Make the DNS server of docker container another docker container running DNSmasq - docker

I have a set of docker containers created with docker compose, which creates a "user-defined" bridge network.
One of these docker containers is running DNSmasq so we can define custom (internal) domain names to point to local IPs.
Trouble is, none of the other docker containers can resolve these domain names. I think the issue is that I can't get the docker DNS to forward its requests to the docker container running DNSmasq (i.e. it doesn't even know it exists).
As a test, I did a docker network inspect <network created by docker compose> and noted the IP address of the DNSmasq container. Then, in one of the other containers' /etc/resolv.conf, I set nameserver to that IP address. Then I can resolve all these internal domains names.
Sadly, putting dnsmasq in there doesn't work, despite the fact that the user-defined network has automatic service discovery enabled.
It seems that one way to make this work then is to force my DNSmasq container to always have the same IP, and then make sure the other docker containers point to that as their nameserver, e.g. by defining the network explicitly in the compose file.
Is there no other way? I'd rather not have to define the entire network to replicate this automatically created one when all I want is to know the IP address of one container.


How docker process communication between different containers on default bridge on the same host?

Here is my situation:
First,I run a MySQL container(IP: on centOS;
Then I run a Nacos contanier with specified datasource(MySQL above) on the same host, but i didn't use the ip of the MySQL container, instead I used the ip of the bridge Gateway( containers both link to the default bridge).
What surprised me was that Nacos works well, it can query config data from MySQL container normally.
How did this happen? I have read some documention but didn't get the answer.It really confused me.
On modern Docker installations, try to avoid using the default bridge network. docker network create a network (it doesn't need any special options, but it does need to be created) and then launch your containers on --net that network. If you're using Compose, it creates a ("user bridge") network named default for you.
On your CentOS host, if you run ifconfig, you should see a docker0 interface with the address. When you launch a container with the docker run -p option, that container is accessible via the first port number on all host interfaces, including the docker0 interface.
Meanwhile, inside a container (on the default bridge network), it sees that same IP address as the normal IPv4 gateway address (try docker run --rm busybox route -n). So, when you connect to, you're connecting out to the host, and then connecting to the published port of the database container.
This isn't a totally standard way to connect between containers, though it will work. You should prefer using Docker named networks, which will let you connect to another container using the container's name without manually doing any IP-address lookups. If you really can't move off of the default bridge network, then the standard approach is to --link to the other container, but this entire path is considered outdated.

Visual studio docker container capable of seeing kubernetes pods outside?

I am currently developing docker containers using visual studio, and these container images are supposed to run in a kubernetes cluster that I am also running locally.
Currently, the docker container that is running via visual studio is not being deployed to a kubernetes cluster, but for some reason am I able to ping the kubernetes pod's ip address from the docker container, but for which I don't quite understand; should they not be separated, and not be able to reach each other?
And it cannot be located on the kubernetes dashboard?
And since they are connected, why can't I use the kubernetes service to connect to my pod from my docker container?
The docker container is capable of pinging the cluster IP, meaning that it is reachable.
nslookup the service is not able to resolve the hostname.
So, as I already stated in the comment:
When Docker is installed, a default bridge network named docker0 is
created. Each new Docker container is automatically attached to this
network, unless a custom network is specified.
Thats mean you are able to ping containers by their respective IP. But you are not able to resolve DNS names of cluster objects - you VM know nothing about internal cluster DNS server.
Few option what you can do:
1) explicitly add record of cluster DNS to /etc/hosts inside VM
2) add a record to /etc/resolv.conf with nameserver and search inside VM. See one of my answers related to DNS resolution on stack: nslookup does not resolve Kubernetes.default
3)use dnsmasq as described in Configuring your Linux host to resolve a local Kubernetes cluster’s service URLs article. Btw I highly recommend you read it from the beginning till the end. It greatly describes how to work with DNS and what workaround you can use.
Hope it helps.

Can't resolve set hostname from another docker container in same network

I've had db and server container, both running in the same network. Can ping db host by its container id with no problem.
When I set a hostname for db container manually (-h myname), it had an effect ($ hostname returns set host), but I can't ping that hostname from another container in the same network. Container id still pingable.
Although it works with no problem in docker compose.
What am I missing?
Hostname is not used by docker's built in DNS service. It's a counterintuitive exception, but since hostnames can change outside of docker's control, it makes some sense. Docker's DNS will resolve:
the container id
container name
any network aliases you define for the container on that network
The easiest of these options is the last one which is automatically configured when running containers with a compose file. The service name itself is a network alias. This lets you scale and perform rolling updates without reconfiguring other containers.
You need to be on a user created network, not something like the default bridge which has DNS disabled. This is done by default when running containers with a compose file.
Avoid using links since they are deprecated. And I'd only recommend adding host entries for external static hosts that are not in any DNS, for container to container, or access to other hosts outside of docker, DNS is preferred.
I've found out, that problem can be solved without network using --add-host option. Container's IP can be gain using inspect command.
But when containers in the same network, they are able to access each other via it names.
As stated in the docker docs, if you start containers on the default bridge network, adding -h myname will add this information to
and the bash prompt
of the container just started.
However, this will not have any effect to other independent containers. (You could use --link to add this information to /etc/hosts of other containers. However, --link is deprecated.)
On the other hand, when you create a user-defined bridge network, docker provides an embedded DNS server to make name lookups between containers on that network possible, see Embedded DNS server in user-defined networks. Name resolution takes the container names defined with --name. (You
will not find another container by using its --hostname value.)
The reason, why it works with docker-compose is, that docker-compose creates a custom network for you and automatically names the containers.
The situation seems to be a bit different, when you don't specify a name for the container yourself. The run reference says
If you do not assign a container name with the --name option, then the daemon generates a random string name for you. [...] If you specify a name, you can use it when referencing the container within a Docker network.
In agreement with your findings, this should be read as: If you don't specify a custom --name, you cannot use the auto-generated name to look up other containers on the same network.

Remote Docker container by hostname

How do you access remote Docker container by its hostname?
I need to access remote Docker containers by its hostnames (or some constant IP's) for development and testing purposes. I have tried:
looking for any DNS approach (have not found any clues),
importing /ets/hosts (probably impossible),
creating tunnes (only this works but it is very time consuming).
It's the same as running any other process on a host, Docker or not Docker: you access it via the host name or IP address of the host and the port the service is listening on (the first port of the docker run -p argument). Docker containers don't have externally visible individual IP addresses any more than non-Docker HTTP or ssh daemons do.
If you do have DNS infrastructure available to you, you could set up CNAME records to resolve particular service names to the specific hosts that are running them.
One solution that may help you is some sort of service registry; in the past I've used Consul with some success. You can configure Consul with some health checks or other probes ("look for an HTTP service on port 12345 that answers GET / calls"), and it will provide its own DNS service ("okay, http://whatevername.service.consul:12345/ will reach your service on whichever hosts it happens to be running on").
Nothing in the Docker infrastructure specifically helps this. Using /etc/hosts is distinctly not a best practice: the name-to-IP mapping needs to be kept in sync across all machines and you'll start wishing you had a network service to publish it for you, which is exactly what DNS is for.

Docker doesn't resolve hostname

I need to know the hostnames (or ip addresses) of some container running on the same machine.
As I already commented here (but with no answer yet), I use docker-compose. The documentation says, compose will automatically create a hostname entry for all container defined in the same docker-compose.yml file:
Each container for a service joins the default network and is both reachable by other containers on that network, and discoverable by them at a hostname identical to the container name.
But I can't see any host entry via docker exec -it my_container tail -20 /etc/hosts.
I also tried to add links to my container, but nothing changed.
Docker 1.10 introduced some new networking features which include an internal DNS server where host lookups are done.
On the default bridge network (docker0), lookups continue to function via /etc/hosts as they use to. /etc/resolv.conf will point to your hosts resolvers.
On a user defined network, Docker will use the internal DNS server. /etc/resolv.conf will have an internal IP address for the Docker DNS server. This setup allows bridge, custom and overlay networks to work in a similar fashion. So an overlay network on swarm will populate host data from across the swarm like a local bridge network would.
The "legacy" setup was maintained so the new networking features could be introduced without impacting existing setups.
The DNS resolver is able to provide IP's for a docker compose service via the name of that service.
For example, with a web and db service defined, and the db service scaled to 3, all db instances will resolve:
$ docker-compose run --rm web nslookup db
Name: db
Address 1: composenetworks_db_2.composenetworks_mynet
Address 2: composenetworks_db_3.composenetworks_mynet
Address 3: composenetworks_db_1.composenetworks_mynet
