Docker container (Kubernetes): Mysql user access denied - docker

Hi I have followed some k8s tutorials on how to get going with setting up a local db + WordPress installation, but user can't connect to mysql within my cluster.
(everything else seems ok - in Kubernetes Dashboard Web UI)
Error: [15:40:55][~]#kubectl logs -f website-56677747c7-c7lb6
11:07:17 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli::__construct():
php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not
known in Standard input code on line 22 [21-Nov-2019 11:07:17 UTC] PHP
Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/2002):
php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not
known in Standard input code on line 22
MySQL Connection Error: (2002) php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo
failed: Name or service not known [21-Nov-2019 11:07:20 UTC] PHP
Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user
'websiteu5er'#'' (using password: YES) in Standard input code
on line 22
MySQL Connection Error: (1045) Access denied for user
'websiteu5er'#'' (using password: YES)
MySQL Connection Error: (1045) Access denied for user
'websiteu5er'#'' (using password: YES)
MySQL Connection Error: (1045) Access denied for user
'websiteu5er'#'' (using password: YES)
My Dockerfile (which I used to create the image pushed to docker hub then pulled into k8s service + deployment):
FROM mysql:5.7
# This should create the following default root + user?
ENV MYSQL_USER=websiteu5er
RUN /etc/init.d/mysql start \
&& mysql -u root --password='hello123' -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'websiteu5er'#'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'hello123';"
FROM wordpress:5.2.4-php7.3-apache
# Copy wp-config file over
COPY configs/wp-config.php .
RUN chown -R www-data:www-data *
COPY ./src/wp-content/themes/bam /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/bam

The standard Docker Hub mysql image has the ability to run arbitrary SQL scripts on the very first startup of the database only. It can also set up an initial database user with a known password, again on the first startup only. Details are in the linked Docker Hub page.
In a Kubernetes context I’d use just the environment variables, and specify them in my pod spec.
- name: mysql
image: mysql:5.7 # not a custom image
- name: MYSQL_USER
value: websiteu5er
value: hello123
If you did need more involved setup, I’d create a ConfigMap that contained SQL scripts, and then mount that into the container in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d.
There’s two things going on in your Dockerfile. One is that, when you have multiple FROM lines, you’re actually executing a multi-stage build; the image you get out at the end is only the Wordpress image, and the MySQL parts before it get skipped. The second is that you can’t actually create an image FROM mysql that contains any database-level configuration or content, so the image that comes out of the first stage has the environment variables set but won’t actually have executed your GRANT PRIVILEGES statement.
I’d just delete everything before the last FROM line and not try to build a derived MySQL image; use the /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d mechanism at startup time instead.

I see you are trying to start mysql database and then grant privileges for your user but you are doing it all wrong.
After runing:
RUN /etc/init.d/mysql start \
&& mysql -u root --password='hello123' -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'websiteu5er'#'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'hello123';"
mysql starts but your query after && never runs so your user doesn't get its privileges. It will get run only if mysql exits successfully.
Look here for explanation how && works in shell.
What you want to do is run this command after mysql starts and you can do it in several ways but probably the best in your case would be using PostStart hook in kubernetes:
- name: test
image: someimage
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "mysql -u root --password='hello123' -e \"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'websiteu5er'#'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'hello123';\""]
You may also want to add few second sleep command before you run the query to make sure the server actually started before you connect to it.
Also take a look at kubernetes documentation and read more about lifecycle hooks.
Let me know if it was helpful.


Keycloak 17.0.1 Import Realm on Docker / Docker-Compose Startup

I am trying to find a way to import a realm in Keycloak version 17.0.1 that can be done at starting up a docker container (with docker-compose). I want to be able to do this in "start" mode and not "start-dev" mode as in my experience so far "start-dev" in 17 is forcing an H2/in-mem database and not allowing me to point to an external db which I would like to do to more closely resemble dev/prod environments when running locally.
Things I've tried:
1) It appears that according to recent conversations on Github (Issue 10216 and Issue 10754 to name a couple) that the environment variable that used to allow this (KEYCLOAK_IMPORT or KC_IMPORT_REALM in some versions) is no longer a trigger for this. In my attempts it also did not work for version 17.0.1.
2) I've also tried appending the following command in my docker-compose setup for keycloak and had no luck (also tried with just "start") - It appears to just ignore the command (no error or anything):
command: ["start-dev", "-Dkeycloak.import=/tmp/my-realm.json"]
3) I tried running the command "import" in the Dockerfile (both before and after Entrypoint/start) but got error: Unmatched arguments from index 1: '/opt/keycloak/bin/', 'im port', '--file', '/tmp/my-realm.json'
4) I've shifted gears and have tried to see if it is possible to just do it after the container starts (even with manual intervention) just to get some sanity restored. I attempted to use the admin-cli but after quite a few different attempts at different points/endpoints etc. I just get that localhost refuses to connect.
bin/ config credentials --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm master --user admin --password adminpassword
Responds when hitting the following ports as shown:
8080: Failed to send request - Connect to localhost:8080 [localhost/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused)
8443: Failed to send request - localhost:8443 failed to respond
I am sure there are other ways that I've tried and am forgetting - I've kind of spun my wheels at this point.
My code (largely the same as the latest docs on the Keycloak website):
FROM as builder
ENV KC_FEATURES=token-exchange
ENV KC_DB=postgres
RUN /opt/keycloak/bin/ build
COPY --from=builder /opt/keycloak/lib/quarkus/ /opt/keycloak/lib/quarkus/
WORKDIR /opt/keycloak
# for demonstration purposes only, please make sure to use proper certificates in production instead
RUN keytool -genkeypair -storepass password -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -dname "CN=server" -alias server -ext "SAN:c=DNS:localhost,IP:" -keystore conf/server.keystore
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/keycloak/bin/", "start" ]
version: "3"
context: .
- ./my-realm.json:/tmp/my-realm.json:ro
- .env
- 8080:8080
- 8443:8443 # <-- I've tried with only 8080 and with only 8443 as well. 8443 appears to be the only that I can get the admin console ui to even work on though.
- my_net
name: my_net
Any suggestion on how to do this in a programmatic + "dev-opsy" way would be greatly appreciated. I'd really like to get this to work but am confused on how to get past this.
Importing realm upon docker initialization thru configuration is not supported yet. See They might release this feature in next release v18.
The workarounds people had shared in github thread is create own docker image and import the realm thru json file when building it.
# Make the realm configuration available for import
COPY realm-and-users.json /opt/keycloak_import/
# Import the realm and user
RUN /opt/keycloak/bin/ import --file /opt/keycloak_import/realm-and-users.json
# The Keycloak server is configured to listen on port 8080
# Import the realm on start-up
CMD ["start-dev"]
As #tboom said, it was not supported yet by keycloak 17.x. But it is now supported by keycloak 18.x using the --import-realm option :
bin/kc.[sh|bat] [start|start-dev] --import-realm
This feature does not work as it was before. The JSON file path must not be specified anymore: the JSON file only has to be copied in the <KEYCLOAK_DIR>/data/import directory (multiple JSON files supported). Note that the import operation is skipped if the realm already exists, so incremental updates are not possible anymore (at least for the time being).
This feature is documented on

403 forbidden nginx on docker/ddev website

I am attempting to deploy a site locally with Docker with DDev, using WSL2. I have gotten as far as getting phpMyAdmin working, and I have a ddev url, but when I try to use ddev launch and/or goto the I get a 403 error.
So far I have tried to change docroot to public and that didn't work. Additionally I have SSH'd into the docker container, and all of the appropriate files are there. My directory hierarchy looks like (using ls in the powershell):
~/dev/project_name$ ls
composer.json composer.lock project_name public sites vendor
Additionally, and this may be a separate question and possibly unrelated - but in the event that it isn't - when I run the drupal installation command with:
ddev exec drush site:install --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin
I get asked for database name/driver/username/password/host/port - of which I'm not totally sure what information it expects me to supply. I managed to find the database information in Docker, but I haven't been able to correctly supply it the correct information, apparently. The input and output:
Database name [drupal]:
> db
Database driver [mysql]:
> mysql
Database username [drupal]:
> db
Database password [drupal]:
> root
Database host []:
> localhost
Database port [3306]:
> 3306
[warning] Program UNKNOWN not found. Proceed if you have already created or emptied the Drupal database.
Do you want to continue? (yes/no) [yes]:
> yes
[notice] Starting Drupal installation. This takes a while.
[notice] Performed install task: install_select_language
[notice] Performed install task: install_select_profile
[notice] Performed install task: install_load_profile
[notice] Performed install task: install_verify_requirements
In line 971:
Database name field is required.
Database username field is required.
Resolve all issues below to continue the installation. For help configuring your database server, see the <a href="https://www.dr">installation handbook</a>, or contact your hosting provider.<div class="item-list"><ul><li>Failed to con
nect to your database server. The server reports the following message: <em class="placeholder">SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such fi
le or directory</em>.<ul><li>Is the database server running?</li><li>Does the database exist or does the database user have suffi
cient privileges to create the database?</li><li>Have you entered the correct database name?</li><li>Have you entered the correct
username and password?</li><li>Have you entered the correct database hostname and port number?</li></ul></li></ul></div>
Failed to execute command drush site:install --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin: exit status 1```
The next notice should be this:
[notice] Performed install task: install_verify_database_ready
Maybe the database is down, not connected, or the access data is wrong.
Check the drush status:
ddev exec drush st
Drupal version : 9.3.2
Site URI :
DB driver : mysql
DB hostname : ddev-my-drupal9-site-db
DB port : 3306
DB username : db
DB name : db
Database : Connected
Steps to reproduce, without the error
install brew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
install ddev
brew install drud/ddev/ddev
start container
cd ~/dockertests/
mkdir my-drupal9-site
cd my-drupal9-site
ddev config --project-type=drupal9 --docroot=web --create-docroot
ddev start
ddev composer create "drupal/recommended-project"
ddev composer require drush/drush
ddev drush site:install -y
ddev drush uli
ddev launch
# [success] Installation complete. User name: admin User password: XXXX
install drupal again
ddev exec drush site:install --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin

Docker-in-Docker issues with connecting to internal container network (Anchore Engine)

I am having issues when trying to connect to a docker-compose network from inside of a container. These are the files I am working with. The whole thing runs when I ./
FROM docker/compose:latest
# EXPOSE 8228
RUN apk update
RUN apk add py-pip
RUN apk add jq
RUN pip install anchorecli
COPY docker-compose.yaml docker-compose.yaml
CMD ["./"]
# The primary API endpoint service
image: anchore/anchore-engine:v0.6.0
- anchore-db
- engine-catalog
#- ./config-engine.yaml:/config/config.yaml:z
- "8228:8228"
name: anchore-net
echo "------------- INSTALL ANCHORE CLI ---------------------"
engineid=`docker ps | grep engine-api | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
engine_ip=`docker inspect $engineid | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.Networks."cws-anchore-net".IPAddress'`
export ANCHORE_CLI_URL=http://$engine_ip:8228/v1
export ANCHORE_CLI_USER='user'
export ANCHORE_CLI_PASS='pass'
echo "System status"
anchore-cli --debug system status #This line throws error (see below)
docker build . -t anchore-runner
docker network create anchore-net
docker-compose up -d
docker run --network="anchore-net" -v //var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock anchore-runner
#docker network rm anchore-net
Error Message:
System status
INFO:anchorecli.clients.apiexternal:As Account = None
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
Error: could not access anchore service (user=user url= HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8228): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1
(Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))
Steps: builds container image and creates network anchore-net
the container has an entrypoint script, which does multiple things
firstly, it brings up the docker-compose network as detached FROM inside the container
secondly, nstalls anchore-cli so I can run commands against container network
lastly, attempts to get a system status of the anchore-engine (d.c network) but thats where I am running into HTTP request connection issues.
I am dynamically getting the IP of the api endpoint container of anchore-engine and setting the URL of the request to do that. I have also tried passing those variables from command line such as:
anchore-cli --u user --p pass --url http://$engine_ip/8228/v1 system status but that throws the same error.
For those of you who took the time to read through this, I highly appreciate any input you can give me as to where the issue may be lying. Thank you very much.

Prisma Deploy Docker error "Could not connect to server"

This is steps I have done
prisma init
I set postgresql for database in my local(not exist).
It created 3 files, datamodel.graphql, docker-compose.yml, prisma.yml
docker-compose up -d
I confirmed it running successfully
But if I call prisma deploy, it shows me error
Could not connect to server at http://localhost:4466. Please check if your server is running.
All I have done is standard operation described in manual and there is no customization in
And this is docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
image: prismagraphql/prisma:1.11
restart: always
- "4466:4466"
port: 4466
# uncomment the next line and provide the env var PRISMA_MANAGEMENT_API_SECRET=my-secret to activate cluster security
# managementApiSecret: my-secret
connector: postgres
host: localhost
port: '5432'
database: databasename
schema: public
user: postgres
password: root
migrations: true
What am I missing?
I found this solution to the same problem i was facing
docker-machine ip default
Use this address and replace the "localhost" with the IP with the above command to look something like this in prisma.yml file
The answer is referred from this Github Link
The documentation mentions:
docker ps
You should see output similar to this:
$ docker ps
2b799c529e73 prismagraphql/prisma:1.7 "/bin/sh -c /app/sta…" 17 hours ago Up 7 hours>4466/tcp myapp_prisma_1
757dfba212f7 mysql:5.7 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 17 hours ago
(Here shown with mysql, but valid with postgresql too)
The point is: there should be two containers running, not one.
Check docker-compose logs to see why the second one (database) did not start.
instead of docker-compose up -d
docker-compose up
and keep the window running which will keep localhost:4466 alive.
Note : If u want to connect to connect to the database created in docker, you need to map the port in the following way:
docker run --name <ENTER_NAME> -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<ENTER_PASSWORD> -d -p 5433:5432 postgres
In the above case PORT(5433) = HOST_PORT and PORT(5432) = CONTAINER_PORT

how to make ansible get access to an sshd container?

I use an ansible script to load & start the container.
so it starts well of course :
bash-4.4$ docker ps
8bedbd3b7d88 rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd "/usr/sbin/sshd -D" 37 minutes ago Up 36 minutes>22/tcp test
so after ansible failure on ssh access to it I tested manually from shell
this is also ok.
bash-4.4$ ssh root#
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:YtTfuoRRR5qStSVA5UuznGamA/dvf+djbIT6Y48IYD0.
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:43:3f:41:e9:89:45:06:6f:f6:42:c4:6a:70:37:f8:1d.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root#'s password:
root#8bedbd3b7d88:~# logout
Connection to closed.
so the step that failed is trying to get on it from ansible script & make access to ssh-copy-id
ansible error message is :
Fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.\r\nPermission denied (publickey,password).\r\n", "unreachable": true}
- hosts:
- name: start docker service
name: docker
state: started
- name: load and start the container we wanna use
name: test
image: rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd
state: started
- "49154:22"
- name: Wait maximum of 300 seconds for ports to be available
port: 49154
state: started
- hosts:
passwordadmin: $6$pbE6yznA$AeFIdI.....K0
passwordroot: $6$TMrxQUxT$I8.JIzR.....TV1
ansible_ssh_extra_args: "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
- name: Build test container root user rsa ssh-key
shell: docker exec test ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -q -N ""
so I cannot even run the needed step to build ssh
how to do then ??
1st step (ansible task) : load docker container
2cd step (ansible task on only : connect to it & setup it
there will be 3rd step to run application on it after that.
the problem occurs only when starting the 2cd step
Ok after many trys on a second container
conclusion is my procedure was bad
what I have done to solve that :
build a diroctory tree separating ./ ./inventory ./includes
build 1 yaml file by host (local, docker, labo)
build 1 main yaml file on ./
build 1 new host file in ./inventory
connect forced by sshpass to docker on default password
changed it
add the host key on authorized key to a login dedicated usage
installed pyhton (needed to answer ansible host else it makes
randomly module errors or refused connections depending on current
setup a ssh login user in sudoers
then I can un the docker.yaml actions
then only at last I can run the labo.yaml actions.
Thanks for help
now I'm able to build the missing tools.
