Allowing access to Service account with gdrive when Global Policy restricts sharing externally - google-cloud-iam

Struggling to get a difinitive answer on this so would appreciate any help.
We have a Python Script that pulls data from a piece of hardware and uploads it to a Google Sheet using the drive / sheets api.
We also have a global policy in the top level OU to Restricts sharing outside of the organisation.
If you create a seperate OU in GAdmin console where external sharing is allowed and move the Account assosiated the with Gdrive / Gsheets to this OU, everything works. You share the sheet with the service account as part of the process.
This also means however the owner of the account can share other data using the account. We'd like to lock down the account , but I'm not sure it's possible as you can't whitelist service accounts, only other Gsuite domains.
There is also a point discussed about using the option to grant the service account "delegating domain-wide authority to the service account for a particular API scope (i.e. Drive) -" but from a security point of view that option that doesn't seem optimum either.
Is there any other way to achieve the access where by you can restrict sharing only with the service account and organisation accounts.
The below describes the process:
Similar question previously.
Whitelisting Service Account for Google Drive Document Access


Grant Third Party Application Access to Google Drive API and Admin SDK API of another Organization's Google Workspace

We are working on a Migration App for Google Drive (Google Workspace) and are relatively new to Google APIs. I read that administrator need to grant domain-wide delegation of authority to third-party and internal applications so that they can access users' data such as read Google Drive files.
Control API access with domain-wide delegation:
For delegating domain-wide authority to service account, a super administrator of the Google Workspace domain must complete 6 steps as described in the documentation link below:
Delegating domain-wide authority to the service account:
As I understand these 6 steps have to be manually performed by Super Admin of the Google Workspace. I would like the super administrator should be able to do these steps easily and quickly. Can this process be automated or guided using some sort of Consent Grant screen in Web Portal.
Instead of using service accounts, can we use OAuth 2.0 Client ID (created within third party app's Google workspace) and consent of Administrator to provide delegated access of their Google Workspace to third party application.
I am asking this because I would need to get list of all users in that Google workspace and have read access to their google Drive files.
Directory API: Authorize Requests" using Admin SDK:
Scope for only retrieving users or user aliases:
I am afraid it is not possible at this moment to manage the domain wide delegation settings through APIs or any different way to automate the process. The Google Workspace Directory API is the only possible way you can use to manage Admin console related settings using the Google APIs, however there is no API method that can make changes like this.
Now, about this:
Instead of using service accounts, can we use OAuth 2.0 Client ID (created within third party app's Google workspace) and consent of Administrator to provide delegated access of their Google Workspace to third party application.
The only possible way is by adding the application to the domain wide delegation settings, but again, only the admin can add the app manually to their Google Workspace admin console.
Since this is a feature that is not available yet, you could submit a feature request in the Directory API to suggest this as an actual feature and maybe Google can make it available in the near future.
Admin SDK: Directory API
Feature request

Automate OAUTH2 authentication

I need to authenticate to an API using OAUTH2, however, it has to be made programmatically, no user typing stuff in a browser is permitted.
This seems like such a simple use case, but I haven't found anything online, the only thing close to it was this post, and the only answer is "yeah, you don't want to use a web browser, but what if you do?"... This doesn't help.
So, please, opening a web browser is not an option, I just want to know if Google provides any way to authenticate purely through code.
Thank you!
In order to achieve your goal, I would like to propose to use the Service account. When the Service account is used, the access token can be retrieved without using the browser.
As the points for using the Service account, please check the following points.
The Service account is not your own Google account.
For example, as one of several situations, if you want to manage a file in your Google Drive using the Service account, please share the file with the Service account. By this, the Service account can access to the file in your Google Drive.
Several cases using the Service account
Google Drive Access - Service Account or OAuth - To read/write user files
Google service account not being authorized for calendar API
Service Account for google sheets returns not found

Google Cloud Platform programmatically create user account via API

I'd like to create programmatically via API a new Account for accessing my Google Cloud Platform.
I'm already doing it for GSUITE (provisioning users via OAUTH), is it possible to do the same also with Google Cloud Platform?
Is it possible to do it for an "non-google" external account maybe with an invitation on the email?
Having already the setup for OAUTH in GSuite, is it possible to use the same token / account to perform also this operations (maybe assigning more scopes)?
Are this API ( the only available?
Updating the IAM policy is indeed the only way to use an API to grant access on a "pure GCP" level.
However, you can give a role in a project to a Google Group (or a few, if you require different access levels), and then simply manage the group using the GSuite Admin SDK.

Google Drive - Access Drive without consent form (Username/password known)

I've been reading on Google Drive's API which seems straight-forward enough, but I'd like to use it a bit differently.
Instead of a client-side application, I need to be able to batch copy files in a given directory on a server to a specific Google Drive account which I have control over. To elaborate, I'm implementing a scan-to-email feature in which a user can scan a document on our copier which is then copied to that Google Drive account.
This is done for internal users, so the accounts would be generic and there would be no reasons to change the passwords. Is this possible at all?
I would recommend you go with a service account. Think of a service account as a user, a service account will have its own drive account. You will be able to upload the files to it, and your application wont be required to login as it will have the login built into it. You will not be able to login and see the files for this account via the web interface.
In order for the users to access the files again you have a few options.
You can then set the permissions on the files to allow the different users to access the files via there google drive accounts. Google drive api permissions
you could create your own interface and use files list to list the files that are currently stored on the service account.
Heads up:
You will at some point want to know how much space the service account drive has left. use about.get
Google has a number of client libs that can make doing all of this quite easy. but you haven't said what language you are planning on doing this in.
You could rely on the insert method of the "File" resource within the API. This will allow you to create a Google Drive File with the file type based on the scanned file. Refer to this document for examples and further assistance:

Transparent LiveConnect OAuth 2.0 authentication possible?

I am currently working on an application that allows users to upload/download files. My company wants to have user files stored in their One Drive and not on our server. The only problem with this is that we want to avoid double authentication in order to access their OneDrive account.
For example we have n users associated with an organization. This organization has a single OneDrive account that all of the users will share (legal?). Once a user authenticates to our application, the idea is to have our application sign them in without user interaction by using the Live API so that they may access their organizations files.
Do we have to authenticate every time we wish to use this service or just once?
It's not a big deal for us to do this once for every organization when setting up their account but a requirement is to avoid double authentication. We want the OneDrive storage to be transparent to the user.
Does this violate any of Microsoft's Terms and Conditions?
Thanks! Any input is appreciated as I've never worked on a cloud based application before. If OneDrive isn't a viable solution are there any other recommended services my company could look at?
Consumer OneDrive isn't intended for business use and sharing a single OneDrive account for multiple people isn't recommended either. You should look into OneDrive for business for your scenario:
OneDrive for Business uses the SharePoint developer APIs:
I found that the Box API does not support a grant type of passworrd. Neither does OneDrive or DropBox. Without this grant type it is impossible to sent a username and password to log a user in.
