Do I need and how do I calibrate movesense sensor? - calibration

I am trying to implement ARHS algorithm and for this I need to know if my magnetometer is properly calibrated. Can I ask you how can I calibrate movesense sensor? Or it is calibrated out of the box?

There is a generic magnetometer "soft-iron"-calibration out of box, but it does not take into account the magnetization of the individual sensor or battery or "hard-iron" calibration. So those have to be added if accurate magnetic field measurements are wanted.
For AHRS-algorithms, another important part is estimation of gyro bias. Some of the AHRS-algorithms do this automatically, others need it done before operation. Gyro-bias changes quite slowly over time so it does not need to be done often, maybe once a day depending on the required accuracy.
Full Disclosure: I work for the Movesense team


Calculate distance between camera and pixel in image

Can you, please, suggest me ways of determining the distance between camera and a pixel in an image (in real world units, that is cm/m/..).
The information I have is: camera horizontal (120 degrees) and vertical (90 degrees) field of view, camera angle (-5 degrees) and the height at which the camera is placed (30 cm).
I'm not sure if this is everything I need. Please tell me what information should I have about the camera and how can I calculate the distance between camera and one pixel?
May be it isn't right to tell 'distance between camera and pixel ', but I guess it is clear what I mean. Please write in the comments if something isn't clear.
Thank you in advance!
What I think you mean is, "how can I calculate the depth at every pixel with a single camera?" Without adding some special hardware this is not feasible, as Rotem mentioned in the comments. There are exceptions, and though I expect you may be limited in time or budget, I'll list a few.
If you want to find depths so that your toy car can avoid collisions, then you needn't assume that depth measurement is required. Google "optical flow collision avoidance" and see if that meets your needs.
If instead you want to measure depth as part of some Simultaneous Mapping and Localization (SLAM) scheme, then that's a different problem to solve. Though difficult to implement, and perhaps not remotely feasible for a toy car project, there are a few ways to measure distance using a single camera:
Project patterns of light, preferably with one or more laser lines or laser spots, and determine depth based on how the dots diverge or converge. The Kinect version 1 operates on this principle of "structured light," though the implementation is much too complicated to reproduce completely. For a collision warning simple you can apply the same principles, only more simply. For example, if the projected light pattern on the right side of the image changes quickly, turn left! Learning how to estimate distance using structured light is a significant project to undertake, but there are plenty of references.
Split the optical path so that one camera sensor can see two different views of the world. I'm not aware of optical splitters for tiny cameras, but they may exist. But even if you find a splitter, the difficult problem of implementing stereovision remains. Stereovision has inherent problems (see below).
Use a different sensor, such as the somewhat iffy but small Intel R200, which will generate depth data. (
Use a time-of-flight camera. These are the types of sensors built into the Kinect version 2 and several gesture-recognition sensors. Several companies have produced or are actively developing tiny time-of-flight sensors. They will generate depth data AND provide full-color images.
Run the car only in controlled environments.
The environment in which your toy car operates is important. If you can limit your toy car's environment to a tightly controlled one, you can limit the need to write complicated algorithms. As is true with many imaging problems, a narrowly defined problem may be straightforward to solve, whereas the general problem may be nearly impossible to solve. If you want your car to run "anywhere" (which likely isn't true), assume the problem is NOT solvable.
Even if you have an off-the-shelf depth sensor that represents the best technology available, you would still run into limitations:
Each type of depth sensing has weaknesses. No depth sensors on the market do well with dark, shiny surfaces. (Some spot sensors do okay with dark, shiny surfaces, but area sensors don't.) Stereo sensors have problems with large, featureless regions, and also require a lot of processing power. And so on.
Once you have a depth image, you still need to run calculations, and short of having a lot of onboard processing power this will be difficult to pull off on a toy car.
If you have to make many compromises to use depth sensing, then you might consider just using a simpler ultrasound sensor to avoid collisions.
Good luck!

IMU Orientation constantly changing

We have XSENS MTi IMU-Device and use the ROS-Framework (Ubuntu / Fuerte).
We subscribe to the IMU-Data and all data looks good except orientation.
In Euler-Outputmode like in Quaternion-Outputmode the values are constantly changing. Not randomly, they increase or decrease slowly at a more or less constant rate, and sometimes I observed the change to flatten out and then change it's direction.
When the Value at Second X may be:
x: 7.79210457616
y: -6.58661204898
z: 41.2841955308
the Z value changes in a range of about 10 within a few seconds (10-20 seconds I think).
What can cause this behaviour? Do we misinterpret the data or is there something wrong with the driver? The strange thing is, this also happend with 2 other drivers, and one other IMU device (we have 2). Same results in each combination.
Feel free to ask for more precise data or whatever you'd like to know that may be able to help us out. We are participating at the Spacebot-Cup in November, so it would be quite a relief to get the IMU done. :)
Perfectly normal if you have no magnetometer to give a corrected heading.
Gyroscope alone measures rate of turn only, and has no idea of orientation at any given time on any axis. Integrating the rate of turn gives the heading if you know the initial heading and the gyro is 100% accurate. It drifts anyway, even if it's perfectly calibrated, as you are sampling at discrete intervals rather than continuously.
Adding an accelerometer will at least fix the downward direction (because it measures gravity, which is towards the Earth's centre). This will keep the Z axis solution aligned with vertical, but it won't fix the horizontal direction (the heading or yaw). That will continue to drift, as you are seeing.
Adding a magnetometer will fix the heading relative to the Earth's magnetic field. This will give you a heading relative to magnetic North. You will need to apply a shift for local magnetic declination to get True North. These are generally available on line and reasonably constant over tens of km. Google ITREF.
Some integrated sensors don't have a magnetometer. That's why the heading drifts. Units like the MPU6050 have firmware built in, and can access a magnetometer, but the usual firmware doesn't use it, so you have to implement Madgwick, etc., on your micro controller or a connected PC anyway. Bosch have a new single module with a processing unit built in. Hopefully, it uses 9 DOF rather than the 6 you get with the DMP on the MPU6050.
Magnetic sensors are accurate to about 2 degrees. Local magnetic declination corrections also have an error. You may be able to perform additional calibrations by using a GPS on a long base line to get better results. It's also worth noting that heading and course made good are often different, due to crosswind / cross currents.
The Madgwick algorithm is fairly stable and easy to implement, and uses fewer resources than a Kalman filter, which needs to perform matrix inversion. It still gives minor jitter, but minor smoothing of results shouldn't induce too much lag.
If you have the IMU version, I assume that no signal processing has been done on the device. (but I don't know the product). So the data you get for the orientation should be only the integral of the gyroscope data.
The drift you can see is normal and can come from the integration of the noise, a bad zero rate calibration, or the bias of the gyroscope.
To correct this drift, we usually use an AHRS or a VRU algorithm (depending the need of a corrected yaw). It's a fusion sensor algorithm which take the gravity from the accelerometer and the magnetometer data (for AHRS) to correct this drift.
The algorithms often used are the Kalman filter and the complementary filter (Madgwick/Mahony).
It's not an easy job and request a bit of reading and experimenting on matlab/python to configure these filters :)

iPhone 5 magnetometer data calibration

I captured raw magnetometer data on the iPhone 5 by accident, and I actually require the calibrated data. The problem is that I can't go and recapture the data I originally got. Does anyone know what the iPhone's hard bias (device bias) calibration values are and how I can apply them to my data to get a similar output to what the iPhone would have given me?
Alternatively what is the best approach to calibrate for the device bias? I don't care about soft bias in my measurements.
The iPhone needs calibration data not to calibrate for the internal sensor (that is always accounted for, even in "raw" data, which actually isn't as raw as you might think). It is actually to calibrate for external factors that might disrupt or interfere with the Earth's natural magnetic field, like high voltage power lines, or steel beams overhead. The iPhone creates a 3D distortion map of the field (which is why the compass app asks you to make a figure eight) to offset these external influences.
Finally, even if you could recreate the exact distortions, Apple provides no way to peek into their black-box filtering, let alone apply your own distortion map to their data. So no, you cannot recompute the calibrated data after the fact.

Is Apple's iPhone magnetometer calibration working properly?

I'm currently developing an iPhone App (on iPhone 5, iOS 7, Xcode 5) which requires a very accurate determination of the current attitude. The "attitude" of CMDeviceMotion does not fulfil these requirements because Apple's sensor fusion algorithm seems to rely too much on the gyroscope which drifts away rather fast (in my experience). That's why I decided to read out the bare sensor data and later I want to combine it within a sensor fusion algorithm by myself.
When asking for magnetometer data one has two possibilities:
via CMMagnetometerData in CMMotionManager
via CMCalibratedMagneticField in CMDeviceMotion about which Apple says
The CMCalibratedMagneticField returned by this property gives you the total magnetic field in the device’s vicinity without device bias. Unlike the magneticField property of the CMMagnetometer class, these values reflect the earth’s magnetic field plus surrounding fields, minus device bias.
In principle (2.) is exactly what I want.
There is a very simple test if magnetometer data is calibrated properly. For simplicity one can restrict oneself to two dimensions. When the device lies on it's back, the combination B_x^2 + B_y^2 must be constant, independent of the direction the device is pointing to. It must just equal the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field (assuming no other fields in the vicinity of the device). Thus, when performing a 360 degrees turn of the device which lies on it's back, the measured data B_y over B_x should display a circle. See here for details.
Now the point: the data of CMCalibratedMagneticField does NOT result in a circle!
Does anyone have an explanation for that? Or does anyone know, how the CMCalibratedMagneticField comes about? Is the magnetometer calibrated in the sense of the link from above when performing the "eight-shaped" movement of the device or what is the movement good for?
Btw. why the "eight-shaped" movement and not flipping the device around it's three axis, which would allow a calibration as described in the link from above?
I would be very glad for any clarification with this issue... Thanks!
There is a problem with the magnetometer in iOS 7, it has an error of +-7º. Try using the 7.1 beta version.
The magnetometer has zero-drift over time, but is pretty inaccurate for sudden changes in position. The accelerometer and gyroscope on the other hand adjust quickly for sudden changes but, being inertial sensors, they lose accuracy over a period of time.
So when CMCalibratedMagneticField tries compensate for your rotational motion it uses data from the gyroscope and accelerometer. This is when the accelerometer and gyroscope's +-7º error creeps in and throws your circle off track. Check this answer and this wikipedia article for more info.
As regards to the figure of eight:
Both do the same thing, they orient the "North" of your device in each direction in hope of cancelling out magnetic interference. Flipping your device along all three axes will work better but it is harder to perform and not as easily understood by the user.
Hope this helps.

Finding the cardinal direction accelerated with an Algorithm for using the magnetometer, accelerometer, and gyro readings

I want to find the cardinal direction accelerated by an iphone. I thought I could just use the accelerometer to do this, however, as you can see from the picture below the accelerometers axes are defined by the device orientation.
I figured that if i used the gyroscope to correct for yaw, spin, rotation then I could get a more accurate reading and not have to hold the phone in the same orientation during movement.
But this still does not tell me what cardinal direction the iphone is moving in. For that I would also have to use the the magnetometer.
Can anybody tell me how to use a three sensor readings to find the cardinal direction accelerated in? I dont even know where to start. I dont even know if the phone takes these measurements at the same rates of time either.
Taking the cross product of the magnetometer vector with the "down" vector will give you a horizontal magnetic east/west vector; from that, a second cross product gets the magnetic north/south vector. That's the easy part.
The harder problem is tracking the "down" vector effectively. If you integrate the accelerometers over time, you can filter out the motion of a hand-held mobile device, to get the persistent direction of gravity. Or, you could, if your device weren't rotating at the same time...
That's where the rate gyros come in: the gyros can let you compensate for the dynamic rotation of the hand-held device, so you can track your gravity in real-time. The classic way to do this is called a Kalman filter, which can integrate (both literally and figuratively) multiple data sources in order to evaluate the most likely state of your system.
A Kalman filter requires a mathematical model both of your physical system, and of the sensors that observe it; each of these models must be both accurate and "sufficiently linear" for the Kalman filter to work properly. As it happens, the iphone/accelerometer/gyro system is in fact sufficiently linear.
The Kalman filter uses both calculus and linear algebra, so if you're rolling your own, you will need a certain amount of math.
Also, as a practical matter, you should understand that physical sensors typically have offsets that need to be compensated for -- in particular, you need to pay attention to the rate gyro offsets in this kind of inertial navigation system, or your tracker will never stabilize. This means you will need to add your rate gyro offsets to your Kalman state vector and system model.
