From where to Get recorded call's audio file in Linphone iOS SDK - ios

Used following code to start recording
Used following code to stop recording:
I am not getting any audio file stored in app local directory, Any idea where it can be located?
Can any one please suggest? It can help me a lot

Recording audio file path has been defined with recordingFilePathFromCall function in LinphoneManager.m file


VLC Command Line Toggle Play

I'm currently using this command to trigger VLC to play an audio file using a piece of software:
-qt-start-minimized --play-and-exit --qt-notification=0 "D:\SFX\audiofile.mp3"
Is their anyway through VLC command line of stopping the specific instance of VLC that was playing? or VLC being able to detect if the specific audio file is already playing then stop the audio else play the audio file.
Maybe this parameter could help you achieve what you want :

get shared/server url using CocoaHTTPServer

I am creating application that play video using chromecast device on TV (Apple TV or monitor that support HDMI port). Application is playing url like "https://serveraddress/video.mp4" but its not playing the video stored in app bundle(local video).
I have found that to make video play in remote machine (here it is TV) have to create local server on iphone.
I found this SDK CocoaHTTPServer I have run the sample application but not getting how to take video URL that is stored in app bundle.
Can someone please help me in this.
Thanks in advance.
This work great for me.
Initialize as given in sample code (give document directory as root).
Than to access local file copy that file in document folder and than access using http://localhost:8080/download?path=new.jpeg

Online streaming of .ogg audio file in iOS

I want to play a .ogg audio file in iOS. This is the link of URL :-
I have found some code from Github but that are not doing online streaming.
Can anyone knows the solution for playing .oog file from URL?
There is not any Direct API of IOS to achieve this, but you can use some Library created to Play .OGG files or you can yourself made one of that using ibvorbis 1.3.3
Check out IDZAQAudioPlayer.

Stop downloading of audio files but still be able to play it

I am currently working on an App which requires me to download a certain audio file. I am using AFNetworking for downloading and it works very well. What I want to achieve is when I download a file, I can stop it manually but still be able to play the audio file to where I stopped the downloading.
I have tried to work on it but what I always get is that when the downloading of the file is stopped, I can't play the audio. It maybe because the file is incomplete and will be considered as corrupted. The audio formats that I am downloading are m4a and AIFF.
Is this possible? Please help me on achieving it. Thanks.

Failed to initialize AVAudioRecorder: (null)

I'm working on iOS with cordova framework and I've implemented AudioRecorder functionality as described in cordova articles.
When I try to Record an Audio file a message saying "Failed to initialize AVAudioRecorder: (null)" appears.
How can I fix it?
The PhoneGap Media api allows record in .wav format (and other types), but not in mp3.
Choosing the mp3 format is a common mistake.
You should save the file as .wav.
