SwiftUI - How you can pop to specific view in SwiftUI? - ios

Is there some way to implement popToViewController(vc) equivalent in SwiftUI? For example if I have the following flow:
View1 -> View2 -> View3 -> View4
How can I pop from View4 directly to View2 considering that we do not have control over the navigation stack ?

Hello **#Milen Valchev**, I'm new to SwiftUI. As I'm doing R&D on some functionaities with SwiftUI. I'm facing issue with PopToSpecific View. After R&D I got something. You can use this for PopToSpecific View.
**1. First you've to create a extension for UINavigationController. check this below mentioned code**
import UIKit
extension UINavigationController {
func popToViewController(ofClass: AnyClass, animated: Bool = true) {
if let vc = viewControllers.filter({$0.isKind(of: ofClass)}).last {
popToViewController(vc, animated: animated)
func popViewControllers(viewsToPop: Int, animated: Bool = true) {
if viewControllers.count > viewsToPop {
let vc = viewControllers[viewControllers.count - viewsToPop - 1]
popToViewController(vc, animated: animated)
func popBack<T: UIViewController>(toControllerType: T.Type) {
if var viewControllers: [UIViewController] = self.navigationController?.viewControllers {
viewControllers = viewControllers.reversed()
for currentViewController in viewControllers {
if currentViewController .isKind(of: toControllerType) {
self.navigationController?.popToViewController(currentViewController, animated: true)
**2. After creating UINavigationController extension you've to get UINavigationController instance by using this code.**
let window = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes
.filter { $0.activationState == .foregroundActive }
.map { $0 as? UIWindowScene }
.compactMap { $0 }
.filter { $0.isKeyWindow }
let navigation = window?.rootViewController?.children.first as? UINavigationController
**Note:- Once you get the UINavigationController instance you can easily PopToSpecific View.**
You can use this code.
navigation.popViewControllers(viewsToPop: 2)
Hopefully it'll help you.

Make it Simple!!
Add an extension to the UINavigationController
extension UINavigationController {
func popToViewController(ofClass: AnyClass, animated: Bool = true) {
if let vc = viewControllers.last(where: { $0.isKind(of: ofClass) }) {
popToViewController(vc, animated: animated)
Add below code to go specific SwiftUI View. You have to mention SampleView place to your view.
navigationController.popToViewController(ofClass: HostingController<SampleView>.self)
That's it!

// Do not change, it must be same with NavigationBarTitle
enum ViewIdentifiers: String {
case homeView = "Home"
case detailView = "Detail Page"
struct HomeView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
NavigationLink {
} label: {
Text("Go To Detail")
.navigationBarTitle(ViewIdentifiers.homeView.rawValue, displayMode: .inline)
struct DetailView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
.onTapGesture { UIApplication.shared.popToView(ViewIdentifiers.homeView) }
.navigationBarTitle("Detail Page", displayMode: .inline)
extension UIApplication {
var keyWindow: UIWindow? {
return UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes
.filter { $0.activationState == .foregroundActive }
.first(where: { $0 is UIWindowScene })
.flatMap({ $0 as? UIWindowScene })?.windows
.first(where: \.isKeyWindow)
func getNavigationController() -> UINavigationController? {
guard let window = keyWindow else { return nil }
guard let rootViewController = window.rootViewController else { return nil }
guard let navigationController = findNavigationController(viewController: rootViewController) else { return nil }
return navigationController
private func findNavigationController(viewController: UIViewController?) -> UINavigationController? {
guard let viewController = viewController else {
return nil
if let navigationController = viewController as? UINavigationController {
return navigationController
for childViewController in viewController.children {
return findNavigationController(viewController: childViewController)
return nil
func popToView(_ identifier: ViewIdentifiers) {
guard let navigationController = getNavigationController() else {
for vc in navigationController.children {
if vc.navigationItem.title == identifier.rawValue {
navigationController.popToViewController(vc, animated: true)


react-native & ios: How to launch View controller from native module manager

I want to launch UIViewController from native module manager.
From react-native: MyNativeModuleManager.viewStreet()
Is this the right way? using DispatchQueue.main.async { to launch UI ViewController.
Most of the times code works but sometimes react-native fails to launch UI View Controller.
I want back button too and hence I am using UINavigationController
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "React/RCTBridgeModule.h"
#import "React/RCTEventEmitter.h"
#interface RCT_EXTERN_MODULE(MyNativeModuleManager, RCTEventEmitter)
import Foundation
import UIKit
class MyNativeModuleManager: RCTEventEmitter {
override static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool {
return false
override func supportedEvents() -> [String]! {
return []
func viewStreet() -> Void {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let topController = UIApplication.shared.topMostViewController()
let vc: UIViewController;
vc = ViewStreetUIViewController()
let navController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: vc)
navController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
_ = vc.view
UIView.transition(with: UIApplication.shared.keyWindow!, duration: 0.65,options: [], animations: {
topController?.present(navController, animated: false, completion: nil)
import Foundation
extension UIApplication {
func topMostViewController() -> UIViewController? {
var topViewController: UIViewController? = nil
if #available(iOS 13, *) {
for scene in connectedScenes {
if let windowScene = scene as? UIWindowScene {
for window in windowScene.windows {
if window.isKeyWindow {
topViewController = window.rootViewController
} else {
topViewController = keyWindow?.rootViewController
while true {
if let presented = topViewController?.presentedViewController {
topViewController = presented
} else if let navController = topViewController as? UINavigationController {
topViewController = navController.topViewController
} else if let tabBarController = topViewController as? UITabBarController {
topViewController = tabBarController.selectedViewController
} else {
// Handle any other third party container in `else if` if required
return topViewController

ReplayKit with SwiftUI

I want to record the screen with ReplayKit.
I have researched the method with UIKit. But my project used SwiftUI, so I want to use the ReplayKit to record the screen with SwiftUI.
How I record the screen with SwiftUI?
When I use the stopRecording function, the function will have previewViewController. But I cannot call present function to present previewViewController.
Note: This is not a very practical answer.
In most cases, "SwiftUI.View" runs on top of "UIHostingController".
You need to grab this to present the "RPPreviewViewController".
You can find one of them by following the "UIApplication".
let scene = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first as! UIWindowScene
let viewController = scene.windows.last!.rootViewController
viewController.present(previewViewController, animated: true, completion:nil)
I have just open-sourced a simple ReplayKit application, which uses SwiftUI.
Please take a look at how it presents a RPBroadcastActivityViewController from SwiftUI.
It first stores the pointer to the controller in a property bavController, then set #Pubilshed property activePopup to initiate SwiftUI change.
RPBroadcastActivityViewController.load { controller, error in
if let controller = controller {
self.bavController = controller
controller.delegate = self
self.activePopup = .broadCast
In SwiftUI (MainUIView.swift), the following view is activated when the property activePopup becomes .broadCast.
.sheet(item: $state.activePopup) { item in
switch(item) {
case .broadCast:
BroadcastActivityController(controller: state.bavController!)
BroadcastActivityController is bit long because of a work-around for iPad, but it is just a wrapper of RPBroadcastActivityController.
struct BroadcastActivityController: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
let controller: RPBroadcastActivityViewController
func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> RPBroadcastActivityViewController {
return controller
func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: RPBroadcastActivityViewController, context: Context) {
// Hack to work around iPad issue
if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad {
guard let sceneDelegate = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first?.delegate as? SceneDelegate,
let vc = sceneDelegate.uiWindow?.rootViewController,
let view = vc.view else {
print("somethign is really wrong")
controller.modalPresentationStyle = .popover
if let popover = controller.popoverPresentationController {
popover.sourceRect = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: CGSize(width: 10, height: 10))
popover.sourceView = view
popover.permittedArrowDirections = []
typealias UIViewControllerType = RPBroadcastActivityViewController
You need to do something very similar to previewViewController.
Try This
import SwiftUI
import ReplayKit
struct ContentView: View {
let recorder = RPScreenRecorder.shared()
#State var isBool = false
#State var rp: RPPreviewView!
#State var isRecording = false
#State var isShowPreviewVideo = false
var body: some View {
ZStack {
VStack {
Button(action: {
if !self.isRecording {
} else {
}) {
Image(systemName: isRecording ? "stop.circle" : "video.circle")
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
if isShowPreviewVideo {
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))
func startRecord() {
guard recorder.isAvailable else {
print("Recording is not available at this time.")
if !recorder.isRecording {
recorder.startRecording { (error) in
guard error == nil else {
print("There was an error starting the recording.")
print("Started Recording Successfully")
self.isRecording = true
func stopRecord() {
recorder.stopRecording { (preview, error) in
print("Stopped recording")
self.isRecording = false
guard let preview = preview else {
print("Preview controller is not available.")
self.rp = RPPreviewView(rpPreviewViewController: preview, isShow: self.$isShowPreviewVideo)
withAnimation {
self.isShowPreviewVideo = true
struct RPPreviewView: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
let rpPreviewViewController: RPPreviewViewController
#Binding var isShow: Bool
func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> RPPreviewViewController {
rpPreviewViewController.previewControllerDelegate = context.coordinator
rpPreviewViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
return rpPreviewViewController
func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: RPPreviewViewController, context: Context) { }
class Coordinator: NSObject, RPPreviewViewControllerDelegate {
var parent: RPPreviewView
init(_ parent: RPPreviewView) {
self.parent = parent
func previewControllerDidFinish(_ previewController: RPPreviewViewController) {
withAnimation {
parent.isShow = false

I have multiple storyboards. How can I use AppDelegate to open another ViewController in another storyboard? (Segue)

Here is the code I have. I have tried a few different approaches and some of them gives me the error that the view is not in the hierarchy.
The code snippet below goes in the correct else but can't perform the segue or presentViewController
func applicationDidTimout(notification: NSNotification) {
if let vc = self.window?.rootViewController as? UINavigationController {
if let myTableViewController = vc.visibleViewController as? AccountsOverviewViewController {
// Call a function defined in your view controller.
} else {
// We are not on the main view controller. Here, you could segue to the desired class.
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Accounts", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("AccountsNavigationController") as UIViewController
let vc2 = getVisibleViewController(nil)
vc2?.presentViewController(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)
func getVisibleViewController(var rootViewController: UIViewController?) -> UIViewController? {
if rootViewController == nil {
rootViewController = UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController
if rootViewController?.presentedViewController == nil {
return rootViewController
if let presented = rootViewController?.presentedViewController {
if presented.isKindOfClass(UINavigationController) {
let navigationController = presented as! UINavigationController
return navigationController.viewControllers.last!
if presented.isKindOfClass(UITabBarController) {
let tabBarController = presented as! UITabBarController
return tabBarController.selectedViewController!
return getVisibleViewController(presented)
return nil
Use the func below to get the visible view controller,
func getVisibleVC() -> UIViewController? {
if var visibleVC = window?.rootViewController {
while let presentedVC = visibleVC.presentedViewController {
visibleVC = presentedVC
return visibleVC
return nil

Top most ViewController under UIAlertController

I am using the following extension to find the top most ViewController.
If alert is presented, the code above gives UIAlertController.
How do I get top view controller under UIAlertController?
Create an UIApplication extension like below and UIApplication.topViewController() will return the top most UIViewController under UIAlertController
iOS 13+
extension UIApplication {
class func topViewController(controller: UIViewController? = UIApplication.shared.windows.first?.rootViewController) -> UIViewController? {
if let navigationController = controller as? UINavigationController {
return topViewController(controller: navigationController.visibleViewController)
if let tabController = controller as? UITabBarController {
if let selected = tabController.selectedViewController {
return topViewController(controller: selected)
if let presented = controller?.presentedViewController {
return topViewController(controller: presented)
if let alert = controller as? UIAlertController {
if let navigationController = alert.presentingViewController as? UINavigationController {
return navigationController.viewControllers.last
return alert.presentingViewController
return controller
iOS 12-
extension UIApplication {
class func topViewController(controller: UIViewController? = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController) -> UIViewController? {
if let navigationController = controller as? UINavigationController {
return topViewController(controller: navigationController.visibleViewController)
if let tabController = controller as? UITabBarController {
if let selected = tabController.selectedViewController {
return topViewController(controller: selected)
if let presented = controller?.presentedViewController {
return topViewController(controller: presented)
if let alert = controller as? UIAlertController {
if let navigationController = alert.presentingViewController as? UINavigationController {
return navigationController.viewControllers.last
return alert.presentingViewController
return controller
You can get the parent controller of UIAlertController using its presentingViewController property
extension UIApplication {
class func topViewController(base: UIViewController? = (UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate).window?.rootViewController) -> UIViewController? {
if let nav = base as? UINavigationController {
return topViewController(base: nav.visibleViewController)
if let tab = base as? UITabBarController {
if let selected = tab.selectedViewController {
return topViewController(base: selected)
if let alert = base as? UIAlertController {
if let presenting = alert.presentingViewController {
return topViewController(base: presenting)
if let presented = base?.presentedViewController {
return topViewController(base: presented)
return base
Use these changes in your code, Not tested on XCode.
You could check if the next viewController is UIAlertController and if so return its parent. Something like this:
if let presented = base as? UIAlertController {
return base.presentingViewController
Add this in the extension you use before return.
extension UIApplication {
class func topViewController(base: UIViewController? = (UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate).window?.rootViewController) -> UIViewController? {
if let nav = base as? UINavigationController {
return topViewController(base: nav.visibleViewController)
if let tab = base as? UITabBarController {
if let selected = tab.selectedViewController {
return topViewController(base: selected)
if let presented = base?.presentedViewController {
return topViewController(base: presented)
if let alert = base as? UIAlertController {
return alert.presentingViewController
return base
I used this extension to get the top most view controller under an UIAlertController, basically what I do is to stop looking for top view controller when I found one that is an UIAlertController.
extension UIApplication {
var topViewController: UIViewController? {
var viewController = keyWindow?.rootViewController
guard viewController != nil else { return nil }
var presentedViewController = viewController?.presentedViewController
while presentedViewController != nil, !(presentedViewController is UIAlertController) {
switch presentedViewController {
case let navagationController as UINavigationController:
viewController = navagationController.viewControllers.last
case let tabBarController as UITabBarController:
viewController = tabBarController.selectedViewController
viewController = viewController?.presentedViewController
presentedViewController = viewController?.presentedViewController
return viewController
I think you want to push a new VC on current top visible VC which is a UIAlertController, then this UIAlertController will disappear immediately, cause pushed new VC dismiss too. Finally, you can not push a new VC.
The problem is, if you new a UIAlertView, then call show, Cocoa Touch will initialize a new window which rootViewController is UIApplicationRotationFollowingController which presentingViewController is UIAlertController. So you cannot traverse the top most VC under UIAlertController because it exist in another window!
So if topViewController traverse from keyWindow?.rootViewController, find a UIAlertController, call topViewController again but traverse from window what you want, such as (UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate).window?.rootViewController
This is the correct one:
func firstApplicableViewController() -> UIViewController? {
if (self is UITabBarController) {
let tabBarController = self as? UITabBarController
return tabBarController?.selectedViewController?.firstApplicableViewController()
} else if (self is UINavigationController) {
let navigationController = self as? UINavigationController
return navigationController?.visibleViewController?.firstApplicableViewController()
} else if (self is UIAlertController) {
let presentingViewController: UIViewController = self.presentingViewController!
return presentingViewController.firstApplicableViewController()
} else if self.presentedViewController != nil {
let presentedViewController: UIViewController = self.presentedViewController!
if (presentedViewController is UIAlertController) {
return self
} else {
return presentedViewController.firstApplicableViewController()
} else {
return self

How to get top view controller when UIImagePickerController is presented?

At some time I present UIImagePickerViewController. Once it is presented, I call my function: UIStoryboard.topViewController():
extension UIStoryboard {
class func topViewController(base: UIViewController? = UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController) -> UIViewController? {
if let nav = base as? UINavigationController {
return topViewController(nav.visibleViewController)
if let svc = base as? UISplitViewController where svc.viewControllers.count == 1 {
return topViewController(svc.viewControllers[0])
if let presented = base?.presentedViewController {
return topViewController(presented)
return base
When I print result, all I get is:
UIKit.UIResponder = {...}
How to get UIImagePickerController from topViewController() function?
Not a complete answer to your case, but here's how I find the top VC in my program. You should be able to edit it for your case.
class UIHelper {
static func getCurrentViewController() -> UIViewController? {
var currentViewController: UIViewController?
if let window = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate?.window {
currentViewController = window!.rootViewController?.presentedViewController
if currentViewController == nil {
return nil
//Check for my version of my main tab bar VC
if let tabBarController = currentViewController as? RootTabBarController {
currentViewController = tabBarController.selectedViewController
print("Tab bar presents \(currentViewController)")
// Check if it's a nav VC
if let navController = currentViewController as? UINavigationController {
currentViewController = navController.viewControllers[0] as? UIViewController
print("Nav controller presents \(currentViewController)")
print("Current controller: \(currentViewController)")
return currentViewController
