syntax error near unexpected token ( in Lua - lua

I'm playing with lua, using the following link: and got confused about this syntax error.
So, the file foo.lua is as the following:
function foo (x)
~$ f = loadfile("foo.lua")
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
Any comments are greatly appreciated.


Yii2 - syntax error - while loading the index page

I am Getting a syntax error, while installing yeesoft/yii2-yee-core through composer.
ERROR: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting ']' in C:\new\htdocs\\common\config\main.php on line 19
Code Snippet:
code snippet part1 and
code snippet part2
On line 19 you have:
'rules' => array[
This is syntactically incorrect. You should change this to:
'rules' => [
Since you typically define an array in either one of two ways:
$array = ['value_one', 'value_two'];
$another_array = array('value_one', 'value_two');
See Array Syntax in the PHP documentation.
In my case it was a syntax error, with a bracket at a location missing.
If you have any other points to add, please do.

Syntax error, unexpected tSTRING_BEG ROR

Below is my code:
gem_package 'cucumber' do
clear_sources true
gem_binary '/opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem'
action :install
And I am getting the following error:
FATAL: zng937-test/recipes/default.rb:43: unknown regexp options - chfrbyahq
FATAL: zng937-test/recipes/default.rb:44: syntax error, unexpected tSTRING_BEG, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '('
FATAL: gem_binary '/opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem'
Does anyone have any idea why I would be getting this?
You need to put the source ( inside quotes to make it a string. Either single or double quotes is fine for this case.
Just as the message says.
Your regex //chefrubyaehq is invalid. Ruby regex only has i, o, x, m options.
You forgot to put a period after your regex /\n gem_binary '/ before the method opt.
And when you fix those, you will still encounter more errors.

ROBLOX Lua Error in script: '=' expected near '<eof>'

Hello I am writing a scipt on ROBLOX and I have encountered a problem.
function showVictoryMessage(playerName)
local message ="Message")
message.Text = playerName .." has won!"
message.Parent = game.Workspace
wait (2)
Upon running this function, or more specifically the "message.Destroy" command, I get the error: Error in script: '=' expected near '< eof >'
I have never seen this error before, and the ROBLOX wiki page on Lua errors doesn't mention it.
I would very much appreciate help in this, because I don't personally know anyone who has coded in Lua.
Looks like a syntax error. message.Destroy() should be message:Destroy() according to this Roblox wiki page
Also see the section Explosions, Messages, and More at URL which provides similar syntax using the colon (:) operator.
See also Difference between . and : in Lua and explanation of "possible side-effects of calculations/access are calculated only once" with colon notation.
Instead of message.Destroy() it should be message:Destroy()
Remember that '.' are used directory-wise and ":' are used for inbuilt functions.
WOOOOOOOO! It was a syntax error. The correct command is message:Destroy. Cause why would object.Destroy work and message.Destroy not?

Determining ANTLR version to use, or converting between?

I want to take the .g files from Apache Hive and build a parser (targeting JavaScript) -- initially, as just a way to validate user-input Hive queries. The files I'm using come from apache-hive-1.0.0-src\ql\src\java\org\apache\hadoop\hive\ql\parse from the Hive tgz: HiveLexer.g, HiveParser.g, FromClauseParser.g, IdentifiersParser.g, SelectClauseParser.g.
I see no indication within the grammar files which version of ANTLR to use, so I've tried running antlr (from apt-get pccts), antlr3 and antlr4. they all throw errors of some sort, so I have no clue which one to run or if I can (or need to) convert the .g files between versions.
The errors I'm getting are as follows:
antlr -Dlanguage=JavaScript HiveParser.g (looks like it doesn't support JS anyway):
warning: invalid option: '-Dlanguage=JavaScript'
HiveParser.g, line 17: syntax error at "grammar" missing { QuotedTerm PassAction ! \< \> : }
HiveParser.g, line 17: syntax error at "HiveParser" missing { QuotedTerm PassAction ! \< \> : }
HiveParser.g, line 17: syntax error at ";" missing Eof
HiveParser.g, line 28: lexical error: invalid token (text was ',')
antlr3 -Dlanguage=JavaScript HiveParser.g:
error(10): internal error: Exception FromClauseParser.g:302:85: unexpected char: '-'#org.antlr.grammar.v2.ANTLRLexer.nextToken( unexpected stream error from parsing FromClauseParser.g
error(150): grammar file FromClauseParser.g has no rules
error(100): FromClauseParser.g:0:0: syntax error: assign.types: <AST>:299:68: unexpected AST node: ->
error(100): FromClauseParser.g:0:0: syntax error: define: <AST>:299:68: unexpected AST node: ->
error(106): SelectClauseParser.g:151:18: reference to undefined rule: tableAllColumns
antlr4 -Dlanguage=JavaScript HiveParser.g:
warning(202): HiveParser.g:30:0: tokens {A; B;} syntax is now tokens {A, B} in ANTLR 4
error(50): HiveParser.g:636:34: syntax error: '->' came as a complete surprise to me while looking for rule element
error(50): HiveParser.g:636:37: syntax error: '^' came as a complete surprise to me
error(50): HiveParser.g:638:50: syntax error: '->' came as a complete surprise to me while looking for rule element
error(50): HiveParser.g:638:53: syntax error: '^' came as a complete surprise to me
The antlr3 error referencing #org.antlr.grammar.v2.ANTLRLexer.nextToken seems suspect. Is it using the v2 lexer instead of v3? If so, maybe v3 is what I should target, but it's somehow not hitting it?
Or is this not an issue with versioning and instead with invocation? Or is Hive built in a way that provides additional files needed?
According to Hive source code, they use ANTLR 3.4. But before you start remove the last string from FromClauseParser.g

Rails generate model syntax error

I'm trying to generate a model from the command line. Here is my command:
rails generate model User first_name:string last_name:string email_address:string age:integer
And it keeps giving me this error:
SyntaxError: (irb):2: syntax error, unexpected tLABEL, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '('
User first_name:str last_name:**str** email_address:str age:int
(irb):2: syntax error, unexpected tLABEL, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '('
name:str email_address:str age:**integer**
I'm lost. I learned this yesterday and the syntax is exactly the same as before when it worked fine.
Edit: StackOverflow wouldnt let me post this unless I formatted that error as code FYI
You should put this command in your system console, not Rails console.
