Fix Table Width - latex

I'm trying to create my project report which needs me to write in a two column style on each page. I have a table on the last page whose width is a lot more than half the page width so I want to allow it to extend to the full page width. However, Latex overwrites on the extended part.
I tried a few things like using \begin{table*} instead of \begin{table} - but that makes the table go to the next page. (I don't like this because it's the last page of my report)
I also tried \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth], but that causes a compilation error.
Any ideas on this. Stuck for a while now.

I am not sure if I completely understand your problem. IMO, you have a documentclass that defines that your text is going to be in two columns format, something like this:
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, twocolumn]{report}
You have a bunch of text that is your report, in this two-column format and you need to insert a table that will only use one-column format. For me, that is achieved by adding the \onecolumn command before the \begin{table} command.
When you finish with the table, you can use the \twocolumn command to return to your previous format.
However, using this approach I am giving you, it will move the table to the top of the next page, since AFAIK you cannot have \onecolumn and \twocolumn on the same page in Latex.
You can also use the float package to allow you to place the table where you want it with the h option in the table; something like this: `\begin{table}[ht]. However, this will not override what I wrote above, it will still begin in the next page if you are changing the columns' style.
For big tables, I know there is a package for working with them. I have not used it myself, but give it a try. Take a look at this post:


Statsoc style package giving table positioning problems

I am formating a paper in statsoc style. I inserted a table. But it moves to the top of the page even though it should be placed in the middle of the page after some text.
I tried using float package with table options [H],[H!], [h]. But that results in printing [H] (or whatever the option i type) before caption like this:
[H] Table 1: table_caption
Please help. Really appreciate it.
Within the statsoc.cls, you need to change def\fps#table{tbp} to \def\fps#table{htbp}.

XtraReport text overflow cutting text in half vertically

I have an XtraReport that overflows text on to the next page but occasionally cuts the last line of text from the first page in half when it does.
I would normally handle this with the height property of the text area but I am unsure how to target a specific table row of an XtraReport to work out what the remaining height of the page is to achieve this or whether that would even work in this instance.
I'm rather hoping there's a simple work around to achieve this, please don't go too much out of your way to help out as I won't be investing much development on this.
I don't think there are any settings I have missed within the designer, perhaps there's a golden font size or line height that the reports want to overflow correctly.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
If there is no simple way, I will just have to loop through the tr / td tags and see if by manipulating the height I can find that sweet spot, i just worry that it will hide page 1 but still be split on page 2.
It seems to me that you use the ASPx/MVCx -DocumentViewer,
this control shows you a html content which is not suitable for pixel-perfect documents.
I recommend you to try the ASPx/MVCx WebDocumentViewer which is like the the Google Docs shows pixel-perfect document and more convenient with bootstrap and other progressive web frameworks.
here are demo and docs.

Is there a text editor with columns instead of scrolling?

Is there a text editor which offers horizontal, rather than vertical, scrolling (showing two pages side by side)?
I currently use TextMate, but would switch to any editor which offers this layout. I'm getting really bored of scrolling up and down, over and over.
I've attached a screenshot of MS Word, which has a side-by-side horizontal scroll view for documents longer than a page.
I want something like that, Any recommendations?
Emacs offers a follow-mode which you might find helpful ( see for instance here
A short description of how it is used and what it does:
You need to open a buffer in two windows and enter follow-mode using M-x follow-mode. This is actually a bit of a drawback, because you need to learn how to use emacs, if you don't know it already (imho learning how to use emacs is worth spending some time).
After entering follow-mode the second buffer will skip to the place where the first buffer ends, similar to the page-by-page view offered by Microsoft Word. Now if you move the cursor down one line at a time and you leave the first buffer window at the bottom, the cursor will appear at the top of the second. If you move further down and you are at the bottom of the second window, both buffers will scroll simultaneously, the same holds for page-wise scrolling using C-v and M-v.
If your monitor screen is wide enough, you can open a third window to further increase number of lines being displayed.
I have made a screenshot, which shows a text file opened in this mode: Screenshot auf Follow mode
Hmmm, it seems you are looking for layout features which you aren't likely to find in a text editor. Text editors are generally line based and don't understand the concept of pages. Text editors do things like code folding and allow lines to be wrapped or not. That is why text editors scroll in the vertical direction. These factors would affect pagination.
The concept of a page (and being able to lay them out side by side) doesn't really exist unless you are using a presentation manager such as a word processor or a desktop publishing package.
In vim: <Esc>:vsplit will open a second column for the file.
In all fairness, I should warn you that Vim has a steep learning curve, and will force you to wrap your head around new concepts like command mode / edit mode / visual mode. The results are definitely worth it, if you have the time to learn it.
I'm not sure if I know exactly what you want. Does Sublime Text 2's two-column layout with File > New View Into File do what you want?
A change on one side is reflected instantly in the other side, and you can scroll them independently. You can have up to four columns per window.
In LibreOffice Writer, go to View -> Zoom... and set Zoom factor to Fit width and height, and set View layout to Automatic. You can also set the number of columns manually, and if you choose two columns, you can use Book Mode.
With scroll-binding in vim, you can edit two files side by side: scroll-binding in Vim.
Show a text file with two columns in vim:

jQuery UI Accordion (or similar) with multiple header lines

I'm trying to show a list of messages to the user where the first two lines from each message are showing and they can click to see more.
So I was thinking the accordion would be an interesting way to do this. The only problem is that I can only show the normal single line header row. Is there a way I can show multiple lines or do I need to look for an alternative control like Kwicks?
Ive just given it a go and you can use a < br > inside of the h3 to give it an extra line, or maybe try setting the wraping attributes for the css if you cant manually put a line break in.
Take a look at for a basic example.
Or maybe I have misunderstood?

How to use TVirtualStringTree to display multi-line items and "expanded" select item?

I'm looking to create a look similar to the image below (which I know was done using TVirtualStringTree), but I haven't found any example code on how to accomplish this.
Anyone knows how I can have multi-line items like on the example below, and "expand" the select item to show more lines?
Please take a look at VT Demos\Advenced. In there you have a Multiline nodes demo which I guess might be the thing you are looking for.
Demos can be found here
Edit: The download page is here and the third item is the demos.
I guess you've got an answer, but I'll give you a couple hints for putting this into practice because it's been a little wonky for me. (At least in Delphi 7)
If you do a #13#10 for a new line make sure you've got a space after the the #10, otherwise you will not get a line break.
VirtualTree.MultiLine[node] := true will allow multi line, but not necessarily make it multiline.
Do VirtualTree.InvalidateNode(Node) then VirtualTree.Refresh the tree to get the new size for the node after you've changed the caption.
