I am using HTTPie to make edgegrid authenticated calls to a set of REST APIs, but httpie always asks for password which hinders my ability to make calls in a shell script. The password is my localhost/system password, which after inputing, the command executes fine.
~/Desktop/DevOps/HTTPie/apiscripts-wip/tech_jam/casemanagement$ ./pull_cases.sh
http: password for techjam#localhost:
Question -> how do avoid this? Is there some issue with my environment set up?
--auth, -a
Pass a username:password pair as the argument. Or, if you only specify a username (-a username), you'll be prompted for the password before the request is sent.
So you just need to update your script to include the password:
http -A edgegrid -a techjam:YOURPASSWORD --timeout=300 ':/case-management/v2/cases?duration=30&type=company-active'
(Btw, you don't need to—and probably don't even want to—change the default options in the config to include --auth-type, etc. The command above contains all those options so you can just rm ~/.httpie/config.json.)
I am trying to use redirection to load a SQL database schema using:
system("mysql -p -h db.server.local -u admin -D some_db < schema.sql")
I expect it to prompt for a password, and it works correctly when run from IRB. However, when run via Rails' runner it fails
as if I had hit the Enter key at the password prompt. In Rails console it looks like this:
pry(main)> system("mysql -p -h db.server.local -u admin -D some_db < schema.sql")
Enter password: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'admin'#'mylocalpc' (using password: NO)
It did not give me a chance to enter the password. When I removed the redirection (<), it correctly prompts for a password. So it appears that somehow, when run via Rails, the STDIN redirection is disrupting the password prompt. I tried with backticks and had the same issue.
I assume that the mysql executable must be using some magic so that the STDIN redirection does not disrupt the password prompt, but it appears to be broken when the executable is launched via Rails.
Is Rails overriding System() and if so, is there some way to call the real System()?
Does anyone have other ideas of how to work around this, or what could be happening here?
The mysql executable is skipping the request for a password because in order to except stdin for the password, the command needs to be executed with TTY enabled. Ruby system command and backticks do not execute the command using a TTY enabled interface to the underlying system. There are a couple gems that allow for TTY enabled execution on the command line, I would check out the tty-command gem if you’d like to force the command prompt to ask for the password.
Though for the ideal solution that I would suggest, since you’re executing the command from within Rails, you should have access to Rails.credentials. I would store the necessary credentials (username and password) for the database within the credentials store, and use this to populate the -u and -P flag values for the mysql command. This will avoid the need to prompt for the password entirely.
I want to use a curl with a username and password that I set in the bashrc. ie:
curl -u $jenkuser:$jenkpass foobar.org
but this isn't working for me. So what is a good way to set secret credentials that I don't want in my repo/Jenkinsfile
Create a Jenkins project with Execute shell build step. In that shell you can run curl command and to set credentials, there is one option named This build is parameterized, where you can create Password Parameter. These parameters can be used in shell with curl command. Here is screenshot of my test project.
This way is secure because password is stored in encrypted format.
I have a system where I'm trying to run the docker logincommand, it is a headless linux system, but unfortunately only the Docker Credentials Helper docker-credential-secretservice is installed.
This means that I get the following error:
Error saving credentials: error storing credentials - err: exit status 1, out: `Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY`
It makes sense that I get this as:
By default, Docker looks for the native binary on each of the
platforms, i.e. “osxkeychain” on macOS, “wincred” on windows, and
“pass” on Linux. A special case is that on Linux, Docker will fall
back to the “secretservice” binary if it cannot find the “pass”
binary. If none of these binaries are present, it stores the
credentials (i.e. password) in base64 encoding in the config files
described above.
And since secretservice helper uses a GUI credentials store it tries to open a window, which it can't on the headless system.
I've no control over the system, so I can't remove the /usr/bin/docker-credential-secretservice file to force docker login to fall back to the config file rather than using the secretservice helper.
What I can do is create and list files in my user's home folder. I've tried to run the command as such:
docker --config ./docker login -u <user-name> -p <password> <repository>
I was under the impression that the login command would then create a config.json in the ./docker (I've noticed docker login will create the folder if it doesn't exist). This works on a system that doesn't have any helpers installed, but not on the system in question.
I've also tried to create a ~/.docker/config.json with something like:
echo '{"credStore":""}' > ~/.docker/config.json
Hoping that docker login would get the hint not to use any helpers for the credential store.
Is there a way for a non-admin to force docker login to fall back to:
stores the credentials (i.e. password) in base64 encoding in the config files described above.
Without deleting the credentials helper?
(as a side note, I'll of course ask to have the /usr/bin/docker-credential-secretservice removed but, in case it's not possible or for future reference, are there any alternative solutions?)
Logging out the current user, before logging in with a different user name worked for me. Logging out removed the saved docker credentials.
docker logout <reponame>
docker login <reponame>
To avoid using a credsStore and to store a plaintext auth token in your docker config (e.g. ~/.docker/config.json), delete the "credsStore" key from your docker config file and rerun docker login.
When you run docker login, it will give a warning but will save the auth token into the file.
$ docker login
Username: someuser
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in ~/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
Login Succeeded
The resulting docker config file should look like this:
"auths": {
"your.docker.registry": {
"auth": "dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQK="
The auth token is simply a base64 encoded string of the form username:password.
This worked for Docker Engine versions 19 and 20.
Unfortunately, Docker (as of 18.06) first looks for the docker-credential-* binaries, and if it finds any of them, it will automatically overwrite the "credsStore" value in ~/.docker/config.json.
Your only workaround would be to install docker-credential-pass in your home directory so that Docker will use that instead of docker-credential-secretservice. docker-credential-pass does not require a GUI.
Steps to install docker-credential-pass:
docker login fails on a server with no X11 installed
You can just ignore all the output by sending everything to /dev/null like:
echo $TOKEN|docker login -u=user --password-stdin myregistry.com > /dev/null 2>&1
where $TOKEN will be your previously exported token or password.
This will be useful as well with CI's when using some automation
I've looked through the code and there appears to be no way to generally disable the use of credential helpers. But you can skip the code path on a per-registry basis.
https://github.com/docker/cli/blob/25eee83d6b8c475548254b2decc9c8e0490d229c/cli/config/configfile/file.go#L308 will look up the helper to use (just the suffix after docker-credential-) in credHelpers from the registry host name. If it is "" it will use the normal unencrypted file store. As far as I can tell, this is undocumented and likely unintended behavior.
With that, in order to bypass the credential helpers for a specific registry, do
mkdir ./docker
echo "{\"credHelpers\": {\"$REGISTRY_HOST\": \"\"}}" > ./docker/config.json
docker --config ./docker login -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD $REGISTRY_HOST
I believe the cause why {"credsStore":""} isn't working is the omitempty serialization tag on that field. Setting it to empty is the same as not setting it.
Not an answer to the question, but maybe to the problem:
We can launch dbus ourselves then unlock/lock/query the keyring from the cli.
These are the bash functions I use:
function unlock-keyring () {
export $(dbus-launch)
read -rsp "Password: " pass
export $(echo -n "$pass" | gnome-keyring-daemon --unlock)
unset pass
function lock-keyring () {
dbus-send --dest=org.gnome.keyring --print-reply /org/freedesktop/secrets org.freedesktop.Secret.Service.LockService
function query-keyring-locked () {
busctl --user get-property org.freedesktop.secrets /org/freedesktop/secrets/collection/login org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection Locked
Simply rename ~/.docker/config.json to something different, or remove it if you won't need it anymore.
mv ~/.docker/config.json ~/.docker/backup-config.json
The version I use is neo4j-enterprise-2.2.0-M02
My question is :
How can I configure a user (like add a new user, change the password ,etc) in backend or browser, instead of REST API? Can I do it via neo4j-shell? imagine that I am a DBA, it is not very convenient to do this by REST API.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
You can use the browser instead of the API. Just go to http://localhost:7474 (or whatever IP to which the web console is bound) and you will be prompted to change the password. Once authenticated, use the command :server change-password to change the password again.
It is not yet possible to create multiple user accounts within the system.
You can use the command :help server to see available authentication commands.
Although still utilizing the REST API, I'll throw the cURL option out there to anyone who doesn't have access to a web browser (AWS instance, for example):
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"password":"WHATEVER THE PASSWORD IS"}' -u neo4j:neo4j http://localhost:7474/user/neo4j/password
Another option is to modify the auth file directly and restart neo. Doing this, you can even change the username!
find / -name dbms
For me this gave one hit:
Save this code as build_auth_string.sh:
# either read from stdin or use the argument
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
read INPUT
if [ -z "$INPUT" ]; then
echo "correct format <uname:pass>"
read -a UNAME_PASS <<< "$INPUT"
# representing the password in hex format like \xAB\x0C etc
# HEX_PASS=$(echo -n $PASS | xxd -p | awk '{print toupper($1);}' | sed -r 's/(.{2})/\\x\1/g')
HEX_PASS=$(echo -n $PASS | hexdump -v -e '"\\\x" 1/1 "%02X"')
# echo $HEX_PASS
# create the salt and store it in hex format
SALT=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-f0-9' | fold -w $SALT_LEN | head -n 1)
# SALT="28FD26AD92D6D2D8820E969F3F3732B4"
HEX_SALT=$(echo -n $SALT | sed -r 's/(.{2})/\\x\1/g')
# calculate the sha256 sum of the salt and password value
# need to split the output because the output ends with a hyphen
IFS=' '
read -a PASSWORD_HASH_ARRAY <<< $(printf $HEX_SALT$HEX_PASS | sha256sum)
# echo "$UNAME;$PASS;$SALT"
# and print out the auth string
COMBINED=$(echo -n "$PASSWORD_HASH,$SALT" | awk '{print toupper($1);}')
echo "$UNAME:SHA-256,$COMBINED:"
The code for the above came from https://github.com/artsince/docker-neo4j-auth/blob/master/build_auth_string.sh - im posting it here just encase..
And then just run the above script like
build_auth_string.sh myUsername:myP#ssw0rd
Copy/paste that into your auth file replacing whatever was there before, and restart neo4j :)
A fresh install of Neo4j 2.2.x has a user 'neo4j', with an initial password 'neo4j'. You are required to change the password before you can do anything.
It's easy to do this from the command line, by calling httpie to interact with the REST API. For example, to set a new password of 'foobar', run this command:
http -a neo4j:neo4j POST http://localhost:7474/user/neo4j/password password=foobar
If you want to reset the password and you dont know the old password :
then for Windows user
go to this path:
and delete that auth file.
Restart the neo4j they will again ask to set the username and password!!
by default
Currently it's not possible to configure authorization using neo4j-shell. As you've mentioned the REST API is the way to go. Using a convenient REST client this is very easy.
My tools of choice is either postman (a plugin for chrome browser) or httpie for the command line. E.g. with httpie changing the password for a user is as simple as:
http localhost:7474/user/neo4j/password password=neo4j new_password=mypass
Be aware that password (and other authorization settings) are not automatically distributed in a cluster, see the manual how to copy over settings between instances.
For Mac users, version 2.3.1 of Neo4J, best way to reset credentials is to remove the file with credential information and start the service again.
Steps to follow
Find where the file that contains credentials is located from the browser console (localhost:7474). Go to Star (Favourites)->System->Server configuration
Search for dbms.security.auth_store.location property to see where it points to. In my case it was /Users/felipe/Documents/Neo4j/default.graphdb/./dbms/auth
Delete that file.
Start the service again and go to the console again (localhost:7474).
By default you will be asked to set the password for the user neo4j.
I hope it helps.
To elaborate on felipe's response (since I do not have enough rep points to comment):
I stopped the server, I deleted the auth files in BOTH:
Restarted the server, and connected to it via the localhost:7474, used the default username/password (neo4j/neo4j) and then it prompted me for a new password.
On Neo4j 4.0+, you can run:
$ cypher-shell
If it's the first time you connect, you can enter neo4j as user and password and you will be prompted to set a new password.
If you want to change the password afterwards, you can write in the Cypher shell:
:server change-password
I am trying to execute a command like this from a Ruby on Rails app:
sudo service squid3 restart
If i try it with this code:
output = ´sudo service squid3 retsart´
It don't work, in the console i see that linux asks the password.
How can i pass a password with this command? Or other suggestions...
You can add the following line to your sudoers file (/etc/sudoers)
rails_user ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/service
This will basically let the rails_user user execute the service command as sudo, and the system won't ask you for a password.
rails_user should be replaced with whatever user that you are running your rails process under. And you should also make sure that
Defaults requiretty
is not present in your /etc/sudoers. If not you won't be able use sudo from a script.
You can try the sudo -S flag if available on you system (check man):
echo secretPasswd | sudo -S service squid3 restart
This means that the password will be in clear so you can add the user which needs to perform the task to the sudoers (which creates another security issue by the way).
Does your sudo have a -A switch?
Normally, if sudo requires a password, it will read it from the current terminal. If the -A (askpass) option is specified, a helper program is executed to read the user's password and output the password to the standard output. If the SUDO_ASKPASS environment variable is set, it specifies the path to the helper program. Otherwise, the value specified by the askpass option in sudoers(5) is used.
I wouldn't recommend having the password available in any way to your web server processes though so you'd want to use the sudoers file.
You can use the expect method to catch the password prompt and send the password. However, it might be a better idea to allow your Rails user access to the service command without a password using the NOPASSWD option in /etc/sudoers.