Access the "stream_h264_ld_url" field of a video on Dailymotion API - dailymotion-api

I'm trying to access the field "stream_h264_ld_url" for a video on the Dailymotion API with this code:
$dm = new \Dailymotion();
'username' => 'xxxx',
'password' => 'xxxx',
$res = $dm->get(
'fields' => ['id', 'stream_h264_ld_url']
This returns: Insufficient rights for the fields' parameter of route GET /video/<id>' with value stream_h264_ld_url'. Required roles: can-read-video-streams, can-read-my-video-streams.
With the same code and auth I can acess the "stream_h264_hq_url" or "stream_h264_hd_url" for the same video (those fields are just a higher resolution).
Do I need different rights to access a lower resolution stream of a video ?

Based on your error message it seems that stream_h264_ld_url needs specific API right which is not given by default. If you really need an access to this field, you can contact your content manager or directly our support: Help center
We will double check the roles needed for the low video qualities to maybe be less restrictive


Amazon: is it possible to specify zip code in the URL for Amazon search results?

I have noticed an issue. If I copy Amazon URL with search results and somebody with another IP opens it then the results can be different.
For example:
If you open this URL in from Dallas IP you'll get 102 pages with results.
If you open it with Honolulu IP you'll get 101 pages.
If you open it from Russian IP you'll get 93 pages.
Is that possible to specify US ZIP code for shipping right in the url so that it displays same results for every IP address?
Another little issue I have noticed - it displays different page layout for different people. Sometimes it's default blue links, sometimes it has silver buttons. Maybe somebody knows how to lock the design to one layout with url parameters? :)
There is no simple solution, so here is my complicated way.
The idea is: you must send the same request which is get sent when you manually change ZIP in your browser. Then your ZIP code will be remembered for you session.
Here is my solution in PHP using GuzzleHttp Client:
$jar = new \GuzzleHttp\Cookie\CookieJar();
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client([
'headers' => [
'accept' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
'accept-language' => 'en;q=0.8',
'user-agent' => '', //set some User-Agent or just leave it empty cos it works too
'x-requested-with' => 'XMLHttpRequest'
'cookies' => $jar,
try {
$client->post('', [
'form_params' => [
'locationType' => 'LOCATION_INPUT',
'zipCode' => '11219', //YOUR ZIP HERE
'storeContext' => 'office-products',
'deviceType' => 'web',
'pageType' => 'Detail',
'actionSource' => 'glow',
} catch (RequestException $e) {
echo "Failed to set ZIP";
$response = $client->get('...'); //get any other page from Amazon, now it will have proper ZIP
I'm using awesome Guzzle feature - cookies container:
It can remember and process cookies between requests just like browser would do.
In all further requests you should keep using these cookies and it will return you results for your ZIP.
Of course you can process cookies manually, Guzzle isn't required but makes things simpler.

YouTube Analytics API returning strange results

I'm having a hard time with getting data from YouTubeAnalytics. I have created a client and its authenticating ok (I use the same client instance for google analytics). YouTubeAnalytics is enabled in google developer console but I seem to get different responses when using the AJAX console they provide to the PHP client. My tests are;
Getting info for my channel id ("channel==MINE") - returns no data
$analytics = new Google_Service_YouTubeAnalytics($client);
'views', array(
'sort' => 'day',
'dimensions' => 'day'
Getting info for my actual channel id ("channel==UC-CF-1aN7rEN8SBQgT9DDag") - returns 403 error
$analytics = new Google_Service_YouTubeAnalytics($client);
'views', array(
'sort' => 'day',
'dimensions' => 'day'
Getting info for my channel - this gets a different id to my channel id
$service = new Google_Service_YouTube($client);
$channels = $service->channels->listChannels('id,brandingSettings',array(
'mine' => 'true',
Getting info for aforementioned different channel id - no data
Checking on youtube for this new channel ID shows "Channel not found".
Any one have any other suggestions? It seems like it must relate to some permissions of the channel? I just don't see what the different id to my channel id is related to.

tmhOauth twitter api stopped working with update_with_media call

So, this morning I got the following error:
{"errors": [{"message": "The Twitter REST API v1 will soon stop functioning.
Please migrate to API v1.1.",
"code": 68}]}
Since I was using the tmhOauth twitter api I went to look if there are updates for it, and as it seems there is an issue listed here.
I'm using the api to update the status with media like this:
$code = $tmhOAuth->request('POST', '',
'media[]' => "#{$image}",
'status' => "{$text}"
true, // use auth
true // multipart
I found notes that I should just change the link to use 1.1 instead of 1 but it's still not working.
My main problem was that I didn't read the docs fully! While the change in the url from 1 to 1.1 was sufficient I missed the point by not looking that the new url for update_with_media,
as explained in the documentation, is, namely it's api instead of the old upload subdomain.
So, now my api call looks like this and all works again:
$code = $tmhOAuth->request('POST', '',
'media[]' => "#{$image}",
'status' => "{$text}"
true, // use auth
true // multipart
Hope this helps someone.
Instead of using tmhOauth api, use abraham's twitteroauth api ( updated to version 1.1 ) :
and replace your code as follows :
$connection = new TwitterOAuth($twitter_consumer_key, $twitter_consumer_secret, $twAccessToken, $twAccessTokenSecret);
$parameters = array(
'media[]' => "#{$image}",
'status' => "{$text}"
$code = $connection->post('statuses/update_with_media', $parameters);

How do I setup geocoder with google_premier?

I've read the docs for the geocoder gem which state you can set a key, client and channel when using Google Premier.
According to some other posts I've read here, it's now possible to use an API key and still not pay as long as you're below the free threshold. We need to do this as we host with Heroku and we keep hitting our daily limit. We're not ourselves, but without any sort of other identification, we're probably reaching a limit identified by IP shared with other Heroku sites. Using a key will help identify us and therefore keep us from hitting a limit.
However, when I look at the sign up pages for the Google API, there are a baffling array of client ids, api keys and secrets, for installed apps, web apps and so on. Which combination is the one required to make geocoder burst into life?
To answer the question :
When subscribing to Google Premier, you should have received a client id starting by gme- and a key (see
The third argument needed by geocoder is the channel, that can be any kind of string (see )
You need to add the list of authorised urls originating the requests in the Google Portal (see ).
From the Geocoder doc, you can use a setting like :
# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-
Geocoder.configure do |config|
config.lookup = :google_premier
config.api_key = ["gme-client-id","key", "channel"]
config.timeout = 10
config.units = :km
But it would probably be a better choice to use client-side geocoding like recommended here :
This worked for me:
:lookup => :google_premier,
:timeout => 5,
:units => :km,
You'll need to substitute in the corresponding values from your Google Maps for Business welcome email. Channel is a value of your choosing.

Replies to a particular tweet, Twitter API

Is there a way in the Twitter API to get the replies to a particular tweet? Thanks
Here is the procedure to get the replies for a tweets
when you fetch the tweet store the tweetId ie., id_str
using twitter search api do the following query
[q="to:$tweeterusername", sinceId = $tweetId]
Loop all the results , the results matching the in_reply_to_status_id_str to $tweetid is the replies for the post.
From what I understand, there's not a way to do that directly (at least not now). Seems like something that should be added. They recently added some 'retweet' capabilities, seem logical to add this as well.
Here's one possible way to do this, first sample tweet data (from status/show):
<created_at>Tue Apr 07 22:52:51 +0000 2009</created_at>
<text>At least I can get your humor through tweets. RT #abdur: I don't mean this in a bad way, but genetically speaking your a cul-de-sac.</text>
From status/show you can find the user's id. Then statuses/mentions_timeline will return a list of status for a user. Just parse that return looking for a in_reply_to_status_id matching the original tweet's id.
The Twitter API v2 supports this now using a conversation_id field. You can read more in the docs.
First, request the conversation_id field of the tweet.
Second, then search tweets using the conversation_id as the query.
This is a minimal example, so you should add other fields as you need to the URL.
Twitter has an undocumented api called related_results. It will give you replies for the specified tweet id. Not sure how reliable it is as its experimental, however this is the same api call that is called on twitter web.
Use at your own risk. :)
For more info, check out this discussion on dev.twitter:
Here is my solution. It utilizes Abraham's Twitter Oauth PHP library:
It requires you to know the Twitter user's screen_name attribute as well as the id_str attribute of the tweet in question. This way, you can get an arbitrary conversation feed from any arbitrary user's tweet:
*UPDATE: Refreshed code to reflect object access vs array access:
function get_conversation($id_str, $screen_name, $return_type = 'json', $count = 100, $result_type = 'mixed', $include_entities = true) {
$params = array(
'q' => 'to:' . $screen_name, // no need to urlencode this!
'count' => $count,
'result_type' => $result_type,
'include_entities' => $include_entities,
'since_id' => $id_str
$feed = $connection->get('search/tweets', $params);
$comments = array();
for ($index = 0; $index < count($feed->statuses); $index++) {
if ($feed->statuses[$index]->in_reply_to_status_id_str == $id_str) {
array_push($comments, $feed->statuses[$index]);
switch ($return_type) {
case 'array':
return $comments;
case 'json':
return json_encode($comments);
Here I am sharing simple R code to fetch reply of specific tweet
userName = "SrBachchan"
##fetch tweets from #userName timeline
tweets = userTimeline(userName,n = 1)
## converting tweets list to DataFrame
tweets <- twListToDF(tweets)
## building queryString to fetch retweets
queryString = paste0("to:",userName)
## retrieving tweet ID for which reply is to be fetched
Id = tweets[1,"id"]
## fetching all the reply to userName
rply = searchTwitter(queryString, sinceID = Id)
rply = twListToDF(rply)
## eliminate all the reply other then reply to required tweet Id
rply = rply[!rply$replyToSID > Id,]
rply = rply[!rply$replyToSID < Id,]
rply = rply[complete.cases(rply[,"replyToSID"]),]
## now rply DataFrame contains all the required replies.
You can use twarc package in python to collect all the replies to a tweet.
twarc replies 824077910927691778 > replies.jsonl
Also, it is possible to collect all the reply chains (replies to the replies) to a tweet using command below:
twarc replies 824077910927691778 --recursive
Not in an easy pragmatic way. There is an feature request in for it:
There are a couple of third-party websites that provide APIs but they often miss statuses.
I've implemented this in the following way:
1) statuses/update returns id of the last status (if include_entities is true)
2) Then you can request statuses/mentions and filter the result by in_reply_to_status_id. The latter should be equal to the particular id from step 1
As states satheesh it works great. Here is REST API code what I used
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
/** Set access tokens here - see: **/
$settings = array(
'oauth_access_token' => "xxxx",
'oauth_access_token_secret' => "xxxx",
'consumer_key' => "xxxx",
'consumer_secret' => "xxxx"
// Your specific requirements
$url = '';
$requestMethod = 'GET';
$getfield = '?q=to:screen_name&sinceId=twitter_id';
// Perform the request
$twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings);
$b = $twitter->setGetfield($getfield)
->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)
$arr = json_decode($b,TRUE);
echo "Replies <pre>";
I came across the same issue a few months ago at work, as I was previously using their related_tweets endpoint in REST V1.
So I had to create a workaround, which I have documented here: Mirror - Github fork
This class should do exactly what you want.
It scrapes the HTML of the mobile site, and parses a conversation. I've used it for a while and it seems very reliable.
To fetch a conversation...
require_once 'acTwitterConversation.php';
$twitter = new acTwitterConversation;
$conversation = $twitter->fetchConversion(324215761998594048);
[error] => false
[tweets] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 324214451756728320
[state] => before
[username] => facebook
[name] => Facebook
[content] => Facebook for iOS v6.0 ? Now with chat heads and stickers in private messages, and a more beautiful News Feed on iPad
[date] => 16 Apr
[images] => Array
[thumbnail] =>
[large] =>
[1] => Array
[id] => 324214861728989184
[state] => before
[username] => michaelschultz
[name] => Michael Schultz
[content] => #facebook good April Fools joke Facebook?.chat hasn?t changed. No new features.
[date] => 16 Apr
[images] => Array
[thumbnail] =>
[large] =>
since statuses/mentions_timeline will return the 20 most recent mention this won't be that efficient to call, and it has limitations like 75 requests per window (15min) , insted of this we can use user_timeline
the best way: 1. get the screen_name or user_id parameters From status/show.
2. now use user_timeline
(screen_name== name which we got From status/show)
(count== 1 to max 200)
count: Specifies the number of Tweets to try and retrieve, up to a maximum of 200 per distinct request.
from the result Just parse that return looking for an in_reply_to_status_id matching the original tweet's id.
Obviously, it's not ideal, but it will work.
If you need all replies related to one user for ANY DATE RANGE, and you only need to do it once (like for downloading your stuff), it is doable.
Make a Twitter development application
Apply for elevated credentials. You will instantly get them after filling out the forms. At least I did on two separate accounts today.
Your development account now has access to the v1.1 API search in the "Sandbox" tier. You get 50 requests against the tweets/search/fullarchive endpoint maxing out at 5000 returned tweets.
Make an environment for your development application.
Make a script to query<env name>.json where <env name> is the name of your environment. Make your query to:your_twitter_username and fromDate when you created your account, toDate today.
Iterate over the results
This will not get your replies recursively
