My app runs properly on the simulator, but crashes on my ios 13.2 iPhone - ios

My app runs properly on the simulator, but crashes on my iOS 13.2 iPhone when it is about to run on the device. Also the textfield become black. Why? Thanks in advance.

If you have update xCode to 11.2 then according to this discussion it could be a new bug, which occurs when using UITextView created in Interface Builder.

Your textfield becomes black because by default the background color of text field component is "Default" color, that is it changes according to the iPhone theme, you will have to explicitly set the background of the textfield so that it is consistent on both themes. The crash seems to be a bug , and a screenshot of the same will help.


UILabel Text Not Appearing on Some Devices for iOS

This problem appears to only affect the iPad Mini 5 and the iPad Mini 4. Not the iPhone 11.
It's only the UILabel fields text. It's only on the Device, not on the Simulator.
The text display fine on anything but the iPad Mini 5 device nor the iPad Mini 4.
I've tried changing the fonts. I've tried changing just about everything that's changeable.
The app itself has been on the app store and working fine for years. Now it's not working on the iPad.
I've tried checking the uppercase/lowercase thing mentioned elsewhere. The UILabel Field background shows clearly. Just not the text that's supposed to appear in the fields.
Attached is an image of the iPad Storyboard. The [Change Image] icon is a Button, and displays and works fine.
Any chance your device is on Dark Mode? If so, that would explain why text doesn't show and background does. Dark Mode by default will switch black texts to white and the other way around.
If that's the case and you don't want to support dark mode on you app, just disable it by adding this to your .plist:
I found the solution.
In the Attribute Inspector of the UIText I mean UILabel fields not displaying on the iPad, change the Behaviour from Enabled to Not Enabled.
In other words, I had that box ticked. I unticked it, and now it works on all devices.
Thanks for the responses.

Very different UI results on iOS with the same code

I have written same code and launched it on simulator iPhone 7 with iOS 10.3 and on my iPhone 6 with iOS 10.3.3 and I see some differences in there. I am sure you can see that too(the buttons are underlined, change color button has different background, etc.) . Why there is this difference? Can you help me out? Thanks a lot.
I think it's not an issue with your code. This issue is because you have switched on Settings > General > Accessibility Button shapes in iPhone 6.
Switch it off and the UI will become fine.
It looks like you have some of the accessibility options turn on on your iPhone 6. It looks like "Button shapes" is turned on.

UITextView is changing color in iPhone 6+ automatically which is not required

I have set the color of the text of UITextView from storyboard to white color. Its working fine in iPhone 5,5s,6,6s (iOS version 10.1.1) but the color is automatically getting changed to black in iPhone 6s (iOS version 9.1.1). I also provided the text color through code, then also its not working.
This is a bug from Apple's part probably in iOS 9.3.3, and it was fixed for later version of iOS, as you say it is working fine in iOS 10.1.1. You can also look into another stack overflow's post with similar issue

iOS tabBar button gets wrong background color

I have a custom tabBar in my Swift app that displays fine on all tested devices except one (iPhone 5 running iOS 9.3.2), where the selected item gets a different background color (see attached image). Any ideas what this might be caused by or how to debug it?
Tried another iPhone 5 also running iOS 9.3.2, and the same issue showed up... The issue doesn't show up on iphone 5c, 5s,6, 6s, ipod touch or in the simulator.
Solved it!
It turned out not be a bug after all, but caused by the phone's accessibility settings:
Settings > General > Accessibility > setting Button Shapes to OFF
=> Buttons are no longer outlined like in the screenshot!

iOS8 view is fine but is smaller on iOS7

I am currently working on an iOS application with a Deployment Target of 7.1. Most of my testing has been performed in an iOS8 environment with no issues. I hooked up an iOS7 (5s) test device and found that the view is showing itself as through the phone is a 3.5 (4). I'm not sure what the difference is between iOS7 and iOS8 that would cause this but I can't seem to find a solution. I have rebooted the device, reinstalled the app, and made sure all constraints were set properly in the dev environment. Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
Use splash screen images not splash screen xib. In my case I have the same problem iOS7 device has black stripe at top and bottom. So I change the settings for splash screen and used images as a splash screen instead of xib and it solved my problem.
Make sure your app has a launch screen for 4" devices. Otherwise it will default to 3.5" devices.
You have to create a LaunchImage in the xcassets file. That will solve your problem.
