Post HTTP Requests cURL with EmailOctopus - post

As a marketer, I'm going through the EmailOctopus (email service provider) API docs ( and have trouble combining multiple requests in one.
Goal: Get all campaign reports for all campaigns exported to a CSV.
Step 1: Get all campaign IDs. This works.
Step 2: Get the report for a single campaign. This works too.
curl GET{CAMPAIGNID}/reports/summary?api_key={APIKEY}
Step 3: Combine step 1 and 2 and export to a CSV. No idea how to proceed here.
Output step 1:
"data": [
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"status": "SENT",
"name": "Foo",
"subject": "Bar",
"to": [
"from": {
"name": "John Doe",
"email_address": ""
"content": {
"html": "<html>Foo Bar<html>",
"plain_text": "Foo Bar"
"created_at": "2019-10-30T13:46:46+00:00",
"sent_at": "2019-10-31T13:46:46+00:00"
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003",
"status": "SENT",
"name": "Bar",
"subject": "Foo",
"to": [
"from": {
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email_address": ""
"content": {
"html": "<html>Bar Foo<html>",
"plain_text": "Bar Foo"
"created_at": "2019-11-01T13:46:46+00:00",
"sent_at": "2019-11-02T13:46:46+00:00"
"paging": {
"next": null,
"previous": null
Output step 2:
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"sent": 200,
"bounced": {
"soft": 10,
"hard": 5
"opened": {
"total": 110,
"unique": 85
"clicked": {
"total": 70,
"unique": 65
"complained": 50,
"unsubscribed": 25
How can I get all campaign reports in one go and exported to a CSV?

May be this URLs be helpful
Merging two json in PHP
How to export to csv file a PHP Array with a button?


Send Jira Issue Description text as ADF table in Jira REST API

I am trying to update an issue description by sending an ADF table. My javascript code is as follows.
"fields" : {
"description": {
"version": 1,
"type": "doc",
"content": [
"type": "table",
"attrs": {
"isNumberColumnEnabled": false,
"layout": "default"
"content": [
"type": "tableRow",
"content": [
"type": "tableCell",
"attrs": {},
"content": [
"type": "paragraph",
"content": [
"type": "text",
"text": " Row one, cell one"
"type": "tableCell",
"attrs": {},
"content": [
"type": "paragraph",
"content": [
"type": "text",
"text": "Row one, cell two"
} ]
The error that I get back is "description":"Operation value must be a string". Not sure what I am doing wrong as it looks like I have the ADF formatting correct.
This is calling jira cloud via the rest api.
Found the answer. The URL must be version 3 of the API. Just have "latest" will not work. Example:
and not

Create message in Exchange causes "UnableToDeserializePostBody"

I have some code that was working just fine a few months ago, but something in the Graph API has changed and this no longer works. I am trying to create a message in an existing folder, by doing a POST to this url:
(folder id shortened)
The call fails with http error 400, and the returned error is "UnableToDeserializePostBody". The input json is shown below. By experimentation I was able to trace the problem specifically to "singleValueExtendedProperties". I normally put several properties there, but for this test I removed all but the one you see. I have tried other properties as well, they all fail. This seems like some stupid formatting error but I can't see it. Any help appreciated.
"subject": "Test again",
"Sender": {
"emailAddress": {
"name": "John Doe",
"address": ""
"body": {
"contentType": "TEXT",
"content": "This is a text message."
"toRecipients": [
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Jane Smith",
"address": ""
"ccRecipients": [
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Bob Jones",
"address": ""
"singleValueExtendedProperties": [
"propertyId": "SystemTime 0x0039",
"value": "1998-07-29T21:30:00.0000+00:00"
"importance": "normal"
The main problem here is you are specifying the property('propertyid') in singleValueExtendedProperties object is not valid. There are only 2 properties in singleValueExtendedProperties. One is id and the other is value.
Replace 'propertyId' with id.
I have tested it in POSTMAN with your payload changing the propertyId to id and it worked.
Request Body:-
"subject": "Test again",
"Sender": {
"emailAddress": {
"name": "John Doe",
"address": ""
"body": {
"contentType": "TEXT",
"content": "This is a text message."
"toRecipients": [
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Jane Smith",
"address": ""
"ccRecipients": [
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Bob Jones",
"address": ""
"singleValueExtendedProperties": [
"id": "SystemTime 0x0039",
"value": "1998-07-29T21:30:00.0000+00:00"
"importance": "normal"

Adding new Sensor to Object Model is failing

I am trying to modify the quick sample provided here.
I tried to add a few custom sensor data type but it is failing. Then I tried a few data types mentioned in the documentation which also failed.
I am getting below error
Creating Sensor: {
"DataType": "Noise",
"DeviceId": "some-device-id",
Request: POST
Response Status: 404, NotFound , {"error":
{"code":"404.600.000.001","message":"There is no SensorDataType of the
given name."}}
Can we add custom sensor datatype?
If no then what are the inbuilt data types? or if yes then what went wrong here?
You need to post the DataType when creating the Sensor object. Use “None” if you want to change it later. Swagger DOCs show the “Model” you can expand and see required fields.
If the DataType is not in the api/v1/system/types you will need to enable it or create a new DataType. Create a new DataType POST to the Types with the required information. The minimum is the TypeName and SpaceID to neat the type under. My typical pattern is to create a root space and append any custom twin objects like types to this space.
I believe these are case sensitive names as well.
Check your Ontologies with:
Select these by ID and POST to set them to true to get all available built-in types:
"id": 1,
"name": "Required",
"loaded": true
"id": 2,
"name": "Default",
"loaded": true
"id": 3,
"name": "BACnet",
"loaded": true
"id": 4,
"name": "Advanced",
"loaded": true
Then you can query all the given types:
You should receive something like:
"id": 1,
"category": "DeviceSubtype",
"name": "None",
"disabled": false,
"logicalOrder": 0,
"fullName": "None",
"spacePaths": [
"ontologies": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Required",
"loaded": true
"id": 2,
"category": "DeviceType",
"name": "None",
"disabled": false,
"logicalOrder": 0,
"fullName": "None",
"spacePaths": [
"ontologies": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Required",
"loaded": true
"id": 3,
"category": "DeviceBlobSubtype",
"name": "None",
"disabled": false,
"logicalOrder": 0,
"fullName": "None",
"spacePaths": [
"ontologies": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Required",
"loaded": true

SurveyMonkey: Where is the text of my respondent's response?

I'm new to the SurveyMonkey API and it hasn't been too difficult to get payloads back from API calls, but right now I'm trying to get back what responses a specific respondent gave.
I have a survey which has two respondents, the first question on the survey asks the user to enter three pieces of information: Their Name, an ID and today's date.
So, if I do a call to get_survey_details, I can see the questions just fine. For example
obj.pages[0].questions[0].answers[0].answerid: "xxxxxxxx" //some long ID
obj.pages[0].questions[0].answers[0].text: "Enter Your Name"
obj.pages[0].questions[0].answers[0].type: "row"
There's a couple more pieces of information in that object, like whether the question is visible, etc., but these seem to be the pertinent pieces to the question I have.
So! I make another call to get_responses using the same survey_id and respondent_id (there's only two so actually I get them both).
In the resulting payload I get an array of 2 objects (one to hold each respondents responses). So I look in the first (obj[0]) and I see an array of questions and the respondent id. Fine. I look in the questions array and I see one object for each question and in each of those an answers object.
so that's:
obj[0].questions[0].answers[0].col: "yyyyyy" //some long ID
obj[0].questions[0].answers[0].row: "nnnnnn" //some other long ID
No response text. just this row/col business.
At this point, I'm super-confused (which is like regular confused, but with a cape). Where the heck are the respondents actual responses?
What the heck does "row" and "column" reference? Do I have to do some other API call with the row and/or column in order to get the text of the respondent's response?
I've looked through the documentation (and will continue to do so after posting this) and through stackoverflow to see if anyone else has asked this before. There was one question that came close, but really they were just forgetting to pair 'get_responses' with 'get_survey_details'. I'm doing that, but am still lost as ever. And I don't see any documentation really explaining in detail how this row/column concept works for mapping responses to the text of the response. :/
I know this is a really long-winded question, but I'm just so confused as to how to actually get responses out of this API. :(
Thanks for reading.
The text for a given response should come through under the "text" key. e.g. for a survey that only consists of an essay style question:
"status": 0,
"data": [
"respondent_id": "123456",
"questions": [
"answers": [
"text": "This is an essay style answer.",
"row": "0"
"question_id": "78910"
"row" and "col" literally reference the row and column of an answer - e.g. in a matrix question, there will be a list of rows for different questions ("what did you think of the hotel?") and ratings ("bad, okay, great") - and each answer is a combination of these. For a regular multiple choice question there will be multiple rows and only one column.
Calling "get_responses" with the correct respondent_id should provide you with the text response that you want. It's only the fixed details of the answer stored in the survey itself you should have to look up (provided in get_survey_details).
Using GET : /surveys/{survey_id}/details, we can get the corresponding question Ids along with the answer Ids.
"pages": [
"href": "",
"description": "",
"questions": [
"sorting": null,
"family": "matrix",
"subtype": "rating",
"required": {
"text": "This question requires an answer.",
"amount": "0",
"type": "all"
"answers": {
"rows": [
"visible": true,
"text": "",
"position": 1,
"id": "10788526669"
"choices": [
"description": "Not at all likely",
"weight": -100,
"id": "10788526670",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "Not at all likely - 0",
"position": 1
"description": "",
"weight": -100,
"id": "10788526671",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "1",
"position": 2
"description": "",
"weight": -100,
"id": "10788526672",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "2",
"position": 3
"description": "",
"weight": -100,
"id": "10788526673",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "3",
"position": 4
"description": "",
"weight": -100,
"id": "10788526674",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "4",
"position": 5
"description": "",
"weight": -100,
"id": "10788526675",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "5",
"position": 6
"description": "",
"weight": -100,
"id": "10788526676",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "6",
"position": 7
"description": "",
"weight": 0,
"id": "10788526677",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "7",
"position": 8
"description": "",
"weight": 0,
"id": "10788526678",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "8",
"position": 9
"description": "",
"weight": 100,
"id": "10788526679",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "9",
"position": 10
"description": "Extremely likely",
"weight": 100,
"id": "10788526680",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "Extremely likely - 10",
"position": 11
"visible": true,
"href": "",
"headings": [
"heading": "How likely is it that you would recommend XYZ to a friend or colleague?"
"position": 1,
"validation": null,
"id": "1044924866",
"forced_ranking": false
"sorting": null,
"family": "single_choice",
"subtype": "vertical",
"required": null,
"answers": {
"choices": [
"visible": true,
"text": "High Interest",
"position": 1,
"id": "10788529403"
"visible": true,
"text": "Long process",
"position": 2,
"id": "10788529404"
"visible": true,
"text": "Low XYZ Amount",
"position": 3,
"id": "10788529405"
"visible": true,
"text": "Lot of Documents",
"position": 4,
"id": "10788529406"
"visible": true,
"text": "Bad customer service",
"position": 5,
"id": "10788529407"
"visible": true,
"href": "",
"headings": [
"heading": "What is the most important issue which we need to address for overall a better service?"
"position": 2,
"validation": null,
"id": "1044925207",
"forced_ranking": false
"title": "",
"position": 1,
"id": "260492760",
"question_count": 2
We can use these ids to decipher the answer we get after fetching responses using get response API(Bulk or each respondent).
For eg:,
If my survey has two questions, like
Then after fetching the responses we get a json like this:
"total_time": 34,
"href": "",
"custom_variables": {},
"ip_address": "",
"id": "5120000552",
"logic_path": {},
"date_modified": "2016-12-01T11:01:11+00:00",
"response_status": "completed",
"custom_value": "LAI100023",
"analyze_url": "",
"pages": [
"id": "260492760",
"questions": [
"id": "1044924866",
"answers": [
"choice_id": "10788526677",
"row_id": "10788526669"
"id": "1044925207",
"answers": [
"choice_id": "10788529404"
"page_path": [],
"recipient_id": "2743199128",
"collector_id": "94630092",
"date_created": "2016-12-01T11:00:37+00:00",
"survey_id": "87263608",
"collection_mode": "default",
"edit_url": "",
"metadata": {
"contact": {
"first_name": {
"type": "string",
"value": "John"
"last_name": {
"type": "string",
"value": "Doe"
"email": {
"type": "string",
"value": ""
We can map the questions and answers using their IDs in this response with the ids we got from survey details. For open ended text questions, we get direct typed responses.

EmberJS + Rails

I've been really struggling getting a simple scenario running with EmberJS and Rails.
Here's what I have (combined JS):
App = Ember.Application.create
App.Post = DS.Model.extend
title: DS.attr 'string'
description: DS.attr 'string'
App.StreamRoute = Ember.Route.extend
setupController: (controller, model) ->
controller.set 'posts', model
model: -> #store.find('post') ->
#.route 'stream', path: '/'
Here's the template content:
{{#each posts}}
Here's the /posts JSON for Post.all (perhaps this is wrong?):
"posts": [
"posts": {
"created_at": "2013-08-15T23:48:54+01:00",
"description": "A few months ago I helped develop these posters for research that our UX team had gathered to create personas for our customers to show who they are and who actually uses our product.",
"id": 7,
"likes_count": 1,
"slug": "16ErQ",
"thumb": {
"url": "\/posts\/1\/16ErQ\/man.png",
"medium": {
"url": "\/posts\/1\/16ErQ\/medium_man.png"
"title": "Persona Project",
"updated_at": "2013-08-15T23:48:54+01:00",
"user_id": 1,
"views_count": 0
"posts": {
"created_at": "2013-08-16T15:47:03+01:00",
"description": "Just a little something.",
"id": 8,
"likes_count": 0,
"slug": "VYIvn",
"thumb": {
"url": "\/posts\/2\/VYIvn\/face.jpg",
"medium": {
"url": "\/posts\/2\/VYIvn\/medium_face.jpg"
"title": "Face",
"updated_at": "2013-08-16T15:47:03+01:00",
"user_id": 2,
"views_count": 0
"posts": {
"created_at": "2013-08-16T17:03:10+01:00",
"description": "Some people say, he's still running.",
"id": 9,
"likes_count": 2,
"slug": "hQBnt",
"thumb": {
"url": "\/posts\/1\/hQBnt\/run.jpg",
"medium": {
"url": "\/posts\/1\/hQBnt\/medium_run.jpg"
"title": "Run, Forest, run.",
"updated_at": "2013-08-23T23:44:19+01:00",
"user_id": 1,
"views_count": 0
I thought this would be fine, but it doesn't quite work, when I run it, I get 3 post results (which is how many there are) but the columns all contain null values:
As you can see, I also have that error. Any ideas?
Your JSON looks wrong. It should be something like this:
"description":"A few months ago I helped develop these posters for research that our UX team had gathered to create personas for our customers to show who they are and who actually uses our product.",
"title":"Persona Project",
Basically you have nested posts and need to remove one layer.
