Monitor site's pages via lighthouse score in an automated way - monitoring

We have a task to gather lighthouse metrics periodically (once a minute for several pages)
We want to use pagespeed api.
Maybe there is payed version of it we can use in such case?
What is the price poilicy if it exists?

You can use paid services for it, for example, I'm working on - scheduled tests will be supported soon. It would be beneficial to know your needs.

I highly suggest you to integrate lighthouse with a reputed automation tool (like protractor) and audit your webpage through it. You can then run those lighthouse + protractor integrated test cases from jenkins/teamcity and periodically publish your report. In this way you can keep track of your website performance absolutely free.
And if you wonder how to integrate lighthouse with Protractor, you can refer here.
Not only protractor, you can integrate lighthouse with puppeteer as well.
Let me know, if you get any success.

check Run chrome lighthouse's audit from command line
and run it on hot-reload, it will runs on any reloads. and you can add this to build script and check its values.


Running slow web drivers like Watir in production

I created an application that uses Watir to automate logging in and perform a couple of functions within a site.
Right now it's written 100% purely in ruby classes that I was just executing in irb, but I want to put it into a Rails application and put it online. I haven't been able to find much information about using something like Capybara or Watir for anything other than testing. Is this because of how slow they are or is it a capabilities issue?
Would I be able to run a background process that opens a browser with Watir and performs a few functions for each user in production?
Another question I have is how to keep the session over a longer period of time. There are two sites that require 2FA that my app logs into. If I wanted to log in and perform a function once an hour with a Watir browser, I could create it as a background process (if that works). But when the process is done the browser closes and when the background process runs again in an hour it requires 2FA again.
My other worry is speed. If I have 50 users that all need to run a Watir browser at the same time I imagine that will be slow. I am not worried as much about speed as long as they run and collect the data and perform the few actions we need, but how it will effect the applications integrity.
WATIR is specifically designed as a testing tool.. WATIR stands for Web Application Testing In Ruby. It's design is centered around interacting with a browser the way a user would, effectively simulating the same actions a user would take when using a site. That it would be sub-optimal for other tasks is to be expected. Due to scraping and testing having very similar activities, there a a number of people that use watir for that task, but it is not designed for that purpose, and it is unlikely that the WATIR developers would ever add features specific to data scraping verses testing.
With the things you are contemplating, you should ask yourself if you are doing the equivalent of using a socket wrench as a hammer, and if there might be a better tool you could use.
If the sites you are interacting with support an API, then that would be the preferred way to interact with them, to get information from the site. If that is not supported, you may want to consider looking at other gems that would let you request the site HTML or parse the HTML directly (e.g. Nokogiri)
You should also inspect the terms of service for the sites you are interacting with (if you don't own them) to ensure that there are not prohibitions against using 'robots' or other automated means to access the site. If so, then using Watir in the way you propose may end up getting you banned from access to the site if the pattern of your access is obviously the result of an automated process.
This is actually done more often than people think. Maybe not specifically with Watir, but running a browser automation task in a job. The jobs should be queued and run asynchronously, preferably in a different process than your main web app.
I wrote about this strategy here:
If you find yourself having to use Watir then the best way is to use it to render the page (for example in headless mode for javascript), save it and then use Nokogiri to process it. Apis are suggested a lot by people who don't and can't find a use for scraping but at times is necessary and perfectly legit (you may even be scraping your own data). Apis are not a universal option.
Second you should probably regulate its use to a background job. If you have end users (and you really shouldn't have many simultaneous users) many services inform customers data will be available in a few hours to a few days

Does spring-cloud-dataflow provide support for scheduling applications defined as tasks?

I have been looking at using projects built using spring-cloud-task within spring-cloud-dataflow. Having looked at the example projects and the documentation, the indication seems to be that tasks are launched manually through the dashboard or the shell. Does spring-cloud-dataflow provide any way of scheduling task definitions so that they can run for example on a cron schedule? I.e. Can you create a spring-cloud-task app which itself has no knowledge of a schedule, but deploy it to the dataflow server and configure the scheduling there?
Among the posts and blogs I have looked at I noticed the following:
Some of the Q&A afterwards hints at this being a possibility, with the reference to triggers, but I think this was discussed before it was released.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, many thanks.
There are few ways you could launch Tasks in Spring Cloud Data Flow. Following are the available options today.
Launch it using TriggerTask; with this you could either choose to launch it with fixedDelay or via a cron expression - example here.
Launch it via an event in streaming pipeline. Imagine a use-case where you would want to create a "thumbnail" as and when there's a new image (event) in s3-bucket or in a file-system directory; the "thumbnail" operation could be a task in this case - example here.
Lastly, in the upcoming releases, we will port over "scheduler" functionality from Spring XD to Spring Cloud Data Flow.
Yes, Spring Cloud Data Flow does provide a scheduling option. To enable it, you need to add below arguments while starting the server:

Can I host my own travis runner?

I work on a large open source project based on ruby on rails. We use Github, Travis, Code Climate and others. Our test suite takes a long time to run and we have many pull requests opened and updated through the day, which creates a large backlog. We even implemented a build killer in our bot to prevent any unnecessary builds, however we still have a backlog. Is it possible for us to host our own runner to increase the number of workers?
There's Travis CI Enterprise ( that lets people host their own runners, but that's probably mostly only for paid-for customers. Have you guys swapped over to the container-based builds? Might speed things up a bit. What's the project?

How to perform load test for confluence using the grinder tool?

We are using confluence 5.7.3 version and we need to perform load test on our confluence instance.
I have recorded a script using the grinder tool and replay after error fixing.
Now there are no errors in my script but it doesn’t work.
How can I perform this test? What are the areas need to be considered when recording a script?
Confluence is a widely used and accepted software and you dont need to load test it.It is license based with fixed number of logons so wont get much out of it. If you are trying to learn grinder/load testing best approach will be to create a test application with a simple form may be some db interactions then record that script and scale it with increasing number of threads and see where it goes.

Jenkins for monitoring application in prod

While I'm interested in Jenkins as a means to provide continuous build functionality, I'm really even more interested in Jenkins as a means to exercise my application in its prod environment against unexpected changes in infrastructure beyond my control that may effect my application. I can't find a ton of information on using Jenkins in this way, but I was wondering if there are others out there doing this? Essentially I have a project that runs maven test parametized with my prod url, but for these projects I don't actually do any building. Are there other tools besides Jenkins I should be considering to do this? If so, why?
If you've got your tests set up to run via Maven already, I think Jenkins would be a good option. You could set up email, IM or SMS alerts using Jenkins plugins, and keep a record of the results within Jenkins.
The only down sides I can think of are:
You'll probably want to run your monitoring a lot more frequently than a regular CI job, so you might want to keep more build records than the default of 10.
If you already have a system like Nagios or OpenView to monitor system resources, it might be better to integrate app monitoring into that rather than having another source of truth.
Jenkins Provides a plugin called Status Monitor Plugin
We have ours set to check a specific URL every 5 mins and email us when something fails. Our problem is that it won't sent emails to cell phone carrier email addresses. However, if regular email will suffice, the setup time for a plugin is less than a half hour and it is reliable as long as the Jenkins server stays up.
