Image Classification with single class dataset using Transfer Learning [closed] - machine-learning

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I only have around 1000 images of computers. I need to train a model that can identify if the image is computer or not-computer. I do not have a dataset for not-computer, as it could be anything.
I guess the best method for this would be to apply transfer learning. I am trying to train data on a pre-trained VGG19 Model. But still, I am unaware on how to train a model with just computers images without any non-computer images.
I am new to ML Overall, so sorry if question is not to the point.

No way, I'm sorry. You'll need a lot (at least other 1000 images) of non-computer images. You can take them from everywhere, the more they "vary" the better is for your model to extract what features characterize a computer.
Imagine to be a baby that is trained to always say "yes" in front of something, next time you'll se something you'll say "yes" no matter what is in front of you...
The same is for machine learning models, you need positive examples and negative examples, or your model will have 100% accuracy by predicting always "yes".
If you want to see it a mathematically/geometrically, you can see each sample (in your case an image) as a point in the feature space: imagine to draw an axis for each attribute you have (x,y,z an so on), an image will be a point in that space.
For simplicity let's consider a 2-dimension space, which means that each image could be described with 2 attributes (not the case for images, usually the features are a lot, but for simplicity imagine feature_1 = number of colors, feature_2 = number of angles), in this example we can simply draw a point in a cartesian graph, one for each image:
The objective of a classifier is to draw a line which better separate the red dots from the blue dots, which means separate positive examples, from negative examples.
If you give the model only positive samples (which is what you were going to do), you'll have infinite models with 100% accuracy! Because you can put a line wherever you want, the only requirement is to not "cut" your dataset.
Given that I suppose you are a beginner, I'll just tell you what to do, not how because it would take years ;)
1) Collect data - as I told you, even negative examples, at least other 1000 samples
2) Split the data into train/test - a good split could be 2/3 of the samples in the training set and 1/3 in the test set. [REMEMBER] Keep consistency of the final class distribution, i.e. if you had 50%-50% of classes "Computer"-"Non computer", you should keep that percentage for both train set and test set
3) Train a model - have a look at this link for a guided examples, it uses the MNIST dataset, which is a famous image classification one, you should use your data
4) Test the model on the test set and look at performance

While it is not impossible to take data belonging to one only one class of data and then use methods to classify whether other data belong to the same class or not, you usually do not end up with too good accuracy that way.
One way to do this, is to use something called "autoencoders". The point here is that you use the same image as input and as the target, and you make sure that the (usually neural network) is forced to compress the image in some way so that it only stores what is important to recreate images of computers. Ideally, this should lead to a model which is good at recreating images of computers, and bad at everything else, meaning you can test how high the loss is on the output, and if it higher than some threshold you've decided on, you deem it to be something else. Again, you're probably not going to get anything close to 90% accuracy doing this, but it is an approach to your problem.
A better approach is to go hunting for models which have been pre-trained on some dataset which had computers as part of the dataset, take the same dataset and set all computers to one class (+ your own images, make sure they adhere to the dataset format) and a selection of the other images to the other class. Make sure to not make the classes too unbalanced, otherwise your model will suffer from it. Extend the pre-trained model with a couple of layer, fully connected should probably do fine, and make the pre-trained part of the model not trainable, so you don't mess up the good weights there when you're practically telling it to ignore everything which is not a computer.
This is probably your best bet, but is going to require a bit more effort on your side in terms of finding all of these parts which you need to make it happen, and to understand how to integrate that code into yours.

You can either use transfer learning using a pretrained model on the imagenet dataset. As mentioned in another answer, there are a bunch of classes inside imagenet close to computers and electronic devices (such as monitors, CD players, laptops, speakers, etc.). So you can fine-tune the model on your dataset and train it to predict computers (train on around 750 images and test on the remaining 250).
You can manually collect images for objects other than computers, preferably a lot of electronic devices (because they are close to computers) and a bunch of other household things (there is a home objects dataset by Caltech). You should collect about 1000 such images to have a class balance. You can train your own custom model once you have this dataset.

No problem!
step one: install a deep-learning toolkit of your choice. they all come with nice tutorials these days.
step two: grab a pre-trained imagenet model. In that model, there are already a few computer classes built into it! ( "desktop_computer", "laptop", 'notebook", and another class for hand-held computers "hand-held_computer")
step three: use model to predict. for this, you'll need to have your images the correct size.
more steps: further fine-tune the model...a bit more advanced but will give you some gains.
Something to think about is what is your goal? accuracy? false positives/negatives, etc? It's always good having a goal of what you need to accomplish from the start.
EDIT: probably the easiest way to get started(if you don't have libraries, gpu, etc) is to go to google colab ( ) and make a notebook in your browser and run the following code.
#some code take and modded from using-pre-trained-imagenet-models/
import keras
import numpy as np
from keras.applications import vgg16
from keras.preprocessing.image import load_img
from keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array
from keras.applications.imagenet_utils import decode_predictions
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
import requests
from io import BytesIO
%matplotlib inline
vgg_model = vgg16.VGG16(weights='imagenet')
def predict_image(image_url, model):
response = requests.get(image_url)
original =
newsize = (224, 224)
original = original.resize(newsize)
# convert the PIL image to a numpy array
# IN PIL - image is in (width, height, channel)
# In Numpy - image is in (height, width, channel)
numpy_image = img_to_array(original)
# Convert the image / images into batch format
# expand_dims will add an extra dimension to the data at a particular axis
# We want the input matrix to the network to be of the form (batchsize, height, width, channels)
# Thus we add the extra dimension to the axis 0.
image_batch = np.expand_dims(numpy_image, axis=0)
# prepare the image for the VGG model
processed_image = vgg16.preprocess_input(image_batch.copy())
# get the predicted probabilities for each class
predictions = model.predict(processed_image)
# convert the probabilities to class labels
# We will get top 5 predictions which is the default
label = decode_predictions(predictions)
print label[0][0:2] #just display top 2
urls = ['', '']
for u in urls:
predict_image(u, vgg_model)
This should be a good starting point. Oh, and if the top predicted label is not in the computer, laptop, etc set, then it's NOT a computer!


Can you use a different image size during transfer learning?

I have made a switch from TensorFlow to PyTorch recently. I use a famous Github repo for training on EfficientNets. I wrote the model initiation class as follows:
class CustomEfficientNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, config: type, pretrained: bool=True):
self.config = config
self.model = geffnet.create_model(
n_features = self.model.classifier.in_features
self.model.classifier = nn.Linear(n_features, num_classes=5)
def forward(self, input_neurons):
output_predictions = self.model(input_neurons)
return output_predictions
In addition, in my transforms, I tend to useResize(img_size = 512, img_size=512) for my training on certain image classification tasks (Mostly Kaggle Competitions). So the question here is, the official input size for EfficientNetB5 is 456x456, but I used 512x512 or even 256x256 and get very decent results. Is this normal? Or did I miss out the source code where the author will resize into the native resolution for you?
PS: This seems to be the norm in all the PyTorch Tutorials I saw on Kaggle. My full code can be seen here in this notebook here; I like to not leave logic gaps and therefore this question popped up.
Yes you can use different input sizes when it comes to transfer learning, after all the model that you load is just the set of weights of the fixed sequence of layers and fixed convolution kernel sizes. But I believe that there is some sort of minimum size that the model needs to work efficiently. You would still need to re-train the model but it will still converge quite quickly.
You would have to check the official implementation on the minimum size of the model like the one in VGG16 where they specify that the width and height need to be at least 32.

How to plot two sets of high dimensional data in one visualization plot for comparision? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to compare my generated samples (i.e. MNIST digit images) from GAN (Generated Adversarial Network).
For my 1st experiment, the GAN training is not successful, so the generated samples are not similar to real MNIST images.
For my 2nd experiment, the GAN training is very successful, so the generated samples should be overlapped well with real MNIST samples in a visualized plot.
The above examplary figure shows what I hope to achieve:
(1) The first figure shows the original real image distribution
(2) The second figure shows that the results of GAN1 don't overlap well with real data
(3) The third figure shows that the results of GAN2 overlap well with the real data.
Could someone provide some guidance what is a good way to plot something like this with Python, and provide some examplary code?
You can try to use dimensionality reduction methods like PCA, t-SNE, LLE or UMAP to reduce the dimension of your images to 2 and plot the images as you already pointed out.
Here is some example code in python:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
X_real = ... # real images e.g. 1000 images as vectors
X_gan = ... # generated images from GAN with same shape
X = np.vstack([X_real, X_gan]) # stack matrices vertically
X_pca = PCA(n_components=50).fit_transform(X) # for high-dimensional data it's advisible to reduce the dimension first (e.g. 50) before using t-SNE
X_embedded = TSNE(n_components=2).fit_transform(X_pca)
# plot points with corresponding class and method labels
Instead of t-SNE you can directly use PCA or one of the other methods mentioned above.

Does training set's colour profile play role in Pattern Recognition with CNN?

I've recently started with Deep Learning and CNN which as quoted, attempts to extract the most optimal features from samples on it's own.
I made a model to recognize characters where the training set had images with black background and script in white.
Image Sample
This type of model though fails to recognize images with pattern in black on white background(I tried with my own input and the negative of previous set also).Negative of Image Sample
Is it possible to recognize both types of images using the same model or do I need to train two separate models?
I don't know if it's possible using ImageDataGenerator class.
Following is the current code snippet:
train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale = 1./255, shear_range = 0.2, zoom_range = 0.2, horizontal_flip = True)
test_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale = 1./255)
Well, this is a situation ("negative images") where, as it was revealed relatively recently, the results are not what we may seem to expect them to be...
There is an unpublished paper # ArXiv, which shows exactly that CNN models that have achieved almost perfect test accuracy at datasets like MNIST & CIFAR-10, fail to give similar performance in the respective "negative" images (i.e. with inverted background & foreground, like your case here):
On the Limitation of Convolutional Neural Networks in Recognizing Negative Images
Here is the main result of the paper:
The issue is rather non-trivial, and there has been strong disagreement in the community as to if this result is indeed expected & unsurprising or not; see the (now archived) relevant discussion # Reddit, as well as a relevant piece # KDNuggets.
All in all, as the paper also suggests, you can do it with one model, but you will need to include at least some such "negative" images in your training. See also the SO thread High training accuracy but low prediction performance for Tensorflow's official MNIST model.

Best strategy to reduce false positives: Google's new Object Detection API on Satellite Imagery

I'm setting up the new Tensorflow Object Detection API to find small objects in large areas of satellite imagery. It works quite well - it finds all 10 objects I want, but I also get 50-100 false positives [things that look a little like the target object, but aren't].
I'm using the sample config from the 'pets' tutorial, to fine-tune the faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco model they offer. I've started small, with only 100 training examples of my objects (just 1 class). 50 examples in my validation set. Each example is a 200x200 pixel image with a labeled object (~40x40) in the center. I train until my precision & loss curves plateau.
I'm relatively new to using deep learning for object detection. What is the best strategy to increase my precision? e.g. Hard-negative mining? Increase my training dataset size? I've yet to try the most accurate model they offer faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_coco as i'd like to maintain some speed, but will do so if needed.
Hard-negative mining seems to be a logical step. If you agree, how do I implement it w.r.t setting up the tfrecord file for my training dataset? Let's say I make 200x200 images for each of the 50-100 false positives:
Do I create 'annotation' xml files for each, with no 'object' element?
...or do I label these hard negatives as a second class?
If I then have 100 negatives to 100 positives in my training set - is that a healthy ratio? How many negatives can I include?
I've revisited this topic recently in my work and thought I'd update with my current learnings for any who visit in the future.
The topic appeared on Tensorflow's Models repo issue tracker. SSD allows you to set the ratio of how many negative:postive examples to mine (max_negatives_per_positive: 3), but you can also set a minimum number for images with no postives (min_negatives_per_image: 3). Both of these are defined in the model-ssd-loss config section.
That said, I don't see the same option in Faster-RCNN's model configuration. It's mentioned in the issue that models/research/object_detection/core/ contains the code used for Faster-RCNN.
One other option discussed in the issue is creating a second class specifically for lookalikes. During training, the model will attempt to learn class differences which should help serve your purpose.
Lastly, I came across this article on Filter Amplifier Networks (FAN) that may be informative for your work on aerial imagery.
The following paper describes hard negative mining for the same purpose you describe:
Training Region-based Object Detectors with Online Hard Example Mining
In section 3.1 they describe using a foreground and background class:
Background RoIs. A region is labeled background (bg) if its maximum
IoU with ground truth is in the interval [bg lo, 0.5). A lower
threshold of bg lo = 0.1 is used by both FRCN and SPPnet, and is
hypothesized in [14] to crudely approximate hard negative mining; the
assumption is that regions with some overlap with the ground truth are
more likely to be the confusing or hard ones. We show in Section 5.4
that although this heuristic helps convergence and detection accuracy,
it is suboptimal because it ignores some infrequent, but important,
difficult background regions. Our method removes the bg lo threshold.
In fact this paper is referenced and its ideas are used in Tensorflow's object detection code for hard mining:
class HardExampleMiner(object):
"""Hard example mining for regions in a list of images.
Implements hard example mining to select a subset of regions to be
back-propagated. For each image, selects the regions with highest losses,
subject to the condition that a newly selected region cannot have
an IOU > iou_threshold with any of the previously selected regions.
This can be achieved by re-using a greedy non-maximum suppression algorithm.
A constraint on the number of negatives mined per positive region can also be
Reference papers: "Training Region-based Object Detectors with Online
Hard Example Mining" (CVPR 2016) by Srivastava et al., and
"SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector" (ECCV 2016) by Liu et al.
Based on your model config file, the HardMinerObject is returned by in this bit of code:
def build_hard_example_miner(config,
"""Builds hard example miner based on the config.
config: A losses_pb2.HardExampleMiner object.
classification_weight: Classification loss weight.
localization_weight: Localization loss weight.
Hard example miner.
loss_type = None
if config.loss_type == losses_pb2.HardExampleMiner.BOTH:
loss_type = 'both'
if config.loss_type == losses_pb2.HardExampleMiner.CLASSIFICATION:
loss_type = 'cls'
if config.loss_type == losses_pb2.HardExampleMiner.LOCALIZATION:
loss_type = 'loc'
max_negatives_per_positive = None
num_hard_examples = None
if config.max_negatives_per_positive > 0:
max_negatives_per_positive = config.max_negatives_per_positive
if config.num_hard_examples > 0:
num_hard_examples = config.num_hard_examples
hard_example_miner = losses.HardExampleMiner(
return hard_example_miner
which is returned by and called by So basically, it seems to me that simply generating your true positive labels (with a tool like LabelImg or RectLabel) should be enough for the train algorithm to find hard negatives within the same images. The related question gives an excellent walkthrough.
In the event you want to feed in data that has no true positives (i.e. nothing should be classified in the image), just add the negative image to your tfrecord with no bounding boxes.
I think I was passing through the same or close scenario and it's worth it to share with you.
I managed to solve it by passing images without annotations to the trainer.
On my scenario I'm building a project to detect assembly failures from my client's products, at real time.
I successfully achieved very robust results (for production env) by using detection+classification for components that has explicity a negative pattern (e.g. a screw that has screw on/off(just the hole)) and only detection for things that doesn't has the negative pattens (e.g. a tape that can be placed anywhere).
On the system it's mandatory that the user record 2 videos, one containing the positive scenario and another containing the negative (or the n videos, containing n patterns of positive and negative so the algorithm can generalize).
After a while testing I found out that if I register to detected only tape the detector was giving very confident (0.999) false positive detections of tape. It was learning the pattern where the tape was inserted instead of the tape itself. When I had another component (like a screw on it's negative format) I was passing the negative pattern of tape without being explicitly aware of it, so the FPs didn't happen.
So I found out that, in this scenario, I had to necessarily pass the images without tape so it could differentiate between tape and no-tape.
I considered two alternatives to experiment and try to solve this behavior:
Train passing an considerable amount of images that doesn't has any annotation (10% of all my negative samples) along with all images that I have real annotations.
On the images that I don't have annotation I create a dummy annotation with a dummy label so I could force the detector to train with that image (thus learning the no-tape pattern). Later on, when get the dummy predictions, just ignore them.
Concluded that both alternatives worked perfectly on my scenario.
The training loss got a little messy but the predictions work with robustness for my very controlled scenario (the system's camera has its own box and illumination to decrease variables).
I had to make two little modifications for the first alternative to work:
All images that didn't had any annotation I passed a dummy annotation (class=None, xmin/ymin/xmax/ymax=-1)
When generating the tfrecord files I use this information (xmin == -1, in this case) to add an empty list for the sample:
def create_tf_example(group, path, label_map):
with tf.gfile.GFile(os.path.join(path, '{}'.format(group.filename)), 'rb') as fid:
encoded_jpg =
encoded_jpg_io = io.BytesIO(encoded_jpg)
image =
width, height = image.size
filename = group.filename.encode('utf8')
image_format = b'jpg'
xmins = []
xmaxs = []
ymins = []
ymaxs = []
classes_text = []
classes = []
for index, row in group.object.iterrows():
if not pd.isnull(row.xmin):
if not row.xmin == -1:
xmins.append(row['xmin'] / width)
xmaxs.append(row['xmax'] / width)
ymins.append(row['ymin'] / height)
ymaxs.append(row['ymax'] / height)
tf_example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={
'image/height': dataset_util.int64_feature(height),
'image/width': dataset_util.int64_feature(width),
'image/filename': dataset_util.bytes_feature(filename),
'image/source_id': dataset_util.bytes_feature(filename),
'image/encoded': dataset_util.bytes_feature(encoded_jpg),
'image/format': dataset_util.bytes_feature(image_format),
'image/object/bbox/xmin': dataset_util.float_list_feature(xmins),
'image/object/bbox/xmax': dataset_util.float_list_feature(xmaxs),
'image/object/bbox/ymin': dataset_util.float_list_feature(ymins),
'image/object/bbox/ymax': dataset_util.float_list_feature(ymaxs),
'image/object/class/text': dataset_util.bytes_list_feature(classes_text),
'image/object/class/label': dataset_util.int64_list_feature(classes),
return tf_example
Part of the traning progress:
Currently I'm using tensorflow object detection along with tensorflow==1.15, using faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco.config.
Hope it will solve someone's problem as I didn't found any solution on the internet. I read a lot of people telling that faster_rcnn is not adapted for negative training for FPs reduction but my tests proved the opposite.

TensorFlow 1.2.1 and InceptionV3 to classify an image

I'm trying to create an example using the Keras built in the latest version of TensorFlow from Google. This example should be able to classify a classic image of an elephant. The code looks like this:
# Import a few libraries for use later
from PIL import Image as IMG
from tensorflow.contrib.keras.python.keras.preprocessing import image
from tensorflow.contrib.keras.python.keras.applications.inception_v3 import InceptionV3
from tensorflow.contrib.keras.python.keras.applications.inception_v3 import preprocess_input, decode_predictions
# Get a copy of the Inception model
print('Loading Inception V3...\n')
model = InceptionV3(weights='imagenet', include_top=True)
print ('Inception V3 loaded\n')
# Read the elephant JPG
elephant_img ='elephant.jpg')
# Convert the elephant to an array
elephant = image.img_to_array(elephant_img)
elephant = preprocess_input(elephant)
elephant_preds = model.predict(elephant)
print ('Predictions: ', decode_predictions(elephant_preds))
Unfortunately I'm getting an error when trying to evaluate the model with model.predict:
ValueError: Error when checking : expected input_1 to have 4 dimensions, but got array with shape (299, 299, 3)
This code is taken from and based on the excellent example coremltools-keras-inception and will be expanded more when it is figured out.
The reason why this error occured is that model always expects the batch of examples - not a single example. This diverge from a common understanding of models as mathematical functions of their inputs. The reasons why model expects batches are:
Models are computationaly designed to work faster on batches in order to speed up training.
There are algorithms which takes into account the batch nature of input (e.g. Batch Normalization or GAN training tricks).
So four dimensions comes from a first dimension which is a sample / batch dimension and then - the next 3 dimensions are image dims.
Actually I found the answer. Even though the documentation states that if the top layer is included the shape of the input vector is still set to take a batch of images. Thus we need to add this before the code line for the prediction:
elephant = numpy.expand_dims(elephant, axis=0)
Then the tensor is in the right shape and everything works correctly. I am still uncertain why the documentation states that the input vector should be (3x299x299) or (299x299x3) when it clearly wants 4 dimensions.
Be careful!
