Jenkins integration with AD - jenkins

I am working on integrating a new Jenkins instance with AD. I have installed the required plugins. When I try to add a domain, it asks for info such as domain name, domain controller, etc.
I am not fully clear on the BindDN field. If I leave it blank and test the domain, it throws this warning
Leaving blank Bind DN means that any operation performed will use anonymous binding. Keep in mind that this is not recommended as some servers do not allow it by default.
I then provided a user account in BindDN which exists in the domain. Now on testing the domain, it is throwing this error log:
DC_Name:389 DC_Name
Pls share some inputs to complete the integration with AD.

There is information provided in the Jenkins wiki page for the AD plugin, as well as some ldap tools to help diagnose.
<DOMAIN_NAME> -> Domain Name:
<searchbase> -> Organization Unit we want to look into.
In the example, it is OU=Support, DC=support-cloudbees, DC=com
<binddn> -> Bind DN.
In the example, CN=felix, OU=Support, DC=support-cloudbees, DC=com
<passwd> -> Bind Password
<userid> -> User we want to look for. We can look for the managerDN itself or for a different user on the tree.
In the example, this can be set-up for example to CN=felix, OU=Support, DC=support-cloudbees, DC=com.
As described here,
The Bind DN is comprised of the user and the location of the user in
the LDAP directory tree. Each element of the Distinguished Name is
pointed out: The first part is the user CN=user1. The second part is
the container CN=Users. The third part is the domain DC=example and
Did you correctly specify "the location of the user in the LDAP tree" ? The error appears to be with a DC value.
Ours is in the form:
cn=<Acct Name>, ou=<some_value>, ou=<some_value>, dc=<some_value>, dc=<some_value>
YMMV. Try use the ldap tools mentioned to validate.


/users/{userId}/onlineMeetings - create meeting with application token

I have a proxy application that would create for every user365 the onlinemeeting,
So I have read this:
documentation update in march
and it seems that for each user in azure, I have to run a powershell command to allow my application to generate a meeting.
in the example there is this policy with 3 parameter (in the doc explain two parameter) so I'm so confuse:
New-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -Identity Test-policy -AppIds "ddb80e06-92f3-4978-bc22-a0eee85e6a9e", "ccb80e06-92f3-4978-bc22-a0eee85e6a9e", "bbb80e06-92f3-4978-bc22-a0eee85e6a9e" -Description "description here"
It seems that a policy needs to be created first....
And then the policy has to be associated with each user... one at a time....
Isn't there something global for all users?
Let me explain better: once the application type permissions are activated on
OnlineMeetings.Read.All OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All
why do I need to do anything else?
In other API (like create calendar event for example here) the policy rule is not necessary... but is necessary only the permission API
I have solve:
There are a -Global parameter that When you use this cmdlet without specifying a user identity, the policy applies to all users in your tenant, except any that have an explicit policy assignment. To skip a warning when you do this operation, specify this parameter.
Grant-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -PolicyName "ASimplePolicy" -Global

How to verify a domain so a schema extension can be added to ms graph?

My root question is: How do I add a schema extension to ms graph?
This document describes how to add a schema extension but misdirects the user on how to verify a domain.
So when I tried this:
var schemaExtension = new SchemaExtension
Id = "domain_subscriberInfo",
The error message received is:
Your organization must own the namespace domain-name as a part of one of the verified domains.
This documentation says: "If you don’t have a verified vanity domain, you can just set the id to a schema name (without a domain name prefix), for example, mySchema. Microsoft Graph will assign a string ID for you based on the supplied name, in this format: ext{8-random-alphanumeric-chars}_{schema-name}. For example, extkvbmkofy_mySchema."
But this code:
var schemaExtension = new SchemaExtension
Id = "extkvbmkofy_subscriberInfo",
Results in this error message:
Your organization must own the namespace domain-name as a part of one of the verified domains.
This link describes how to check verification but does not describe how to put a domain in a verified state. I took a guess and tried adding a txt record with text specified in the output of VerificationDnsRecords but that is just me guessing and it doesn't work.
Documentation says "For an unverified domain, the isVerified property of the domain is false." I will have to assume isVerified is false because the call to Verify() crashes with
Domain verification failed with the following error: 'Error in DNS verification. code=MissingRecord'.
How do I get past these issues to add a schema extension to ms graph?
See this example to create a schema extension using just a name (rather than a domain namespaced name).
To add a custom domain, add the domain (which is unverified), then get the verificationDnsRecords for the domain you added and use that info to update your domain configuration with your domain registrar. You can then try to verify. Sometimes it can take an hour for the DNS to refresh, so verify could fail initially. You can follow some more visual steps here through the Azure Portal.
Calling verify should not get an internal server error. Can you repro for some fresh client request id and timestamp please? Our trace logs are only retained for 30 days I'm afraid.

How to do User Impersonation in Apache Sling or Jackrabbit Oak?

Or more specifically:
Given I am signed in as the 'admin' user, and I want to to impersonate a user 'testSiteUser'
Given the 'testSiteUser' node (rep:User) does not have a protected String[] property called rep:impersonators set with a value containing admin
How do to update the protected property rep:impersonators such that it contains admin?
Once the user node has this set, I'm confident that setting a cookie sling.sudo should allow user impersonation.
What I have tried so far..
curl -F:name=testSiteUser -Fpwd=testSiteUser
-u admin:admin
Which responds with 500
javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException: Attempt to set an
protected property rep:impersonators
According to the JCR Spec
16.3.12 Interaction with Protected Properties
Many features of JCR expose repository metadata as protected properties defined by mixin node types. For example, locking status is exposed by the properties jcr:lockOwner and jcr:lockIsDeep defined by mix:lockable. Changes to protected properties can only be made indirectly through a feature-specific API (for example, Node.lock), not through a generic write method like Node.setProperty. Such changes are not governed by the jcr:modifyProperties privilege, but rather by the particular feature-specific privilege, for example, jcr:lockManagement (see §16.2.3 Standard Privileges).
Perhaps the only way is to write my own Java code as shown below, but I'm pretty sure there should be a REST API to do this...
Authorizable authorizable = userManager.getAuthorizable(user.getId());
Principal admin = userManager.getAuthorizable("admin").getPrincipal();
jackrabbitUser = (User) authorizable;
Impersonation impersonation =jackrabbitUser.getImpersonation();
Basically rep:impersonators is a read only property that is managed "indirectly through a feature-specific API" What is the API and procedure to do user impersonations using Apache Sling or Jackrabbit Oak?
I understood your question, that you want to add an impersonator via a REST-call.
As you already found, all security related properties are protected. So they can only be manipulated via API-calls - and not directly written to.
But AEM already has a lot specialized REST-API's for its own user interface. To find them you should first perform the desired action on the normal AEM UI. Then check with the browser network inspector, which http-request was made by the browser.
In your case go to the classic user manager (http://localhost:4502/useradmin).
There you find the curl:
curl 'http://localhost:4502/home/users/J/JfiFIrTqxwUamu2BvWj-' \
-u admin:admin \
-F_charset_=utf-8 \
-FmemberAction=sudoers \
In the example I added for user alex2 the impersonator alex. So alex can impersonate to alex2.
For the user alex you need the repository-path, which is encrypted meanwhile for security reasons. But this path is easy to find with the querybuilder. As example the following query:
or via the querybuilder UI http://localhost:4502/libs/cq/search/content/querydebug.html

Store user passwords in plain text in OpenLDAP server

I am using OpenLDAP provided in osixia/openldap docker image ( but it is storing all passwords hashed.
Normally it will be desirable but I am planning to hash passwords on front end (with salting and MD5) so no person in the organization never gets to see the users passwords, but when I try saving them they are hash again, I have not find a way to prevent this behavior.
I try deleting (using user cn=admin,cn=config) an entry that comes with the image called cn={4}ppolicy,cn=schema,cn=config which I think may be the culprit but ldapdelete returns Server is unwilling to perform (53).
Any help is deeply appreciated.
If you store the password in plain text you can retrieve them in plain text.
You just need to check in the ACL that the user you use to read them have the correct rights to do it.
The password policy entry you are talking about is just a schema definition which allows you to define a password policy but does not enforce anything. (The 53 error is because you can't remove a schema from a running OpenLDAP to prevent removing a schema which could be used by an entry)
According to what I can see in github about the docker image you use, the ACL used is :
olcAccess: to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange
by self write
by dn="cn=admin,{{ LDAP_BASE_DN }}" write
by anonymous auth
by * none
Which means that only the user himself or the admin account can read the password field userPassword
It is this ACL that you need to modify to suit your needs. The ACL should be located here :
dn: olcDatabase={1}{{ LDAP_BACKEND }},cn=config

Accessing nested LDAP roles in Oracle Internet Directory (OID) within Grails and SpringSecurity

In our LDAP directory, we have users, who are mapped to groups. Those groups may be mapped to other groups. For example:
uniquemember cn=user1,cn=user,dc=example,dc=com
uniquemember cn=user2,cn=user,dc=example,dc=com
uniquemember cn=group1,cn=user,dc=example,dc=com
So User1 belongs to Group1, but User2 belongs to Group2, which in turn belongs to Group1
Within Grails, User1 has authority to Group1, but User2 only has authority to Group2. From what I've seen, there is no way to cause it to recursively look at the tree. Realistically, I probably only need a 2 level hierarchy, but even that doesn't seem to work.
I'm attempting to work through the Custom UserDetailsContextManager to see if I can iterate over the initial results and re-query LDAP by group, but I thought I'd see if there was an easier/better way.
You probably already saw this, but this is from the documentation:
// If you don't want to support group membership recursion (groups in groups), then use the following setting
// grails.plugins.springsecurity.ldap.authorities.groupSearchFilter = 'member={0}' // Active Directory specific
// If you wish to support groups with group as members (recursive groups), use the following
grails.plugins.springsecurity.ldap.authorities.groupSearchFilter = '(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={0})' // Active Directory specific
Oracle OID has a product-specific extension for traversing the hierarchy, known as CONNECT_BY, which has LDAP OID 2.16.840.1.113894.1.8.3 . You can add this as a request control to ask the server to connect/follow hierarchies according to an attribute you specify. This can be done using both a Java LDAP client program, or using something like OpenLDAP ldapsearch, although the set-up is a little tricky.
If you want to use Java to follow the hierarchy, this page contains a sample program which shows how to setup the required javax.naming.ldap.Control implementation class, in this case named ConnectByControl.
You can also perform this sort of hierarchical search using ldapsearch, but it requires some preparation and implied understanding of the required control value, as the value is concatenated then base64-encoded. The value is in two-parts - the follow-me depth (0=unlimited), followed by the connect-by attribute name (in this case, uniquemember is the desired name). Set the baseDN in your query to the entry where you want to start the hierarchical search.
ldapsearch -H ldap:// -e 2.16.840.1.113894.1.8.3=MBECAQAEDHVuaXF1ZW1lbWJlcg== -b cn=some_group_containing_groups_nested_by_uniquemember,cn=some_groups,dc=mycompany,dc=com "(objectClass=*)" dn uniquemember
The -e 2.16.840.1.113894.1.8.3= adds the CONNECT_BY request control. The value, MBECAQAEDHVuaXF1ZW1lbWJlcg==, is ASN.1 BER-encoded then base64-encoded value 0uniquemember, for the depth and attribute-name mentioned above. This will print first the dn for cn=some_group_containing_groups_nested_by_uniquemember,... and its direct (user) uniquemembers, then each uniquemember will be "connected" or followed. If that entry itself has a set of uniquemember, i.e. it is a nested group, the process will continue until leaf/user entries are reached that have no nested uniquemembers.
