How to expose docker container over internet using windows - docker

I have configured my router to expose http 80 on my local machine ip address:
ie '', and exposed both inbound and outbound ip address, including allowing through firewall. For the purpose of this example lets say its ""
I have a node server running locally on this same ip address which works and I can see 'hello world' when I visit my exposed ip address, eg: on my web browser. This works.
import yargs from 'yargs';
import express from 'express';
const app = express();
const argv = yargs.argv;
const host = ;
const port = argv.port;
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Hello World!'));
app.listen(port, host, function() {
console.log('listening on ', host, ':', port);
when I stop the node server and instead run a docker container on the same ip address as follows:
docker run -p -p 50000:50000 --name myjenkins -v %cd%/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins
I can see this locally on my machine, but when trying to access it from external webbrowser, eg: "" it simply returns - HTTP ERROR 504
Is there something else I need to expose via the docker container to make this visible online?
I'm having the same issue with an nginx image. So i'm convinced there is something missing in my docker arguments.
FROM nginx:alpine
RUN rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
COPY dist /usr/share/nginx/html/dist
COPY nginx/default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/
docker build -t nginx_image .
docker run -p nginx_image

Sounds like a return route issue. Log onto your docker container and see if you can ping Also run netstat -r and see what the default route is. It should be the internal IP address of your firewall.

ok so on much exhaustive research it seems there might be a problem with windows exposing these containers. Or it might be something more advanced regarding proxying this container to the outside.
My solution. Create a node server that proxys to the localhost on my machine.
step 1 - get my ip address for this particular desktop computer on the ethernet
start > cmd
Ethernet adapter Ethernet 4 (Yours will be different. Which ever is connected to the internet):
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
step 2 - configure router, sky or other, to expose this ip to the internet
user: admin
pass: sky
Advanced > Lan IP Setup > LAN TCP/IP Setup
LAN TCP/IP Setuphelp
IP Address:
192. 168. 0. 1
IP Subnet Mask:
255. 255. 255. 0
TICK - Use Router as DHCP Serverhelp
Starting IP Address:
192. 168. 0. 2
Ending IP Address:
192. 168. 0. 254
Address Reservation > Add
ip address:
Mac adress: (This number will look something like 4c:a2:e0 etc.... - can by got by going to a website and typing whats my ip)
Device Name: (Right click my computer > properties) MYCOMPUTERNAME
Security > Firewall Rules > Outbound services > Edit
Service: http: tcp 80
action: allow always
access from: any
0 0 0 0
Security > Firewall Rules > Inbound services > Edit
Service: http: tcp 80
action: allow always
Destination IPv4 LAN address:
access from: any
step 3 - create a docker container (ie jenkins), that will default to localhost, and expose the port on something other than 80, ie 81. (We need 80, to be exposed via our router)
Create docker container on localhost:81
docker run -p 81:8080 -p 50000:50000 --name myjenkins -v %cd%/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins
step 4 - Create a node server or equivalent that will proxy the exposed ip address to this localhost
Create a proxy server that redirects to localhost:81
import express from 'express';
import httpProxy from 'http-proxy';
const app = express();
const host = '' ;
const port = '80';
const apiProxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer();
app.all('/*', (req, res) => {
console.log('redirecting to docker container - http://localhost:81');
apiProxy.web(req, res, {target: 'http://localhost:81'});
app.listen(port, host, function() {
console.log('listening on ', host, ':', port);
step 5 - type into a webbrowser - whats my ip
ipv4 will by something like 30.132.323.11
Now type this into a webbrowser and you should see your docker container exposed via the node server proxy.


Cannot access docker host from macos

I am trying to access my host system from a docker container
have tried all the following instead of and localhost:
host.docker.internal ,,
but none seem to work.
If I run my docker run command with --net=host, I can indeed access localhost however none of my port mappings get exposed and in accessible from outside docker.
I am using Docker version 20.10.5, build 55c4c88
some more info. I am running a piece of software called impervious (a layer on top of the bitcoin lightning network). It needs to connect to my local Polar lightning node on localhost:10001. Here is the config file the tool itself uses(see lnd section):
# Server configurations
enabled: true # enable the GRPC/HTTP/websocket server
grpc_addr: # SET FOR DOCKER
http_addr: # SET FOR DOCKER
# Redis DB configurations
username: admin
password: supersecretpassword # this will get moved to environment variable or generated dynamically
# Services
- service_type: federate
active: true
custom_record_number: 100000
- service_type: vpn
active: true
custom_record_number: 200000
- service_type: message
active: true
custom_record_number: 400000
- service_type: socket
active: true
custom_record_number: 500000
- service_type: sign
active: true
custom_record_number: 800000
# Lightning
ip: host.docker.internal
port: 10001 #GRPC port of your LND node
pub_key: 025287d7d6b3ffcfb0a7695b1989ec9a8dcc79688797ac05f886a0a352a43959ce #get your LND pubkey with "lncli getinfo"
tls_cert: /app/lnd/tls.cert # SET FOR DOCKER
admin_macaroon: /app/lnd/admin.macaroon # SET FOR DOCKER
ttl: 31560000 #Federation auto delete in seconds
imp_id: YOUR_IMP_ID #plain text string of your IMP node name
price: 100 #per hour
server_ip: http://host.docker.internal #public IP of your VPN server
server_port: 51820 #port you want to listen on
subnet: #subnet you want to give to your clients. .1 == your server IP.
server_pub_key: asdfasdfasdf #get this from your WG public key file
allowed_ips: #what subnets clients can reach. Default is entire world.
binary_path: /usr/bin/wg #where your installed the "wg" command.
dns: #set your preferred DNS server here.
server_ip: #public IP of your socket server
I run impervious using the following docker comand:
docker run -p8881:8881 -p8882:8882 -v /Users/xxx/dev/btc/impervious/config/alice-config-docker.yml:/app/config/config.yml -v /Users/xxx/.polar/networks/1/volumes/lnd/alice/tls.cert:/app/lnd/tls.cert -v /Users/xxx/.polar/networks/1/volumes/lnd/alice/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon:/app/lnd/admin.macaroon -it impant/imp-releases:v0.1.4
but it just hangs when it tries to connect to the node at host.docker.internal
Have you tried docker-mac-net-connect?
The problem is related to macOS.Unlike Docker on Linux, Docker for macOS does not expose container networks directly on the macOS host.
You can use host.docker.internal which gives the localhost of the macos.
The host has a changing IP address (or none if you have no network
access). We recommend that you connect to the special DNS name
host.docker.internal which resolves to the internal IP address used by
the host. This is for development purpose and does not work in a
production environment outside of Docker Desktop.
Mac running the desktop version of docker.
The docker isn't running on the host machine and using a kind of virtual machine that includes Linux kernel. The network of this virtual machine is different from the host machine. To connect from your Mac host to running docker container used a kind of VPN connection:
When you run your docker with --net host switch you connect the container to a virtual machine network instead connect to your host machine network as it's working on Linux.
Then trying to connect to or to localhost isn't allow connections to the running container.
The solution to this issue is to expose needed ports from running container:
docker run -p 8080:8080
If you need to expose all ports from your container you can use -P switch.
For opposite connection use host.docker.internal URL from container.
More documentation about docker desktop for Mac networking

Go server empty response in Docker container

I have a Go server which something like that. Router is Gorilla MUX
var port string
if port = os.Getenv("PORT"); port == "" {
port = "3000"
srv := &http.Server{
Handler: router,
Addr: "localhost:" + port,
WriteTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
ReadTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
fmt.Println("Server is running on port " + port)
Dockerfile is
# Build Go Server
FROM golang:1.14 AS go-build
WORKDIR /app/server
COPY cmd/ ./cmd
COPY internal/ ./internal
COPY go.mod ./
COPY go.sum ./
RUN go build ./cmd/main.go
CMD ["./main"]
I got successful a build. I ran it with following command
docker run -p 3000:3000 baaf0159d0cd
And I got following output. Server is running
Server is running on port 3000
But when I tried to send request with curl I got empty response
>curl localhost:3000
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
Why is server not responding properly? I have another routes which I did not put here and they are not responding correctly too. I am on MacOS by the way.
Don't use localhost (basically an alias to as your server address within a Docker container. If you do this only 'localhost' (i.e. any service within the Docker container's network) can reach it.
Drop the hostname to ensure it can be accessed outside the container:
// Addr: "localhost:" + port, // unreachable outside container
Addr: ":" + port, // i.e. ":3000" - is accessible outside the container

Cannot connect to Go GRPC server running in local Docker container

I have a go grpc service. I'm developing on a mac, sierra. When running a grpc client against the service locally, all is well, but when running same client against same service in the docker container I get this error:
transport: http2Client.notifyError got notified that the client transport was broken EOF.
FATA[0000] rpc error: code = Internal desc = transport is closing
this is my docker file:
FROM golang:1.7.5
RUN mkdir -p /go/src/
WORKDIR /go/src/
COPY . /go/src/
# ONBUILD RUN go-wrapper download
RUN go install
ENTRYPOINT /go/bin/bar
EXPOSE 51672
my command to build the image:
docker build -t bar .
my command to launch the docker container:
docker run -p 51672:51672 --name bar-container bar
Other info:
client program runs fine from within the docker container
connecting to a regular rest endpoint works fine (http2, grpc related?)
running the lsof command in OS X yields these results
$lsof -i | grep 51672
com.docke 984 oldDave 21u IPv4 0x72779547e3a32c89 0t0 TCP *:51672 (LISTEN)
com.docke 984 oldDave 22u IPv6 0x72779547cc0fd161 0t0 TCP localhost:51672 (LISTEN)
here's a snippet of my server code:
server := &Server{}
endpoint := "localhost:51672"
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", endpoint)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to listen: %v", err)
s := grpc.NewServer(grpc.Creds(creds))
pb.RegisterExpServiceServer(s, server)
// Register reflection service on gRPC server.
log.Info("Starting Exp server: ", endpoint)
if err := s.Serve(lis); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to serve: %v", err)
When you specify a hostname or IP address​ to listen on (in this case localhost which resolves to, then your server will only listen on that IP address.
Listening on localhost isn't a problem when you are outside of a Docker container. If your server only listens on, then your client can easily connect to it since the connection is also made from
When you run your server inside a Docker container, it'll only listen on as before. The is a local loopback address and it not accessible outside the container.
When you fire up the docker container with "-p 51672:51672", it'll forward traffic heading to to the container's IP address, which in my case is
The container gets an IP addresses within the docker0 network interface (which you can see with the "ip addr ls" command)
So, when your traffic gets forwarded to the container on, there's nothing listening there and the connection attempt fails.
The fix:
The problem is with the listen endpoint:
endpoint := "localhost:51672"
To fix your problem, change it to
endpoint := ":51672"
That'll make your server listen on all it container's IP addresses.
Additional info:
When you expose ports in a Docker container, Docker will create iptables rules to do the actual forwarding. See this. You can view these rules
iptables -n -L
iptables -t nat -n -L
If you use docker container to run grpc service,you should make sure grpc service and grpc client on ths same bridge
if you are using docker container, u can define network by IP and give this IP to your IP address(like:

Docker Nginx-Proxy Container used for Port 80 Forwarding to other container based on Domain

I am trying to set up a Docker Nginx Proxy server to forward incoming requests to their corresponding Docker Container on or to the Router's Web-Admin at
So right now I am in a bit of a pickle, but I need to set this up regardless. I have this setup right now
Router (Web Admin + Port Forwarding)
Server1 LAMP - (Router Forwards -> port 80 for LAMP Server)
Server2 Docker - (Router Forwards -> 20 SSH, 8080, 9000 Docker Admin)
So I have to configure the port forwarding through my Router's web interface, which is accessible on port 8080. But the issue is that right now I moved to Florida, and I had stupidly added a port-forwarding rule on 8080 to forward to Shipyard Docker Manager, which I eventually planned to install an Nginx-Proxy Forwarding Docker container. I never got the forwarding Docker container working, and I eventually switched to Portainer on port 9000 which I had to configure because it was the only other port I had already set forwarded before I lost access to my Router's web interface, and thus lost the ability to forward ports.
The downside is that I cannot access my Router's web interface. The upside is that - I still have to implement an Nginx-Proxy port forwarding Container anyways, to set up dynamic port 80 forwarding to different Docker containers based on the URL.
So I want to mvoe my LAMP server on as a new Docker Container, and then I will also have a few other Rails Docker containers - but I need to configure a Docker Container to forward the app to differnt servers based on the port. I assume I need to have 2 dockers running - one for port 80 forwarding, and then one for port 8080 forwarding - this is not a problem.
I have not been able to correctly configure my Nginx config to forwarding an incoming request from my domain-name that I have point to my server ( below), needs to get forwarded to my router Any help / suggestions on how to configure my Nginx-Proxy Docker Container to forward this correctly, or what I should setup here to forward incoming requests to a web-server dynamically based on the URL. I can install any Docker containers I need for this.
My current Config /etc/nginx/nginx.conf, running on a Nginx-Proxy Docker Container on port 8080 (Google to find the Docker Image for nginx-proxy)
# My Nginx Config to forward
http {
access_log /var/logs/nginx/access.log;
server {
listen 8080;
return 301$request_uri;
I get these errors:
[error] 55#55: *2274 could not be resolved (110: Operation timed out), client:, server:, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: ""
[error] 55#55: recv() failed (111: Connection refused) while resolving, resolver:
EDIT: I just noticed that I can only have one Docker Container running at-a-time for each port. So I need to figure out how to forward requests to different servers's + ports based on the Domain Name. So each URL forwarding rule entry needs to be able to go to different servers all running on all different ports.

Docker inside Linux VM cannot connect to web application

My setup is the following:
Host: Win10
Guest: Ubuntu 15.10 (clean install, only docker and nodejs are added)
Base image: 1.0.0-beta8-coreclr
Inside the guest I have installed Docker and created image (added sample webapp using yeoman to the image above). When I run the image inside container I can ping the container IP sucessfuly using the container IP from the linux (e.g.
$sudo docker run -d -p 80:5000 --name web myapp
$sudo docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' "web"
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.060 ms
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 999ms
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: Connection refused
I can also connect to the container and execute commands like ping, however from the linux machine (guest in VirtualBox, host for docker) I cannot access the web app that is hosted inside the container as seen above. I tried several approaches like mapping to the host IP addresses etc, but none of them worked. Did anyone have ideas where to start from ? Is the issue comes from that the docker is installed inside VirtualBox machine?
Thank you in advance.
Edit: Here are the logs from the container:
Could not open /etc/lsb_release. OS version will default to the empty string.
Hosting environment: Production
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
Your command tells Docker to essentially proxy requests from port 80 of the Linux guest to port 5000 of the container. So the curl command you tried doesn't work because you're trying on port 80 on the container, while the container itself has a service listening on port 5000.
To connect to the container directly, you would use (on the Linux guest):
To access via the published port on the Linux guest (from your host):
curl (Linux guest IP)
Or (from the Linux guest):
curl localhost
Edit: This will also prove to be problematic:
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
You'll want your app inside the container to bind to all interfaces ( so it listens on the container's assigned IP. With localhost it won't be accessible.
You might find this example useful:
This line specifies that the app bind to all interfaces (using "*") on port 5004:
21 "kestrel": "Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting --server Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel --server.urls http://*:5004"
You'll need similar configuration.
