Always getting +clicked_branch_link" false, really weird - ios

I have integrated Branch SDK in my swift application and whenever I am installing the application through quick links, I am always getting +clicked_branch_link" : false, and that's why I can not add custom events to my application.
1) How to check custom events before iOS application goes live?
2) Is there any way to check deep linking in test builds?
Thanks in advance

The most common issue that can lead to this behavior is a mismatch between the Branch key used in the Project and the link that you are using. If you are using debug mode, make sure to use links from the test area of the dashboard. Once you fix the issue with +clicked branch link being false, you will be able to test deeplinking and custom events.

I am using in react native, I had the same issue on test mode, I have to declare TestMode=true in AndroidManifest.xml like code below.
In Android:
<meta-data android:name="io.branch.sdk.TestMode" android:value="true" />
Now part looks as:
<meta-data android:name="io.branch.sdk.TestMode" android:value="true" />
<meta-data android:name="io.branch.sdk.BranchKey" android:value="key_live_lm3ztzvrR4sI0dKQ76Lq6nbcsEnMV1wp"/>
<meta-data android:name="io.branch.sdk.BranchKey.test" android:value="key_test_pbXCutzyH3rH0gGP772UgdmbCsnKM3yC"/>


Anybody who succeeded in adding "Email Composer" Cordova plugin to Ionic 5 project (for Android12)?

I have created a simple Ionic 5 app and would like to add the functionality that would allow sending emails (including those scheduled).
I have tried the but found myself stuck with this supporting Android 12. Is there anybody who succeeded?
I am use to do that, they are based on Cordova and I have no issues with their Ionic 5 app working on Android 12 devices.They offer, They also offer to try bulk mailing using their SendGridEmail plugin:
After searching around for a while, I came across Simon Grimm's video in which he added this exact plugin to an Ionic/Capacitor project. Prior to finding the video I was having trouble figuring out how to add the Android configuration properly to AndroidManifest.xml. When running ionic cap sync, I got a warning that I needed to add the following to AndroidManifest.xml:
<action android:name="android.intent.action.SENDTO"/>
<data android:scheme="mailto"/>
But there was no documentation on how exactly to do this. The solution was in the video:
<manifest ...>
<action android:name="android.intent.action.SENDTO"/>
<data android:scheme="mailto"/>
The intent element needs to be placed inside <queries>, which should be placed directly within the <manifest> tag (and not inside <application> or <activity>). After doing this, I was able to get the email composer to open up on Android 12 with Gmail.

firebase social login not redirected to the app , ionic 3 , ios

I am trying to implement social login in my ionic 3 app with the help of 'firebase' authentication.
I followed this artical
I installed all the plugins(cordova-plugin-browsertab,cordova-plugin-inappbrowser ..etc)
and did exactly same as in the article.
Then I ran the app on both android and ios devices.
in android device the facebook/google login page is opened in the 'in app browser' and it is redirected to the app successfully after the login process.everything works fine.
But in the iPhone the facebook/google login pages are opened in a new safari browser instance and after the login it redirect to localhost, and it is not redirected back to the application.
can anyone help me with this?
thank you
I believe the issue is related to ionic in iOS now defaulting to WKWebView ( which has issues with Firebase.
ionic native app URLs in iOS now appear as http://localhost instead of file://assets/.../index.html.
The suggested workaround at this time is to downgrade to UIWebView.
Firebase Auth is looking into a solution for this.
I had the same issue, and changing the webview engine didn't solve it for me.
What worked for me was to add
<allow-navigation href="http://*" />
to config.xml.
I guess this worked for me because that localhost:8080/... link works over http, but I only had https://* allowed in my config.xml before that.
Not sure though why this is not an issue on Android, but hope this helps!
I have the same issue. I have followed all the steps described in but in ios it does not work (in Android all is working fine). I think it is related with the 'customurlscheme' property because this is the property that contains the app name that has to be reopened, but I have checked all the places where I am using it and all seems to be correct (I modified the package name of my app and I think this could be related with the issue).
I will try to fix it, if I find the solution I will let you know.
I don't have the required "rep" to comment on bojeil's answer above... but to expand on his answer:
<preference name="CordovaWebViewEngine" value="CDVUIWebViewEngine" />
to the config fixed this issue for me.
You will need to edit your config.xml.
This line will allow you to be redirected back to your app.
<allow-navigation href="*" />
This line will solve the disallowed user agent screen
<preference name="OverrideUserAgent" value="Mozilla/5.0 Google" /> Cordova SDK not generating links

I am trying to integrate into my mobile app, mostly for the purpose of tracking and rewarding referrals. I have the plugin mostly working, but it is failing at the most important part, generating the links. The app successfully initiates Branch, creates a Universal Object and I get a confirmation alert every time the app opens. It also successfully opens the share sheet when I click the share button and fills in the message text, but it doesn't contain the link. I've also noticed that the dashboard is not recognizing that I've integrated the SDK. I am using PhoneGap build 6.2.0 and Cordova Branch SDK version 2.6.0
Here is my the Branch snippet of my config.xml
<plugin name="branch-cordova-sdk" spec="^2.6.0" /><!-- If available via Cordova registry; consider changing to an NPM reference. -->
<branch-key value="key_live_xxxx" />
<uri-scheme value="xxxx" />
<link-domain value="" />
<ios-team-release value="xxxx" />
And here's a screen shot of the alert after creating a universal object and of the share sheet
Universal Object
Share Sheet
It Is the issue with PGB Service
i had same issue with my project also... i am taking build using phonegap build service. universal object is initializing but the link is not generating.. in ios 9.3 the Share sheet comes. but there is no link . in ios 10 even Share sheet is not opening
Try Using Mac with cordova my issue solved
check this link ..

phonegap navigator.connection is undefined

I've got a problem using Phonegap.
I've created a Test application using console:
phonegap create ProjectTest
cordova platform add ios
cordova build
Then opened generated Xcode project and added new line to onDeviceReady function:
onDeviceReady: function() {
Also i've added this line to my config.xml:
<plugin name="NetworkStatus" value="CDVConnection" />
So, result in alert is 'undefined'......
I just need to test the connection, using navigator.connection.type
Using MacBook and Xcode 4.6.3
Same issue here. I was testing my code after these steps. create, add platform ios, add plugin blabla. When you do like this, its not working. You have to say
$ cordova build ios
$ phonegap build ios
after that, its creating new files about plugins and its working. Hope that help you too.
(cordova 3.3.0)
I was having a similar issue, and was able to answer my own question after a bunch of research.
See this StackOverflow post for the solution.
You should add connection plugin first

Add facebook iOS SDK without Xcode for a Phonegap Build app

I've been able to successfully build my iOS app without using Xcode. My app is a collection of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, along with my config.xml that I'm able to compile with Phonegap Build.
The app's basic functionality has been tested on iPhones and works well, but now I want to add a social layer to the app with the FacebookConnect plugin for Phonegap Build. However, the documentation on GitHub requires the app to be setup in Xcode.
Without using Xcode, is there a way to download the SDK (not as a .pkg) and add it to my project files that I upload to Phonegap Build to complile? If so, where do I get the files, which files do I need, and where do I include these files in my project structure?
Here is my current project structure:
Perhaps there is a way of doing this with GitHub, but I've never done pull requests or anything like that. I simply work in my text editor and am not sure how to pull from GitHub.
Phonegap Build Plugins
Thank you for any help you can offer on this!
I have successfully implemented the FacebookConnect Plugin for Phonegap Build on Windows without Xcode.
I recommend just following the instructions on the Phonegap Build Plugins page and ignore the instructions on the GitHub page (which talks about Xcode and other things you don't need for the Build plugin). They have now updated the GitHub page instructions to direct Phonegap Build users away from the GitHub instructions and over to the Phonegap Build Plugins page.
For Step 1 (Setting your app up on facebook), select Native iOS App and the Bundle ID is the same as your "id" in your config.xml (i.e. and you can set the App Store IDs to "0" while testing.
For Step 2, make sure you use facebook-js-sdk.js. At one time there was a typo.
A good way to test things out is to paste the content of the example Simple app on GitHub into a new index.html file and upload it with your normal config.xml file to Phonegap Build . I did this for one build on my app and then after I tested it, just uploaded my normal index.html file. The only change you will need to make in the index.html of the Example app is to put your Facebook App ID at the bottom in the FB.init function. I also changed response.session to response.authResponse to match the Facebook JS SDK, but I'm not sure if that is necessary.
Be sure to update your config.xml file with everything mentioned in Step 3. I also added the following code:
<access origin="" />
<access origin="" />
<access origin="" />
<access origin="" subdomains="true" />
<access origin="" subdomains="true" />
The above code is not necessary if you have the following in your config.xml file already:
<access origin="*" />
The FacebookConnect plugin is using the Facebook JS SDK, which you can learn more about here:
Also, one other issue I ran into that the Phonegap Build Team is working on is that when asking for permissions, you cannot just ask for the Basic Permissions by leaving off the scope option. For now, you must include at least one scope option for the login function to work.
function fbLogin () {
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
alert('User Login Success!');
} else {
alert('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.');
}, { scope: "email" });
Most developers probably want to ask for more than the Basic Permissions, so this shouldn't be that big of an issue.
My responses above are from discussions about the Facebook Plugin over on the Phonegap Build Support Site. You can learn more about the plugin and current issues and solutions there.
It took me a little while to figure this stuff out, so hopefully this will help others save some time.
