How to get a forever token using Oauth1? - oauth

I sell products online through a website I wrote. To manage my fulfilment flow, when a purchase is made I want my app to automatically create a card on a Trello board.
I've managed to do everything okay except that after a few minutes the token that I was using expires, even though I thought I had created a token that would never expire.
I can't manually authenticate every time an order comes in.
Here's the code I've written to generate tokens. (Oauth1).
Step 1 (one time): Get a manually authorized resource owner key, resource owner secret, and verifier.
import requests
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session
oauth = OAuth1Session(CLIENT_KEY, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET)
fetch_response = oauth.fetch_request_token(REQUEST_TOKEN_URL)
resource_owner_key = fetch_response.get('oauth_token')
resource_owner_secret = fetch_response.get('oauth_token_secret')
print(f'resource_owner_key: {resource_owner_key}')
print(f'resource_owner_secret: {resource_owner_secret}')
auth_url = oauth.authorization_url(AUTHORIZE_TOKEN_URL, scope='read,write', expiration='never') # expiration never
# Now manually authenticate in browser using this URL. Record resource owner key, secret and verifier
Step 2 (every time): Use resource owner key, resource owner secret, and verifier to generate a token.
oauth = OAuth1Session(CLIENT_KEY,
oauth_tokens = oauth.fetch_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN_URL)
token = oauth_tokens.get('oauth_token')
Step 3: Use token in POST request to make card.
This all works fine for a few minutes, then on trying to use it again I get the error:
requests_oauthlib.oauth1_session.TokenRequestDenied: Token request failed with code 500, response was 'token not found'.
I thought that token was last forever? I can still see under my account details on Trello:
read and write access on all your boards
read and write access on all your teams
Approved: today at 6:30 AM
Never Expires

Set expiration long expiration time in token like expire in 2099 something like that

Solved - I was doing everything right, just that Step 2 should only be done once instead of every time. I thought I had to generate a new token for each new request, but the token generated at the 'token = ' line is actually good to save off and use forever.


What auth flow to use with spa and service account msal

There's so many different flows in the Microsoft docs that I have no clue what one is needed for me. I am using React and Python. (I understand node, so if someone explains using node/express its fine)
What user should see:
A page with a button to login, nav is there but wont work till logged in. The login creates a popup to sign in with Microsoft account. Once signed in, the user will be able to use nav to see dynamics information.
What I am trying to do:
This app needs to sign in a user and obtain the users email through ''.(no client secrets needed) Then I need to send that email in this request;
(The tenant == {company}
allInfo = requests.get(
f'https://{TENANT}api/data/v9.0/company_partneruserses?$filter=company_email eq \'{email}\'', headers=headers).json()
This backend request needs to have a client secret to obtain the information. So I believe my backend also needs to be logged on to a service account. I believe I need to get a token for my backend to make requests on behalf of the service account.
What I have:
I have a React frontend that is signing a user in and calling '' correctly and getting that email. Once I get the email, I am sending it to my backend.
Now I have no clue how to proceed and have tried many things.
What I have tried for backend:
Attempt 1: I get a token but error: {'error': {'code': '0x80072560', 'message': 'The user is not a member of the organization.'}}. Problem is, this id is the Azure AD ID. It should def work
#app.route('/dynToken', methods=['POST'])
def get_dyn_token():
req = request.get_json()
partnerEmail = req['partnerEmail']
token = req['accessToken']
body = {
"client_id": microsoft_client_id,
"client_secret": client_secret,
"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"scope": SCOPE_DYN,
TENANTID = '{hash here}'
res =
f'{TENANTID}/oauth2/v2.0/token', data=body).json()
dyn_token = res['access_token']
headers = {
"Prefer": "odata.include-annotations=\"*\"",
"content-type": "application/json; odata.metadata=full",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {dyn_token}"
allInfo = requests.get(
f'https://{TENANT}api/data/v9.0/company_partneruserses?$filter=company_email eq \'{email}\'', headers=headers).json()
Attempt 2:
Same code but instead of f'{TENANTID}/oauth2/v2.0/token' its
f''. Error: An exception occurred: [Errno Expecting value] : 0. Because it returns an empty string.
Now I don't know if I am even on the right path or where to go. I know the routes work themselves if the token is correct. I used only SSR with no react and these routes work. But I need the React to be there too. I just don't know what flow to use here to get what I need. The docs make it easy for /me route to work. But the {company} docs don't really provide what I am trying to do.
Additional info after comment:
What 'f'https://{TENANT}api/data/v9.0/company_partneruserses?$filter=company_email eq '{email}'', headers=headers" is trying to get are API keys. Full code :
allInfo = requests.get(
f'https://{TENANT}api/data/v9.0/company_partneruserses?$filter=company_email eq \'{email}\'', headers=headers).json()
partner_value = allInfo['value'][0]['_company_partner_value']
response = requests.get(
f'https://{TENANT}api/data/v9.0/company_partnerses({partner_value})', headers=headers).json()
return {'key': response['company_apikey'], 'secret': response['company_apisecret']}
Then once it has the keys:
def api_authentication(apikey, apisecret):
headers = get_headers() #<-- same headers as above with using dyn_token
response = requests.get(
f'https://{TENANT}api/data/v9.0/company_partnerses?$filter=company_apikey eq \'{apikey}\' and company_apisecret eq \'{apisecret}\'&$select=company_apikey,company_apisecret,_company_account_value,_company_primarycontact_value,blahblah_unassignedhours,company_reporturl', headers=headers).json()
return response
Afterwards I am able to get all the information I am looking for to send back to my frontend for the client to see. (By making multiple request to crm with these keys)
The client_credentials grant that you are using should work, provided the CRM trusts the token issued to the client (your python backend). Please use MSAL library instead of hand crafting the token request. It will save you time and eliminate errors.

How to keep alive box token?

I have a rails app running on heroku from where I need to create! folder on an item creation callback using gem for the Box Content API!
The Standard OAuth 2.0 (User Authentication) of box api providing token which last an hour. I need the token alive for all the time so that the app can create box folder anytime from the app.
Recently, implemented box webhook feature as well.
I have tried couple of ways below but nothing help:
Token refresh callback as suggested the boxr gem!
token_refresh_callback = lambda {|access, refresh, identifier|
Setting.box_access_token = access
Setting.box_refresh_token = refresh
#client =
refresh_token: Setting.box_refresh_token,
client_id: Setting.box_client_id,
client_secret: Setting.box_client_secret, &token_refresh_callback
Called a method before initialisation to update token
unless ( >= Setting.box_token_expires_in.to_i - 300)
token = Boxr::refresh_tokens(Setting.box_refresh_token, client_id: Setting.box_client_id, client_secret: Setting.box_client_secret)
Setting.box_access_token = token.access_token
Setting.box_refresh_token = token.refresh_token
Setting.box_token_expires_in = + token.expires_in.to_i
Used scheduler which basically call a method to perform what did in previous step.
Step 2 were working before but sometimes have got refresh token expired exception. suddenly it does not work, require to manually reset token in every hour. Not sure but it might started after implementing box webhook feature.
Would be happy to have suggestion/solution to keep the token alive...

slack api rtm.start missing_scope needed client

I have get access token and when I try to post rtm.start, I am getting below error:
error = "missing_scope";
needed = client;
ok = 0;
provided = "identify,read,post";
I have set the scope to read,post,identify in authorize API. I have read the API document over and over again. Only rtm.start mentioned client scope. But in oauth document I didn't find a client scope. So, what's wrong?
You have to do it before you get the token.
when you do the initial request to connect the app, include &scope="identify,read,post,client"
Under App Credentials get your Client ID and Client Secret.
replacing #{team} and #{cid} with your values.
When you approve the authorization you’ll goto that real url that doesn’t resolve. Copy the whole url to your clipboard and paste it into a text file. Extract out just the “code” part.
Now goto:
And you’ll get back a token like:
(from here:

Best way to upload files to programmatically

I've read the whole developers api guide and spent hours on the web researching this particular question but I can't seem to find a definitive answer and I don't want to start creating a solution if I'm going down the wrong path. We have a production environment where as once we are finished working with files our production software system zips them up and saves them into a local server directory for archival purposes. This local path cannot be changed. My question is how can I programmatically upload these files to our account so we can archive these on the cloud? Everything I've read regarding this involves using OAuth2 to gain access to our account which I understand but it also requires the user to login. Since this is an internal process that is NOT exposed to outside users I want to be able to automate this otherwise it would not be feasable for us. I have no issues creating the programs to trigger everytime a new files gets saved all I need is to streamline the access.
I just went through the exact same set of questions and found out that currently you CANNOT bypass the OAuth process. However, their refresh token is now valid for 60 days which should make any custom setup a bit more sturdy. I still think, though, that having to use OAuth for an Enterprise setup is a very brittle implementation -- for the exact reason you stated: it's not feasible for some middleware application to have to rely on an OAuth authentication process.
My Solution:
Here's what I came up with. The following are the same steps as outlined in various box API docs and videos:
use this URL[YOUR_CLIENT_ID]&state=[box-generated_state_security_token]
(go to to find the original one)
paste that URL into the browser and GO
authenticate and grant access
grab the resulting URL:[box-generated_state_security_token]&code=[SOME_CODE]
and note the "code=" value.
open POSTMAN or Fiddler (or some other HTTP sniffer) and enter the following:
create URL encoded post data:
client_id=[YOUR CLIENT ID]
client_secret=[YOUR CLIENT SECRET]
code= < enter the code from step 4 >
send the request and retrieve the resulting JSON data:
"access_token": "[YOUR SHINY NEW ACCESS TOKEN]",
"expires_in": 4255,
"restricted_to": [],
"refresh_token": "[YOUR HELPFUL REFRESH TOKEN]",
"token_type": "bearer"
In my application I save both auth token and refresh token in a format where I can easily go and replace them if something goes awry down the road. Then, I check my authentication each time I call into the API. If I get an authorization exception back I refresh my token programmatically, which you can do! Using the BoxApi.V2 .NET SDK this happens like so:
var authenticator = new TokenProvider(_clientId, _clientSecret);
// calling the 'RefreshAccessToken' method in the SDK
var newAuthToken = authenticator.RefreshAccessToken([YOUR EXISTING REFRESH TOKEN]);
// write the new token back to my data store.
Hope this helped!
If I understand correctly you want the entire process to be automated so it would not require a user login (i.e run a script and the file is uploaded).
Well, it is possible. I am a rookie developer so excuse me if I'm not using the correct terms.
Anyway, this can be accomplished by using cURL.
First you need to define some variables, your user credentials (username and password), your client id and client secret given by Box (found in your app), your redirect URI and state (used for extra safety if I understand correctly).
The oAuth2.0 is a 4 step authentication process and you're going to need to go through each step individually.
The first step would be setting a curl instance:
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_ENCODING => "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
This will return an html text with a request token, you will need it for the next step so I would save the entire output to a variable and grep the tag with the request token (the tag has a "name" = "request_token" and a "value" which is the actual token).
Next step you will need to send another curl request to the same url, this time the post fields should include the request token, user name and password as follows:
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "response_type=code&client_id=".$CLIENT_ID."&state=".$STATE."&request_token=".$REQ_TOKEN."&login=".$USER_LOGIN."&password=".$PASSWORD
At this point you should also set a cookie file:
CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE => $COOKIE, (where $COOKIE is the path to the cookie file)
This will return another html text output, use the same method to grep the token which has the name "ic".
For the next step you're going to need to send a post request to the same url. It should include the postfields:
Be sure to set the curl request to use the cookie file you set earlier like this:
and include the header in the request:
At step (if done by browser) you will be redirected to a URL which looks as described above:*redirect uri*)/?state=[box-generated_state_security_token]&code=[SOME_CODE] and note the "code=" value.
Grab the value of "code".
Final step!
send a new cur request to https//
This should include fields:
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "grant_type=authorization_code&code=".$CODE."&client_id=".$CLIENT_ID."&client_secret=".$CLIENT_SECRET,
This will return a string containing "access token", "Expiration" and "Refresh token".
These are the tokens needed for the upload.
read about the use of them here:
Hope this is somewhat helpful.
I separated the https on purpuse (Stackoverflow wont let me post an answer with more than 1 url :D)
this is for PHP cURL. It is also possible to do the same using Bash cURL.
For anyone looking into this recently, the best way to do this is to create a Limited Access App in Box.
This will let you create an access token which you can use for server to server communication. It's simple to then upload a file (example in NodeJS):
import box from "box-node-sdk";
import fs from "fs";
(async function (){
const client = box.getBasicClient(YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN);
await client.files.uploadFile(BOX_FOLDER_ID, FILE_NAME, fs.createReadStream(LOCAL_FILE_PATH));
Have you thought about creating a box 'integration' user for this particular purpose. It seems like uploads have to be made with a Box account. It sounds like you are trying to do an anonymous upload. I think box, like most services, including stackoverflow don't want anonymous uploads.
You could create a system user. Go do the Oauth2 dance and store just the refresh token somewhere safe. Then as the first step of your script waking up go use the refresh token and store the new refresh token. Then upload all your files.

How to use OAuth access for GMail with libEtPan?

Does anyone have sample code or clear instructions on how to use libEtPan to connect to a GMail account using OAuth? I couldn't find anything.
Details for OAuth in GMail are here:
libetpan has some documentation in its header files, for IMAP it's in
Authenticates the client using using an oauth2 token.
To gather a deeper understanding of the OAuth2 aunthentication
process refer to:
For a quick start you may follow this brief set of steps:
1. Set up a profile for your app in the Google
API Console:
2. With your recently obtained client_id and secret
load the following URL (everything goes ina single line):[YOUR_CLIENT_ID]&
3. The user most follow instructions to authorize application access
to Gmail.
4. After the user hits the "Accept" button it will be redirected to another
page where the access token will be issued.
5. Now from the app we need and authorization token, to get one we issue a POST request
the following URL: using these parameters:
client_id: This is the client id we got from step 1
client_secret: Client secret as we got it from step 1
code: This is the code we received in step 4
redirect_uri: This is a redirect URI where the access token will be sent, for non
web applications this is usually urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob (as we got from step 1)
grant_type: Always use the authorization_code parameter to retrieve an access and refresh tokens
6. After step 5 completes we receive a JSON object similar to:
The above output gives us the access_token, now we need to also retrieve the user's e-mail,
to do that we need to perform an HTTP GET request to Google's UserInfo API using this URL:[YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]
this will return the following JSON output:
"id": "00000000000002222220000000",
"email": "",
"verified_email": true
#param session IMAP session
#param auth_user Authentication user (tipically an e-mail address, depends on server)
#param access_token OAuth2 access token
#return the return code is one of MAILIMAP_ERROR_XXX or
int mailimap_oauth2_authenticate(mailimap * session, const char * auth_user,
const char * access_token);
int mailimap_has_xoauth2(mailimap * session);
I haven't tried it out myself yet, but when I get around to implement it I'll post a link of the implementation.
Update March 2021
I finally got around to implement support for Google OAuth 2.0 in my email client nmail now. The commit can be viewed here but essentially I ended up doing steps 2-6 above in a separate external script, as libetpan does not do the token generation/refresh for us. The token handling is fairly straight-forward - see for example.
