Value returned from a script does not assigned to a variable declared in jenkins declarative pipeline stage - jenkins

I am working on adding a jenkins Declarative pipeline for automation testing. In the test run stage i want to extract the failed tests from the log. i am using a groovy function for extracting the test result. this function is not a part of the jenkins pipeline. It is another script file. The function works fine and it build a string containing the failure details. Inside a pipeline stage i am calling this function and assinging the returned string to another variable. But when i echo the variable value it prints empty string.
pipeline {
agent {
kubernetes {
yamlFile 'kubernetesPod.yml'
failure_msg = ""
stages {
stage('Run Test') {
steps {
container('ansible') {
script {
def notify = load('src/TestResult.groovy')
def result = notify.extractTestResult("${WORKSPACE}/testreport.xml")
sh "${result}"
if (result != "") {
failure_msg = failure_msg + result
post {
always {
script {
sh 'echo Failure message.............${failure_msg}'
here 'sh 'echo ${result}'' print empty string. But 'extractTestResult()' returns a non-empty string.
Also i am not able to use the environment variable 'failure_msg' in post section it return an error 'groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: failure_msg for class: groovy.lang.Binding'
can anyone please help me with this ?
Even after i fixed the string interpolation, i was getting the same
error. That was because jenkins does not allow using 'sh' inside
docker container. there is an open bug ticket in jenkins issue

I would suggest to use a global variable for holding the error message. My guess is that the variable is not existing in your scope.
def FAILURE_MSG // Global Variable
pipeline {
stages {
steps {
container('ansible') {
script {
if (result != "") {
post {
always {
script {
sh "${FAILURE_MSG}" // Hint: Use correct String Interpolation
(Similar SO question can be found here)


Converting a gstringimpl to java.lang.string in a Jenkinsile

I have a pipeline which takes a persistent string parameter input. The pipeline then checks whether the parameter value is present in a list.
The problem is that the persisted string is of type gstringimpl, and the list items are java.lang.string type. When I use the .contains() method, even though the value is in the list, it won't return true, which I believe is due to the different data types.
I've tried everything online, including the toString() method but I can't get it to work. I'm attaching my code below.
String ver = ""
pipeline {
agent {
image 'registry/abc/builder:0.1.5'
args '-t -d -v maven-m2-cache:/home/node/.m2'
parameters {
persistentString(name: 'Version', defaultValue: '', description: 'Version to build', successfulOnly: false)
stages {
stage('Analyze Parameter'){
ver = "${Version}".toString()
def version_list1 = ['','','']
if (version_list1.contains("${ver}")){
println("build version branch")
} else {
println("build master branch")
The pipeline always goes into the else block and prints the following:
class org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl
build master branch
Don't use String interpolation to resolve Parameters. Instead directly access it like params.PARAM_NAME, example below.
def version_list1 = ['','','']
if (version_list1.contains(params.Version)){
println("build version branch")
} else {
println("build master branch")

Pass variable to JobDsl seed job (Jenkins) in scriptText?

I am working on a project and i have to configure a jenkins using JCasC (config as code plugin).
I have to create a job BUT i can't pass variables in the script.
My code:
freeStyleJob("SEED") {
parameters {
stringParam("MY_PARAMETER", "defaultValue", "A parameter")
steps {
jobDsl {
job("seedJOB") {
displayName('${MY_PARAMETER}') // don't work
description("${MY_PARAMETER}") // don't work
//description("$MY_PARAMETER") // don't work
//description('$MY_PARAMETER') // don't work
// i tried to use triple full quotes instead of triple single quote but it's not working...
... here the job...
i'm writing groovy code in """ quotes so if I want to evaluate variable : I don't have to put ${} just write your variable name:
With the solution:
freeStyleJob("SEED") {
parameters {
stringParam("MY_PARAMETER", "defaultValue", "A parameter")
steps {
jobDsl {
job("seedJOB") {
displayName('MY_PARAMETER) // solution
... here the job...
May you could write it to a file ? You'll get something like that in your step:
steps {
shell('echo $DISPLAY_NAME > display_name.txt')
jobDsl {
job("seedjob") {
String jobname = readFileFromWorkspace('display_name.txt').trim()
You could also use a .properties file to do it more properly.

Is there way to set variable from a stage local variable to Jenkins global variable?

Is there a way to access stage local variable in jenkins global pipeline, I'm trying to use the var1 value from Example stage in post always block.
// Declarative //
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Example') {
steps {
def var1 = sh 'ssh yourname#yourmachine 'grep uploadRate= /root/yourscript' '
post {
always {
echo 'Reading a Var1 Value' + var1
Error when executing always post condition:
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: var1 for class: WorkflowScript
You cant directly call the variable which assigned in build steps in post action.
As a solution what you can do is pass the 'Example' stage result to file and then by using Environment Inject Plugin you can access the value in post action.
After installed the plugin set the file name in job configurations.
plugin setup
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Example') {
script {
sh 'date > output.txt'
post {
always {
script {
curDate = readFile 'outFile.txt'
echo "The current date is ${curDate}"

How to return a value from Jenkins function to the build stage?

I want to return the value from groovy function back to my jenkins build stage so that the value can be used as a condition in other stages. I am not able to figure out how to implement this. I have tried something like below but that didn't work.
I have Jenkinsfile something like this:
agent any
echo output
echo output
def sum()
def a=2
def b=3
def c=a+b
return c
The above approach doesn't work. Can someone provide correct implementation.
You are missing a script-step. It is necessary if you want to execute plain groovy in your Jenkinsfile. Furthermore output has to be set as global variable if you want to access it later.
def output // set as global variable
output = sum()
echo "The sum is ${output}"

How do I pass variables between stages in a declarative Jenkins pipeline?

How do I pass variables between stages in a declarative pipeline?
In a scripted pipeline, I gather the procedure is to write to a temporary file, then read the file into a variable.
How do I do this in a declarative pipeline?
E.g. I want to trigger a build of a different job, based on a variable created by a shell action.
stage("stage 1") {
steps {
sh "do_something > var.txt"
// I want to get var.txt into VAR
stage("stage 2") {
steps {
build job: "job2", parameters[string(name: "var", value: "${VAR})]
If you want to use a file (since a script is the thing generating the value you need), you could use readFile as seen below. If not, use sh with the script option as seen below:
// Define a groovy local variable, myVar.
// A global variable without the def, like myVar = 'initial_value',
// was required for me in older versions of jenkins. Your mileage
// may vary. Defining the variable here maybe adds a bit of clarity,
// showing that it is intended to be used across multiple stages.
def myVar = 'initial_value'
pipeline {
agent { label 'docker' }
stages {
stage('one') {
steps {
echo "1.1. ${myVar}" // prints '1.1. initial_value'
sh 'echo hotness > myfile.txt'
script {
// OPTION 1: set variable by reading from file.
// FYI, trim removes leading and trailing whitespace from the string
myVar = readFile('myfile.txt').trim()
echo "1.2. ${myVar}" // prints '1.2. hotness'
stage('two') {
steps {
echo "2.1 ${myVar}" // prints '2.1. hotness'
sh "echo 2.2. sh ${myVar}, Sergio" // prints '2.2. sh hotness, Sergio'
// this stage is skipped due to the when expression, so nothing is printed
stage('three') {
when {
expression { myVar != 'hotness' }
steps {
echo "three: ${myVar}"
pipeline {
parameters {
string(name: 'custom_var', defaultValue: '')
stage("make param global") {
steps {
tmp_param = sh (script: 'most amazing shell command', returnStdout: true).trim()
env.custom_var = tmp_param
stage("test if param was saved") {
steps {
echo "${env.custom_var}"
I had a similar problem as I wanted one specific pipeline to provide variables and many other ones using it to get this variables.
I created a my-set-env-variables pipeline
env.my_dev_version = "0.0.4-SNAPSHOT"
env.my_qa_version = "0.0.4-SNAPSHOT"
env.my_pp_version = "0.0.2"
env.my_prd_version = "0.0.2"
echo " My versions [DEV:${env.my_dev_version}] [QA:${env.my_qa_version}] [PP:${env.my_pp_version}] [PRD:${env.my_prd_version}]"
I can reuse these variables in a another pipeline my-set-env-variables-test
env.dev_version = "NOT DEFINED DEV"
env.qa_version = "NOT DEFINED QA"
env.pp_version = "NOT DEFINED PP"
env.prd_version = "NOT DEFINED PRD"
stage('inject variables') {
echo "PRE DEV version = ${env.dev_version}"
def variables = build job: 'my-set-env-variables'
def vars = variables.getBuildVariables()
//println "found variables" + vars
env.dev_version = vars.my_dev_version
env.qa_version = vars.my_qa_version
env.pp_version = vars.my_pp_version
env.prd_version = vars.my_prd_version
stage('next job') {
echo "NEXT JOB DEV version = ${env.dev_version}"
echo "NEXT JOB QA version = ${env.qa_version}"
echo "NEXT JOB PP version = ${env.pp_version}"
echo "NEXT JOB PRD version = ${env.prd_version}"
there is no need for (hidden plugin) parameter definitions or temp-file access. Sharing varibles across stages can be acomplished by using global Groovy variables in a Jenkinsfile like so:
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
def outputOf(cmd) { return sh(returnStdout:true,script:cmd).trim(); }
pipeline {
agent any
stage("stage 1") {
steps {
MYVAR = outputOf('echo do_something')
sh "echo MYVAR has been set to: '${MYVAR}'"
stage("stage 2") {
steps {
sh '''echo " multiline quotes: "''' + MYVAR + '''" ... '''
build job: "job2", parameters[string(name: "var", value: MYVAR)]
I have enhanced the existing solution by correcting syntax .Also used hidden parameter plugin so that it does not show up as an extra parameter in Jenkins UI. Works well :)
properties([parameters([[$class: 'WHideParameterDefinition', defaultValue: 'yoyo', name: 'hidden_var']])])
pipeline {
agent any
stage("make param global") {
steps {
env.hidden_var = "Hello"
stage("test if param was saved") {
steps {
echo"About to check result"
echo "${env.hidden_var}"
