dreamweaver, PUT is the right protocol to use.
have also a look at this thread: put vs post in rest

How to do Soundcloud Auth Dance in JS with a Redirect_URL that has GET Params

** I am currently implementing fancy URLs to see if these 'solves' this. eg /me/soundcloudconnect rather than index.php?c=me&a=soundcloudconnect via mod_rewrite **
I have been using the Soundcloud JS SDK and SC.Connect() etc function(s) which automates much of the Auth process. I have been using a Normal html file: sc.html which worked fine and allowed me to get /me/ and /me/tracks etc.
However I now realise? that I will need to perform Auth myself as I need to add a State variable as documented below, so that it prepends these params to the end of the Redirect_URI.
The URL that I am trying to redirect back to is:
which is the 'me' controller and 'soundcloudconnect' action.
So could someone please point me in the right direction?
Either I want to be able to use SC.Connect() etc (but also be able to get and save Token) as well as redirect back to the URI above
Or, I need to do the same thing (Auth and store token) but not using SC.Connect() but normal JS instead.
I read that Soundcloud Developer support is via Stackoverflow - so hopefully someone can help?
The normal HTML file with working SC Auth:
The dynamic page which does not work with SC Auth:
The issue is probably that those query parameters are interfering with the original url. E.g. http://www.soundcloud.com/register/?token=blagha23412&redirect_uri=http://anydomain.com/index.php?c=me&a=soundcloudconnect
How would SoundCloud distinguish between your parameters and its parameters? You might be able to wrap the redirect_uri value in quotes.
An alternative might be to use the path as your parameters. E.g. http://anydomain.com/index.php/me/soundcloudconnect and then you should be able to grab whatever you need out of the path on your server.
** SOLVED!! **
If you need to pass parameters to SC connect/auth then the only way to do this is to setup fancy urls via mod_rewrite.
There 'seems' to be another method here, but you need to be doing the Auth in 2 steps and not via SC.Connect.
I was trying to get URL_redirect to work with:
But in the End just used Fancy URLs which worked

Twitter oauth_callback parameter being ignored!

I'm trying to get Twitter authentication working on my ASP.NET site. When you create the app on the Twitter website, you have to specify a callback URL, which for sake of argument, I have set to http://mydomain.com
I've read the oAuth 1.0a spec, and to override this callback URL with your own custom one you have to send the oauth_callback parameter in the request_token phase (url-encoded of course).
So my request URL looks like this:
Supposedly, if all goes to plan, in your response data, you are supposed to receive a new parameter of oauth_callback_confirmed=true in addition to your token and token secret parameters.
However, my response comes through as:
I know I haven't given you guys the greatest amount to go on, but I'm at my wits end as to why I am not receiving the oauth_callback_confirmed parameter. Without this, my application keeps defaulting back to the callback URL hard-coded on the Twitter website. Please if anyone could help me out, I will be eternally grateful!
I've read the oAuth 1.0a spec, and to
override this callback URL with your
own custom one you have to send the
oauth_callback parameter in the
request_token phase (url-encoded of
So my request URL looks like this:
just because YOU read the spec doesn't mean that TWITTER read it. :P
kidding - this is essentially correct - but the way twitter likes to receive this data is a little different (and not well documented).
the way i've found to get the oauth_callback to confirm is as follows: specify the oauth_callback in the parameters of the request function, NOT within the URL.
python example (using oauth2):
''' Create our client.'''
client = oauth.Client(consumer)
''' do the request '''
resp, content = client.request(request_token_url,"POST",body=urllib.urlencode({'oauth_callback':callbackURL}))
''' note that it's called "body" in this particular OAuth function for Client but in OAuth Request object it's called "parameters." YMMV depending on programming language/ library of course. '''
this is ALSO the only way i've managed to get an oauth verifier back. supposedly one should not have to specify the callback URL every time, since we provide it in app settings...but experience seems to indicate otherwise.
finally, please be aware that at leg 3 you have to do the same thing AGAIN - this time including the oauth_verifier as well as the callback URL in the parameters.
hope this helps - can't begin to tell you how much effort i put into figuring this out.
good luck!
I've used this guide to set up my PC to be used as the callback location. Basically you set up your hosts file in a certain way, clear your cache and add a couple of Firefox registry values. At the end when you are debugging an oauth call the redirect comes back to your local PC.
As I said it worked for me.
// oauth-php example
$token = OAuthRequester::requestRequestToken(
array('oauth_callback'=> urlencode($callback_uri))
