Change title of navigation bar when tab controller - ios

First here is the layout
I am trying to change the title of the navigation bar so on screen one (top - right) it says Now Playing while on the one directly below that it should say About.
However I am having an small issue doing this. You see on the tabview controller I can set it. However on the first and second views (the ones on far right) I am not able to set it.
I am wondering how I fix this?
I am using Swift + storyboards.

by using code you can set navigation title
self.navigationController?.title = "abcd"
Or you can set the Title property of ViewController from stroyboard.


How do I add an editable navigation bar to my iOS App?

What I mean is a static "top-bar" that I can edit from the relevant swift file.
I don't actually want any of the navigation function, but I want to be able to change what it says situationally.
I've looked around quite a bit but can't seem to find a solution for this seemingly simple task.
Thanks in advance.
I am not quite sure, if this is what you want.
However, if you want a navigation bar with customizable navigation item title/text, then you can just add Navigation Item from the Object library to your Navigation bar.
Then in the inspector, you can select custom and specify the title of that navigation item as you desire. You can also create an IBOutlet for it and change the title in your code in different situations.
Ctrl Drag the bar button from the storyboard to the appropriate view controller implementation file. I.e viewController.h. This will create an IBAction, which you can name.
- (IBAction)nameOfAction:(id)sender {
// Action goes here
Any logic applied inside will be called on button press.
So it was a pretty easy, but not straightforward solution...
All I had to do was
Add a navigation bar, by clicking Editor -> Embed in -> Navigation Controller
The hard to find part, use the property self.navigationItem.title = "title" to change the title.
The second part I found from hgwhittle's answer in this question, which also covers how to change the nav bar title, the tab bar title, or both.
UIViewController Title attribute in Storyboard

Xcode 6 - Swift - Custom Tabbar with Navigation

I'm trying to create a tabbed application with navigation elements inside the tab bar, as seen in the picture below (the red bar) using Swift/XCode 6.2. Basically those three icons in the middle will direct the user to different view controllers. The other two icons would be context-based. For example, on a table view page you would see the menu icon and add new icon as seen in the image. However, clicking on a row would change the menu icon to a back icon, and the add icon to something else.
That's the general idea, but I'm having a very hard time implementing something even close to this. The first issue is that whenever I embed a view in a Tab Bar Controller, I can't move the tab bar to the top. However, when I create a custom UITabView in a View Controller, Control + Click and dragging a Tab Bar Item to another view doesn't create a segue. I haven't even begun to tackle having the navigation elements inside the bar.
I guess what I'm asking is just for a little guidance on what route to take to tackle this. I'm assuming I can't use a Tab Bar Controller or Navigation Controller because it doesn't seem like I can customize them all that much. So custom Tab Bar and Navigation Bars, and then implemnt the segues and button changes programmatically?
I will try to guide you from an architectural perspective (so you won't find much code below).
Using a UITabBarController
In order to achieve what you are suggesting, you are right you cannot use a UITabBarController straight away, among several reasons, the most immediate one is that they are meant to be always at the bottom and you want it in top (check Apple's docs). The good news is that probably you don't need it!
Note: If you still want to go with a UITabBarController for whatever reason, please see #Matt's answer.
Using a UINavigationController
You can use a UINavigationController to solve this task, since the UINavigationBar of a UINavigationController can be customized. There are multiple ways on how you can organize your view's hierarchy to achieve what you propose, but let me elaborate one option:
To customize a UINavigationBar's to add buttons, you just need to set its navigationItem's title view:
// Assuming viewWithTopButtons is a view containing the 3 top buttons
self.navigationItem.titleView = viewWithTopButtons
To add the burger menu functionality on a UINavigationController you can find several posts on how to do it and infinite frameworks you can use. Check this other SO Question for a more detailed answer (e.g. MMDrawerController, ECSlidingViewController to mention a couple).
About organizing your view hierarchy, it really depends on if when the user taps one of the main top buttons, it will always go to the first view controller in the new section or if you want to bring him back to the last view in the section where he was.
3.1 Switching sections displays the first view of the new section
Your app's UIWindow will have a single UINavigationController on top of the hierarchy. Then each of the 3 top buttons, when tapped, will change the root view controller of the UINavigationController.
Then, when the user changes section, the current navigation hierarchy is discarded by setting the new section view controller as the UINavigationController root view controller.
self.navigationController = [sectionFirstViewController]
3.2 Switching sections displays the last displayed view in the new section
This will require a slightly modified version of the above, where your each of your sections will have its own UINavigationController, so you can always keep a navigation hierarchy per section.
Then, when the user taps one of the top buttons to switch section, instead of changing as previously described, you will change the UIWindowroot view controller to the new section's UINavigationController.
window.rootViewController = sectionNavigationController
Using a custom implementation
Of course, the last and also very valid option would be that you implement yourself your own component to achieve your requirements. This is probably the option requiring the biggest effort in exchange of the highest customizability.
Choosing this option is definitely not recommend to less experienced developers.
I'd like to take a stab at this--I think it is possible to use a tab bar controller here.
Your topmost-level view controller will be a UITabBarController with a hidden UITabBar.
Each tab is contained in a UINavigationController.
All view controllers in the navigation controller will be a subclass of a view controller (say, SwitchableViewController).
In SwitchableViewController's viewDidLoad, you set the navigation item's title view (i.e. whatever's at the center; self.navigationItem.titleView) to be the view that holds the three center buttons. Could be a UISegmentedControl, or a custom view.
Whenever you tap on any of the buttons, you change the topmost UITabBarController's selected index to the view controller you want to show.
Issues you may encounter:
Table views inside tabs will have a scrollIndicatorOffset at the bottom even if the tab bar is hidden.
Solution: Play around with the automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets of the tab bar controller, or the inner view controller.
Your title view will be animated every time you push a new view controller in the navigation stack.
Solution: Take a look at creating a custom transition animation for the UINavigationController.

UIBarButton placed in toolbar instead of UINavigationBar

I'm developing a (so far) simple iOS application using storyboards.
At one place in the storyboard, I have:
Navigation controller -> Table View (prototype content) -> Regular view
The "regular view" is accessed from a + (PLUS) button in the navigationbar in the table view. In the "regular view" I would like to have a save button in the NAVIGATION BAR. However, when I drag it from the object library to the "regular view" it appears in the TOOLBAR (at the bottom of the screen) instead of in the NAVIGATION BAR. I have not found a way to move it, or found any settings where I can change it. I'm not sure if there is something constraining me from putting a button there or if XCode just mess with me. (I'm new to iOS programming)
In the "regular view", I have a back button and a title. According to the design guides I should be able to have one more button.
Thanks for any help!
If anyone faces this problem, I did the following:
I couldn't add a Bar button because there were no top bar in that view. First I tried to put a Navigation Bar in the view, but Xcode crashed. Then I tried to put a Navigation Item, which worked. After that I could place my bar button in the top bar.
What I don't understand is why I could put the Add (+) button in the previous view, since that doesn't have any navigation entry either, but I'm guessing it's since that view was the root view controller of a Navigation Controller. Someone else can maybe give a more detailed answer.
There isn't any solution for this so far. There are however some workarounds for this problem.
Check this pretty cool answer by #Shimanski:
& also this by #ecotax:

iOS: table view's title bar covered by navigation bar unexpectedly

I'm developing a simple UI for an iOS app.
what I've done is I developed it into a table view which has a navigation controller associated to it and had it laid out in Storyboard.
Everything seems working fine, except the navigation bar accidentally cover the view's title bar "Click to select item" as shown in the pictures below.
the first picture is when it first shows on the screen.
the second one illustrates when I drag the title bar off the covering navigation bar.
what do i do to get completely rid of this?
In Interface Builder, select your view controller and on the attributes inspector turn off Layout: Wants Full Screen. Then, your layout will automatically adjust its size to make room for the navigation bar.
Add this code in your viewDidLoad method
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.translucent = false
It works for me, since you've the same problem with me, I think it's work for you as well.
where u want hide navigation bar use this line
self.navigationController.hidden = YES;

Custom navigation bar in Xcode 4?

I'm pretty new to Xcode and me and my buddy are working on a golf app we tought would be cool to use for ourselves. I've done a tab bar with 3 view controllers and one navigation bar controller with 2 view controllers. Now, first of all the bar on top is named navigation ITEM and not navigation BAR, so i can't change things like color and button type, all i can change is the title.
Does anyone know if you can just remove that bar completely or just customize it so it's just a picture i made instead? I dont really need it since you could just press one of the tabs in the tabbar to go back.
Sorry if things doesnt make sense, i'm a total noob. Also i tried search the web and all i could find was some youtube clip from xcode 1.2 and i tried it but it didn't work..
You could make your custom nav bar in photoshop or similar, add it as image view and add custom buttons on top of that.
